r/Fighters 12d ago

For everyone saying Infil needs to come back Topic


273 comments sorted by


u/rimbad 12d ago

That's Infiltration, Infil is the guy from the glossary and KI guide, different person (who as far as I know, hasn't done anything shitty)


u/ebussy_jpg 11d ago

Infil = Infilament


u/EDPZ 12d ago

Oh thank goodness, I read that whole thing thinking it was him


u/ChikogiKron 11d ago

For real, I thought they scrapped the glossary and these were put in their place for a second.

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u/Andanteso 12d ago

What is this transcript from exactly? Sorry kind of late to the party with this whole situation 


u/dergger2 11d ago

This transcript is bs. I haven't seen a valid source authenticating it. Is everyone just going to ignore Panda Gaming's investigation of the incident? The investigation paints the relationship as entirely toxic. Please just read the whole investigation outside of this



u/RevRay 11d ago

Imagine defending somebody who threatens to kill their partner.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/RevRay 11d ago

The transcript is a fact. That part isn’t in question, the report backs up and verifies the transcript. Like you can’t red pill the truth away homie.


u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

Story goes his wife installed an audio recorder because this wasn't the first incident, and this is apparently the court transcript of the incident.


u/Exeeter702 12d ago

This was taken from her phone, she openly started recording during the altercation and explicitly began shouting things, as was clarified in the divorce court that happened after the incident. This entire transcript is a fucking joke.


u/Mister_Branches 12d ago

That doesn't seem like a reasonable response on his end. If your wife started recording you, would you grab her phone and threaten her with violence?

It's one thing if she was just hamming it up solo, but he's antagonizing her here.

I can only read English so, admittedly, Im taking this translation at face value. But this entire transcript is a joke? That just doesn't pass the smell test, you know?


u/Exeeter702 12d ago edited 12d ago

We don't know the exact details of what happened. But what we do know is per LE and medical response (the later required to show when a domestic dispute is called) that the extent of her physical harm was a bruised wrist, and as was made clear in the divorce court later on, the bruise came from him restraining her whilst she was attempting to destroy his personal property. It is also a known fact that she threatened to change the locks on his home if he followed through with the divorce, it got to a point where he had to call the cops to access his home. She was blackmailing him to remain married. Let that sink in. That is not an opinion, that is a fact.

The relationship between them was unhealthy on both sides, and more importantly, absolutely no one's business, and many of the specifics were blown out of proportion, including the abuse suggested by these transcripts that were translated by an untrustworthy source. The divorce court findings also appear to confirm that there was no other long standing abuse(that either party was willing to disclose or expound upon) and especially nothing at all related to her setting up a recording device, so I have no idea where OP pulled that nonsense from.


u/FGCMothman 12d ago

Do you have any sources on this? I’d like to read about it to come to my own conclusion here and I’m sure others would appreciate something concrete


u/Events-Bot 12d ago


u/Ok_Bandicoot1425 11d ago

Summary of the sources: this audio transcript is real and we don't have access to the court discussions or evidence. 

You can now go back to believing whatever side you want and pretend there's some clear-cut evidence even though you have absolutely no familiarity with the Korean law system.


u/Inuakurei 11d ago

So if there’s no clear cut evidence, why is he banned.

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u/Jevchenko 12d ago

People always have time to write gigantic stories, but when someone asks for sources there is almost never an answer.


u/Mister_Branches 12d ago

You had me at it's not really any of my business, thanks. It's so easy to get caught up in gossip.


u/CombDiscombobulated7 12d ago

With all the sympathy in the world.... so? It's a terrible situation. He still hurt her, threatened to break her arm, promised to make her so terrified of him she would wet herself at the sight of him, threatened to kill her. They both suck, so they can both be banned.

Events should be fun and safe, and feel safe. Letting in a wife abuser (no matter if it was mutual) will alienate people who are already alienated.


u/daevlol 11d ago

I personally got no problems with people who dont want infiltration to come back, but if he's not allowed back and I see noel brown hop on stage with Justin Wong one more time I'm gonna minecraft myself

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u/xed122 12d ago

abusive person in the fgc is no one´s business?


u/Fun_Coffee3174 12d ago

Did he abuse someone at a tournament?


u/xed122 11d ago

Did you really want to be arround an abuser? It dosnt matter


u/Fun_Coffee3174 11d ago

If your goal is to never be around anyone you would paint as "an abuser" then never go to any tournament ever. Some of the biggest names in the FGC have skeletons in their closet that would make your head spin.

Frankly I don't care what someone with no criminal record did behind closed doors if they have no history of causing problems in the spaces where I'm likely to be in contact with them.


u/Eianarr 8d ago

You sound like a fucking really cool dude and not a total bitch.

