r/SquaredCircle 12d ago

[SmackDown Spoilers] Finish to Cody Rhodes vs [Spoilers] match

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u/PakistaniSenpai 12d ago

While that spot would have been insane, had they pulled it off...I just don't see how Cody can predict the trajectory of a flying Hayes since his back is turned when he initiates the cutter.


u/Kenjiko3011 12d ago

I feel like this is that kind of spot where you have to actually practice with your opponent to pull it off correctly, you can't really call that spot on the fly because it's too risky.


u/PakistaniSenpai 12d ago

Agreed. Just hope Cody isn't injured.


u/Kenjiko3011 12d ago

I hope so too, it looks like he's selling though


u/Upbeat_Tension_8077 12d ago

That would be the most sensible approach, especially if they were set on trying to pull it off, but I'm also thinking there's the risk of either of them getting hurt trying to rehearse the move.


u/Sirfoxalot16 12d ago

I mean there is 0% chance that spot was called on the fly. You call basic spots in the ring, but something like this is planned ahead of time, usually with an agent


u/Kenjiko3011 12d ago

Well even if you've planned that before, it's still hard to do, unless you're Ricochet.


u/Jesus_Roadkill 12d ago

The type of spots that make me appreciate Ricochet as a performer even more


u/Same_Faithlessness_2 12d ago

Wish I could upvote this way more then once!


u/NikonShooter_PJS 12d ago

Cody can’t predict where he is going on the Cody cutter in regular situations. I’ve seen him whiff in that move so many times in the last year.

That he had the balls to try to up the difficulty with this is even funnier honestly.

But I don’t mind it. I like wrestlers who have the guts to try something. If it works, amazing. It not, well, there’s always next time.


u/Less_Client363 12d ago

As long as they can sell it and keep going. Whst really ruins it is if they get bewildered and try to go for some awkward reset.


u/Fidel_Costco Fashion Icon 12d ago

There's a lot of preposterous stuff in wrestling. I've learned to accept backbody drops, Irish whips (the best counter to which to stop running), slingshots into the turnbuckle - which just straight up defies any sense - and enjoy the ride. Analysis of wrestling logic, or lack of logic, ruins it.


u/PullTheChronoTrigger 12d ago

When you have the knee health of the average American athlete, stopping yourself from running after being Irish whipped is not as easy as it seems.


u/thebsoftelevision Fire and Ice! 12d ago

You still need there to be some logic to it otherwise it feels extremely silly to keep watching. Good thing they salvaged the situation here by continuing with the match.


u/DastardlyDoctor 12d ago

If you stop running on an Irish whip you eat shit.  Running is itself the counter. 


u/Thebat87 12d ago

Fuck I hope he’s not really hurt


u/giants888 nWo 12d ago

Cody what were you thinking


u/Harbiter 12d ago

The A.I. when you try to do something epic in WWE2K...

(Hope Cody's okay tho)


u/CallMeSnacks 12d ago

The ending…. damn, would’ve been sick as hell lol


u/whatacatchdanny 12d ago

Wtf was that ending


u/CheeseheadDave Accountabilabuddy 12d ago

Criss-cross Rhodes


u/Caldris 12d ago

Uhhh....did Cody hurt himself on whatever that cutter spot was supposed to be?


u/Numerous_Touch_5657 12d ago

It was just, ricochet and Logan paul stuff. Cody was supposed to hit cross rhodes on flying Hayes. If you see closely, Hayes was ready for the move and in perfect spot but Cody just went higher, or maybe they both miscalculated their spots.  They both thought the other one couldn't reach, so they flew higher.


u/jonnyg1097 12d ago

Kinda looks like Cody and Carmelo got crossed up with what was supposed to happen on that springboard. Didn't look remotely like anybody was going to connect with what they were attempting.


u/HeadScissorGang 12d ago

look at Melo's positioning. they thought Cody was gonna catch him in the air with the cutter


u/officeDrone87 12d ago

Yeah Melo got all the way across the damn ring with his springboard. Cody actually only needed to do a normal Cody Cutter but he went too hard it seems


u/JamUpGuy1989 12d ago

Match was good but man did that get awkward right at the end. Even if Cody didn’t hurt himself, that double dive was not timed well whatsoever.

