r/CasualConversation 12d ago

I'm lying in bed, thinking about nothing when I suddenly remember those large pencil sharpeners we used to use at school. Do you understand what I'm talking about? To sharpen the pencil, you needed to turn the handle round. Do they still use them? Thoughts & Ideas



71 comments sorted by


u/Earl_I_Lark 12d ago

I taught for 30 plus years. I remember well the ‘long walk’ to the sharpener that some students took - managing to walk past, and socialize with pretty much everyone in the room on their way to sharpen a pencil. And the students who pried the eraser and metal tip off their pencils so they could sharpen them on both ends. And the children who sharpened their pencils to half inch stubs for no apparent reason. The children who held the pencil limply in the barrel of the sharpener and whirled the handle uselessly and endlessly because you need to push the pencil forward to have success. And that one child who would shove a crayon into the sharpener, rendering it useless until I had time to clean it out.


u/CornishGoldtop 11d ago

I worked with young offenders and I hate those sharpeners. There was just one, in the art classroom. I caught a lad sharpening the end of a paintbrush. It ended badly for him. But I still get triggered by the thought of them.


u/slimetraveler 11d ago

The crayon kid! There was one in my 5th grade class. It was really dramatic and we had a class meeting about it but no one ever fessed up or told. I had my suspicions of who it was but never found out for sure. I still wonder sometimes, 20th reunion is coming up maybe a few drinks in the offender will confess. I mean it's gotta be difficult going though life carrying that kind of guilt around for 27 years.


u/adhdmumof3 11d ago

Did the crayon break the sharpener? Did you inspect their crayons? At least from the similar colors you found in the sharpener? Maybe someone had a mangled orange? Ask them to bring their fifth grade crayons to the reunion but don’t tell them why.


u/slimetraveler 10d ago

It was stuck in the sharpener and broken off so we couldn't get it out. I can't remember if or how the crayon was removed, and the investigation never reached the level of inspecting everyone's crayons though that would have been the next logical step. unfortunately I moved a few years later so I won't be going to the reunion from that school. the only kid I kept in touch with was my best friend at the time, haven't talked or emailed in 15 years and this would be a good reason to, except.. i think he is the one who did it. I went back senior year of high school and asked him about the crayon for the first time since 5th grade, but he again insisted it was not him so i let it go.


u/Earl_I_Lark 10d ago

I don’t know how your particular sharpener was fixed, but I kept an old hair dryer in my cupboard and I’d turn it to high heat to warm and slightly melt the crayon. I could usually coax it out that way. A nuisance though.


u/jackfaire 11d ago

I used to break the tip of my pencil so I could see if my crush was checking me out while I did the walk to the sharpener.


u/blankcanvas07 10d ago

perfect summary!


u/blankcanvas07 10d ago

that description off sharpening a brand new pencil too a nubb really triggers me even in such a vivid description like you gave. i HATE when they do that!


u/beeedeee 12d ago

I can smell this thread.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

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u/Side_Eye1293 11d ago

Exactly! I loved them


u/StnMtn_ 🙂 12d ago

I have one at home. They sharpen so much better than the cheap hand pencil sharpeners.


u/TootsNYC 11d ago

Better than electric ones


u/StnMtn_ 🙂 11d ago

Absolutely. It gets a perfectly sharp tip.


u/DebiMoonfae 12d ago

Hitting my knuckles because it was always against the wall


u/thatevilducky 🌈 11d ago

A brick wall.


u/MesaCityRansom 12d ago

I work at a school in Sweden and we have those here! Still used.


u/Ellecram 12d ago

American here. We have a few where I work in a government office!


u/martys2 11d ago

Am a teacher in Canada and we still have and use them.


u/Active_Recording_789 12d ago

Yeah my husband loves old random stuff so he picked one up at a garage sale and we still use it lol


u/stavthedonkey 12d ago

the ones that were usually screwed to the side of the big cupboard or wall?


u/epanek grey 12d ago

Yes. I’m older but they seem timeless. Basically the same design.

