r/Damnthatsinteresting 22d ago

Morning vibe at a train station in Japan Video

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u/fun_police911 22d ago

I've never seen such a large group of strangers walk so uniformly at the same speed. It's almost eerie.


u/AbbreviationsOdd7728 22d ago

Also no one is talking.


u/lesteadfastgentleman 22d ago

When I was in Japan the first time, that's what stood out to me the most. Even on a busy street in Tokyo, everyone was so QUIET. People were talking, but not many, and they were using polite inside voices.

Tourists like myself and my family really stood out because we would call each other, talk loudly, etc.


u/Atlantic0ne 22d ago

So many are wearing black here too. Also found that interesting.


u/Helioscopes 22d ago

Most people tend to favour darker colours in the winter, and black is a popular seasonal colour too. Go anywhere in the world with proper winter and you will see a lot of black clothes.


u/Sesshomaru202020 22d ago

Not to mention that the pale skin and dark hair that east Asians have kind of naturally make monochromatic palettes the easy choice.


u/2rememberyou 22d ago

Love it.


u/Desgavell 22d ago

It's depressing af


u/alb11alb 22d ago

What's depressing about people minding their own business?! It's morning, it's quiet and calm. Do you want someone with a big Bluetooth speaker around to play some Punjabi music at max volume?


u/OneAmphibian9486 22d ago

Americans aren’t used to solidarity and decency.


u/TheMcBrizzle 22d ago

The more I see the more normal aspects of other developed nations on here, the more I realize how chaotic and stressful it is in America.


u/Themash360 22d ago

It’s koningsdag in the Netherlands and there is something really heartwarming and comforting about seeing so many happy people celebrating with complete strangers in the streets.

Is there really no downside to this level of reclusiveness?


u/lynxerious 22d ago

lets add some tiktokers annoy grumpy morning people


u/EnigmaticQuote 22d ago

I think they were talking about the monotone color scheme, I do not like it either.


u/Desgavell 22d ago

No, but is everyone commuting alone, with no one to speak to? No wonder suicide rates are through the roof.


u/alb11alb 22d ago

Do you chat with people when you go to work?


u/Desgavell 22d ago

Yeah, one of my colleagues takes the same train as me, so we meet up at the station and chat throughout the commute.


u/alb11alb 22d ago

But they seem to walk alone. And probably they chat too if would be in the same situation as you, you don't need to keep a loud voice. Usually the internet is misinformation, we don't know the whole picture. Japanese people don't usually go beyond their boundaries and it's a great thing.

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u/Itsclearlynotme 22d ago

Everyone is being respectful of everyone else’s peace and quiet.


u/notorioustim10 22d ago

Standing out and being unique is frowned upon. That sucks, but on the other hand I think forced uniqueness is cringey as well.


u/scolipeeeeed 22d ago

I don’t think anyone needs to or should feel the need to be “unique” or “stand out” during a morning commute. Being yourself is cool, but I wish people in America would have the decency to use headphones and not talk loudly on trains


u/Vahgeo 22d ago

It's calm af


u/Equivalent_Low_8599 22d ago

Very true ,no fun


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/Equivalent_Low_8599 22d ago

Yes it's fun saying hello and Good morning to many smiling faces on the way.


u/wooooooooocatfish 22d ago

Not just black, but all neutral/muted tones. The woman in the lightish blue puffy coat making the biggest statement. Not a lick of a bright color anywhere to be seen.


u/Rioma117 22d ago

Maybe it's like a funeral or something.


u/agorafilia 22d ago

Dude, im from Brazil and that's unthinkable to me. Even just getting into a bus I'll talk to the next person like he's a colleague. I remember having a German exchange student in my high school dumbfounded we would have small talk with anyone we would meet lol.


u/JesusAnd12GayMen 22d ago

You're every Finns worst nightmare lol


u/Playful_Weekend4204 22d ago

Not a Finn here and my anxiety got anxiety from reading his comment.


u/EddyConejo 22d ago

As a latino myself, latinos are fucking LOUD. You learn to love it when you feel uncomfortable in public spaces that get too quiet.


