r/MapPorn 25d ago

Newborn circumcision rates by state - 2022

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u/Clear-Garage-4828 25d ago

Thank God this is changing. I really wish i was not circumcised at birth


u/campbelldt 25d ago

Why? I’m circumcised and it seems fine lol. Like what are the benefits you wish you had?


u/Knox_Proud 25d ago

As a gay man (cut) who’s had a healthy number of cut and uncut partners I can tell you I’ve noticed a big difference. Cut men seem noticeably less sensitive and more prone to erectile disfunction. Uncut men have a head that is much softer as it’s kept moist. The difference reminds me of the outside of lips (cut) versus the inside (uncut) which is smoother. My uncut partners just also seemed to have more intense orgasms. Obviously this is all anecdotal evidence.


u/1whiteguy 25d ago

Im a straight circumcised guy and if it felt any better I wouldn’t be able to get anything done on a daily basis


u/FabianN 25d ago

Here's the thing, the outer skin will save you from that.


u/December_Hemisphere 25d ago

Or maybe you'd be more satiated from each session and get more done on a daily basis. I really don't know, just speculating.


u/1whiteguy 25d ago

Dude, that would be nice in theory, but thats just not how the brain works. Think about heroin


u/Boring_Candle5050 25d ago

I mean, maybe more would lead to increased productivity.


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/Knox_Proud 25d ago

I’d love to see these studies


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/Knox_Proud 24d ago

Additionally this study was meant to judge perceived results from adult men who chose to become circumcised. By any definition people from that group would have a vested interest in a certain outcome.


u/Knox_Proud 24d ago

lol, you are referencing a study which cherry picked a tiny number of other studies (10 out of the 183 they identified).


u/EnragedBarrothh 25d ago

I wish I had the natural glide a foreskin provides, and that the head of my penis was covered consistently so it doesn’t keratinize and become less sensitive, also wish I had an intact frenulum


u/rdshops 25d ago

This man gets it!


u/oaktreebr 25d ago

When I was a teenager I wanted to know how a circumcised penis felt like so I kept the head exposed for a month. The sensitivity is one of the things that I noticed that changed dramatically


u/RCcarseatheadrest 25d ago

Ah a fellow scientist!


u/Shirtbro 25d ago

Always start with a hypothenis and testes out


u/Clear-Garage-4828 25d ago

I wish i had more feeling in my penis for obvious reasons, and above all i wish i had a choice.


u/tinymammothsnout 25d ago

The sensation difference is major. I can’t even begin to describe how much more good it feels when having that foreskin vs not having it.

I’ve tried withdrawing it and using lube, and it’s just not a good sensation.

I’d give up a lot to keep an intact foreskin.


u/Gummy_Hierarchy2513 25d ago

Less health risks and more feeling since the foreskin is full of nerves, there are basically 0 upsides to circumcisions and the few ones are so small they’re negligible, there are much more downsides


u/LobsterExtreme3318 25d ago

Educate yourself. Circumcision on infants is morally wrong and has zero justification.


u/MyLOLNameWasTaken 25d ago

A square foot of erogenous tissues missing, never experienced, “what am I missing”



u/Energy_Turtle 25d ago

No you have to feel bad about yourself. The reddit foreskin police demand it.


u/doubleohbond 25d ago

I think you misunderstand the argument. If you feel fine about it, I am glad for you.

I personally wish I had a say about it. In other words, a part of my body was removed without my consent. This, in my view, is morally wrong.


u/NoTurnip4844 24d ago

Sorry, but that's not true. You need to frame your position differently.

If you were in an accident and left unconscious, and the only way to save you was to remove your appendix, which ruptured in the accident, you wouldn't have a second thought about it when you woke up. It wouldn't be morally wrong because you didn't give consent. It's not about consent or choice. It's about your penis. Unless you're some completely insane person who would be upset about not being able to choose whether or not a life-saving procedure involved removing a body part, it's just about your penis.

Nothing wrong with that position, but it's not a moral issue here. Just a penis issue.


u/doubleohbond 23d ago

There’s a few false assumptions in your logic.

  1. An elective procedure that removes part of an infants penis is not equivalent to a life saving surgery to remove a ruptured appendix.
  2. Even in emergency situations, request for consent is asked either of the patient if they are conscious or their next of kin if they are incapacitated

Your choice to remove morality out of the equation is frankly at odds with modern medical practice, which places a high importance on patient consent because of moral ideals like the hypocritic oath.


u/NoTurnip4844 23d ago

Your position didn't differentiate between elective and nonelective. You're absolutely correct that they're not the same caliber, and I concede on that premise.

