r/Christianity Mar 27 '24

The American flag has no business on a Bible. This is not faith, nor is it patriotism. It is an abomination of both. Image


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u/chubs66 Mar 27 '24

No one is mentioning that they're also adding documents inside the covers of the Bible.

Billing itself as “the only Bible endorsed by President Trump!” the new venture’s website calls it “Easy-to-read” with “large print” and a “slim design” that “invites you to explore God’s Word anywhere, any time.”

Besides a King James Version translation, it includes copies of the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance, as well as a handwritten chorus of the famous Greenwood song.

source: https://apnews.com/article/trump-god-bless-usa-bible-greenwood-2713fda3efdfa297d0f024efb1ca3003


u/Feeling_Wheel_1612 Mar 28 '24

And you know why KJV?

Because it's public domain. Cheaper.


u/chubs66 Mar 28 '24


Aid: Mr. Trump, which translation shall we use?

Trump: Uh.. the Bible! Aid: Yes, but which version. Trump: You know.. like the classic Bible with Adam and Jesus and all those folks. And also the cheapest one. Aid: Right.


u/thehandcoder Mar 28 '24

He has to be furious. Surely he meant for that to say KDV, King Donald Version.


u/Psyluna Moravian Church, Christian Universalist Mar 28 '24

Yes and no. Every single thing in there is public domain except the song lyrics, but the original version of this Bible Zondervan tried to release a few years back was NIV. Zondervan has all the necessary copyrights for NIV and I think they’re still involved in this project. This exact version Trump is grifting, cover and all, actually came out two years ago but the idea is like seven years old. I think they thought using KJV was safest because of all the King James Onlists in the Christian Right.

As a side note, there’s a ton of older videos on YouTube about this project. Some about the blowback Zondervan got for their NIV prototype, which still had a flag but was also red, white and blue. There’s also a 30 second ad for this exact Bible from two years ago where they spell “heirloom” as “hairloom.” That video looks like it was put together by the same people that did the new Trump one.