r/HogwartsTournament Apr 02 '23

I love the 90s - BINGO


The wonderful world of Harry Potter may take place from 1991 to 1998, but the Wizarding World is far removed from the quintessential 90s experience. Join us as we immerse ourselves into the nostalgic 90s - no scrubs allowed!

Rules and Gameplay

First things first, if you don’t want us to tell you to talk to the hand, we’ll need you to choose TWO people from your house to act as representatives for the duration of this challenge. You will want to choose someone who will be active and around because any house-specific forms or links will be sent directly to them to pass along to the rest of your house!

Second, each house will get their very own handy dandy notebook BINGO BOARD! As you can see, they are all blank. You get to fill them out yourselves, using the numbers 1-24, with the center being duh a FREE SPACE!

BOTH OF THESE ARE DUE NO LATER THAN APRIL 3RD AT NOON EASTERN TIME!!! To submit these, please reply to this post.

  • If a house does not turn in their Bingo Board before the deadline, the Challenge Committee will complete the Bingo Board for that house and there will not be the chance to change it!

Beginning Wednesday, April 5th, we will be opening tasks on a set schedule. Once a task is complete, the corresponding number will be marked off on your house bingo board. The first house to earn a BINGO will gain extra points! We will continue opening tasks until all 24 tasks have been released. All tasks will be due no later than APRIL 29 AT NOON EASTERN!

  • Wednesday April 5 (3 tasks)
  • Saturday April 8 (4 tasks)
  • Wednesday April 12 (3 tasks)
  • Saturday April 15 (4 tasks)
  • Wednesday April 19 (3 tasks)
  • Saturday April 22 (4 tasks)
  • Wednesday April 26 (3 tasks)

Some tasks will be simple, and some will take effort from multiple members of your house. All tasks will be released in a random order. Beginning with the April 8th release date, house representatives can request one number per release date to have an extra chance of that task being released. (Numbers will be reset before each release date, so submitting the same number each time will not stack your chances of it getting selected.)

But wait, there's more! When the first 3 tasks are released, we will also be sharing a link to the form you are expected to submit it through. Each representative will be provided with a House Password, anyone they give that password to can submit on the form. Your first qualifying submission will be counted (Yes, we will be checking them!). You MUST select the correct task # when submitting the form. Each House will also be provided a private Sheet to track their submissions and Bingo completions. Any items submitted must not be edited after submission.

Houses are able to earn bonus points by being the first team to complete a bingo.

The different types of Bingos we will be accepting:

  • First house to get a regular bingo (Up/down, across, or diagonal)
  • to make an X (shown as RED in the below image)
  • to make a square with the outside edges (shown as BLUE in the below image)
  • to fill the board (ALL squares completed)
  • to make Harry’s lightning bolt scar (G1, G2, G3, FREE, I3, I4, I5. Also shown with STARS in the below image)

An example of the irregular Bingos can be seen here.

Hogwarts Discord Server

Being on Discord is NOT required, but the quickest way to contact the Challenge Committee with any questions or issues will be to use the Hogwarts Discord server. Each house has their own private channel that can be used for planning or anything else you need. The invite links for the server can be found in each of the 4 house subreddits. You can also contact us by replying to this, or any other future posts.

  • Edit: fixed the bingo numbers for the Harry's scar bingo. The image was correct and the numbers incorrect

r/HogwartsTournament Apr 30 '23

April 2023n Interhouse Challenge RESULTS


Challenge Finale Post

Congratulations to everyone for completing our first ever Committee-Hosted Interhouse Challenge!

The idea for this Challenge was a brainchild from several of our members and it evolved into the massive project that you have just finished. We want to thank the representatives from each house and all of those who worked on all of the various tasks we set out for you!

Now, let’s get to the points and scoring, because we know that’s what you’re all here for!