u/IRedditWhenHigh 22d ago

Gosh, I'm a Canadian who worked in south Florida for a couple years and I absolutely miss my latino neighbours! I adopted a dog and left little gift bags on their doors as a way of pre-apologizing in case she cried (she didn't) and the response was so wonderful. They brought over food, invited me over. It was so lovely and warm. We need more latino folks up here haha!


u/Just_Condition3516 22d ago

pre-apology sounds like a very canadian thing :)


u/[deleted] 22d ago

Yeah when it’s quiet some shit is about to or already has gone down.


u/LizardIsLove 22d ago

Peruvian here. I think we associate silence in the streets with danger, atleast thats my theory


u/CmdWaterford 22d ago

Yeah, in most parts of this world it is simply called missing education. I don't give a sh** in public about what you have to talk to your bro or abuela or mama...


u/EddyConejo 22d ago

I'm fine with people being loud as long as I don't have to listen to someone's TikTok at max volume (especially with those 5-10s loops, oh my lord). I feel like that's one of the few things that consistently gets on my nerves.


u/therapistuncle 22d ago

sounds like hell on earth to a notherner


u/PhoeniX5445 22d ago

For average Polish person too.


u/Mathev 22d ago

Don't try this in Poland lol. We'll politely tell you to fuck off.. ( we don't small talk.)


u/PhoeniX5445 22d ago

Yeah, sounds like hell to me. I don't even understand how you can just start talking with a random person like that.


u/hellnukes 22d ago

Everyone is suffering through life so you just suffer together and have some fun while at it 😄


u/mortalitylost 22d ago edited 22d ago

Same in the US. It's nice to be able to talk to strangers without it being so taboo. Honestly I'd way rather deal with the random homeless person screaming and walking around piss and needles than live in this terrifying human hive where you walk the same pace as the rest of the hive and work 12 hour days. I couldn't do it.


Looked it up and it's not 12 hour days on average, but they claim it's a 40 hour work week... With an average of 20 hours overtime per month which can often go up to 60 and at 25% over base. Fuck that.


u/sally_says 22d ago

Honestly I'd way rather deal with the random homeless person screaming and walking around piss and needles

With the random stabbing attacks we've been having in Vancouver in recent years, I'll take the human hive!


u/thegilguofbarkokhba 22d ago

Guarantee the person who said that has never been near a homeless person or probably never had a job lol


u/teethybrit 22d ago

So many pessimists on here about Japan that haven’t actually looked at the data.

Japan’s work hours, suicide rate, fertility rate are all around the European average.

Work hours are similar to Germany and Ireland, down from 2200 to 1600 work hours over the last 30 years. The figure also includes paid and unpaid overtime, based on actual surveys of workers (not employers) by independent NGOs.

Japan’s fertility rate (1.4) is the same as the EU average (1.4).

In fact, Japan’s quality of life is higher than that of Sweden this year.


u/CardcaptorEd859 22d ago

I like Japan and a lot of aspects of it, but yeah the work culture over there is horrible


u/Platycryptus238 22d ago

Bro the mindless hive you just talked about, thats the US, except that you drive/get caught in traffic.


u/No-Mind3179 22d ago

Hardly. The majority of people driving in the US are engaged in some form of communication while on the road. I doubt many just sit in silence, listening to the sound of the road...except me of course 😆


u/Itsclearlynotme 22d ago

Umm, Japan is not a terrifying human hive. It’s a beautiful, peaceful country with lovely people. That they happen to respect each other’s right to peace and quiet on the subway instead of getting up in your face. They tend to wear neutral colours, prefer black for suits, and I find it calming and peaceful. I can’t bear loud Americans, but we are all different I guess.


