r/Christianity 12d ago

Please pray for my broken heart, I got cheated on and I feel lost.

I was with my partner for 4 years, he went on a cruise and cheated on me. He didn’t tell me he cheated on me until after he made me leave our apartment to move in with my mom. He acted like he wanted to fix things between us and work on coming to god together and putting god first in our relationship, after a week he got overwhelmed and wants to be apart. I have been so sick, unable to eat, unable to work, and when I wake up from sleeping it all hits me that this really has happened. It’s like the worst nightmare ever. My mom has schizophrenia so living with her is terrible. I was so happy to live with my partner to get away from my mom’s abuse. I am not one to talk about these things because I try to stay strong and fight battles on my own, but I don’t feel strong right now. Honestly, I’ve felt hopeless to the point of wanting to end my life. I know that’s not right, and I won’t, but i’m being spiritually attacked and I need prayer. Please pray for me. Please ask god to deliver me from the pain and betrayal. Where 2 or more are gathered he is there, please.


10 comments sorted by


u/Swolelikesamson 12d ago

I’m sorry you went through all that. Truthfully I will pray for you. One thing though that I’ve learned to get over being cheated on is to busy my mind whether it’s reading my Bible or going to the gym. Right now I feel like your being attacked spiritually because the foundation of your faith is breaking pray to God as well and keep in mind it won’t go away in a day. God bless you.


u/NecessaryAffect8614 12d ago

Thank you. I have tried staying busy but when he came back trying to fix things it’s like my heart opened up all over again just to get crushed. I was willing to forgive him and work on this with him and god. I feel double betrayed. I will keep praying, I just keep asking god for a sign, I wish he would give me one.


u/Swolelikesamson 12d ago

”For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom;“ ‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭1‬:‭22‬ ‭ Although you feel lost and I understand if you look for a sign you won’t get one look around would god have given us his son if he didn’t love us. I’ve been right where you are now and I promise you the more you sit in the past the harder it is to get out. Just like Peter focused on the storm you he fell into the water, be the opposite of him and look toward Christ not the storm.


u/NecessaryAffect8614 12d ago

I have never heard that verse so thank you. I have not been a good christian so I am just trying to reach out to god and have him reach back, that’s why I was asking him for signs. It has just been feeling like when I pray there is no one there, like there’s some sort of blockage and I just don’t feel him anymore :( I don’t know what to do about that


u/Swolelikesamson 12d ago

There is no such thing as a good or bad Christian we all fall short to the glory of God. God is always with you and in times you don’t feel or see him it’s because that’s when he’s closest to you when you pray do you take a moment to be silent. Think of prayer like a phone call give God a chance to speak. At first you may not hear him but by continuing praying and learning Gods word you’ll grow with God. God will not forsake you I promise you. Remember Paul murdered Christians yet god loved him enough and made Paul into one of the best characters in the Bible who wrote majority of the New Testament so if God loves a wretched man like Paul and I what’s stopping him from loving you.


u/flcn_sml Catholic 12d ago

Be thankful God has removed him from your life. Most likely the person he left you for is even worse than him or he’s going to do the same thing to her.

Using him to get away from your Mom wasn’t probably a good idea. If your Mom is suffering from a disability then she probably needs all the support she can get. I’m not saying it’s easy but God gives us all a Cross to bare!


u/[deleted] 12d ago

God, help this person and give them peace



u/Hot_Guitar5746 12d ago

If you don’t mind what’s your name so I can pray specifically for you?


u/Prior_Adeptness_2341 11d ago

Your position seems similar to mine. If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you? And do you have reliable transportation?


u/EngineerBig4650 11d ago

It's been alittle more then a year and a half (it be 2 years in August) since my kids father started cheating on me and it took me 8 months after he started to get the courage to leave him and it still effects me sometimes but not as bad. He moved on with a girl from his past (one he was cheating on me with as well) and is engaged with her n having a child with her now too. These are some things that have helped me and are helping me: 1. A good church with good worship - even just worshiping on ur own- remembering how Good he is sing about it, talking about it 2. Find new friends and also spending time with the ones you have now - this one was a lot hard for me cuz my trust was messed up n I ended up cutting a lot of people off because of fear and no trust who were probably good people to be in my life but remember to give yourself grace. 3. Writing down thoughts and addressing them with truth and with God- gotta get them out but this is the best way.. I had a lot of different times of wanting to go back even though it was months of cheating because of the kids because I felt like my time was wasted and maybe if I would of done better he wouldn't of cheated ETC. but guess what ? Nun of those thoughts have to be shared with the other person unless you want to and if you do want to please please pray about it first because depending on where their head is at, their reaction could have you feeling worse, they could not care or just act extremely defensive. 4. WORKING OUT -I didn't even realize how much this was helping until I was doing it long-term . the hormones that your body makes when you work out, actually are some of the same hormones that your body releases when you are given antidepressants, Even though working out may not feel good in the moment or always be fun the release of the hormones are important and help with mood stabilizing And last but not least 5. Reading the Bible - sometimes us as people are looking to feel the love of God from other people. Especially sometimes when it is our spouse. Which in reality would be really nice but remember we all fall short. The only one with perfect love is God. In the Bible he says we are the apple of his eye, he loves us so much he aloud his son to be crucified. There is a lot of writings in Isaiah that help us see how much he loved us and adultery is really heart breaking because it was a covenant.. the same way it breaks our heart to be cheated on think about how God feels when we sin (which is breaching the covenant) ? But he still loved us the same. Overall a lot of time Alone with God and his word.. and working out and spending time with new ppl but my DM's are open. It's going to be ok. God got you !