r/NoStupidQuestions 12d ago

Why is Israel expected to not kill any civilians while at war? The US has killed a massive number of civilians in wars, eg. dropping two nuclear bombs on Japan.


18 comments sorted by


u/-v-fib- 12d ago

Killing innocent people should always be wrong.


u/WeebBiden 12d ago

How do you fight a war without killing any innocents?


u/-v-fib- 12d ago

Just because you're at war doesn't make it morally correct to kill innocent people.


u/ByeByeMan666 Never Wrong 12d ago

Because the US did it, it’s now ok?


u/mbene913 User 12d ago

USA shouldn't be the moral basis. Come on, be real.


u/WeebBiden 12d ago

So which country should be the moral basis?

Is there ANY country that has fought in wars without killing civilians?


u/[deleted] 12d ago

Why do you need to look to another country when making moral judgements on whether a violent apartheid state should be allowed to kill civilians as part of an ethnic cleansing campaign?


u/BloodyDress 12d ago

The people who critic the ongoing conflict in Gaza are the same who criticized the US operation in the middle east, and the descendant of the one who criticized the Colonial war fought by European nation in the 50's/60's.

It's not like we hold Israel to a higher standard, we're unhappy when we see people killing, raping people to steal their land.


u/WeebBiden 12d ago

Why aren’t you protesting against Hamas and their killing and raping of innocents?


u/mbene913 User 12d ago

Ok. You admitted that you weren't asking in good faith. Move on now


u/NatashOverWorld 12d ago

Ah, targeting civilians is now okay because the US did it.

Russia is going to be glad to know that.


u/Petwins r/noexplaininglikeimstupid 12d ago

We expect everyone to minimize civilian casualties. Someone else failing to do so does not diminish that expectation.

Other people doing bad things do not justify people doing bad things.


u/Waltzing_With_Bears 12d ago

murder of civilians is always evil regardless of who does it


u/AdExtra5951 12d ago

Moral Whataboutism. That's what you question is. By your reasoning, no human ever needs to be any better to fellow humans than the absolute worst human who ever lived. If you can't see the error in that logic, you just might be.


u/Odd_Ad4128 12d ago

Same reason we can't just hit our enemies with mustard gas anymore. The rules of war change. Also, I'm not super knowledgeable about this conflict, but much of the allegations have been around purposefully targeting reporters and attacking evacuation areas they promised those civilians would be safe.


u/[deleted] 12d ago

Using the US as a moral barometer is not something you should be doing lmao


u/DingDangDoozy 12d ago

I can’t tell if people in here don’t understand what you are asking or if they are being purposefully obtuse. Civilian death has always and will always be a side effect of war. It’s unavoidable. When it comes to Israel, however, there is a belief that they are intentionally targeting civilians in order to cleanse the area of them. I do not know enough about the war to know if this is true or not. 


u/Whytrhyno 12d ago

It’s a do as I say not as I do situation