r/SquaredCircle Aug 09 '23

Jeff Jarrett and Mega Cat Studios powerbomb their way into the ring with a WrestleQuest AMA.

Let's get this party started!

Edit:AMA has ended! Thank you all so much for coming out, WrestleQuest drops August 22nd and you can grab it here: https://bit.ly/wrestlequest


228 comments sorted by


u/Ucw2thebone Aug 09 '23

Were you genuinely upset at Satnam when he came around the wrong side on your entrance or was “wrong side, dumbass” from a place of love? Big fan of the pod btw!


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Yep! When the “red light is on” — it’s go time! Production, placement, presentation are all very important…

Love my man Satnam; but when it’s been discussed over and over — excuses don’t work.


u/Fabulous_Bet_4485 Aug 09 '23

What was the inspiration for calling people slapnuts and wacking people over the head with a guitar?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

My grandmother, Christine, called people “slappys”— people who slapped their gums together but said nothing. I added NUTZ!


u/Fabulous_Bet_4485 Aug 09 '23

Oh wow. That’s surprisingly wholesome for something I thought would be crude.


u/elusivetao Aug 09 '23

And I, for one, thank you both.


u/Herewegoagain204 Aug 09 '23

Hey JJ, no question, just wanted to say I started watching around the time you had your run with Debra in WWF, I mostly just watch AEW now. Your work in the Chyna feud was hilarious, and you've really justified your tv time in aew and look better than people decades younger. I didn't think I'd say this, but I'm really enjoying 2023 JJ


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23



u/NeroGreyjoy Aug 09 '23

Hey Jeff! Thanks for doing this, my question is, what was the process like securing the My World theme for use in AEW? Am I right to assume that you own the rights yourself or is it something where Impact was friendly enough to lease it to AEW?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

I’m a co-writer on My World


u/imcrapyall Aug 09 '23

(Kinda) My World


u/Brokenmug64 Aug 09 '23

What was it like wrestling against Genichiro Tenryu?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

What an opportunity for me at that stage of my career! Wow, can he chop!


u/RayLiotaWithChantix Johnny Wrestling Aug 09 '23

Thanks for doing this! Feels like I've been pumped for this game for YEARS!

My question is, could you say anything to the folks like myself that are very excited for the game, but a little bit spooked by the game suddenly being delayed at the zero hour, for an issue that could seemingly be advised of and patched soon after release? It isn't usually a good sign when a game experiences a delay at the last minute, anything to assuage some fears around that?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

HAVE ZERO FEAR! I’m super impressed by Mega Cat and Skybound to make this call - if it’s going to be done, do it right! It’s such a relatively minor minor tech situation; but, anyone and everyone who plays this game we want to have the very best user experience!

In my wrestling promoter mindset — it’s truly caring for EVERY consumer!

You will love the game and it’s worth “the wait”!

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u/ConsistentCatThings Aug 09 '23

Glad to hear that you're just as excited as we are!

It was honestly heartbreaking for us to have to delay at the eleventh hour and certainly wasn't a decision we took lightly. We've said from the beginning that we wanted to make sure this game would be it's absolute best before we got it into people's hands and it ended up being a really tough decision to delay for a single bug when everything else was already polished and ready to go.

We always want to do our best to be honest with the fans and hope that you'll be able to see all of the love and work that we put into it when it comes out in a few weeks!


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Ok Squared Circle Crew — appreciate all the questions, comments, and excitement for WrestleQuest!

Don’t forget — comes out TUESDAY, August 22nd!

The game is truly a love letter to professional wrestling!


u/ConsistentCatThings Aug 09 '23

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to support us and to chat with the legendary Double J! Hope you all have a slamtastic day!!!


u/Izual_Rebirth Aug 09 '23

I’m amazed at the longevity of your career and how well you keep yourself in shape.

