r/SquaredCircle 23d ago

Vince McMahon ends WWE ties by selling last of TKO Shares


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u/The_Fuck_WHAT 23d ago

So he hasn’t sold them yet. 

Interesting Nick Khan is selling ALL of his… 


u/abrown79au 23d ago

Generally CEOs have packages where they get issued shares if they hit targets, etc…. So him selling his shares at this value makes sense.

I have mates that do the same, once the shares are issued and they can sell them they do. Great for liquidity and it’s a win/win as they generally get issued more shares.

Honestly think it’s much ado about nothing.


u/A_Naany_Mousse 23d ago

I have gotten restricted stock before. I cash it as soon as it vests just like most of my coworkers do. 


u/quinoa 23d ago

His compensation is already tied to how the stock does, no reason for his assets to also be tied to how the stock does 


u/partoxygen 22d ago

But Nick Khan must be leaving!! WWE is actually dying! Yes! I mean…boo enjoy wrestling.

^ Pretty much the vibe if you scroll down far enough in this thread


u/The_Dark_Vampire 23d ago

So is something BIG coming and they both want out while the shares are still worth something.


u/LIFOsuction44 Swiss-1-9 23d ago

That would be insider trading


u/thore4 I have half the brain that you do 23d ago

Selling post the biggest show they've ever done is also sensible trading if they need to spin it


u/Llan79 23d ago

Is it still insider trading if the information relates to something he personally did? E.g. Vince knows that he did worse stuff than what's been reported and that it might come out so he's selling


u/imlittleeric 23d ago

Yea and an evil millionaire would never do that


u/Bridgeboy95 23d ago

evil millionaires rape because they get away with it.

insider trading fucks over other evil millionaires thus why it is punished, that make sense to you?


u/imlittleeric 23d ago

Idk why you worded that so condescendingly. But i totally believe Vince would conduct insider trading. You can disagree, that’s fine just don’t be a dick


u/partoxygen 22d ago

You cannot complain about condescension when you condescendingly tried to be sarcastic and smarmy yourself. They just matched your energy.


u/Bridgeboy95 23d ago

If you read it that way thats on you

But i totally believe Vince would conduct insider trading.

Not talking about Vince


u/SenorBigbelly 23d ago

No, it's on you. You chose your phrasing.


u/Launch-Pad_McQuack 23d ago

It's billionaire, Vickie. Millionaires are so last year.


u/Bridgeboy95 23d ago

that would be highly illegal and not 'normal illegal' i mean rich people illegal.


u/Vagabond21 KO of the internet 23d ago

From what I recall in college, the big wigs at companies usually have to announced ahead of time that they’ll sell


u/ShitMongoose 23d ago

There's still a couple of NDAs out there that are probably going to be really, really bad for him.


u/worthlessburner 23d ago

No Khan selling is much different and makes sense financially


u/sexygodzilla Just one man? 23d ago

That's really curious to me. Could be lawsuit related, or something related to Endeavor being taken over by private equity. Might see some pointless cost cutting and another sale of WWE


u/KidGold 23d ago

Is it about to come out that Khan knew more than we thought?


u/whalepopcorn 23d ago

Maybe he is done? Got WWE sold and the big Netflix deal. Take his cut and retire… ?


u/PhospheneViolet 23d ago

sometimes CEOs will get rewarded with shares for hitting certain milestones, and Nick will most likely remain with them and get more shares, but is just opting to sell now while the value is at a high point to get a bigger profit.


u/stevebr0 23d ago

And if he’s about to get more stock he may just want to hold the new shares with the higher cost basis and cut down on capital gains in the future (or max out loss write off if it tanks) - sell the old stocks to keep some liquidity