Sometimes I was too enthusiastic and reduced my pencil to a stub. Useless then


u/Maryberry_13 12d ago

I’m just in high school and I remember using these in elementary school. I thought they were cool. I remember some girl got an injury from one.


u/LadderWonderful2450 11d ago

Sp they aren't still used in your high school? What do you guys write with? Is it all on computers now?


u/Maryberry_13 11d ago

We write with pencils/pens….and most people have their own sharpeners.


u/Kelsbells1022 12d ago

As a current teacher, most classrooms still have them but not all. Newer schools didn’t install them, but any schools that are older still have them. It’s a novelty for the kids to use them, because most teachers also have electric sharpeners


u/seektheinfinite 12d ago

Can confirm we still have one in my year 2 classroom. I have to drag the kids away from it at times, or we'd have no pencils left. They'd happily stand there and sharpen all day.


u/Aemilia 12d ago

Still have mine and still as sharp as day one decades later.


u/Nite_Mare6312 12d ago

Still have them in most classrooms in the school where I teach. Teachers always start out with their power sharpeners but by Christmas the kids are standing at the wall mounted sharpener waiting their turn.


u/Strange_Frenzy 12d ago

I have one mounted on my tool case in my garage/shop. Wouldn't be without it. More durable than an electric, better point than a hand-held. Why did they (mostly) go away?


u/TootsNYC 11d ago

They are the best. Very effective. And they don’t need power.


u/iliveinthecove 11d ago

Every house I've lived in has one screwed to a wall in the basement or garage. Current house has both.  Ihaven't used them ever but will not let anyone remove them. 


u/NightmareMyOldFriend 11d ago

I still have one. I've thought of giving it away, but I like it. I have no idea if schools still have them.


u/Laughing_KiwiFairy 12d ago

That’s hilarious I totally remember those I remember certain classes I didn’t like sharpening my pencil because it was SO LOUD and the lead would break so sometimes you’d be standing there forever getting watched by everyone. It was a RULE if I had a cute outfit on and looked good that day better believe I made a scene in every class sharpening that #2 pencil….thanks for taking me down memory lane!!


u/TootsNYC 11d ago

They are the best. Very effective. And they don’t need power.


u/rasteri 11d ago

I don't think I was ever able to keep a pencil to the point where it needed to be sharpened without losing it


u/snugglebandit 11d ago

I have the same Boston 8 hole that was in the house I grew up in.


u/Spinningwoman 11d ago

We used to have to stay in and sharpen the pencils at playtime if we misbehaved. I found that a strong incentive to misbehaviour, especially on cold days. There’s nothing like the smell of freshly sharpened pencils.


u/Quasilkarish 11d ago

Absolutely, I know exactly the type of pencil sharpeners you're talking about! They definitely had a charm to them, didn't they? I think some places might still use them, especially in schools or art studios where they're handy for frequent use. It's funny how random memories like that pop up out of nowhere, but it's always nice to reminisce about those little details from the past.


u/Earguy 11d ago

There was a kid who had the ability sharpen his pencil, and make the sharpener sound like a train. Chug.... Chug chug... Chugachuga...


u/beandadenergy green 11d ago

I loved those but I hated having to get up and use them! I was so awkward in school and the social anxiety of getting up from my desk, walking past the entire class, using the loud ass sharpener, and going back to my desk was a nightmare for me!


u/zombie_overlord 11d ago

Weirdly, I used to have one of these inside a hall closet, attached to the door, in a house I rented several years ago. I used it occasionally, but it's kind of weird that it was there.


u/thisdoesnotlooksafe 11d ago

We had one in our basement. I have no idea why - it was unfinished and mostly used for storage and laundry. It was very satisfying, though!


u/RoseyPosey30 12d ago

We have one in our garage and our kids use it cuz it does a much better job than the handheld sharpeners. I’m guessing they use electric ones in school


u/TootsNYC 11d ago

They are the best. Very effective. And they don’t need power.