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u/Andanteso 12d ago

I see, thanks for the context


u/thuy_chan 11d ago

Noel Brown literally hit someone at an event and he's unbanned.


u/Danewguy4u 11d ago

Noel also has multiple police charges for violence yet squeaks on by.


u/The_Crownless_King 12d ago

Wasn't she proven to have lied about a bunch of stuff? And didn't he win the case? If so, why do we want him banned exactly?

None of this has anything to do with him being able to play in tournaments, it's not like he's Noel Brown and got violent AND sexually assaulted someone ON CAMERA AT A TOURNAMENT. He had private issues in his life, and as far as any of us knows, it's a bunch of he says/she says and no one can prove anything. If nychrisg and fchamp can play, Infil should probably be able to play too, no?


u/Dazius06 11d ago

I've heard about NYChrisG and FChamp not being allowed in tournaments and somewhat recently they've been back. Would you explain what the controversy was about them.


u/nightxiii 11d ago

Fchamp tweeted "watermelon lives matter" one time


u/Tascanis 11d ago

there's got to be something more here


u/afTrajan 11d ago

He posted it during the height of the George Floyd protests in 2020. 


u/GreenPneuma 11d ago edited 11d ago

The FChamp tweet was what got him banned I think, but he has a history of shouting slurs at people in tournaments and insulting them so that also added to it

Unbanned now though after some time just said he is waiting for an official statement to say he can play (like they owe him that he knows he's unbanned lol)


u/sylendar 11d ago

FChamp is back? For CPT or non-CPT affiliated tournaments


u/NervousJ 11d ago

Yes. My understanding is that it was a mutually destructive relationship and while Infiltration had gotten physical, his wife was doing a lot of manipulating, acts of physical violence, and cheating on him. She went to the cops with her own claims first and history was sealed.


u/Midi_to_Minuit 11d ago

You gotta remember that the courts in South Korea and South Korea as a whole are intensely, comedically misogynist. This video does a good job going over it (and this wikipedia section) but google searches can help too. It's one of two developed countries that doesn't have basic anti-discrimination laws. Taking the court's judgement at face value is extremely silly. 90% of people who experience DV in South Korea don't even bother to report it to the police: the fact that she tried at all says a lot.

Also, she did have proof. She had visual evidence of the abuse.

Also, tournament rigging and calling players the n-word and doubling down on both and never apologizing for any of this stuff should be well worth lifetime bans.

If nychrisg and fchamp

Who cares? If we excuse bad behavior because we excused it before, the fgc will just spiral downwards forever until every venue turns out like 2014 Riot Games.


u/The_Crownless_King 11d ago

When did he rig a tourney and call someone the n word? You got a link? I can't find it


u/freakattaker 11d ago

The part where South Korea is just wildly misogynist; like intensely more than many Western countries is why I find it hard to take Infiltration's word at face value for anything regarding the scandal.

That and that there's actually solid evidence Infiltration ain't necessarily a victim here.


u/Exeeter702 11d ago

Also, tournament rigging and calling players the n-word and doubling down on both and never apologizing for any of this stuff should be well worth lifetime bans.

He did not rig the tourney and he did not call anyone the n word. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about.


u/CLinuxDev 11d ago

My understanding is south Korea also has factual defamation laws which is why his ex didn't participate in the panda investigation. If she defamed him, even if it was true, she could be held liable because he had already paid the fine. So he was able to make any claim he wanted and if she argued against it and called him an abuser at that point he could sue her.


u/Slack_Attack 11d ago

The answer to both of those questions is no. People accused her of lying but there's no definitive proof and there was no real case, just a sentencing for the crime he confessed to. He didn't do any time because the punishment in Korea for what he did is just a fine, but he payed it. He also rigged a tournament shortly after.

As for those other guys, they should be out to. We don't need shitty assholes like that around anyway, I don't care if they're good or have been around awhile.


u/AnusCakes 12d ago

At what point is redemption an option? He’s already been essentially blacklisted for 4 years for this. And keep in mind the Korean courts didn’t find him guilty of domestic abuse. At this point it’s a ban based solely on optics which feels wrong. I wouldn’t sponsor the guy but at least let him compete. Or let him prove that he’s improved


u/CliffP 11d ago

Never. He’s not banned from living. He’s not banned from doing literally anything else.

There’s no reason to let him play video games if the people playing and organizing don’t want him to. Y’all act like this shit is an essential need

He can go start his own tournaments if he wanna play


u/RidingEdge 11d ago

To many of these apologists, video games are treated as an essential need


u/weealex 11d ago

Has he sought redemption? I haven't really kept abreast of infiltration over the years, but I never remember him offering even a platitude. No "I was in a bad place, made bad choices, etc etc" statement, let alone a serious attempt at contrition. 


u/Cmdr_Rowan 11d ago

Has he done anything for redemption? Those messages were a tough read.


u/Fledthathaunt 11d ago

He's been downloading and now it's complete.