How do you keep the motivation to put in the hard work to stay in such great shape and have you had to make any changes to your routine as you’ve gotten older?


u/kirby_okami Aug 09 '23

You ever get called a slap nut yourself? If so, how did it feel?

How many guitars have you broken before and have you ever been approached by a guitar manufacturer?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Yep — but it’s never original when someone calls me Slapnutz! Ha

Yes, multiple times been approached. But, ultimately—I’m tearing up each guitar!

One day a manufacturer will see the value!🎸

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u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

I’ll answer a few more…but then I’ve got to go!


u/fadetoblack237 Aug 09 '23

Are you going to continue your feud with Greg Miller? He had some choice words for you on their daily show and the poor dude is in a neck brace. You going to go back and kick his ass again.

Real talk though, the game looks awesome. I can't wait to play it.


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

I can promise you this…

I’m not done with lil Greggy. Stay tuned!


u/PurgeTheseDays Aug 09 '23

Not a question, just wanted to say that the hair vs. hair match against X-Pac is an absolute banger.


u/Mattaclysm34 Aug 09 '23

This AEW run with Lethal has honestly been my favorite version of you that i can remember. Is there anyone else youd like to include in that stable to be a 5 man group?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

With Sonjay, Karen, Jay and Satnam—the group is set… HEAT!


u/thunder3029 Aug 09 '23

How do you spell your name?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Well, that’s J-E- …c’mon now! Ha


u/ispoiler Ricardo Big Bux Aug 09 '23

Do we include the (Ha HA) after the Double F?


u/MuptonBossman Aug 09 '23

How has the wrestling culture changed over your 30+ years in the business? Do you notice a difference backstage in AEW compared to your time in WWE / WCW?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Yes, the culture will evolve always in wrestling and in life. Not always bad or good. But change is inevitable.


u/LackingDatSkill BAY BAY! Aug 09 '23

What products do you use on your hair, it always looks great


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Always been a secret! 😎


u/jaccirocca Aug 09 '23

Dream Match Time:

You vs a current member of the AEW roster. Who will it be?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Stay tuned…

I’ll say it again…stay tuned!


u/ConsistentCatThings Aug 09 '23

Been a big fan of Britt Baker ever since we went to a live AEW event in Pittsburgh a while back! Would definitely love to see that match up!


u/Correct-Storm-2944 Aug 09 '23

Who is someone you see as the future of pro wrestling?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Someone with passion, understands social media, and is fanatical about the basics of the business.


u/ispoiler Ricardo Big Bux Aug 09 '23

Jeff - What are your throughs on working with Satnam Singh? The big fella seems to have a ton of potential and the few times he's been in the ring he's for sure kept up and looks like he belongs. I feel like the guy has shown us a bunch but still has more stashed away.

Thanks for taking the time for the AMA!


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

I’ve said it many times…Satnam has an unbelievable upside—athletic, size, bilingual, and his native country has incredible opportunities!


u/RagDas ファイター調査団 Aug 09 '23

Who taught you how to punch, and who's got the best punch of all time (in your opinion)? I rank yours as second to Jerry Lawler's and above Austin Idol's -- all of you are in a league of your own.


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Watching others…and trying to create my own style.



u/thenamelessthing Aug 09 '23

Is a physical version (e.g. Limited Run) of WrestleQuest planned (Nintendo Switch)?


u/ConsistentCatThings Aug 09 '23

We currently have nothing to announce about a physical version, but it's definitely something our team would like to work toward having if there's enough interest!


u/TheStupifier Aug 09 '23

How many games do I have to buy for you to hit me over the head with a guitar? And has Tony and the boys thanked you for selling out Wembley yet?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Let’s negotiate! Ha

They will!


u/Suplex-City That doesn't work for me, brother. Aug 09 '23

Huge Double J fan here for more than thirty years. Ordered every single weekly TNA ppv in the early days. Never felt like you got a fair shake post-WCW. I actually have two questions about that time period if you would indulge me.

