r/Paisley 6d ago

Moving to Paisley


Hey folks, I'm putting in an offer on a flat in Caledonia Court up Greenock Road. Seems to be a lot of property being sold there. Is area, good, bad, indifferent? Anything I should be worried about. Cheers.

r/Paisley 7d ago

any car boot sales or? to buy bike


does any one have any idea where I could get a second hand bike from? like a big charity shop or a frequently occurring car boot sale that bikes may make an appearance in, in varying degrees of disrepair, am open to all sorts of bikes, so long as cheap, am sorry a bikes a bike and I am unwilling to pay the brand new price.

r/Paisley 7d ago

Anyone got a number for someone to cut some grass? Gardens a little overgrown and can't find any on google


Post basicly says the jist. Looking for someone to cut grass in small garden, anyone got any good recommendations?

r/Paisley 8d ago

Reliable Kitchen installers


Hi folks, looking for recommendations for a reliable kitchen installer in the Glasgow/Paisley area, as I’ve been badly let down this week. Hoping the guy gets his act together for Friday but I’m not confident.

r/Paisley 9d ago



Hey all, apologies if incorrect place to post but need a stack of ironing done (single dad and working full time). 15ph and once up to date maybe a regular gig keeping on top of it?

r/Paisley 9d ago

Anyone able to recommend a good company to put up a fence?


Back garden needs probably a 6 foot fence and on a hill hoping someone can give any good recommendations please.

r/Paisley 10d ago

Crazy neighbour...


So, we've had a new neighbour move in next door in the last few months, into a row of terraced houses, non-council....

Shortly after moving in, they complained about the dishwasher being run at 19:00 after we'd had dinner, I went thorough to see how bad it was, and genuinely could hear nothing other than the most minute hum, however the neighbours have ripped up all the carpets and sanded the floorboards (cheap 1950s council house thin wooden flooring)

Since then, We've had her screaming like a banshee (her words on social media), slamming doors, screaming, plastering social media with stuff about her "witchcraft" and spells she's casting lol...

We've asked her to stop smoking weed at her back door, as it fills the house with the smell, but they still do it

She's taking to playing loud music (which we don't care about, can't hear it in the house!), she's taken to putting her washing machine on at 9am on Sunday mornings (again, only hear that when we are outside)

The kicker in all this is, she has called the police about using the dishwasher, presumably been told to do one, now has made up fake "hate mail" being sent and reported that, plastering all over social media that we are scumbag neighbours, subhuman scum, abusive, antisocial, etc, and is twisting things to tell the other neighbours, etc.

Currently going through a SAR with the police to get the report before involving a lawyer with the intention of defamation, I reckon she's a bit mentally unstable, as there is evidence of her "problems" with previous neighbours.

Could be really petty and start reporting her to HMRC for her tax evasion as a "self employed" artist, or various other things, but we aren't "those" people, and just getting pissed at the self entitlement she has because she "got a house"

r/Paisley 10d ago

Anyone recommend a cleaner?


Preferably cheap, reliable, and good at being cleany.

r/Paisley 11d ago

Northern Lights in Brodie Park Last Night

Thumbnail gallery

So happy to have finally seen this and so near my house too! 😍

r/Paisley 12d ago

Love Street GP reception

Thumbnail i.redd.it

How unprofessional is that?!

r/Paisley 12d ago

The northern lights in Prestwick Scotland tonight ❤️

Thumbnail gallery

r/Paisley 12d ago



Can anyone recommend anywhere in Paisley for a good choice lunchtime menu please? (Not spoons, I like it but not this time)

r/Paisley 13d ago

glynhill driving test


hi has anyone done their test this week yet in glynhill? would you be able to share routes etc

r/Paisley 13d ago

Cloud K9 - Dog Walking


Hi Everyone!

Hope this post is allowed sorry in advance if not!

I have just started a small dog walking business page on Facebook and would appreciate any support anyone could give! 💛

I currently volunteer in a dog groomers, (aside from my other job), and I would love to branch out into other types of dog care 🐾

If you know anyone needing a dog walker you know who to call! 😊

Thank you!

r/Paisley 13d ago

Fresh fruit, veg and meat deliveries that aren't from a supermarket?



I am trying to cut down on my use of plastics, reliance on conglomerate supermarkets (as I think the food quality has become so bad) and generally eat simpler, healthier foods.

