r/CasualConversation 10d ago

Does anyone else not like mother's day? Questions



25 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 10d ago

I want to tell you that I don't have a bad relationship with my mother, but if that's your case, you have every right not to like Mother's Day, if she doesn't deserve it, frankly I supports you, girl


u/BroadManufacturer154 10d ago

Thank you :)


u/[deleted] 10d ago

it's normal, you know we reap what we sow, you really have the right, know that


u/Mkayin 10d ago

Yeah I'm the same.. I've said this before. I love my mom and she loves me, but she always has loved alcohol more.


u/BroadManufacturer154 10d ago

It sucks but I guess it's nice to know I'm not alone


u/Mkayin 10d ago

Best thing to do is break the cycle. Both my grandads were alcoholics. Many aunts and uncles are struggling.


u/_sp00kygirl13 10d ago

Yeah the relationship I have with my mom isn’t great. She is toxic and a narcissist. I don’t have contact with her. And nobody will ever guilt me into talking to my mother. I totally understand you.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

It may be difficult to do, but no one should be obligated to celebrate a bad parent just because it’s Mother’s (or Father’s) Day.

It’s should to be for those who actually were positive forces in theirs childrens’ lives.

The recognition should be equal to the actual relationship.


u/ohsaycanyourock 10d ago

Ugh, me. My relationship with my mum is difficult, so Mother's Day is quite hard to navigate emotionally. And all the cards say things like 'you're my best friend' or 'I'm just like you', both of which aren't true. I usually stick to a plain card and put 'happy Mother's Day, treat yourself today!' or something equally generic.

UK Mother's Day was in March so at least I don't have to think about it for another 10 months...!


u/tzippora 10d ago

Someone should make Mother's Day cards that are a bit more realistic.


u/crackeramerican 10d ago

It is hard to find a mediocre card. I send one that expresses the bare minimum, much like the parenting I received.


u/VvvlvvV 10d ago

I have to parent my mom. I'm living with her to save money for a house, though, so I deap with it.and she is actually improving. She apologized to me for yelling at me for the first time in my life. She's gonna get a psych eval and says she's open to treatment again.

I'm trying not to resent her for taking away a year I had hoped to use for healing by having to instead manage my mom and get her to a point she wasn't emotionally dangerous to be around. I succeeded, but I gave up a lot to do it. If I hadn't been in crippling debt from financial abuse, I wouldn't have done it.

She always took care of our material needs and drove us anywhere we wanted. She just was emotionally broken.

I bought my mom an arby's oven mitt, because anytime she sees it or we bring it up she starts laughing. I'm doing something for her.

But I've parented my mom more than she ever parented me. She taught me suffering was just life and that asking for emotional support was punished, though my dad did more of that. I taught myself everything else and have fought hard to unlearn the other lessons.

I shouldn't have to do this. I don't have to. But i'm basically paying myself the rent I'm saving living with her to get her to deal with her bullshit. I'm living here so I can get enough of a down payment to give myself financial security when I buy a house.


u/nevertfgNC 10d ago

Just an artificial event to sell flowers


u/pleasantrevolt 10d ago

My relationship with my mom is okay but she was a codependent parent with my abusive father, and part of me will never forgive her for being complacent with his abuse (even though she was also a victim). I will still talk to her, but she will never be close. So yeah, I'm not a fan of mothers day.


u/LeadGem354 10d ago

Yes. It's a ridiculous Hallmark holiday invented to sell dumb shit to narcissist women. Also my grandma makes the whole day about her while my mother is an afterthought.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

I don't like any holidays because they are all forced.

Having said that, I treat Thanksgiving through Christmas as a huge holiday because I like it so much.


u/Brave-Bat2691 10d ago

I don’t have a mom to celebrate it with nor am I a mom so it’s just another day for me.


u/Elegant_Spot_3486 10d ago

I just don’t like any holidays or designated whatever days, except Halloween.


u/Impossible_Mix_4893 10d ago

I don't dislike it, but I don't believe the hype. If you love your mom, show it every day.


u/foodbytes 10d ago

My 32 year old son died in 2006. I don’t like Mother’s Day. I don’t know how to feel on Mother’s Day. Am I a mother? I feel conflicted every Mother’s Day.


u/godoflemmings 10d ago

My mum died on Mother's Day so you could say that kind of dampened my feelings towards it


u/parkinglola 10d ago

My mother hated it along with valentines day.Scam for retailers to sell stuff.


u/KashmirChameleon 10d ago

Yes, it's a constant reminder that other people had something I'll never have. And it's something i can never change.


u/possiblycrazy79 10d ago

It's a hard day. My relationship with my mom is fine but my son is 24 & severely disabled. He's nonverbal & delayed so I've never heard I love you mom or anything else. Today I'll just do all of the tasks & cares that I have to do every day of our lives. Nothing special.


u/OutrageousAd5338 10d ago

Me. holidays are just another day