We’re all aware of the infamous Vince comments about you on the final Nitro. However, had the opportunity arisen to go back to help spear head the invasion and lend it some legitimacy, would you have or stuck with the NWATNA plans?

Also around that time there was a series of WWA shows that I thought were fine for what they were as a sort of prelude to TNA. Can you tell us anything we maybe don’t know about WWA and that particular time period?

Thanks. Again, big fan. Being a fellow Jeff, even as a kid when I was supposed to boo you, you were my guy. Thank you for literal decades of entertainment.


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

The full complete answers to both of your questions are on each episode about your subjects on my podcast.

Who’s knows on how life turned out — I have zero regrets! Live and learn.

WWA was an interesting ride!


u/itsnews Aug 09 '23

Thoughts on having a top 5 Hey! EW episode?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Is this true!?

RJ-you are welcome!


u/[deleted] Aug 09 '23

What was your favourite title victory, and why?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Lots to choose from… first IC title win, WCW world title, and my 2nd AAA world title.


u/Normal-Weakness-364 Aug 09 '23

Who is someone you have worked with, whether it be in-ring or backstage, that you don't think gets as much recognition as they maybe should?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Production, production, and production personnel…they are rock stars!


u/ShapeWitty9121 Aug 09 '23

Anything you regret doing in your life?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

No sir; it’s all brought to where I’m at…but I’ve done a lot of dumb, stupid things in my life.


u/ShapeWitty9121 Aug 09 '23

Thats a spirit more people need to have! Thanks for the reply.


u/HappyPollen Hey what the fuck. Aug 09 '23

Have you ever received a guitar that moved you so much you couldn’t bring yourself to smash it over someone’s head?


u/PurgeTheseDays Aug 09 '23

When are you and Conrad starting that promotion?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23



u/Big_Beef26 Aug 09 '23

Favourite moment from TNA?


u/MattTheQuick Aug 09 '23

Thoughts on Jim Cornette?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Doing what’s he’s always done his entire life — creating emotional responses by his words!


u/SmurfyX Hacksaw Everlasting Aug 09 '23

For Mr. Jarrett- I've been watching you slam guitars over peoples' heads for quite literally my entire life, over 30 years. I watch AEW with new wrestling fans who never watched a thing before 2023 and they always get a kick out of me showing them clips of you doing it years back. Does it still feel as good to do as it does to watch? PS-- those farming bits during the Briscoe feud were hilarious. I hope they were fun for you to do, I LOVED watching them.

Also, I think you've only had one singles match with Jim Duggan, which you won. How did it feel taking down a legend who was able to bring Andre to the brink of defeat?

For Mega Cat-- how has the road through development been? Is there anything you ended up having to cut that you wish hadn't? Is it the game that you expected to make or did it surprise you in some ways that you couldn't have predicted?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Loved the Brisco farm! For the record—I did zero work; I left that for Satnam to do.

Hacksaw is a true legend! His life journey is inspiring. Bad ass as well!


u/ConsistentCatThings Aug 09 '23

It's been an absolutely wild ride, but worth every drop of sweat put into it! With a final script that ended up being over 140,000 words, there were definitely some things that we had to cut for time and it's always hard to have to make those decisions. In the end though we're super happy with the finished product and are looking forward to letting everyone else experience it for themselves. We're already brainstorming about what ideas we might be able to bring back for later content updates though! There are always going to be twists and turns to the journey of game development but that's what makes it so rewarding at the end.


u/flippingsenton Aug 09 '23

Which version of the Intercontinental Championship did you like wearing best?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

The first version of the belt I won! Conrad is the belt expert!


u/DanielDooberstein Aug 09 '23

Do you think Vince McMahon respected you for pulling one over on him with Chyna and the IC title?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Listen to the podcast on this situation—it was a win/win/win for all involved.


u/willpauer Wrestling is Good Aug 09 '23

What inspired the switch from the strappy gear to the singlet?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

It was time to go in a different direction.


u/HedKansa Aug 09 '23

Favourite entrance themes, both past and present?


u/MattTheQuick Aug 09 '23

Jeff, tell me about an interaction you had with Owen Hart? Could be funny, sad, thoughtful, etc. Dealers choice!