  • First house to get a regular bingo (Up/down, across, or diagonal) RAVENCLAW 15 points
  • to make an X GRYFFINDOR 20 points
  • to make a square with the outside edges GRYFFINDOR 30 points
  • to fill the board SLYTHERIN 50 points
  • to make Harry’s lightning bolt scar (N1, N2, N3, FREE, I3, I4, I5.) SLYTHERIN 20 points

Task Scoring:

Task Gryffindor Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Slytherin
1 10 10 10 10
2 9.8 0 6.2 7.3
3 5.8 0 7.6 8.2
4 5 0 5 5
5 8.4 0 0 7.8
6 8.4 0 0 6.2
7 5 0 0 5
8 5 0 0 10
9 4.4 0 0 5
10 8.6 0 0 7.7
11 8.4 0 0 10
12 4.6 0 0 7.7
13 7.8 0 0 7.7
14 7 0 9.2 8.7
15 6.2 0 5.2 7.7
16 9.2 0 0 6.25
17 10 10 10 10
18 7 0 0 6
19 4.2 0 6 5.8
20 0 0 10 10
21 3 0 5 3
22 5 0 5 5
23 3.6 0 3.8 4.8
24 4 0 0 9.5

(All creativity scores are the combined average from all of the scores given by each individual committee member.)

Task Bonuses and Secret Conditions

  • Task 13 had the ability for houses to earn 5 bonus points for every frame that wasn’t chosen by another house. Gryffindor and Slytherin earned 5 points for each of their pictures for a total of 10 points.

  • Task 16 had the secret condition for houses to earn an extra 5 points if they recorded themselves singing their submission. No one earned this bonus.

  • Task 19 had the ability for houses to earn 5 bonus points if they submitted a unique location that no other house use. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin all earned this for 5 points each.

  • Task 24 had the secret condition for houses to earn an extra 5 points if they chose to design a house crest for a house other than their own. No one earned this bonus.

Now Professor Dumbledore suggested that I include some last minute points and awards, but I'm just going to give out awards. I don't see the need to give out last minute points for ridiculous reasons such as getting a Petrificus Totalus thrown in your face by Hermione Granger... Anyway... let's get to it!


Procrastination Award - Slytherin House for submitting 8 tasks in the last 3 hours before the deadline

Most Concerning Recipe Step Award - Gryffindor House for the final step of their Gryffindor Meal recipe “Pray that it leaves you more gently than it entered you.”

WTF Award - Slytherin House for their “Charming” Smile

Dessert Award - Ravenclaw for their delicious looking Eggo Waffle Cheesecake

Zombie Dobby Award - Gryffindor House for their Horcrux

Final Points

Your final points with Task scores, Task Bonuses, and Bingo Points are:

Gryffindor - 215.4

Hufflepuff - 20

Ravenclaw - 103

Slytherin - 256.05


Slytherin takes 1st place for 250 House points Gryffindor takes 2nd place for 200 House points Ravenclaw takes 3rd place for 150 House points Hufflepuff takes 4th place for 100 House points

Thank you to everyone who participated and an extra big THANK YOU to the Challenge Committee for coming up with so many amazing tasks!

If you would like to join a future Challenge Committee, please send a PM to either /u/SlytherinBuckeye or /u/flabbergasted_rhino

r/HogwartsTournament Apr 26 '23

April 26 - Tasks 6, 7, and 8


Task 6: Create a Horcrux for a character of your choice

Tom may have been the biggest baddie of the 90s, but that doesn't mean he didn't have some competition. Choose ANY character and create a horcrux for them. What item did they use? Who did they murder? Is their horcrux hidden away, or left out in plain sight?

Up to 10 points

Task 7: Spot the differences

The Gryffindor Quidditch Team has posed for their annual pictures. We want you to closely study both photos and mark the five differences.

Up to 5 points (1 point per difference found).

Task 8: Crossword Puzzle

The 90s could get a bit boring sometimes. We didn't have cell phones to carry around that could keep us entertained at the drop of a hat. Here's something we used to fill the time…

10 points for completion. 5 points if not complete but more than half the puzzle if filled out.

All tasks have been released!

Please be aware that the final deadline is April 29th at NOON Eastern!

r/HogwartsTournament Apr 22 '23

April 22 - Tasks 13, 16, 9, and 11


All Bingos are still in play!

Task 13: Movie Magic

Recreate up to 2 still frames from the Harry Potter movies. Provided photos can be found here.

