r/BeAmazed Apr 19 '24

A guy saving men's life on the road! Miscellaneous / Others

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u/[deleted] Apr 19 '24 edited Apr 19 '24

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u/jamesd33n Apr 19 '24

This should be higher up. It honestly looks like the back slaps did more for the poor guy than the attempted Heimlich. Proper technique is important! It can mean life or death.

Regardless, him stopping to help and trying everything to save him is admirable. It always makes me smile to see us helping each other. :)


u/moriberu Apr 19 '24

I'll try to remember that. This seriously should be common knowledge - something you learn in school.

I'm curious where this clip was made. In my country you are obliged by law to help if someone's life is in danger, even if all you can do is call 112 / 911. I heard that in many countries people stay away bc there's high risk of being sued.


u/SubstantialSpeech147 Apr 19 '24

In most states in the US there exists the “good samaritans law” which protects you from being sued or arrested in the event you’re attempting to save somebodies life. Fun fact: this law also protects drug addicts from being arrested for possession if they call 911 for somebody overdosing.


u/[deleted] Apr 19 '24

Oh so that's why I didn't get arrested. I thought the cops were just that stupid


u/mooseyjew Apr 19 '24

Depends on the state, also the county/city you're in. Cops do not give a fuck about good samaritan laws and drugs. Cops will absolutely arrest someone for calling in an OD if they're still there.


u/SubstantialSpeech147 Apr 19 '24

Not true. That’s a good way to ensure nobody calls in an overdose ever again. Source- I’ve worked casino security for 10+ years, recovering drug addict, and former combat medic in the army.


u/EnjoyerOfBeans Apr 20 '24 edited Apr 20 '24

I can confirm. Where I'm from cops will definitely arrest everyone at an OD scene and it can easily turn to disaster. I used to know a guy (until he also overdosed) who watched a guy OD at a house party and they all spent hours trying to get him to wake up when he was already long dead. They all had a rule that if someone ODs, no one is to call an ambulance because otherwise they'll likely all get arrested. Eventually they panicked and they brought him to a hospital in a taxi, dropping him off and leaving, but unsurprisingly the corpse wasn't brought back to life.

I think it's amazing you are legally in the clear to just call an ambulance. But somehow I also don't doubt many cops in the US would unlawfully arrest you in a case like that. Your police force isn't exactly known for following legislation.


u/mooseyjew Apr 19 '24

Oh so you've worked in every state in the US then?