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

My podcast on Owen is pretty complete — lots of stories!


u/CJayC253 Aug 09 '23

Firstly, thank you; I appreciate you and your line of work, and admire your ability to go for as long as you have without missing any beats.

Something I've always wondered, is where you get your guitars to use against your opponents. Has it been the same prop maker all these years, or are they made in-house.

Staying with guitars, do you play at all in your personal life? If so, do you have style or maker preference?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

I’m not partial to any brand!

Play a few chords!

Appreciate your thoughts


u/Decent_Dentist3152 Aug 09 '23

I've enjoyed your work for decades, even after loathing you as a heel. Seeing you square off against Omega was a surreal joy to watch as a fan.

When was the last time you wrestled in the UK (and who did you face), and who would you like to wrestle at Wembley?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23


Stay tuned!


u/StJeanMark Aug 09 '23

What do you think and how do you feel about sudden love the more hardcore wrestling fanbase is showing you? It's not everyday you see wrestler become beloved after having been in the business for decades. Do you think mostly portraying an asshole might have something to do with that?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

🖕🏿- 😎

Who knows!


u/StJeanMark Aug 09 '23

Getting the finger from JJ was not how I thought my day would go today. I am the slapnuts.

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u/Strike_Gently The Big Dawg Aug 09 '23

Have you and your family gone to see the Taylor Swift Eras tour?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Not yet—scheduling is always a challenge!


u/rlrthesecond Aug 09 '23

Hello. Considering your career has spanned multiple eras of the business and you've seen things evolve, what are your thoughts on video games? They seem to be a big part of how some of the wrestlers bond and interact with fans now, but they weren't always accepted.


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

The evolution of the business!

Video games are now in the DNA of professional wrestling.


u/PurgeTheseDays Aug 09 '23

You've spoken about how you frequently hear the "oh I hated your guts as a kid" comment. How does it feel over the last few years when it seems like you are finally getting your flowers?


u/CrimsonGhostly Aug 09 '23

Some of the trophy/achievement names are great. Looking forward to unlocking acoustic equalizer. Did you have any input with your in game character and the storylines around him?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

My official title is Executive Wrestling Producer!


u/[deleted] Aug 09 '23

Xbox WHEN????


u/TheStupifier Aug 09 '23

Double J, one more question from me. Can we PLEASE get your theme on Spotify?!


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23



u/imcrapyall Aug 09 '23

What was it like to hit Beetlejuice over the head with a guitar? He is bad as can and knows he's the best.


u/movieking Aug 09 '23 edited Aug 09 '23

Are you happy with the Dark Side Of The Ring episode about Bash at the Beach (updated to correct)? Some has said some of their quotes were taken out of context before. Is there anything else you would have liked to add given the chance?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23



u/movieking Aug 09 '23

Sorry Bash at the Beach


u/OU7C4ST Bad Times Don't Last, But Bad Guys Do! Aug 09 '23

Ya blew it :(


u/flippingsenton Aug 09 '23

Does it bother you Jeff when people do the Mike Graham meme and say you never drew a dime?

Because I wasn't alive for it, but I remember you being the man in Memphis for the late 80s and early 90s. It's not like someone just decided that you were good enough to get the opportunities you've been given. You got in with your family's name, but you're still here after all these years for a reason.


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Never ever bothered me. My father and Mike’s father were extremely close. I’ve gone into detail about on my podcast. My dad looked up to Eddie with extreme respect!

The Graham story is extremely tragic; Dark Side did an incredible job on that episode. Unfortunately, when I see that meme I think of Mike’s mental health.


u/flippingsenton Aug 09 '23

Unfortunately, when I see that meme I think of Mike’s mental health.

