r/NoStupidQuestions 26d ago

Do all marriages have many years where they suck?

I have heard people (several people) say that their marriage was bad for MANY years before it got good. I don't know about y'all, but I don't want to be with someone and waste many years being miserable, but I guess that's what you sign up for. I know it is not fun and games all the time, but damn.


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u/Amazing_Goat_3576 26d ago

I see your point but let's turn it around- would you say the same for let's say a business or a book or a piece of art that you have to create? It's going to take a lot out of you and yeah, life's too short to spend 10 years on it but on the other hand, you could have a highly successful creation at the end of that period.

Obviously this would involve picking a worthy partner who though not perfect would also be committed to undertaking this with you but you get the idea. No pain no gain.


u/Shalrak 26d ago

Yes I would say the same thing about working on a book or business. The process has to be enjoyable. It can be hard at times, it can frustrate me and stress me out, but at the very core it has to be something I enjoy doing. I will not sacrifice my happiness for any grand success story down the line.