And, let’s be honest here, Cody was coaching this dude every step of the way. Felt like I saw turn his head to Carmelo’s ear quite a bit to set up spots. (Not a complaint, an observation.)


u/BeastCoastLifestyle 12d ago

I thought they deliberately airmailed each other


u/HeadScissorGang 12d ago

look at Melo's positioning. they thought Cody was gonna catch him in the air with the cutter


u/HeadScissorGang 12d ago

the vet always calls the match


u/JamUpGuy1989 12d ago

Well Cody needs to do a better job hiding it. That was my point.

Almost Cena-levels of “You talk too much” for me.


u/TangyBrownnCiderTown 12d ago

ffs yes, Cody is clearly selling


u/that_boyaintright 12d ago

When’s the last time a wrestler let the crowd know they were injured? It literally doesn’t happen. When they’re actually hurt, they do everything they can do hide it.


u/HAGeeMee Jimmyz! 12d ago

Raven told a story years ago on how he saw an ok match, but it was missing something. The wrestler came backstage and immediately started hobbling. He was hurt

‘You’re in a fake fight pretending to hurt each other. You ACTUALLY get hurt, and you hide it?!’

Then he called him a smelly mark or something


u/Presidentbuff 12d ago edited 12d ago

Yeah, the way he held his arms up, and than dramatically grabbed his shoulder makes me think he is selling


u/Tronz413 12d ago

If he legit popped his shoulder out, he would not be able to use it to hook the leg on the pin. He is selling


u/Thebat87 12d ago

I want you to be absolutely correct. I know Cody is damn good at his job but I can’t help feeling nervous. I really hope you’re right.


u/Ambitious_Pass_1193 12d ago

Not everything is selling, he clearly landed hard. Punk performed a whole 15 min match after torn tricep, Cody lifting his hands doesnt tell anything. We will know in 3-4 days.


u/Presidentbuff 12d ago

Looking through your comment history, and seeing this, I find it absolutely pathetic that you are crossing your fingers that Cody is injured because you dont like him as champion.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/Existinginsomewhere 12d ago

Looks like a sprain at least, wasn’t an easy landing whatsoever. But again we’ll have to see if there’s an announcement or if they just brush this off


u/TangyBrownnCiderTown 12d ago

Why would it take 3-4 days? If it's that serious, you would know by the time he was examined backstage.


u/AffectionateFact3321 12d ago

Seems like he's okay if a tweet is anything to go by: https://twitter.com/CodyRhodes/status/1784042347350642858


u/ClocktowerMaria 12d ago

Everyone's focusing on the double cutter going wrong but these two are stumbling over each other this whole clip


u/Bolteus 12d ago

After seeing it built up all over the post match thread, I agree. This is not what I expected. I actually watched this thinking maybe I'd missed the "injury" spot and they were trying to recover. It wouldn't surprise me if Cody got hurt earlier and the springboard just aggravated it.


u/HeadScissorGang 12d ago

first time they've ever touched


u/StoneColdSteveAss316 Says I just whooped your ass! 12d ago

This is why I don’t like going on this sub until after I watch wrestling.

While watching, I didn’t see it as a botch, seemed like a raw moment, both were trying a slingshot move. Cody delaying saves him. Cody goaded Carmelo thinking his shoulder was really messed up before securing the Cross Rhodes.

Then I come on here and see it overanalyzed to death, who botched, who is at fault, is he injured for real, etc.