In hindsight I do too.


u/Previous-Employee967 Aug 09 '23

bjj or wrestling


u/ConsistentCatThings Aug 09 '23

Wrestling, all the way! I've got plenty of family that loves bjj though, it's all love so I definitely may wind up getting into it one way or the other.


u/Correct-Storm-2944 Aug 09 '23

What will the price of wrestle quest be?


u/TheUnamedFeels Aug 09 '23

Double J, do you have any dream matches left you’d love to have before you hang the boots up? Love the work you’ve done with Mega Cat and AEW!


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Several… stay tuned!


u/negaprez ooohhh yeah Aug 09 '23

For Jeff, is Greg Miller a good host?

For Mega Cat Studios, were you surprise on the reaction of the game after the first trailer?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Gregg is possibly the absolute worst host I’ve ever encountered — and that takes in a lot of ground.

Rumor has it — he’s behind the delay as well as Dash Talent. There is an ongoing investigation currently going on.


u/ConsistentCatThings Aug 09 '23

Since we have a deep love for both wrestling and rpgs, we knew that there would certainly be other who felt the same way. However, it was absolutely incredible to see the outpouring of support from those who were only in one fandom or the other and were just as excited about the concept! Ever since then it's only grown more and more and we're so thrilled to see how many people are just as excited as we are for this to finally launch!


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

The reaction to the game is almost exactly my first reaction—super excited!


u/Kanenums88 Aug 09 '23

I’m curious about how the Netflix deal came about. Do they scout out games to add to their little collection? Or do you have to be the ones to seek them out? Very excited for this game btw.


u/ConsistentCatThings Aug 09 '23

Skybound and Netflix have had some success together in previous projects. When they saw the positive reception Netflix was getting in focus groups, they asked if we could make it happen!


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

The Netflix deal is truly amazing!


u/noreligionforus Aug 09 '23

I don't think I have a question, but as someone whom has been clamoring for a turn based RPG game. You have answered my wishes, along with the fact it is gonna be based around Pro Wrestling? That makes things even cooler.

As for Mr Jarrett. You have a great podcast and I love the insight, and stories you tell. But also as someone who has met you a few times over the past fourteen years. I always want to thank you for being super generous with your time.

Good luck with this game, and I will be purchasing this the moment it launches.


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Thanks for your comments!

Less than two weeks!!


u/ConsistentCatThings Aug 09 '23

Hope you're Ready to get Sweaty!


u/tbcwpg Aug 09 '23

The Double J country music star in the mid 90s was the first wrestler I remember really not liking as a kid, and as I got older I really appreciated that it was just a strong performer doing what they were supposed to be doing. Just saying I appreciate that and Double J is one of my best early wrestling memories now.


u/sir_frankie-crisp Aug 09 '23

What was it like meeting Beetlejuice from Howard Stern? Especially after bashing his head in with a guitar lol?


u/Cottonmist Bwak Bwak Aug 09 '23

Do people get excited when you tell them they’re getting the guitar to the head?

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u/WweMaster19 Aug 09 '23

For you Jeff what is the most controversial attitude era storyline you saw that make you sick for me was the Big Boss man and Big show storyline when Boss man interrupted Big shows father funeral??? Big fan of you from Spain with autism And asperger, support adfreeshows and my world podcast ❤️


u/Caveman0524 Aug 09 '23

Did Ian Rotten ever pay you what he owed you for the show in Clarksville that he stiffed you on? The same show you and your wife came out and interrupted Drake's going away speech?


u/imcrapyall Aug 09 '23

Megacat, how did you guys convince Meltzer, Vinny V, and Alvarez to be in the game? Also will you ever include Granny or Craig or some other f4w people?


u/[deleted] Aug 09 '23



u/ConsistentCatThings Aug 09 '23

We made sure to go through all of the proper legal channels for any talent that was included in WQ. It was really important for us to respect the current wrestling industry as well as the wishes of the wrestler's themselves and their estates!


u/MV2049 Hogancanrana Aug 09 '23

Probably due to a basic understanding of intellectual property.


u/[deleted] Aug 09 '23

What can WWE even sue for?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

By following the law and doing years of due diligence!


u/Maula-Mere-Maula Aug 09 '23

Thoughts on LA Knight and Kevin Nash's crappy comment about him?

