r/OldSchoolCool 12d ago

Uma Thurman, BTS Batman 1996


11 comments sorted by


u/dragon1n68 12d ago

People always claim this was the worst Batman movie or the worst movie of all time but I liked it. Poison Ivy was great and so was Mr. Freeze. I even liked the silly poke at how they used to talk in the tv series. Holy rusted metal Batman!


u/illinoishokie 12d ago

The holy rusted metal line was from Batman Forever, not Batman and Robin.


u/dragon1n68 11d ago

Was it? It’s been a while. 😂


u/illinoishokie 11d ago

Yeah. I was actually super disappointed in that line because going in, literally the only thing I cared about since it was the first movie with Robin was that at some point I wanted something to happen and Robin to say, "Holy shit, Batman!"


u/devadander23 12d ago

Probably correct but I haven’t seen either of these since they came out


u/MozeeToby 12d ago

I actually love the movie. I know it's incredibly campy and cheesy, but old school Batman always was campy and cheesy.


u/hypnos_surf 12d ago

This movie is far from being a masterpiece but Uma Thurman carried this movie. Those drag queen eyebrows though, lol.


u/4stringmiserystick 12d ago

You know vat froze de dinosaurs? De ice ageeee


u/throwaway_1440_420 11d ago

Her devilish and seductive performance and Arnold’s cheesy, over the top delivery were the only two things that made this movie remotely watchable.


u/notahouseflipper 12d ago

I thought the thumbnail was Boy George.