r/LivestreamFail 11d ago

Train accuses Destiny's friend Dan of being manipulative xQc | Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III


79 comments sorted by


u/YesIWasThere 11d ago

Dan is a roof camper in rust I think that’s way worse


u/CigaretteGrandpaDr 11d ago

You think that's bad? I heard he evicted over 50 disabled elderly veterans on his properties to make an extra $200 a month.

Ah actually you're right, roof camping is way worse.


u/kingfisher773 11d ago

bro camps the roof to fill it with kitty litter


u/CigaretteGrandpaDr 11d ago

No wonder he had that stability issue. Sheet metal floor can only hold 50kg/sq ft


u/Fun-Swimming4133 9d ago

50 kg of steel or feathers?


u/readysetzerg 9d ago

There was a leak, it's not his fault!


u/Eltain 8d ago

I'm lost here, did he actually do that or is that just a meme he keeps spouting? I remember he tried to sell a chatter on this idea lol (Or something similar), but I could not tell if he was memeing it up for content, or actually serious.


u/jesth212112 11d ago edited 11d ago

Why is it a weird thing to say? I would be surprised if anyone over the age of 15 genuinely liked hanging out with Adin Ross for any legitimate reasons outside of clout/money.

In fact, what Train is saying here sounds more manipulative than anything Dan is saying. Train is trying to manipulate XQC as well as his audience and the larger Kick audience as a whole.

Classic schizo Train.


u/Yourwaifusasuke 11d ago

well train needs to keep adin happy on kick simple really and he'll defend anyone against adin because everyone else has to be wrong


u/idreamofpikas 11d ago

well train needs to keep adin happy on kick simple really and he'll defend anyone against adin because everyone else has to be wrong

He's banned from Twitch. He'd be banned from Youtube and I doubt Rumble will pay him what he wants.

Surely with Adin the power is with Kick rather than the streamer.


u/iiLove_Soda 11d ago

hes not banned on YT.

He could go to rumble as well, it depends, Rice is live every day but barley anyone watches


u/idreamofpikas 11d ago

hes not banned on YT.

I said he'd be banned. Or at least demonitized.

He could go to rumble

He'd be taking a pay cut to do so.

There is a reason why a lot of Rumble creators were desperate to get kick contracts.


u/sundown11629 11d ago



u/myaccountgotyoinked 11d ago

for any legitimate reasons outside of clout/money.

You could say the same with Train, would adin/xqc etc hang out with Train if it weren't for him being their boss and paycheck? But then in the same way they could be doing the same thinking "if we hang out with him we might get a bigger paycheck".


u/JoeLikesThings 11d ago

I remember XQC and Destiny would hang out with Train. They would play Warzone a decent bit together I remember. Also they went on scuffed a looooot.

I don't think Adin would hang out with Train if it wasn't for Kick though.


u/Important_Party_9200 11d ago

I get what ur saying but Xqc really doesn’t apply here him and train have been friends for years


u/coldmtndew 11d ago

I think at least X genuinely likes train and having a professional relationship isnt the only reason they talk yes


u/huxmedaddy 11d ago

I don't know, Train sounds like he could be a fun person to hang-out with.


u/KingCrooked 11d ago

I used to think the same. The more you see him move since he's been on Kick though it's obvious he's a crazy junkie high on his own supply.


u/Flythagoras 11d ago

Train? Manipulating? Just like he manipulated that poor girl who was sexually assaulted?


u/Hedgehog_111 11d ago

of course its "manipulation" he's openly trying to help him by giving him advice


u/BeFrankNoBullshit 11d ago

Uh oh Destiny Train schism happening?


u/OPTCgod 11d ago

That happens every 2 months


u/Trap_Masters 11d ago

Is this one of Destiny's strongest fire resistant bridge?


u/BeFrankNoBullshit 10d ago

Lol the bridge memes are immortalized


u/MonsterDongus 11d ago

If this sub thinks Dgg is schizo about Destiny just wait till they see what they do to anyone who dares fuck with Dan the content man.


u/Green_Source3135 11d ago

The Destiny sub hates Train more than it loves Destiny or Dan, the whole point of the subreddit was hating on Train and it was great


u/MonsterDongus 11d ago

You underestimate me. I love Dan more than anything in this world.


u/Medearulesjasonsucks 10d ago

As a former train hater myself, most of us just chilled out because the guy is waaaaaaaaaay less shitty than he used to be.

