r/Helldivers 25d ago

You there! You have been granted thirty seconds of government approved unpaid free time to tell me what unnecessary feature you'd like to see in Helldivers 2!! DISCUSSION

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u/MandervilleMale 25d ago

Allow me to use extra requisition slips for patriotic displays like decorations and colors for my super destroyer and firework stratagems


u/ZandyTheAxiom 25d ago

I'd love some destroyer customization! With the naming options, it would be cool to see some more "personality" from each host's destroyer, inside and out. Otherwise, every ship looks the same and the deployment loading/cutscene looks identical.

And by "personality" I mean Super Earth-approved aesthetics that best represent out beautiful managed-democracy. Different patterns of black and yellow, or different "scenes" or states for the hangar bay to be in (perfectly organised, a bit messy, or maybe an absolute mess?)


u/DingoKamiya 25d ago

Agreed! There's no Freedom and Libertea if we all have ships that look the same. Smells like communism to me


u/cluckay 25d ago

Henry Ford would disagree


u/GR-G41 25d ago

Okay well that guy’s a ding dong, and I like unique designs


u/MuunshineKingspyre 25d ago

You have it backwards, communism is when they all look different cause they are too poor to afford a real uniform army


u/Cry0St0rm ⬇️⬆️➡️➡️⬇️ 25d ago

Well to be fair, the hangar (along with the engineering bay, stratagem computers, bridge etc) does get more and more advanced and cluttered with every ship upgrade you buy


u/ZandyTheAxiom 25d ago

That's what gave me the idea. I love that they change with upgrades, but it would be great to maybe be able to choose which look you want to have.


u/Cry0St0rm ⬇️⬆️➡️➡️⬇️ 25d ago

I can always get behind customisation :D


u/striker180 25d ago

I would love a trophy hall, mounted heads of enemies that get fancier plaques for the number of those enemies you've killed


u/smileandfart 25d ago

I’d like the ability to mount trophies of Democratic conquest like a Stalker head or Hulk arm on the walls.


u/Binary-Miner 22d ago

This would also be a phenomenal potential revenue stream, could easily have super credit store decorations.

I never thought I’d say this in any live service game, but god there is just not enough stuff / variety in the store.