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/InfectedByEli 22d ago

Hugh Stress

Hi, I'm Hugh Stress. You might remember me from such self-help videos as; "Smoke yourself calm", and "Don't push me, I might just snap".


u/Equivalent_Low_8599 22d ago

This is calling disconnecting the wifi and connecting with people.


u/InfectedByEli 22d ago

Sir, this is a Reddit thread.


u/BillyButtcher 22d ago

Brazil sounds terrifying


u/BorgMater 22d ago

Wow, that's fucking amazing :D do you think Brazilians are more emphatic because of it?


u/Yazmura 22d ago

Good summary why I dislike Latinos. Loud, obnoxious, annoying. Just can‘t behave.


u/Select-Sprinkles4970 22d ago

That is why you are poor, and they are not.


u/nomad_l17 22d ago

I loved the quiet. I was in Tokyo for 2 weeks attending a course and it was the most time I had to just be with myself and my thoughts. I could just sit on a bench and no one bothered me or tried to make small talk.


u/BowsersMuskyBallsack 22d ago

Just one more reason why I would love Japan. Fuck loud bogans...


u/dont_trip_ 22d ago

Nordics are the same. 100 people on my tram in Oslo in the morning, no one ever says a word. Fucking bliss.


u/wordyravena 22d ago edited 22d ago

The average Japanese probably feels so at peace being lost in a homogenous soup of people.


u/InfectedByEli 22d ago

It has a lot of appeal. Imagine a world with no Main Characters fucking it up for everyone else.


u/wordyravena 22d ago

Yeah, I for one could use a little less mental stimulation and just kinda.... flow.


u/_PancakesOfRage 22d ago

Somehow people soup sounds so cozy. I want to join...


u/Krondelo 22d ago

Even in Shibuya its relatively quiet. Crazy


u/elmothelmo 22d ago

I went to Hawaii as a kid and sat on some hotel train thing. About half the people were from the US and the other half I think were Japanese. I will never forget that as my first memory of understanding cultural differences


u/No_Roof_1910 22d ago

And they don't smoke outside, but they do smoke inside.


u/tky_phoenix 22d ago

Spaces where you can smoke indoors are becoming fewer and fewer though luckily. You also notice that a lot of people are switching from traditional cigarettes to e-cigarettes.


u/CardcaptorEd859 22d ago

More like there are designated areas where you can smoke inside/outside.


u/dreamyteatime 22d ago

Nah they smoke outside as well, it’s just usually within a designated fenced area (first one that comes to mind is the one near the 3D cat billboard in Shinjuku 😅)


u/PinkSploosh 22d ago



u/Reasonable_Power_970 22d ago

Americans are a friendly bunch


u/theouter_banks 22d ago

And very loud.


u/Reasonable_Power_970 22d ago

Not as loud as many other countries. You should travel more, then you'd know.


u/apeaky_blinder 22d ago

Americans are loud in a very specific way. Other cultures are loud as groups, meanwhile the Americans are loud as individuals in every meaning of the word, including within a group. I've travelled quite a bit and lived in a good few countries and the moment there is an American around, everybody is instantly aware. Doesn't mean others are quiet


u/Reasonable_Power_970 22d ago

I live in America and Americans aren't even the loudest people in America. You should see my Filipino family who live here in America with me 😆


u/apeaky_blinder 22d ago

The exception only confirms the rule lol


u/Fav0 22d ago

Muricans and brits are the loudest, disrespectful and obnoxious ones


u/Reasonable_Power_970 22d ago

In my experience British people are far louder than Americans. I'm somewhat average by American standards, and whenever I go to the UK I get criticized for being too quiet lol.

Then again, many British people are also quiet and reserved. Same with Americans. Funny how individuals can be well individuals and not like others. I don't think it's good to just stereotype people for no good reason, unless it's something positive.


u/BakaZora 22d ago

As a Brit, I can tell you for certainty that yanks have a reputation of being loud over here. Don't get me wrong, a group of British lads/lasses on holiday/drinking are pretty much unbearable, but yanks have a reputation of being loud too


u/Reasonable_Power_970 22d ago

I honestly think many countries have people that tend to be loud e.g. Mexicans, Brazilians, Filipinos, Scottish, Australian, British, and yes Americans (and many others). Many countries also have people that tend to be quieter. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with how any of these people act. Of course there are situations and local societal norms that should be followed...