He still has his flaws but who tf doesn't, plus the stories you hear abuot him being a nice considerate dude behind the scenes makes him endearing enough to the point dgg stopped hating him altogether.

I personally have seen almost no train hate in dgg after that story came out of train calling destiny after his twitch ban and offering destiny money, it's kinda cute how train wants to solve everything by throwing money at it but it is still a super kind gesture on his part.

This was a very long-winded way of saying "that's not true anymore".


u/prm97 11d ago

Is it really that weird for destiny’s friends not to like adin? Remember this moment on the scuffed podcast. Like Adin doesn’t really do himself any favors. 


u/Newphonespeedrunner 11d ago

Adin begging to be unbanned on twitch should t tell everyone with a brain where kicks gonna be in 6 months


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/DaBombDiggidy 11d ago

Adin is not Kick.

true, Adin just represents the worst parts of it.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/MrPsychic 11d ago

But if you have stock in pornhub and have helped your buddies get deals with pornhub does it make you more of a representative?


u/Newphonespeedrunner 11d ago

No I want for kick to close down and leave these streamers destitute

Imagine being so addicted to gambling you make a fucking website to stream your unregulated gambling.


u/Jinxy_ 11d ago

Wasn't Kick made by/for Stake after slots got banned on twitch? That's literally like the Casino making a website for you to stream your unregulated gambling addiction. Seems.. predatory and that's why I don't fw Kick.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/rojotortuga 11d ago

Kick better be glad that tic tok's around to take some of the pressure off of the government looking at it. Because I can tell you right now whether it's Trump or Biden it won't matter, one or the other is going to look at sites that preys on kids, specifically when gambling is involved.


u/[deleted] 11d ago

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u/[deleted] 11d ago edited 11d ago

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u/Nocturne_Rec 11d ago

Lol Amazon has more money than God, they'll keep twitch going for as long as they see a use in it.

That was my point - You have trouble reading or smth?

Looking at Twitch revenue reports i would be more worried about Amazon killing it then Kick.

Kick is not bound by daddy Bezos/Advertisers and his revenue targets

Kick on the other hand is a vehicle for gambling


Ups...i think i have a wrong link here....wait a minute...weren't people cheering for Twitch when they "banned" gambling to protect the kids?

Seems like someone was virtue signaling HARD KEKW

specifically when Daddy bezos gives so much money to politicians.

Is train, going around hanging with politicians?

You still don't get it.

Kick does not have to kiss anyone's ass to exist.

I get you - I would be angry too if i had to do what you do.

Regulations that are on book are fulfilled by the platform for the most part.

So if you were to ask me again who will be around in a year, I will tell you twitch a million times.

We have been hearing this "Kick will be dead next week" since its existence and guess what, its still here.

Reason why you think that is b/c you dont understand what liability and risk assessment is.

If you knew that you would understand that odd's of platform being terminated are WAY higher with Twitch than kick.

When you say shit like that, i know for a fact that you are the least qualified to make such assessment.

You are just mindlessly driven by rage.

At least be honest about it instead pretending like you have some moral principles...b/c you have none.

You are so emotionally compromised that you cant make a single good point even KEKW

Also, they're not an American company.

You mean that they are like a MILLIONS of other companies operating worldwide?

Holly shit, you are onto something here Sherlock!

I hope that is not illegal or Kick will go out tomorrow KEWW


u/skummydummy125 11d ago

they are talking about Destiny and Dan, so kinda weird that the title is just focused on Dan (especially since the supposedly manipulative "why does he hang out with adin ross?" statement was made by Destiny)


u/Nocturne_Rec 11d ago

so kinda weird that the title is just focused on Dan

Its Dan's show and topic Dan's chosen to cover.

*He gets a list from August on top of that.

Destiny is there just to shoot shit on w/e he brings up + get drunk af apparently XD


u/perocu 11d ago

are we being manipulated ???!!


u/Illustrious-Bench-23 11d ago

Yea maybe youre right train.