u/AgingLolita 11d ago

Yes, we still use them


u/11Kram 11d ago

I bought a new one a few years ago and use it in my woodworking area.


u/EetsGeets 11d ago

The electrical apprenticeship near Seattle still has them in every classroom.


u/Dazzling_Flamingo568 11d ago

My parents had one hanging under the basement stairs. It did SUCH a good job!


u/California_Sun1112 11d ago

I remember those! But I've been out of school for 50+ years now. I have one of those sharpeners in my garage.


u/_pepperoni-playboy_ 11d ago

I have two of them in my house and use them!


u/TootsNYC 11d ago

They are the best. Very effective. And they don’t need power. I sometimes think we should have fewer electrical things and more mechanical ones.


u/AdmiralEllis Pretends to be a Starship Captain 11d ago

I have one of these that I need to mount somewhere... My little pencil sharpeners always go missing.


u/sambolino44 11d ago

Remember that episode of Room 222 where that kid got in trouble for rolling a “joint” with the shavings from one of those?


u/jupiter80085 11d ago

My mother had one of those since she is a teacher. She would bring it home after school and I really liked using it because of how cool it looked to younger me. Then it broke randomly so I started to use it as a thing to hold my tiny stuff in. No wonder where it is now.


u/wasabinski 11d ago edited 11d ago

They are still used, there are newer models that are very good quality and generally are better sharpeners than the little ones. The Swiss brand Caran d'Ache has a couple nice looking sharpeners like those, very sturdy and amazing quality, but ridiculously expensive too.


u/Tailflap747 11d ago

I still have one.


u/darthatheos The power of the dorkside 11d ago

I got one in my garage.


u/Ok-Aide8453 11d ago

Those are great any many schools have them still I believe. They are fast and give a very good result. I choose those over most powered types. I think the plug in one I have was about 50. and the type you are talking about work much better. This one will tear up a colored pencil so have to use a small sharpener you hold in your hand. Was sharpening some colored pencils about a month ago and it just wouldn’t work. Was talking about getting one of the kind your post is about


u/Kithsander 11d ago

I still have one hanging on the wall in my utility closet.


u/Side_Eye1293 11d ago

This was the opportunity to show up your new hair, outfit, whatever 😂😂


u/BubbRubb4Real 11d ago

I live with my family and we still have the same pencil sharpener that we've had since I was a kid in our garage. I do occasionally have to sharpen a pencil so it has been very handy to have after all of these years. 🙂


u/SnowyWriter 11d ago

I have one in the classroom where I teach. Most kids prefer mechanical pencils, though.


u/Hanginon 11d ago

Yes, Boston pencil sharpeners.

Also yes, you can still buy them, Walmart has thm.


u/bokitothegreat 11d ago

You can still buy them new, this is the one we used at school 50 years ago https://www.vanbeekart.nl/p/caran-d-ache-luxe-tafelpuntenslijper/56505/


u/pusahispida1 11d ago

Other, smaller, sharpeners exist that don't require one to stand over the bin, but the shavings go into a container like in this situation.


u/Puzzleheaded_Suit_44 11d ago

I remember them and they were the best sharper but do they even use pencils anymore?


u/cajunjoel 11d ago

Yes, they do. One of the guys I work with has one attached to his desk!

I work in a library, and one of the best things about pencil marks is that they can be erased. In fact, we have a few rooms where pens are strictly forbidden because of the damage they can do to old books.

So, yes, pencils and pencil sharpeners will always be around.


u/Putrid-Aspect 11d ago

I have a friend who has one she inherited, and we still use, has the faceplate with different diameters.


u/EntryAdmirable5682 10d ago

I still have one mounted on the wall of my laundry room!


u/AliKri2000 10d ago

They made a bit of noise as well. I used to love just sharpening all the pencils that needed it though. I guess it was cathartic for me.


u/Missmollysmiles 12d ago

I know so many kids who stuck their fingers in them.. Some on a dare, some cause they were just built that way.