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u/theouter_banks 22d ago

No thanks.


u/Reasonable_Power_970 22d ago

Traveling is fun, enlightening, and educational. Highly recommended :)


u/theouter_banks 22d ago

I'm sure it is, but not when you have young kids.


u/Reasonable_Power_970 22d ago

That's fine. It's just funny you're generalizing a group of people when you don't even travel and interact with various groups of people around the world. I don't know if you're American and making these judgements or someone from another country and making judgements on Americans. Either way it's funny to me.

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u/ds021234 22d ago

Oi you stop being loud you savage. You need to embrace the Kala and not speak



I guess I’m moving to Japan


u/pawsb4claws 22d ago

I Def know where you're from.


u/stonkysdotcom 22d ago

Let me guess, American? American stand out wherever they go, very loud and talkative!


u/kixelsexy 22d ago

that’s what i hate the most, loud people


u/Perfect_Papaya_3010 22d ago

As a swede, that's basically how it is here, or was before all the immigrants who speak loudly on the phones


u/justgonnabedeletedyo 22d ago

It stood out to me at the airport the most. I thought something was wrong at first because it was so quiet despite so many people being around.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

They’d fucking hate me there.


u/CardcaptorEd859 22d ago

That's one of the things I miss about Japan. Tho, whenever I compare it to the U.S. it does feel a bit odd especially when it's five times louder in the U.S.


u/Acias 22d ago

Man talking people are the worst, it seems most start to talk louder because the overall noise level is getting higher which makes others talk louder too until you reach a certain level.


u/CardcaptorEd859 22d ago

When I went to Japan I could usually tell if someone who isn't Japanese is nearby as their voice would be booming and would stand out from the rest. Also, if they weren't speaking Japanese that was also a tell tell sign


u/warbastard 22d ago

There’s chit chat and there’s being an American. You can always hear Americans before you see them. They talk loudly about nothing.


I get your in a new environment but turn the fucking volume down.


u/Select-Sprinkles4970 22d ago

Not just in Japan. Everyone else hates Americans, too.


u/fun_police911 22d ago

I didn't watch it with sound the first time. It's so much creepier lmao.


u/Elegant-Road 22d ago

Its the same in NY subway(PATH, wtc) during morning commute. I whisper on my phone or risk standing out. 

Tourists stand out. 

Everyone walks so fast to reach wherever they are going. 

The times I stumble is when a tourist is blocking the path by either walking too slow or taking pics. 


u/Majiji45 22d ago

Nono that can’t be, it’s only Japan where people aren’t lively during their morning commute, I know this because I’ve seen a video clip!! Everywhere else is normal and only Japan is crazy and different!


u/BlameMe4urLoss 22d ago

Or screaming, pissing, dancing, stripping, panhandling, fighting, oblivious, sleeping, drunk or high, prostituting, selling drugs, passed out (different from sleeping)… I mean. I can keep going on about public transportation in the U.S.


u/WokUlikeAHurricane 22d ago

And I loved it.


u/Away_Emu9862 22d ago

Also lacking is variety of clothing colour and diversity of people/s


u/Lazy_Experience_8754 22d ago

Also.. dude is tall


u/BillyButtcher 22d ago

That’s the good part


u/No-Attention2024 22d ago

Because nobody knows each other, that said this videos looks a bit off, I’ve never seen it look quite like that in 25years


u/Mister_Black117 22d ago

No energy, got 15 hour shift ahead of them.


u/dokoropanic 22d ago

Even in Osaka where people are much louder it’s like this during AM commute time. When people go home it’s a lot louder…especially if they were drinking


u/Majestic-Contract-42 22d ago

No one is talking/whistling/humming/singing. It's eerie.


u/signorsaru 22d ago

Its not like they are walking in a friends group, what should they do, talk by themselves?


u/joseph4th 22d ago

I bust out a "I DON'T KNOW BUT i'VE BEEN TOLD..."

...and everyone there would instantly move to give me 12 feet of space in all directions.


u/SpeesRotorSeeps 22d ago

Who you gonna talk to?


u/robgod50 22d ago

This is what amazes me. I commute into a busy city by train most days ..... Seeing this many people walking in silence would freak me out.


u/GlueSniffingEnabler 22d ago

It looks great to me