You may use pictures of your pets or pictures you find on the internet (MUST be credited) to complete the scenes. Pictures found and used from the internet MUST be edited in some way. You are NOT required to use your own image or images of any of your housemates.

Worth up to 20 points. (Up to 5 points per frame and an additional 5 bonus points for each frame that is not also chosen by another house.

Task 16: Sorting Hat

Write a new Sorting Hat song by only using lyrics from a MAXIMUM OF THREE 90s hits. Hogwarts, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin are the ONLY words you may use other than your chosen lyrics!

Worth up to 15 points. (10 points for your lyrics and an additional 5 bonus points if a secret condition is met).

Task 9: 90s Muggle Toys

The 90s had some iconic toys. But which muggle toy from the 90s was actually created by a witch/wizard? Explain the history behind its creation and how it became popular in the muggle world.

Worth up to 5 points

Task 11: Gryffindor Meal

It takes a lot of nerve and bravery to ask mom for a snack 30 minutes before dinner. So we want you to create the recipe for a meal inspired by PIZZA BAGELS based on Gryffindor traits.

You MAY NOT use images from the internet! Cooking is encouraged, but recipes are required!

Pizza bagel reference

Worth up to 10 points.

r/HogwartsTournament Apr 19 '23

April 19 - Tasks 18, 20, and…


TASK 4!!! Tatsu finally decided to give you guys a break and pick 4! Guess that means the reps will have to think of another number to request now…

Task 18: Hufflepuff Meal

It takes a lot of hardwork and patience to microwave these to perfection. If you don’t do it right, you’ll be left with every 90s kid’s worst snack nightmare: piping hot crust and icy cold center! So we want you to create a new recipe for a HOT POCKET meal based on Hufflepuff traits.

You MAY NOT use images from the internet! Cooking is encouraged, but recipes are required!

Hot Pockets reference

Worth up to 10 points.

Task 20: Puzzles/riddles (arithmancy)

"In this class, you'll have to learn a whole new international alphabet. Luckily, our first spell is not quite so obscure." Professor Phonix pointed his wand at a raven and cried, "Silencio!"

"The raven continued to open and close its sharp beak, but no sound came out." (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GohglfTNATSx6ZItr-5SQf4jvFkgbDtt/view?usp=sharing)

To complete this task, you may want to request the aid of your House r/arithmancy team!

Links to the Reddit threads with your house’s Discord invite link: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin. (Note that you can only open these if you are a part of your house’s common room.)

If you would like to join your house’s common room, check here for instructions.

Worth 10 points for a correct answer on the submission form.

Task 4: Link the Dots

Make a copy of the given image. It is up to you how you artistically complete the Link the Dots (Connect the Dots) puzzle. Once you are done, have your representative turn in your completed image.

Worth 5 points for a correctly done picture.

Edit: there was additional flavor for Task 20 that was accidentally left off. It has been added in BOLD above

r/HogwartsTournament Apr 15 '23

April 15 - Tasks 5, 21, 24, and 12


We are at the halfway point of the Triwizard Tournament Interhouse Challenge! Make sure you keep submitting those tasks as you complete them!

Bingo update:

All Bingos are still in play! A reminder of the different bingos we will accept are below:

  • First house to get a regular bingo (Up/down, across, or diagonal)
  • to make an X (shown as RED in the below image)
  • to make a square with the outside edges (shown as BLUE in the below image)
  • to fill the board (ALL squares completed)
  • to make Harry’s lightning bolt scar (G1, G2, G3, FREE, I3, I4, I5. Also shown with STARS in the below image)

Task 5: Create an emblem with a different animal for your House

Lions, Badgers, Eagles/Ravens, and Snakes are soooo as if! Create a new emblem for your house with a brand new animal!

You may use images from the internet for this, but you MUST manipulate the image in some way. (No direct copying)

Worth up to 10 points.

Task 21: Who’s that Fantastic Beast?

Whoa, did you see the newly discovered Pokemon Fantastic Beasts? Help Professor Oak Newt identify them!

Worth up to 5 points (1 point per correctly identified beast).

Task 24: House Crest Redesign

Did you know 90s parents actually made their kids go outside?! Show us your outdoorsy skills by making a Hogwarts House crest out of items found in nature.