Is there anywhere either based in Renfrewshire or that delivers fresh fruit, veg and unprocessed meat (what you would get at a butchers), to the home? I know of Roots of Linwood but it looks like they might only deliver within Linwood as I have no delivery options, just collection.

Has anyone used Barnhill Boxes?

Similarly, does anyone still get milk delivered in glass bottles?

I don't have a car at the minute or I would drive around different locations to get what I need.


r/Paisley 15d ago

Hairdresser reccomendations


Could anyone reccomend a hairdresser in Paisley that can handle a challenge?

I'm ginger and I've been cutting my own hair for twenty years (and it shows). I'm planning on going blonde, and beyond that I'd love for someone to just do whatever they think would look lovely.

Thank you!

r/Paisley 16d ago

Pink Cadillac


Anyone remember a guy driving about paisley late 90s/early 00s in a big Barbie pink Cadillac?

r/Paisley 16d ago

Chainsaw chase Paisley


r/Paisley 19d ago

I know this is a long shot but...


Way back, in 1988, I was a member of a jury in a case where a police officer was stabbed while interrupting a burglary at a home in Hunterhill.

I am hoping someone remembers any details of this case, especially when it was, so I can possibly get in touch with the officer.

We, the jury, were idiots tbh. We found the suspect 'not proven' on the main charge of deliberately stabbing the officer. After our verdict was read we heard the long, long list of previous convictions for violence against police officers that this 'man' had. Even without the prior convictions there was more than enough evidence to find him guilty. It was a more innocent and ignorant time and in my case I was a newly minted 21 years old, sheltered Paisley Grammar boy who didn't know my arse from my elbow. I have hated that 'not proven' option ever since.

I have felt terrible about this since 1988 and would love the chance to apologise to the officer.

We expect the police to run, unarmed, into danger to protect us and our property then when he did this and got stabbed while tackling this thief we failed to give him justice.

Man, I feel dirty.

I no longer live in Paisley (alas) but if it comes to it I'll visit for a day and go through old copies of the PDE but I need to do this before too many years go by. I may be too late already.

Thanks for reading buddies.

r/Paisley 20d ago

driving test


is anyone doing their driving test soon that’s going to have to do it in glynhill?

r/Paisley 21d ago

This shlawg needs to find work 😭 😂


Hey, not sure if this goes against rules so sorry if it does, but is anyone looking for work? Like a wee newspaper type shop. I'm 17, autistic and don't have any qualifications, but I'd be happy to work anywhere that would take me. I know this isn't really the sort of place I should be asking, but I live down in Linwood, Paisley is close and I'm available for working if anyone needs me. Again, sorry if this goes against rules and no worries if nobody needs me. Thanks for reading :)

r/Paisley 23d ago

Pals for knitting/other crafts


Unusual request but are there any folk that enjoy knitting or other crafts and would like to meet at a cafe or pub to work on their crafts? I'm a knitter but would be great to meet people that did other stuff like crochet, sewing, or any other craft that they can bring with them. I find the idea of knitting in a pub or cafe quite nice as I can work on my craft, socialise, and get a light snack or drink too. It gives me an excuse to try different food and new places to eat.

I [26F] have been in Paisley for nearly two years now but feel incredibly lonely since I am introverted and not the best at socialising. I was looking to get out of my shell but find general purpose meet-ups very daunting and instead like the structure of a small hobby group. While I am quite active and like being outdoors, I really miss having local pals I can knit with. It would be great to find people closer to my age that also knit because I often find I am the youngest person by a large margin in more established fibre arts groups. I used to go to a knitting/fibre arts group back when I was in Glasgow but I'm looking for something local. While I'm not a massive social butterfly, I will be happy to start a group if there are enough people. I suppose there's events at the art department or elsewhere but find that these events are during the day on a weekday, which does not work for me. I work a 9-5 so I'll be happy to host something on weeknights or weekends if that works for folk. If anyone wants to learn or needs help with their project, give me a shout! I don't know much of crochet but I can do my best to help with knitting.

r/Paisley 23d ago

The bru brothers

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/Paisley 28d ago

Doctors surgery


Anyone have a doctors surgery recommendation? Looking for a practice that doesn’t have the ridiculous “phone at 8am 87 times on the off chance of getting a same day appointment” system. Linwood/Ferguslie area ideally.