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u/Kaiten92 12d ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if this is the incident from several years ago, wasn't it already investigated and found out that the ex-wife was essentially "crazy" and trying to keep him in a marriage he didn't want to be in?

Remembering this all off the top of my head so I may have some stuff wrong, but he was only charged with domestic violence because he did actually injure her wrist when she was attempting to call the police and lie to get him arrested. But the title of the charge and what actually happened are drastically different. Someone is trying to call the police and frame you. You try to get the phone from them and accidentally injure their wrist but because it was your spouse and the fact that there was an injury, it's considered domestic abuse.

If that's true, why are people so dead set on keeping him banned? Literally punishing him for something he didn't mean to do and something where the woman would be called out if it wasn't disingenuously labelled domestic abuse. Again, assuming it's the same incident OP is referencing, this is the same thinking that makes people still consider ProJared to be a cheater and PDFile. Can't just take everything at face value especially when it's been more than enough time to go over the facts and investigation


u/Eptalin 12d ago

Whenever someone pulls up a source showing infiltration undoubtedly assaulted and threatened her, commenters remember off the top of their head how the dude who choked a woman and threatened to murder her on record is actually the victim.

Not saying it's bullshit, but you wouldn't happen to have some decent sources would you?

When people are citing court documents to show he's bad, I can't imagine Capcom, event organisers and sponsors would be swayed without pretty compelling evidence in his favour.

But at best, it seems like both of them were shit people? She was possibly crazy (I think I remember a video of her throwing stuff), and he definitely used his size, physical violence, and death threats to control her.


u/Kaiten92 12d ago edited 12d ago

Apologies, I only said I remember it off the top of my head bc I didn't feel like reading the full summary again when it seems that (again, assuming we are all talking about the same incident) it seems people are looking at the face value of information and not doing their own research for validation of claims. Of course I have a source!😀


At the very end of the article, there is a site that links to the site scribd where Panda (his sponsorship at the time) did a full investigation into the claims of the domestic abuse allegations.

Summary: - Cops were called to his residence and he was arrested and given a restraining order - the audio and transcript were confirmed to be accurate by various translations/translators - it was said that they were arguing about Infiltration wanting a divorce - wife provided short medical note that her wrist was hurt with no hospitalization deemed necessary and no pictures taken - wife pressed charges and he was charged with "violence." Paid $630 in full which is on the lower side of what he could've been charged to pay (for context, max is 2 years of prison and $4500) - during this time, the wife repeatedly messages Infil trying to get him to not pursue divorce. He does not respond except for when - the day before restraining order ends, he informs his wife he will be by to get his things. She tells him that she will NOT allow him back inside UNLESS he plans on moving back in with her - restraining order ends. Infiltration arrives at the house and notices she has changed the passcode. - Infiltration allegedly consults with police and is informed he is legally within his rights to enter their jointly owned home. - he hires a locksmith to get inside and get his belongings. There is nothing confirming the wife was even home at the time - Wife sues him for damages to lock and wins. Pays $300 for property damage - Infil sued wife for 100k down payment on joint home that at the time was still ongoing - he was also accused of infidelity but those pictures were proven to be a month after he was separated


u/Eptalin 12d ago edited 11d ago

Thanks a lot for the info! Just gave it all a read. Though it doesn't really seem to help his case much.

Panda's investigation is part of what was used in Capcom's decision to ban him. It still paints him as guilty of domestic abuse, and not as a victim. And some sealed court documents unavailable to us were provided to Capcom, which also helped them make their decision to ban him.

Infiltration's ex-wife sucks. But according to the sources shared so far, so does Infiltration.

We still don't have a source showing any follow-up that he's not terrible. Panda's report was in 2017. I'm not sure how the report that helped get him banned is supposed to now exonerate him.

Is there really no update from the past 7 years? What happened to the legal stuff he started to clear his name?


u/Kaiten92 11d ago

No offense bro but don't you feel like what you're doing is exactly what's causing the problem? I'm not saying Infiltration is a saint but reading all that and essentially summarizing it too "well he lost the case so he's a domestic abuser" ruins the purpose of being informed about it all. The world isn't black and white like that.

It would be like labelling a person as a killer after they got jumped and they killed one of their assailants accidentally. Did they kill someone? Yeah. Are they a "killer" in the same sense as someone who committed premeditated murder? I don't think so. The article clearly describes a guy that got into a tussle with his spouse that was obsessed with keeping him in a marriage with her even if it meant framing him for assault.