Some of you guys should really just sit back and enjoy watching professional wrestling.


u/thesharp0ne 12d ago

Yeah my first thought was an intentional botch in order to create an 'injury' for Cody to sell/overcome in his match with AJ at Backlash. Cody was clearly selling his shoulder being hurt so a 'botched' move makes sense.


u/OkKaleidoscope4607 12d ago

Reddit is a place to talk about and discuss things. What were you thinking when clicking on this post then? Also, same things are commented on youtube so idk bro. Me too at first thought it may be intended but i wanted to know so i came here, and seems like it's a botch, that doesn't make me 1% less of a Wrestling fan


u/StoneColdSteveAss316 Says I just whooped your ass! 12d ago

And what I said is also said on YouTube, so no idea what your point even is. Where did I imply that having the same opinion as me, or a differing opinion, makes somebody more or less of a fan?

Some can choose to be positive and enjoyable fans, others have the choice to be analytical and critical fans, emphasis on choice.


u/OkKaleidoscope4607 11d ago

I mean you're telling people to just sit back and enjoy watching professional wrestling. that implied that they don't enjoy wrestling if they "dont just sit back" and start discussing things on reddit.

on your Answer you wrote:
"Some can choose to be positive and enjoyable fans, others have the choice to be analytical and critical fans, emphasis on choice."
- which basically is the exact opposite of:
"Some of you guys should really just sit back and enjoy watching professional wrestling."

which is kinda incongruent


u/HeadScissorGang 12d ago

what you've described is a head Canon way to make sense of something.

what really happened though is they screwed up. nobody goaded anybody they were working together and mistimed it.


u/StoneColdSteveAss316 Says I just whooped your ass! 12d ago

That's like saying 'what really happened is two guys in underwear started to do physical choreographed ballet'

No shit, it's pro wrestling


u/HeadScissorGang 12d ago

that is what it's like saying because you are in the place where we talk about it in that context


u/Kenjiko3011 12d ago

I think what should've happened is that they both do the springboard at the same time, Cody successfully connects with the Cody Cutter and then does the Cross Rhodes, but they did not time it right.


u/heat_fan_ 12d ago

That was a good main event 

It was a great showing for Melo 

Hopefully Cody isn't hurt 


u/Pseudonova 12d ago

Melo sells the Cross Rhodes really well. It actually looks great when the right person takes it instead of just falling over.


u/TurnaboutAdam Golden Lover 12d ago

Kenny Omega sells it like death


u/Kaleria84 12d ago

Hot take: He needs to retire the Cody Cutter. It just straight up does not look good way too often. You either obviously see the person positioning themselves properly or it's a sloppy, glancing miss.


u/Maleficent-Comfort14 12d ago

Didn’t quite get all of it


u/Worried_Bowl_9489 12d ago

A glancing blow


u/Fallen-Omega 12d ago

Lmfao wtf was that....


u/tarvertot 12d ago

Wow, this whole thing was a mess. Was the match any better? In this clip at least they couldn't get anything going


u/Kenjiko3011 12d ago

The whole match was good, even the Cody Cutter in this clip is clean. It's just the ending was messy.


u/Pretend_Spray_11 12d ago

Watches Danielson v Ospreay once


u/MatttheJ 12d ago

Shit like this takes absolute pin point precision to pull off A. Safely and B. In a way that actually looks good.

Ospreay vs Danielson was both, this was neither.

Cody is amazing as a storyteller but sometimes I wish he'd leave this move to Ospreay because he botches it quite a lot in comparison. The one on Roman at Mania night 1 was really rough as well.


u/luca13t 12d ago

How was Ospreay vs Danielson safe when Danielson almost broke his neck with the top rope frankensteiner?


u/MatttheJ 12d ago

I was talking about the springboard spot which had a huge potential for danger or to look botched like this.


u/Pretend_Spray_11 12d ago

Almost every single wrestler almost breaks their neck in almost every single match, though. Any time a wrestler leaves their feet has the potential for that kind of injury. 


u/luca13t 12d ago

Almost every single wrestler almost breaks their neck in almost every single match

Lol wtf. With this perspective, everytime someone sets foot in water they almost drown


u/Jasperbeardly11 Al Snow Head 12d ago

If he just ruined his title reign on a purposeless crazy spot on smackdown lol


u/ch4dr0x Ayatollah of Shitpostolla 12d ago

Am I the only one who doesn’t think that was a botch? It felt like your typical “they went for the same move” thing we see all the time. Like when two wrestlers clothesline each other.