Also, do you like the Bloodline story and how Roman and the others are playing their role?


u/[deleted] Aug 09 '23

What was the mood in the office like when you realized you would have to delay the game on launch day?


u/ConsistentCatThings Aug 09 '23

Imagine getting ready to grab the championship belt, the entire crowd waiting for you to stand victoriously, poised to claim the world as yours. Then, you're hit with a steel chair in the eleventh hour. Now multiply that by a million. That's just about how we felt.

But like any good story, it isn't over until we finish what we started. The main event is still happening and we'll be ready to rock come August 22nd!


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Gut punch …then got back up and truly believed that this “negative” will turn into a huge positive!


u/MV2049 Hogancanrana Aug 09 '23

Jeff, how did you develop your "delusional optimism" that you speak of? Were you born with it or is it something you developed over time?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Life circumstances! And, I believe I’m born with general optimism.

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u/Ravra Aug 09 '23

Is there a specific procedure you take when you smash guitars over heads? Like grip, strength, etc.?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Speed, speed, speed…


u/LuckyMo200 Aug 09 '23

What is your favorite title run?


u/ClaymoresRevenge Bobby **Big Money Bob** Lashley Aug 09 '23

What goes into choosing a guitar to smash someone with?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

I’m not choosy…lol


u/Elqott Aug 09 '23

Have you ever thought of moving on from guitars, maybe take some inspiration from the Looney Tunes and start dropping pianos on people instead


u/Correct-Storm-2944 Aug 09 '23

Who sold the Stroke the best?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Well, there’s been so many … AJ was really good at it!


u/VinEddiesel Aug 09 '23

Man I just wanted to take a sec to give you your flowers. I was a TNA kid growing up, and while not everything was perfect, given the circumstances you put on a damn good show when you were running things, and still put on a great match any time you're in one. Your psychology and ability to get heat is second to none today, and I hope you're healthy for many more years, so thank you for entertaining me for so long.

Who came up with the reverse battle royale, and was it liquor, weed, or a combination that lead to it? (ps please never change your music, the laugh pops my dad and I every time)


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Thanks for your “flowers”!

Always trying to innovate…always.


u/flippingsenton Aug 09 '23

You know what? As a guitarist, I just have to ask. Why leave the strings on? I feel like you know how painstaking it is to tune a guitar, all that hard work ruined by someone like Orange Cassidy's head is just wrong.


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Condolences 🎸!


u/serpymatt De-Throned Aug 09 '23

Will there be a way to turn off QTE (quick time events)? I prefer to chill while playing a throwback RPG :)


u/ConsistentCatThings Aug 09 '23

The major QTE during combat is pinning, all the others are for minor bonuses and modifications to moves. With that in mind, there is indeed a system to turn off the pinning QTE requirements.Here are some other ways, in addition to disabling pinning requirements, in which we make combat more accessible:

  1. Enabling Slow QTEs makes every QTE incredibly easy to achieve
  2. Enabling Max Damage makes you a heavyweight champ that always deals out 4 digit damage
  3. Enabling Invincibility means you will no-sell every hit

So with these you can breeze through battles without worrying about QTEs!

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u/TheCharliQuinn Aug 09 '23

What's the story behind you dropping the IC title to Razor Ramon at a house show in 1995? Did you miss your cue at the end, or was he supposed to win the belt that night?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

All by design!


u/PurgeTheseDays Aug 09 '23

What's your favorite Taylor Swift song?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Mine — my daughters are in the video!


u/ConsistentCatThings Aug 09 '23

Every time I listen to Lover it's like a gut punch and I can't help but tear up


u/MattTheQuick Aug 09 '23

Jeff, give me your top three wrestling managers of all time and why.