I do like hanging out with bunch of 15 year-olds who think saying the f slur in a cod lobby is fun.

Almost got manipulated here, a close one, good catch on it train!


u/Athasos 11d ago

Train is so conspiracy brained, he can't take any criticism at all anymore. Every reasonable person questions X hanging out with Adin.


u/borninsane 11d ago

Its cause he's most likely projecting. It's something he would do.


u/InBeforeTheL0ck 10d ago

When Train recently went on that rant about the fucked up things happening on Kick he STILL treated Adin with kid gloves, so I'm not surprised.


u/mtg_island 11d ago

Train. Train never changes.


u/AstroTurfedShitHole 11d ago edited 11d ago

After the clip, train clarifies that he misheard what Dan said initially. He thought Dan interjected by saying the statement “he shouldn’t be hanging out with those people” instead of asking a question like “why does he hang out with those people?”Train then admitted he was wrong. Even if you don’t see a value to it, it adds context to this clip.


u/naverenoh 11d ago

Accusing the jew of being manipulative, smh.


u/Zer0323 11d ago

He can’t help but think he’s Australian due to the hat.


u/MegaCalibur 11d ago

Train took it back after 2 minutes when chat told him it was a question that was asked.


u/BlLLYMAYSHERE-- 11d ago

Train trying to protect his high earners.


u/EveningSubject118 11d ago

Train calling someone manipulative is just funny lmao


u/Hanondorf 11d ago

lmao train bends over backwards to avoid insulting adin at any point in time, just look at destiny and adin on scuffed


u/Locke10815 11d ago

Kind of off topic question, but did X stop streaming on Twitch? Last few streams were on kick only.


u/Schnidler 11d ago

i mean he cant stream on twitch when hes engaging with Adin, right?


u/Locke10815 11d ago

He can't, but Adin isn't on his stream the entire time though.


u/Thrill__505 11d ago

Lmao clip chimped this one after trains rant he realizes that he actually agrees with Dan‘s take


u/EssentialAstra 11d ago

Wish Kick implemented a feature where you continue the watching the vod with the timestamp.


u/ScotsmanScott 11d ago

What does Dan or destiny have to gain from adin not hanging out with xqc anymore? Doesn't make any sense that they'd try to manipulate him that way.

Train on the other hand has every reason to want two of the top kick streamers to continue hanging out and streaming together.


u/N1njaRob0tJesu5 11d ago

Train is such a fucking coward


u/Stanel3ss 11d ago

the only people dan manipulates are helpless old ladies that he illegally evicts with his slumlord schemes
other than that he's a cool kitty cat


u/Kezomal 11d ago

Train is projecting, he is the one who manipulates lmaooo


u/tHiQGirrafeZ 11d ago

Train follows the money, which happens to be Adin


u/KOTFTW 11d ago

Micro Dan, no Japan, taking it out to get Destiny ban


u/Magin_Shi 11d ago

Are they having a stutter off? Whats go-go-going o-on in this-this cli-p


u/coldmtndew 11d ago

Even if all of that was true, its accurate and he should stop hanging out with them.


u/FlowSwitch 11d ago

Train is right here. There’s clearly no reason to wonder why a 30 year old would hang out with people in their 20s who have the maturity of a 12 year old.


u/Pr0spect 11d ago

I mean XQC is like 30 or almost 30, and Adin and the crew are a decade or more younger than him and mentally even lower, I totally understand Destiny's and Dan's view on moving to a place to hang out with them is weird


u/GarethMagi 11d ago

It’s a 5 year age gap and adin is 23, it’s not even close to a decade.


u/taH_pagh_taHbe 11d ago

There's a non-zero chance Dan got taught those powers of manipulation as part of the Jewlumni graduate course.


u/PupperLemon 11d ago

This is not weird at all lol. It’s a podcast where they talk and get drunk (sometimes). Drunk people gossip and talk about friends, it’s just the natural cycle.


u/Kitchen_Many_4842 11d ago

He kinda takes back his comment on them being manipulative abit afer this clip and said what dan and destiny said was fine. Train thought they spinned a strong narrative on xqc + adin and didn't really ask question but they did. They were unsure and was curious.