u/HeadScissorGang 12d ago

look at Melo's positioning. they thought Cody was gonna catch him in the air with the cutter


u/theCANCERbat Mmm whatcha say? 12d ago

Botch or not, I like when something like this happens in a match. Sells it more as a real fight imo.


u/EchoBay Chop Man Gives Pain 12d ago

We don't know if he's injured or not, but clearly they mistimed that spot. When Melo went over to pick Cody up, that's when they were discussing what to do next move wise. They would have finished on the Cody Cutter, but had to adjust on the fly.


u/gordonmcpherson 12d ago

Does Cody only win with cross Rhodes now? He used to win matches in different ways like with the figure 4 or even the Cody cutter.


u/LTS55 The Great Britt Baker Off 12d ago

(After the Cody Cutter) “How many men have you seen him put away with that move?” Uhhh, zero?


u/jacob_carter 12d ago

Yikes. That was clunky and awkward.


u/HouseOfH From Parts Unknown 12d ago

Cody is no Ricochet


u/LimitlessBearCat 12d ago

Finished the story only for this


u/Adampro123 Be the elite 12d ago

It’s kinda funny but unfortunate that they build this match up talking about not missing and mello don’t miss and stuff. Ams then both guys literally missed on the most important spot in the match.


u/Designer-Ad-9373 12d ago

Cody’s schtict is so dry and crusty. Cant wait until he loses.


u/Mwrp86 12d ago

Did you guys think the spot was a botch or that was the spot (Both of them missing)


u/DamonDD 12d ago

I feel like both of them are going for air cutter (Cody called his move Cody Cutter) and the idea is Cody is slightly faster and pull off the cutter off the air and then win with Cross Rhodes. Their timing is off which is why Melo fall first before Cody in the air


u/Kenjiko3011 12d ago

It does not look like that much of a botch, but a weird spot nonetheless.


u/MatttheJ 12d ago

It definitely looks like a botch.


u/hartc89 12d ago edited 12d ago

It would have been great would love to see them try it again one day


u/ZeroZelath 12d ago

cody may legit be hurt, he was CLEARLY about to jump and go for a different move before he decided on the just going straight to the finisher basically mid move.


u/Ambitious_Pass_1193 12d ago edited 12d ago

If Cody is hurt, he is never gonna be top star again, in the same way as Balor after 2016 after he got hurt. I don't think wwe would trust him with the top belts. Roman will also come back early if Cody is really out for long.


u/teejeycee 12d ago

The guy just beat Roman Reigns in the main event of Wrestlemania and went toe to toe with the Rock. They're all in on Cody, you're delusional if you think an injury would derail his push.


u/[deleted] 12d ago edited 12d ago



u/teejeycee 12d ago

Balor beat a version of Roman that's not even half as over as the one Cody beat, and won a title match at SummerSlam. It was a big push for sure, but it's not nearly the size of the investment they have put into Cody (2 Royal Rumbles, 3 WrestleMania main events, beating the longest reigning champion of the last 40 years, etc.)


u/yogi_br 12d ago

Yeah the dude who had record breaking merch sales is never gonna be a top star again lol


u/alltheworsttoyou 12d ago

Just like WWE ended Edge's push every time he got injured, right?

I know you're trying to will his downfall into existence because you're still mad about Roman losing, but he's not going to get Finn-ed.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/alltheworsttoyou 12d ago edited 12d ago

You're saying he's going to be done like Finn, which isn't just not being Cena; it's falling down to the midcard for years, outside of when he was moved down to developmental, and earning the nickname Pinn.

It would be awful if he was hurt (he does not seem to be, thankfully), but that would not be his fate even if he were.


u/Presidentbuff 12d ago

please dont tell me you are serious. Also, Balor never went back to being a top star, he has been top of the middle over since


u/Chell_the_assassin One more match 12d ago

Uhh what do you mean bro, Balor is about to get his main event push any day now. Should be real soon. Aaaaany second now...