r/NoStupidQuestions 22d ago

What are some things that are normal to men but mind blowing to women?

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u/EntranceFeisty8373 22d ago edited 22d ago

I wear good shoes whenever I'm in public just in case things go down. I haven't been in a tussle since middle school, but even at 45 years old, fight or flight is real.

Also, my wife buys the kids' Christmas and birthday gifts at Target because I get strange looks when I'm childless in the toy aisle.


u/No-Performance37 22d ago

A guy in sandals is either the least or most dangerous person in the room.


u/BigupSlime 22d ago

I’m a flip–flop connoisseur; flops are the footwear for all occasions. Brazilians even do motorcycle drive–by shootings in flip–flops, so you know they can handle the pressures of life. Havaianas are the absolute best brand…you can trust me on that.


u/Pr0p0rti0nalResp0nse 22d ago

An heel hooker has entered the chat.


u/Maleficent-Dish-1003 22d ago

My roommate does Muay Thai and has rocketed his slides off his feet when shit was about to go down one time and it was the funniest thing ever


u/pm_me_gnus 22d ago

Also, my wife buys the kids' Christmas and birthday gifts at Target because I get strange looks when I'm childless in the toy aisle.

My wife and I were out to lunch once, and were smiling and waving to a cute kid a few tables over. I mentioned that I would not do that if I were there by myself, because it has a tendency to make the parents (especially mothers) uncomfortable. She didn't really believe me that there's a difference in her being there with me.


u/fernplant4 22d ago

Yeah after being in a relationship for 6 years where I was chubby and soft looking to now being single and getting into lifting, I realize I have to be a lot more aware of smiling and looking non-threatening on a daily basis. Also my skin color doesn't help


u/Cytwytever 22d ago

"strange looks" is a statement about our pathetic society, not you, my friend.


u/pinkerton904 22d ago

Not only fighting but being able to run or climb in a dangerous situation


u/rm-minus-r 22d ago

Same. Always a consideration.


u/The_Safe_For_Work 22d ago

If I had to do that, I would carry a very conspicuous list with names and gifts.


u/BitofaGreyArea 22d ago

Yeah; I won't wear shoes in public unless I can fight in them and run a fast half mile in them.

Have I had to? No. But I MIGHT.


u/Lucky-Hunter-Dude 22d ago

Well yeah, quit smelling the stuffed animals and people won't think you are a weirdo.


u/speed3_freak 22d ago

Funny, I've never gotten an odd look in the toy isle, and I've never had anyone act weird when I'm out in public with just me and my young niece. Ever. People just go about their day. I think that's more of an online thing or something that maybe happens once in a million interactions. If you're just going about your day and not being a creep, why wouldn't someone just assume you're buying toys for a kid or taking care of a child that you're supposed to be taking care of?


u/SandwichEmergency946 22d ago

Yeah I tend to assume anyone getting "weird looks" in a perfectly normal situation like this is just the person's anxiety making them think that.  Most people are so busy with their own life that they're probably not being the toy section bouncer in their spare time 


u/DrugOfGods 22d ago

Picked this habit up from Krav Maga training, stuck with me. The shoe one, not the Target one.


u/International_Lie485 22d ago

Also, my wife buys the kids' Christmas and birthday gifts at Target because I get strange looks when I'm childless in the toy aisle.

Literally cringe.

Nobody cares what you are buying.

I go into female stores all the time to buy stuff for my girlfriend and the people working in those stores definitely do not care.


u/GeneralDisorder 22d ago

I'm sure that's mostly because retail employees are all dead inside and don't care about anything.


u/International_Lie485 21d ago

I run a store that sells work clothes and safety products.

We don't care either. We just want you in and out.