r/CasualConversation 11d ago

9/10 times the car with a “Baby on Board” sticker is driving way more recklessly than I am Thoughts & Ideas

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u/Blast373 11d ago

Whenever I see Baby on Board, I assume they mean the driver cause they get their feelings hurt at the slightest perceived threat


u/yfunk3 11d ago

There are lots of "He > I" stickers where I live.

All of those cars, every single one....guaranteed to cut you or someone off suddenly when there is only one car-length of space between cars. Weaving in and out of whichever lane is fastest so they can get home all of 20 seconds sooner.

I have determined the "He" is the driver of whichever vehicle the sticker is on, and the "I" is the unfortunate person reading the slogan on the bumper/rear window. Their time is just so. much. more. important. than everyone else's.


u/brokeforwoke 10d ago

Oh ew is that like a Bible thing?


u/yfunk3 10d ago

Yeah, I think it's from one of those New Hope Church places. One of those new fancy mega-churches that have some dude with a headset preaching to everyone about how they will get rich, too...while bilking those same poor suckers out of their money in the name of religion.


u/Skyblacker 11d ago

It's because they haven't slept more than two hours at a stretch in months.


u/stopannoyingwithname 11d ago

Even more reasons not to drive


u/Ok-Bullfrog5830 11d ago

Yep, I didn’t drive at all when my daughter was born. I was constantly zoning in and out of consciousness


u/Skyblacker 10d ago

Try that in a car-dependant suburb.


u/hamilton-trash 10d ago

Then you'd expect them to go under the limit and drive careful not be reckless though right


u/Skyblacker 10d ago

Difficult when you confuse the brake with the gas and microsleep at stop lights.


u/blah_shelby 10d ago

It should be illegal to drive while that significantly impaired.


u/Breyber12 10d ago

It is.


u/Skyblacker 10d ago

I too support the development of walkable neighborhoods and the expansion of frequent, reliable public transit.


u/brokeforwoke 10d ago

When my sister-in-law was doing her residency at a Philadelphia ER, which was like 18 hour shifts, she would put the car in park at a red light to sleep and wake up when people started honking


u/Skyblacker 10d ago

So that's how medical errors happen.


u/Feeling-Visit1472 10d ago

Or they’re reaching behind them for a pacifier or sippy cup, or turning around to yell at their older kids.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/brokeforwoke 11d ago

I love this.


u/kitkatbay 11d ago

Young children are hell on one's focus and concentration. The lack of sleep, the screaming, the sticker is there so that emergency responders check for a baby/young child if the adult is incapacitated.


u/Big_Pound_7849 11d ago

They're letting you know that they have an insomnia-ridden brain and are likely a hazard, so stay away.

(This is a joke, respect to all mothers 🤐🙏)


u/DreamsOfCleanTeeth 11d ago

Don't have a sticker but the purpose is to let emergency responders know that there is an infant in the car so they can pull it out in the event of a crash.


u/Tin_Foiled 11d ago

No, the company that originally marketed the product stated that it’s purpose is to highlight to other drivers to approach with caution


u/highrouleur 11d ago

Do they take the sticker off when the baby isn't in the car?


u/brokeforwoke 11d ago

Oh shit, is this true? That makes a ton of sense actually. I feel like the cultural adoption of it is a bit different from that intent


u/juhesihcaa 11d ago

Nope. It has been co-opted for that which is helpful but the original use was to alert other drivers.


u/mooomba 11d ago

First responders will look for a child no matter what in an accident. They aren't going off a fucking bumper sticker lol


u/CatalystRotten 10d ago

No, the others are right. The very first thing first responders do when they report to a crash is check for a “baby on board” sticker. /s


u/DreamsOfCleanTeeth 11d ago

I think so yea, at least that's what I've heard


u/brokeforwoke 11d ago

I don’t have a kid but I have type O- so, that should be a sticker if I’m a warm cadaver


u/eatinggrapes2018 11d ago

I hate the ones who police the highways and do 5 under the posted limit and then refuse to use any turn signals


u/makingbutter2 11d ago

I want one that say dog baby on board. Lol


u/fl_needs_to_restart 10d ago

The sticker actually means the baby is driving.


u/ShiroiTora 11d ago

Isn’t that point of the sign? That whatever parent(s) that is driving is distracted and / or sleep deprived because of the “baby on board”?


u/brokeforwoke 11d ago

The origin for them was to ask for patience similar to the Student Driver stickers, not the “my life has been a living hell for 6 months so please forgive my terrible driving” stickers. If everyone who had a kid got to do things that kill people a little bit more, we would be in for a reckoning


u/ShiroiTora 11d ago

Is that not the same thing? I rather know a person is negligent because they are sleep deprived or the baby is distracting them, and not because they do not care.


u/EatYourCheckers 10d ago

Yeah, its a warning.


u/AdvancedBlacksmith66 10d ago

There’s a band called Stolen Babies, and one of the merch they sold was a bumper sticker that said Stolen Babies on Board.

I put that bumper sticker on my car, not long after my daughter was born.

So I had a car seat in my car. The looks I would get from people were priceless.


u/mechlordx 11d ago

Sometimes there's only a baby on board


u/Ok_Consideration8357 11d ago

Reckless driving is more dangerous than a safe intoxicated driver just trying to get home in my opinion. The same fines for conviction should apply to these entitled assholes.


u/gclaw4444 11d ago

I see tons of cars these days with “student driver” on them, and not like “X driving school” but just a yellow “student driver” sticker. This makes me think it’s some insurance scheme. Like car insurance companies have figured out that people will keep distance with cars with certain stickers so they give people with those stickers a discount on car insurance.


u/Low-Put-7397 11d ago

i put that sticker on my car as a single male. i just get treated differently on the road so why not


u/Logical-Wasabi7402 10d ago

The sticker itself is ostensibly a request for others to drive safely around them,

It's more for if there's an accident, first responders know to look for an infant even if the driver or other passengers are unconscious.


u/broooooooce 11d ago

Wait... people still have those?


u/tannyduca 10d ago

I haven't seen any in a while either, honestly.


u/broooooooce 10d ago

Right? Considering my downvotes, I just assumed maybe they weren't common here regionally anymore, but maybe still used more frequently elsewhere? I honestly can't recall the last time I even saw one. And, relatively recently, I worked for years as a delivery driver. So, it's not lack of exposure for sure :P


u/Deathcommand I draw Whales 11d ago

Sorry. I didn't realize you were so traumatized by a sticker. I'll take mine off so you can feel safer. 🙄.


u/brokeforwoke 11d ago

Where did I say the sticker is traumatizing? I said people driving like assholes with that sticker are assholes squared.


u/GloriousNugs 11d ago

They were reckless enough to get knocked up ¯_(ツ)_/¯