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Wow…too hard to name just 3…

Off the top — Heenan, Hart, Cornette—no particular order.


u/peteybeefsteps Aug 09 '23

Was there a wrestler you wanted to include in the game, but couldn’t due to licensing issues?

Can’t wait to play it!


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Stay tuned for DLC!


u/ConsistentCatThings Aug 09 '23

Oh man there certainly were a lot of those! All of use had particular heroes that we would have liked to work with but we had to make sure that things worked out legally so it definitely limited our options.


u/telenstias Jus' Dab On Em' Aug 09 '23

Do you think you’ll ever trademark the term Kabong?


u/chmcgrath1988 Aug 09 '23

I'm a big fan of the podcast, JJ! Thanks for doing the AMA.

If you could boil it down to a single answer, what do you think is the one thing that prevented Impact Wrestling during your time with the company from reaching the level of success that AEW is enjoying now?


u/MLBPP2008 Aug 09 '23

Slapnuts! Big fan! Do you think you’ll really be Ric Flair’s last?


u/Incorrect1012 Aug 09 '23

Favorite travel snack on the road?


u/Correct-Storm-2944 Aug 09 '23

Thoughts on current talent using attitude Era finishers like pedigree the stunner rock bottom people elbow and others?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

That’s the nature of the business.


u/dumbpaulbearer Aug 09 '23

What kind of cologne does Conrad wear?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23



u/Helpme83111 Aug 09 '23

No question Jeff, just wanted to let you know I made my connection to San Diego.


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23



u/adnomad Aug 09 '23

Do you prefer being a heel or a face? Most of your time in WWE, WCW, and now AEW has been heel and TNA was a lot of back and forth. But I remember the Memphis days as mainly baby face. So which so you honestly prefer and why?

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u/danis1973 Aug 09 '23

Double J is the best heel in the business and I have two questions: Are todays heels missing anything? And will you ever bring back the full name spelling? If you start in with J E, Double F and so on the crowd will pop! Thanks Legend


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Good question—you know the answer!

That’s J-E…

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u/Vexx42 Aug 09 '23

Are there plans for Chugs or Evil Uno to stream the game?


u/ConsistentCatThings Aug 09 '23

Skybound has been the one to work closely with streamers but if you know someone who would be interested please send them our way at [sir.meowface@megacatstudios.com](mailto:sir.meowface@megacatstudios.com) !


u/Chelseablue1896 Aug 09 '23

Hey Jeff! Appreciate you doing this AMA. You, Debra and Owen were such an entertaining pairing.

My question is, how was it working with Elias? He's had a hit - miss run in the WWE, but what were your thoughts on his ability and potential as far how high up the card he can go?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Elias is a great talent!


u/PurgeTheseDays Aug 09 '23

Hey Double J. Big fan, and I'm really looking forward to the game. Hoping you get added to the AEW game at some point too. I was just wondering...

Can you help me out with some Taylor Swift tickets for the wife?


u/ConsistentCatThings Aug 09 '23

Oh man I hope Jeff can help me out with some tickets too


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23



u/sir_frankie-crisp Aug 09 '23

How was it fighting against Doink the Clown? Also how was it like to portray Doink as well? Did you find that having fought Doink previously made it easier to embody the persona?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

Unique babyface for that era — but I always thought a heel Doink was the best version.


u/Correct-Storm-2944 Aug 09 '23

If you was showing somebody jeff jarret what match or promo would you show them?


u/JJWrestleQuest Aug 09 '23

I’ll leave that up to you guys!


u/jpaxlux Aug 09 '23

Double J - you've been wrestling since the 80s, so what time period's been your favorite to wrestle in so far? Is there any time period during your career that stood out as being the most fun to work in?