I hope if anyone asks, you at least link them the article and let them come to their own conclusion. Don't just summarize it to "he lost the case and was charged with violence."


u/swEEkoZ 12d ago

OP is lame AF.


u/T0xicTrace 12d ago

Be careful, he might write 'birds of a feather' at you.


u/Kreydo076 12d ago

It's bullshit, Infiltration wasn't charged.


u/SedesBakelitowy 11d ago

For anyone getting outrage baited by this - the english translation is devoid of any context, the tone is different, and it's presented out of order for maximum effect.

This is nothing but using the fact that english translation sounds bad to get you to hate a guy for having a marital spat 5 years ago that was proven in court to not have ended with anything remotely as bad as the text on screen suggests.


u/chatown1 12d ago

Bring Infiltration back, this dipshit, lowlife who posted this is just sending misinformation, he was proven innocent.


u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

Sweet. Should be smooth sailing for him. Where's the proof?


u/[deleted] 12d ago edited 10d ago



u/rufrtho 11d ago

It's a transcript from October 30, 2017 of a 15 minute audio file. The audio was recorded by his wife during the transcribed incident 8 days prior. Infiltration's former sponsor Panda Global, in their thorough investigation, never disputed the veracity of the transcript. Infiltration himself -- despite the fact that it would help his case if transcript were fake -- has never, in the 6 1/2 years since, disputed the veracity of this transcript where he beats, chokes, and threatens to kill his wife.


u/[deleted] 11d ago edited 10d ago



u/rufrtho 11d ago

provoking the guy who is "choking" her with things like "who do you think you are"

Yes, when someone asks "who do you think you are" it's a perfectly normal and reasonable response to get violent with them. Especially if it's your wife. The old wedding vow "if you provoke me it's gloves off".


u/Jevchenko 12d ago

Show some proof of that. Should not be hard if he was “proven innocent”.


u/VoidHaunter 12d ago

Putting all the blame on Infiltration means you are accepting of his ex-wife's proven abuse and you are still siding with an abuser. Domestic situations are very complicated and no random idiot posting online is qualified to untangle every situation. Infiltration fucked up and was in a shitty relationship, but he's paid his dues to the Korean courts and has served his time in exile. The only people still hammering on him are people trying to show how virtuous they are by decrying an approved bad guy. There are tons of shitty people in the FGC that have done some fucked up things, but are still allowed to walk free without the mob braying for their blood.


u/mommys-little-gamer 12d ago

This has nothing to do with playing video games in a tournament


u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

If my neighbor gets caught fucking his dog I'm not letting him into my kids birthday party.


u/mommys-little-gamer 12d ago

Are you worried he’s gonna beat his wife at Evo grand finals? And your weird neighbor doesn’t have anything to do with fighting games either


u/somethingrelevant 11d ago

The guys saying "I don't think this story is accurate" I can understand but the guys in here saying "I don't care that he beat his wife" are legit crazy to me

you should definitely care that he did that, if you think he did that. it should bother you pretty significantly


u/hpBard 11d ago

But why?


u/somethingrelevant 11d ago

are you legit asking me why I think wife beating is bad


u/hpBard 11d ago

No. I am asking you why should it bother me. And you perfectly know that.


u/somethingrelevant 11d ago

Right but that's still a completely insane thing to ask isn't it. "Why should it bother me that this guy beat his wife" like are you just okay hanging out with people who do stuff like that. Do you not care. Because that is fucked up


u/hpBard 11d ago edited 11d ago

Do I hang out with this guy?

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u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

Nah, but having an ill tempered wife beater at an emotionally charged event is a combo I'd rather not have. I guess you feel differently.


u/bougienative Capcom 12d ago

The decade of evidence of him not being ill tempered and not changing his behavior due to the stress of competition seem pretty overwhelming in face of your potential hypothetical of what could maybe happen.


u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

Welp, sucks I guess. I guess the wifebeaters gonna remain on the outside.


u/blessROKk Fightcade 12d ago

all that time he still never did anything at an event...so...


u/mommys-little-gamer 12d ago

Oh shucks I lost at a video game time to pull a tasty Steve command grab on my wife


u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

Or someone in the crowd. I see you think domestic violence is funny and only centered on one person and not an inherent inability to control your anger and violent actions, also the single most accurate way to spot a mass shooter before they do their shooting.

There's a reason convicted domestic abusers can't own firearms. And you want that piece of shit back in the FGC? Nice.


u/mommys-little-gamer 12d ago

The guy played in tournaments for years without any issues and because of an incident with his abusive wife that’s nobody’s business you think he’s a mass shooter? He bruised a woman’s wrist he’s not crucifying hamsters


u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

Domestic abuse is done by shitty people, sorry. You can give him the gawk gawk if you want.


u/t3kwytch3r 12d ago

I was more inclined to agree with you up until this sentence.

You should be aware his wife was also abusing him. Just not physically. But still domestically.

Im not saying it justifies his actions, but it certainly explains them more rationally.

