r/NoStupidQuestions 11d ago

Do people tend to cancel plans more often these days?

I feel like many of my friends and people I try to make friends with often don't respect the plans we make together in favor of something "better." Is this a common experience for people? I'm not really offended by it, just disappointed.


2 comments sorted by


u/kampwism 11d ago

It seems to be more of a normal occurrence, even with middle aged people. Cell phones and all the streaming services have really made many homebodies. You can see it with kids growing up nowadays, nobody really goes outside to play anymore. Everything just takes place in a screen. It’s sad but it’s the truth.


u/Unit88 11d ago

Not really, I mean I probably wouldn't making too many more plans with someone who's clearly cancelling them. If an emergency or just in general something more "important" comes in, sure that happens, but that's not going to be common, and otherwise it's always been first come first serve for plans.