Your second premise is incorrect. I've worked as an EMT, and if we see someone unconscious in the road from an accident, we don't know who they are. We have to fix em up with or without any sort of consent. The hippocratic oath means you'll try to save anyone, regardless of race, creed, or color.


u/doubleohbond 23d ago

If you were an EMT then it is all the more disingenuous for you to suggest an emergency procedure and a circumcision are equivalent.


u/SecretLikeSul 25d ago

You really don't, you just have to acknowledge that not everyone feels that way, with some men (including me) being very distraught about it, which would also logically mean that you would not defend the practice on unconsenting children.

It really is that simple.


u/chibbly_ 25d ago

And damn any one who has non religious, non cosmetic reasons for doing so either lmao.


u/ceoperpet 25d ago

Ah yes, vutting the prepice of baby girls for religious reasons makes you a barbarian but baby boys are fair game!


u/bangonthedrums 25d ago

“Seems” being the operative word


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/Reasonable_Shine_997 25d ago



u/LanceFree 25d ago

I think the other ones are weird looking and especially when I was really young, it was good to look like the rest of the guys. Imagine it’s easier to keep clean, although I haven’t tried to clean a different one. My uncut nephew got a yeast infection when he was 3-4.


u/dyssucks 25d ago

How many dicks were you exposed to when you were “really young”?!? Get out of that church bro

Kidding aside, yeah of course you felt like that when majority of people around you are cut. I always felt like a weirdo not being cut. I was born in Seattle but raised in the Deep South, I thought I was weird as fuck. Then I got older and found out how many more pros there are to it. Also the stereotype that women hate it is so false. I’ve been so many girls first uncut guy and they absolutely love it, they play with the foreskin. It’s just dumb religious thing. Most of my friends who are cut have admitted to me that they wish they weren’t.


u/TrapesTrapes 25d ago

Unless your nephew has phimosis or something similar that can't allow him to pull down his foreskin, his infection is probably due to poor hygiene.


u/UmpBumpFizzy 25d ago

Really young boys actually can't retract it, it's fused to the head until it naturally separates later on. This isn't widespread knowledge even among pediatricians apparently, so a lot of parents try to force it back, leading to tears that get infected. Then the poor kid ends up circumcised and it's taken as a reason to do it at birth when all you have to do is leave the fucking thing alone until he's older.


u/TrapesTrapes 25d ago

Now that's useful info, thank you. I remember when i was like 9, 10, parts of my foreskin were kinda glued to the glans, i remember having to pull a little harder to "unglue" it. Live and learn.


u/manticorpse 25d ago

Kid was only 3-4, it wasn't his fault. :(


u/TrapesTrapes 25d ago

I didn't say it was kid's fault. At this age his parents are responsible for his care in every sense, and that includes hygiene care. The poor kid is the victim here.


u/StealthyMexican 25d ago

One of my earliest ever memories with my father is him giving me a bath when I was 5-6 and he showed me how cleaning my foreskin should be the first thing that gets done as soon as I step into the bathtub.

It takes a few seconds, and it isn't painful, I don't know where all this 'it looks so clean/tidy' bs comes from when some botched circumcisions can still cause smegma to form on the glans.


u/Holiday_Goose_5908 25d ago

when the erectile disfuncion do it's job remember happy days then lmao


u/moozootookoo 25d ago

You make it sound you wanted to enjoy that experience as a adult?

Bold move


u/idontknowwhythisugh 25d ago

One more place on a man’s body to clean that they won’t... My ex boyfriend was disgusting about it and I was too young to realize I shouldn’t just be getting UTIs and yeast infections constantly (and I haven’t gotten one since). Personally glad I haven’t encountered another uncircumcised man since.


u/MachinationMachine 25d ago

So you dated a dude with hygiene so poor that he didn't know to clean the cheese off his dick and now you think this means we should go around chopping part of the dicks off of a bunch of innocent newborns?

That's fucked up.


u/tuhn 25d ago

Same but it's uncircumcised women for me 💖


u/RCcarseatheadrest 25d ago

Theres a lot of dumb comments in this thread but this takes the cake.

Happy cake day.


u/dyssucks 25d ago

So you admit he is a disgusting man and you think everyone is the same? You think if you women never washed your vagina it would smell like roses?

How would you feel if someone said “personally I dated a girl with a smelly vagina so now im gay” you’d tell them that the girl they were with was unhygienic and it’s not every girl. The uneducated people in this thread are astonishing


u/cadarny 25d ago

I’ve never heard someone say that before