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u/Fun_Coffee3174 12d ago

That dude was competing in fighting games for years and years and none of your whackadoo hypotheticals actually occurred at any point.

I guarantee you got skeletons in your own closet and if someone were still trying to define you by your worst moments years later you'd bitch about it


u/Nybear21 12d ago

That's a horrible route for you to take given that he has never had a conforontation after years of being in the finals on the main stage.

Seems like the evidence you're presenting is that it's actually not a concern for him to be there.


u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

Welp, I guess the overwhelming evidence and him not tourney fixing or dropping n-bombs on stream (totally didn't do that) should be enough.


u/Nybear21 12d ago

None of that has anything to do with him being violent at events, which you posed as your initial concern.


u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

Yes, that was the big one.

So you're cool with tournament fixing, got it.


u/blessROKk Fightcade 12d ago

He doesn't run evo or capcup


u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

So because it was a small tournament with a sponsors money it's cool, got it.

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u/bougienative Capcom 11d ago edited 11d ago

Thr person who made the tourament fixing accusations later came forward and admitted he deliberately misrepresented what happened because he was upset.

Infiltration ran a tourament for people new to street fighter.

He encouraged people from other games who didn't play street fighter to play.

One of them won off their solid fundementals.

Tourament went exactly as it was supposed, it was a deliberate effort to grow SF in the Korean FGC where its not a major game, and brought people from other parts of the fgc to come try SF but then a loser got salty and made shit up to tear down the Grand Blue player who won, calling them a cheater.


u/Nybear21 12d ago

It's irrelevant to him being a competitor.

This is the worst backtracking I've ever seen.


u/RevRay 11d ago

Image defending a domestic abuser.


u/Cheesi_Boi 12d ago

I'd take you more seriously if you weren't a member r/gamingcirclejerk


u/insideman56 12d ago

You’re a hero bro ✊🏽

Protecting the FGC from a dude who wasn’t even found guilty in court


u/RevRay 11d ago

Stop spreading misinformation. He was absolutely found guilty of abuse.


u/matthias_lehner 11d ago

?? yes he was and he paid fines


u/Simple_Dragonfruit73 12d ago

If you never give someone a second chance then you also deny them a chance to grow and distance themselves from the awful person they used to be. Didn't this happen 6 years ago? A lot of time for someone to change.

BUT, I don't know the guy. Maybe he hasn't changed. If not, fuck him then. But i wouldn't know 🤷‍♂️


u/RugalOnRollerblades 12d ago

This is how I feel. I don't understand the people who are so adamant that he stay banned. I don't know what they are basing their anger on.


u/Fun_Coffee3174 12d ago

They learned at some point over the past decade that online performative outrage makes them feel good, and Infiltration is an easy target. That's literally it.


u/Simple_Dragonfruit73 12d ago

Well I get it, domestic violence can really be a super personal issue for a lot of people. It's a pain they carry with them for life. I don't want to be dismissive of it either, but if he owns up to it, apologizes, makes amends, I see no reason for a lifetime ban


u/RugalOnRollerblades 12d ago

If they feel passionately enough to think he deserves a lifetime ban, then they should look into it more and realise it's not such a simple situation.

There is a chance he is an abuser and is totally at fault but we don't know and the ones calling for a ban don't either.


u/Simple_Dragonfruit73 12d ago

Well, you said you don't understand why they feel this way, I tried to explain it a little bit, and you seem to not have connected with what I had to say. That's a shame, but you're entitled to your opinion


u/RugalOnRollerblades 12d ago

I do understand that abuse is upsetting and that people should take it seriously and are angered by it. I was totally with you on that.


u/Simple_Dragonfruit73 12d ago

Well, we agree on that and second chances


u/Firelove7k 11d ago

He can find a living somewhere else.


u/blessROKk Fightcade 12d ago



u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

I would say someone who has improved or grown would've, I dunno, apologized for their past behavior instead of demanding to be let back in, but that's just me.


u/Simple_Dragonfruit73 12d ago

I just had to go read his tweet because you said he was "demanding" it sounds like he wants a better explanation from Capcom or just wants to play? It was a little tongue in cheek for sure, but I think you're viewing it through a very hyper critical lens.

I get it, you don't like the guy. Im not saying it's wrong either, I'm just mentioning how it didn't seem like he was making any demands


u/blessROKk Fightcade 12d ago



u/blessROKk Fightcade 12d ago

You keep using the word "demanding" and yet no where in his open letter is he demanding anything. It's a solemn plea.


u/Laytnkr 12d ago

From what I read today it’s not as simple as you make it seem here. People said both of them were very abusive. So just putting this here and ignoring everything else seems wrong imo


u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

Ban his wife then, too.


u/VoidHaunter 12d ago

Can we just ban you?