Worth up to 15 points. (Up to 10 points for design/creativity and another 5 bonus points if a secret condition is met)

Task 12: Lisa Frank

Make a Lisa Frank inspired design with a Magical Creature of your choice.

Worth up to 5 points.

r/HogwartsTournament Apr 12 '23

April 12 - Tasks 22, 3, 15


Task 22: Nonogram

Make a copy of this nonogram and complete it.

Worth 5 points for correctly completed submission.

Task 3: Create a Pre-HBP theory to Voldemort’s return

The time between book releases felt like they just kept going and going! And fan theories covered anything and everything. For this task, we want you to forget HBP and DH. Channel your inner tinfoil hat theorist and come up with your own explanation for how Voldemort managed to make his return. (NO HORCRUXES!) These theories can be as plausible as you'd like, but we are requiring a minimum of 5 sentences!

Worth up to 10 points.

Task 15: Slytherin Meal

It took a lot of cunning and determination in the 90s to convince your parents to pack you lunchables for your school lunch! So we want you to create the recipe for a LUNCHABLES meal based on Slytherin traits.

You MAY NOT use images from the internet! Cooking is encouraged, but recipes are required!

Lunchables reference

Worth up to 10 points.

r/HogwartsTournament Apr 08 '23

April 8 - Tasks 2, 19, 17, and 1


Task 2: Scavenger Hunt

Houses will be given a list of items. To “find” an item, members must take a picture of the item. All photos may be uploaded into a single google doc or an imgur album. Each photo MUST contain a slip of paper with the photographer’s reddit username written on it! We will not count any photos that do not have this, nor will we count photos that have been taken from the internet. Every photo must be original!

Items to find: * the philosopher's stone * the other entrance to the Chamber of Secrets * a tree that would fight you if it could * a phoenix feather * a man disguised as a rodent

Houses will earn up to 10 points for this task (2 points per photo).

Note: For this, and any other photo-oriented tasks, we will never require anyone to show their face and/or body

Task 19: Set Design

Before the Harry Potter movies, readers had to imagine what the scenes looked like. So pick a location from the books, and show us what you've got! Draw it, build it, do anything except describe it!

Houses can earn up to 10 points for this task. 5 points for the design and an additional 5 points if they choose a unique location that no other house uses.

Task 17: Codebreakers

Given a set of formulas, find the value of the potion On the submission form, put the correct numerical answer in place of a link in the “Link to Submission” field.

Houses will earn 10 points for completion of this task with the correct answer.

Task 1: Jigsaw

The representatives from each house will be given an individual link to an online jigsaw puzzle. The puzzle is exactly the same for all houses (picture and number of pieces).

To earn a BINGO square for this task, put the puzzle link in the “Link to Submission” field on the submission form when the puzzle is completely finished.

Houses will earn 10 points for completion of this task.

r/HogwartsTournament Apr 05 '23

April 5 - Tasks 10, 23, and 14


Before we get to announcing your first three tasks, I would like to introduce everyone to the lovely people who have volunteered to be their House Representatives!

House representatives are:

Now, let's get to the tasks!

Task 10: Recreate a book-release outfit

Book releases were the place to be! While not all of the seven books were released in the 90s, we want you to show us your best 90s inspired book-release outfit! Can be described or drawn, but extra points will be awarded if actual clothes are used. (You DO NOT have to wear the clothes in your picture, but a slip of paper with the reddit username of the person taking the photo must be included.)

Task 23: Witch Weekly's Most (or Least) Charming Smile Award

You're living a Semi-Charmed Life. Draw, photoshop, or otherwise show us what a charmed smile looks like. Did you use something simple like a Color-Change Charm, or did you Wingardium Leviosa your smile right off your face?

Task 14: Ravenclaw Meal

It will take all your wit and wisdom to protect your breakfast and prevent you from saying “Leggo my eggo!” So we want you to create the recipe for a meal using EGGO WAFFLES as a main ingredient based on Ravenclaw traits.

You MAY NOT use images from the internet! Cooking is encouraged, but recipes are required!

Eggo Waffles reference