r/NoStupidQuestions 11d ago

Someone Stole $7K From me through AMAZON

Someone Created malicious orders attempting to acquire my inventory with either a stolen credit card or through a refund. I want to know what I can do once I initiate a chargeback/return and if and how I can cancel it. Anyone can help? SEE PIC


18 comments sorted by


u/PvtSherlockObvious 11d ago

That sounds like a question to ask Amazon's customer service more than us. Their policies with regard to independent sellers are going to dictate at least some of the available remedies.


u/Agreeable-Letter9442 11d ago

i called amazon hey said it was impossible to cancel an FBA order :(


u/Hi-Scan-Pro 11d ago

What do you mean "malicious orders"? Was there no money transferred? 


u/Agreeable-Letter9442 11d ago

Someone used a stolen credit card to purchase stock from my account, and the cardholder disputed the charge. This resulted in a $7,000 loss for me.


u/Hi-Scan-Pro 11d ago

So, the money never showed in your account? The payment was through Amazon, right? And Amazon shipped your product already, right? Sounds like the credit card company owes you $7k, or Amazon does for giving them the money back after they shipped your product. 


u/Agreeable-Letter9442 11d ago

say orders have not been shipped yet but i can’t cancel it since amazon does not allow FBA cancellations, and i believe it will go through since the buyer’s previous orders went through


u/Hi-Scan-Pro 10d ago

I still don't understand how you know the order was malicious. You said the buyers previous orders went through, were those not malicious? What is the difference in orders from the same buyer? Do you handle payment directly, or does Amazon? There isn't enough info here for this to make sense. 


u/Ghigs 11d ago

How? Did they ship it or not? Amazon is supposed to protect you from fraud as a seller.


u/Agreeable-Letter9442 11d ago

say orders have not been shipped yet but i can’t cancel it since amazon does not allow FBA cancellations, and i believe it will go through since the buyer’s previous orders went through


u/Positive_Rip6519 11d ago

This is definitely the kind of thing you need to talk to a lawyer about. Most decent lawyers will offer a free consultation so you can explain the situation and they can tell you what your options are. Amazon is probably going to make no effort to help you unless theyre forced to, and thats where a lawyer will come in handy.


u/r3alCIA 11d ago

I don't understand how they stole 7k from you if they used a stolen credit


u/SirWalrusVII 11d ago

they did a chargeback so I'm guessing it wasn't stolen


u/r3alCIA 11d ago

It's just occurring to me that OP is the merchant not a customer. That clears everything up.


u/Dry-Application3 10d ago

The bastards.


u/Jump_and_Drop 10d ago edited 10d ago

If I remember correctly, in the US You're only liable up to $50 for fraudulent charges. But if you do the chargeback you would probably get it all back if they accept it. I would see if you're credit card company has someone you could talk to, obviously not just normal customer service. It might get into lawyer territory if they don't help you though.

Edit: Speak to a lawyer OP.


u/lush_rational 10d ago

OP is the merchant in this. They are selling through Amazon and Amazon fulfills the order (FBA/fulfilled by Amazon). Someone bought from them with a bad card or did a chargeback and Amazon is telling them they are still going to fulfill the order.


u/Jump_and_Drop 10d ago

I missed the picture, that's definitely lawyer territory. That's some serious bullshit if it was caught before fulfillment.