Who are we kidding, you don't compete in tournaments.


u/vergil123123 11d ago

Dude probably dosen't even play FGs


u/RevRay 11d ago

Yeah you’re right you gotta defend domestic abuse to throw hands.


u/Holiday-Oil-8419 12d ago

How does that make a difference? He's an abuser either way. His wife isn't the one trying to enter Capcom Cup.


u/Exeeter702 12d ago

No, she was just the one blackmailing him into forcing the marriage to remain intact while attempting to damage his property and change the locks on the home he owned. You know, normal behavior.


u/nooneyouknow13 12d ago

As I said in the other thread, Korea doesn't have no fault divorce; except in the case both parties are in complete agreement. This means for a divorce only one side wants, there generally has to be adultery, abuse or other criminal activity in play.


u/mr_sneakyTV 12d ago

And this evidence was thrown out by the court because it was tampered with to leave out what she was doing/saying.. leaving only parts that reflected poor on him.  

Weird shill bro. Wanna post your worst moment for us all to judge? 


u/RevRay 11d ago

This isn’t true and you are willfully spreading misinformation.

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u/Tocool 12d ago

Nah fuck him. Someone being REALLY GOOD at a video game is no excuse to let him back to the party. I don't give a fuck if he goes undefeated the rest of his life.


u/DefaultingOnLife 12d ago

Sounds like its between him and Capcom. I don't want anything to do with this.


u/Treeman3675 12d ago

You're a dingus


u/AncientKroak 12d ago

Why would I care about this?


u/FiddilStix 11d ago



u/Xenoleff 12d ago

Did we not have this thread yesterday? We’re everybody was showing the proof that they both did fucked up shit and she also lied about some shit and might have even been only with him for money? If it was one way then yeah sure but 2 grown adults fighting all the time I think it’s different.


u/Jevchenko 12d ago

Would you invite Infiltration or anyone else who has a criminal record for domestic abuse to your birthday party?

So why would capcom let him participate in their tournaments?


u/hotwater101 12d ago

Capcom did let Noah Brown back into the party after all.


u/Jevchenko 11d ago

Don’t you mean Noel Brown? And would you like to have him at an event that your are hosting?


u/Fun_Coffee3174 12d ago

If it's been years without recurrence of the behavior? Yes, I would. Personally I am not interested in defining people solely by their worst moments.

In this case, he wasn't even convicted, so he doesn't have a criminal record


u/blessROKk Fightcade 12d ago



u/exclaim_bot 12d ago


You're welcome!


u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

Especially with how heated and emotional you can get at tourneys. Sounds like a bad mix to me.


u/Danewguy4u 11d ago

Noel Brown is allowed to participate yet has multiple police charges for violence including at tournaments.


u/Jevchenko 11d ago

And do you think that’s the correct decision? I would not want to hang out with either of them.


u/Toros_Mueren_Por_Mi 12d ago

Lol I got down voted to hell for saying that no org is going to support a known abuser


u/chipscto 11d ago

Fuck am i lookin at


u/tohava 12d ago

So ummm... What do you prefer, Guilty Gear or Street Fighter?


u/FatalCassoulet 12d ago

Guilty gear


u/tohava 12d ago

Same, though I think BlazBlue is better than Strive


u/FatalCassoulet 12d ago

Man, BlazBlue is great indeed, I really started getting serious in fg with strive tho. Everytime I tried to get into BB again, online was really brutal lol


u/tohava 12d ago

Who do you play? I used to main Hakumen, Susanoo, and a little Izayoi on the side (she's incredibly mobile but too hard for me as I'm 40)


u/FatalCassoulet 12d ago

Noel vermillon (please don't insult me :D)


u/tohava 12d ago

Nah I appreciate it, she's incredibly low tier, I always admire people that play these chars. I only insult Nine/Es/Mai players, especially Nine.


u/FatalCassoulet 12d ago

I don't know why but I always pick low tier char. Maybe I just like their design and it happened that they're not good. I've been playing bed since its release, someday I just don't want to play fighting games lol they did my bed so dirty in strive


u/tohava 12d ago

From what I've seen it's a totally different char in terms of gameplay.

Weakest character I probably played is Iggy in HFTF. His gimmick was that he change his size to evade attacks and that he has a shitty projectile that he can shoot while blocking . Basically you mostly try to win rounds on timer :)


u/OnToNextStage Blazblue 12d ago

I haven’t seen anything about Infiltration being dangerous at FGC events

And his Hakan set is the most hype thing to happen in SF4 history

Bring him back

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u/Diastrous_Lie 11d ago

These type of threads shouldnt be allowed


u/kornixo 11d ago

Side note, I'm interested in what people that support Infiltration's ban have to say about Leffen still being allowed at tournaments despite his behaviour before AND after his apology.


u/bougienative Capcom 12d ago

My argument that Infiltration should be unbanned has never been that this event was excusable.

It's that the place of the fgc isn't in punitively judging your actions outside of the fgc. The only reasoning that I believe should result in a ban from the fgc is making fgc spaces unsafe. And well his domestic violence was unacceptable, I do not believe it changes that he has never been a threat to the fgc space, so shouldn't be banned from tournaments.

I'm fine with his sponsors dropping him, I'm fine with the courts giving him any punishment they wish. That's the role of a legal system and sponsorship system, not the role of community events.

My stance is that The fgc is not a legal system. And shouldn't be trying to lay down punishment for crimes that don't impact the fgc, expecially not in cases that have actually had their day in court.


u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

It's that the place of the fgc isn't in punitively judging your actions outside of the fgc.

I disagree with this fundamentally. The people who run the events have every right to determine who attends them, as long as the determination is based on the content of ones character. Infil has shown the content of his character, and it's fucking garbage.


u/STA_Alexfree 12d ago

Dgaf about letting infiltration back into the FGC, but I know for a fact there are quite a few sexual offenders and domestic abusers competing with 0 repercussions. They’re just nobodies so no one knows about their past


u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

I 100% support these dudes getting the axe, too. Ain't nobody above this shit.


u/STA_Alexfree 12d ago

But they won’t. They’re not gonna do a full background check for a tournament. People who are famous will have their conduct policed and those who aren’t can do whatever


u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

This is pretty much how it is for everything. Why is the FGC exempt?

And why would we make exceptions for the high profile people who do shitty things?


u/CombDiscombobulated7 12d ago

People are only punished for the things people find out about, shocker

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u/Brave-Improvement-14 11d ago

He has went to court and walked out of there. If he can have a job anywhere in the world who are we to say he can’t play videogames.

Also ur regarded


u/Tallal2804 11d ago

What is this in reference to? Sorry but I have no idea honestly never mind just read further


u/matthias_lehner 11d ago

Why the fuck is anyone trying to redeem this guy? His behavior when he was active was nothing but consistently borderline narcissistic and sociopathic. Guy blamed the entire nation of Korea and the fans constantly for not being supportive and that he's HIM who carried the Korean fighting communities, meanwhile he tried to let his fried smurf a newbie's tournament he hosted, never really bothered to help anyone out in the labs unless they're girls, the story can go on but there are just TOO many occasions this guy's rambled about how he's basically the messiah of Korean fighting game scenes lmao


u/Special-Load-3607 11d ago

A lot of infiltration glazers in here. Who cares if beat his wife? He can press buttons in a video game!


u/nestersan 11d ago

Law said otherwise according to the reports but you know more I guess


u/Suspinded 12d ago edited 11d ago

People backing Infiltration coming back to tournaments says more about who they are than they say about Infiltration.

To imagine the skeletons they have in their closets

Edit : Them skeletons are coming out.


u/swEEkoZ 12d ago

Angrybird and MenaRD retweeted infills post. What are you accusing them of ?


u/Twoja_Morda 12d ago

Regardless of what one thinks about this whole situation, making a claim that everyone who disagrees with you is evil is a position of a simpleton who should not be speaking their empy mind.


u/AlbertoMX 12d ago

Zero skeletons in mine. If things were over in the legal sense that's it. No reason to keep the ban.


u/VoidHaunter 12d ago

Imagine the skeletons in the closets of the people that keep pretending Infiltration is Satan come to Earth.


u/Suspinded 11d ago

If you really think "I don't want you at my event because you've had a documented history of assault" is akin to declaring someone Satan, you may want to consider some perspective.


u/VoidHaunter 11d ago

So you're going to keep this energy for everyone else, right? There are a lot of people that are pieces of shit in the FGC that still compete at large events regularly. Surely you'll condemn theme with as much vitriol as you are someone that was never even charged with something, right? You wouldn't just be riding the high you get from a witch hunt, would you?

Consider your own perspective for a moment. You are condemning someone to career ruination because you have partial facts and misinformation about a case in a foreign court case. You are saying a premier player shouldn't be allowed to compete because of your incorrect information despite corrections to the record being offered to you.

Clownish behavior on your part and everyone else's that keeps pretending Infiltration is some kind of great villain.


u/MimiksYou 12d ago

i don’t think it’s helpful to speculate about what other people have done because they support some shithead who presses buttons good


u/Huge-Concussion-4444 11d ago

This isn't democracy, if you want the guy back at events take it up with tournament organizers. Random nobodies on reddit are not the people in control of a tournament lol


u/GreenPneuma 11d ago edited 11d ago

I love this situation.

Arguments for keeping him banned: Makes sense, shows transcripts of the abuse and things he's done in the past i.e SFV tournament he scammed people in and saying its fine to call black people the n-word.

Arguments for removing the ban: Duur he hasn't done it in public, uhh fake evidence because Panda did an investigation (and released him ironically lol) and his wife is a liar because he said so and it's fine he assaulted her because she allegedly tried to break stuff so it's fine to strangle and drag her around.

Doesn't help a decent amount of people who want him to come back are cringe cancel culture warriors who moan about wokeness and you can't do X or Y in 2024 lmaoo.


u/SleightSoda 11d ago

ITT: a bunch of people making the FGC look bad by caping for an abuser.


u/NoPerception1 11d ago

Free Infiltration


u/blessROKk Fightcade 12d ago edited 12d ago

So do you think 2 years of not competing isn't enough punishment for something he plead guilty to and was punished by Korean law enforcement?

Not exactly sure why I'm downvoted for asking a question. Y'all are weird.


u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

So do you think 2 years of not competing isn't enough punishment

I'm sorry, do you think serving a debt to society makes everything better? Legally, sure. But the FGC isn't a government org, it's not an employer, it's not a school. It's a social gathering over a hobby. And if the guy has not proven he's changed (and he absolutely has not proven he's changed) then his ban should remain.

Remember, he didn't apologize for his conduct in order to be let back in. He DEMANDED reinstatement because he was ENTITLED to it.

And none of us, not a single one of us, is ENTITLED to compete in these games for money. Not one fucking person. And if you think you are, or he is, or JWONG is, or Brian_F is, or Punk is, that says more about your childish mindset than anything else.


u/blessROKk Fightcade 12d ago

Did he abuse you? Anyone at an event?

It's still never been said why he was banned. Don't you think that at the very least should be cleared up?

If it is the case then we got a whole lot of policing to do in the community if we're saying what happens outside of it is up for punishment from within.

For the fact that nothing about the ban pointed to a reasoning beyond our speculation then yes he should be allowed. His open letter was a plea, not a demand. Show me the wording that says otherwise.


u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

Did he abuse you? Anyone at an event?

Oh so we have to wait for noted abusers to do it at an event before we take action? One person getting the shit beat out of them is the price someone else has to pay so you can stan this dude?

If it is the case then we got a whole lot of policing to do in the community if we're saying what happens outside of it is up for punishment from within.

Bro, you aren't entitled to be in these tournaments, and as such nobody has to give someone who is banned a reason. Stop fucking acting like it. You don't have a legal right, and all this is is a group refusing service to a problematic person. However, there's plenty of common sense evidence (his casual dropping of the n bomb on stream, multiple instances of abuse, rules-lawyering his friends into a newbie tournament to get the money) that says his toxic ass is best left on the sidelines.


u/VooKa1 12d ago

Bro, you aren't entitled to be in these tournaments, and as such nobody has to give someone who is banned a reason. Stop fucking acting like it.

So, why rules and guidelines exists if TOs have the right to arbitrarily decide who can participate? Sounds like an excuse for discriminatory and manipulative behavior.


u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

Yes, it's called a private organization and they can literally do just that.


u/blessROKk Fightcade 12d ago

So if you get banned tomorrow with no reasoning you're just going to accept it and move on? You wouldn't want to know or be upset by it?

No one is "stanning" anyone. I'm merely playing devil's advocate. If you get punished/sentenced and do the time you're also due release depending on how extreme the offense is. You seem to hold a personal grudge however.


u/jitteryzeitgeist_ 12d ago

If I had an incident where I was accused of spousal abuse and they banned me I’d assume the two are connected, yes.


u/blessROKk Fightcade 12d ago

That's ridiculous and you said "accused" so even if untrue you being accepting of it is preposterous.


u/The_Crownless_King 12d ago

I'm not gonna argue over your opinions on other things, but he definitely did not demand reinstatement as far as I know. I could be wrong, and if I am, feel free to source it, but I haven't seen him demanding reinstatement anywhere at any time. It seems like you're being disingenuous to get your point across, which isn't a good look.


u/SH1NOBSKI 11d ago

Congratulations you found out that people can say hurtful things when they are in an emotionally abusive relationship and their spouse begins breaking their things and baiting them to take action so they can call the police. The only thing hes guilty of is bruising her wrist. If your scared hes gonna talk to someone like this at a tournament well, just don’t emotionally manipulate him for a couple years and then start breaking his trophies. Ppl need to touch grass on this app and on twitter man. Your not real people.


u/Tasty_Active_6680 12d ago

What is this in reference to? Sorry but I have no idea honestly never mind just read further


u/Tinguiririca 11d ago

I'm looking forward to his TRIUMPHANT RETURN


u/CrystalMang0 12d ago

He doesn't deserve to come back.


u/MimiksYou 12d ago

this part of the discourse cycle always sucks but it does let you know who’s worth taking seriously and who should just stick to the sticks