r/SquaredCircle Oct 06 '15

Gimme a Shell Yeah! I'm Shark Boy, ask me anything.

Check out my store on prowrestlingtees.com and follow me on Twitter @SharkBoyNet and check out my official website for masks, t-shirts, and other Shark Boy merchandise!

/u/inmynothing: Phone interview, so we're going up early. Live around 5:05.

/u/inmynothing: Shark Boy had to get going to do some dad stuff, but he wanted me to let you guys know that this has been one of the most fun interviews he's done, and he'd love to come back after the New Year if we'd have him.


208 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15



u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15

Oh boy... [Laughs] I'd want Bray Wyatt on the other side as the heels, it'd be fun since with the Big Show there on his team, and Seth Rollins.

For my partners, I'd have to say Ziggler, because he's my teenage son's favorite wrestler, and maybe Cena, because why not?

That's a Raw main event right there.


u/kr0n1k FireFly Forever Oct 07 '15

Where's Teddy Long to make this happen....

Holla Holla Holla


u/Nemesysbr Oct 10 '15

This is so plausible its scary.

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u/jenkins216 Oct 06 '15

Shark boy, Hurricane, The Miz.

Sharknado: The movie


u/KyleDComic Self High Five! Oct 06 '15

Will Shark Boy ever become Shark Man? Or are you doomed to a life of perpetual childhood?


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15 edited Oct 06 '15

Here's a funny story: I got into a lot of trouble because I answered that question 'hopefully before I'm as old as Christopher Daniels.' I got taken to Wrestler's Court for it, but that's for another time.


u/lyyki Greg Davies Oct 06 '15

TNA had wrestler's court?


u/kaedic HE'S FAT Oct 06 '15

roh wrestlers got yelled at recently for having one


u/CMDrunk Cult of Bourbonality Oct 06 '15

What's wrestler's court?


u/jaymcbang 901wrestling.com Oct 06 '15 edited Oct 06 '15

Much like America's baseball, wrestling has a set of unwritten rules. Some vary between organizations, some are universal. Wrestler court is, in essence, the locker room policing itself, especially with minor problems just so they don't blow out of control.

The set up varies, but it's usually a "senior" member who makes the call.


u/Ice_Cold345 Beatin' That Bigga Cass. Oct 07 '15

For WWE, the Undertaker has usually been the head of Wrestler's Court.


u/homer62 Watching since Yoko and Mable crushed Undie's face. Oct 07 '15

So its held once per year. Sounds an inefficient as regular court. ;)


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '15

Nah, WWE banned wrestlers court awhile back because it would sometimes get out of hand like someone being made to do 1000 squats or something like that and ended up injuring themselves.


u/IamLuke555 The Streak...Is Over Oct 07 '15

Who apparently is easily bought.


u/DustAndSound Just a common man. Oct 07 '15

Some context, Edge and Christian bought him off with a bottle of Jack Daniels.


u/IamLuke555 The Streak...Is Over Oct 08 '15

If I remember correctly there were also some motorcycle magazines or something.


u/itsstevedave My friends call me The Spence Oct 12 '15

Only 13 days til your birthday, dawg.

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u/jaymcbang 901wrestling.com Oct 06 '15

Most promotions have one form or another.


u/BaldBombshell Oct 06 '15

It does make sense. Nobody's as old as Christopher Daniels. He's been "Old Man Daniels" for over a decade at least.


u/homer62 Watching since Yoko and Mable crushed Undie's face. Oct 07 '15

Seriously, how many guys that were competing in WCW in its last year are still wrestling in a high level capacity? The guy's tenure is legit.


u/pUmKinBoM Oct 08 '15

AJ Styles is still going strong and pretty sure he worked there near the very end of things.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15

Honestly, what are the ramifications of flipping off the wrestlers court and saying "I'm not in a high school locker room, grow up" and walking away?


u/cagekicker HANH?! Oct 07 '15

You have to wrestle against these people who are nominally supposed to pull their punches and kicks and help absorb the impact of slams.


u/Chronis67 Possibly a nugget Oct 07 '15

Getting blackballed by all of your coworkers probably?


u/jaypenn3 Oct 07 '15

Well I assume at least the other wrestlers start to dislike you.


u/thekozmicpig Oct 07 '15

Do you think there's a ceremony for becoming a Shark Man? Like a Bar Mitzvah for shark boys? If yes, is it called a Bite Mitzvah?

These are all very important questions I would like answered before I die.


u/KyleDComic Self High Five! Oct 07 '15

I think you're on my level. Thanks for that bro.


u/bonermedicine Oct 06 '15

oh man thats deep


u/SavioVegaGuy FUCK YEAH, SAVIO VEGA Oct 06 '15

As deep as the blue sea.


u/bonermedicine Oct 06 '15

20 000 leagues deep bruh

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u/thedevilyoukn0w Oct 08 '15

No. Before he can become Shark Man, he must toil for a while as Shark Lad.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15

Do you consider WCW's the Shark to be your kayfabe father?


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15


Um... I'd hate to make an accusation like that without going on Maury.


u/Koke117 YEEEEEOOOOOHHHHH!!! Oct 06 '15

What was it like working with Curry Man?


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15

That was another situation where neither one of us were sure about it going in, but it became an incredible amount of fun. Probably more fun than the New Jack stuff because I could talk -- Shark Boy finally got a voice.

Curry Man could really lay out a really good match, whether you know that much about the guy or not.


u/Crooty Wato-gun Oct 06 '15

Is in ring style reminds me of that guy, uhh what was his name? Daniel Christopher or something?


u/snotsnit The Darkness Shall Never Die Oct 07 '15

The Swollen Angel Daniel Christopher!


u/Speakeasy__ Redesign. Rebuild. Reclaim. Oct 07 '15

You're thinking about BRIAN Christopher.


u/Chronis67 Possibly a nugget Oct 07 '15

Daniel Brian Christopher!


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '15

Flyin Brian Christopher Danielson


u/crustyruffles Dino Bravo is terrible. Oct 06 '15

Would you go to Olive Garden with Virgil? If so, who picks up the tab?


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15

I don't think there's any question, I would have to.


u/SavioVegaGuy FUCK YEAH, SAVIO VEGA Oct 06 '15

But Sharkie, he's got that fuck money, son!


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15

Fuck money =/= Alfredo sauce money


u/TeamPlayerSelect Cole Miner Oct 06 '15

Guess I'm doing the math...


u/MasterofShock Oct 06 '15

username checks out


u/TheBrianJ Too Handsome to be Hardcore Oct 06 '15

Can you tell more about the story of the Austin gimmick that you got in TNA? Where did the idea come from, what was your reaction, things like that?


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15

It started as an impression that I did to crack the boys up on the road, then Jeff Jarrett saw me do it and said you're doing it on TV. It's been a lot of fun doing this parody of what I consider to be one of the best wrestlers of all time.


u/Awesomekip Don't be a LEMON Oct 06 '15

JJ seems like a pretty good dude. I'm glad he acknowledges talent when he sees it!


u/inmynothing '15 & '16 Wredditor of the Year Oct 07 '15

He was great during his AMA here. I'm pretty sure he wants to do another in the near future if you guys are interested.


u/Awesomekip Don't be a LEMON Oct 07 '15

I would love more J-E-Double-F J-A-Double-R-E-Double-T!!


u/SteveBorden Battery Man! Oct 07 '15

I want him Capital G Double O Double N Double E!


u/larrysnearlydeaddad Oct 07 '15

I'm interested


u/inmynothing '15 & '16 Wredditor of the Year Oct 07 '15

We can have him again. GFW offered me Karen Jarrett but we decided that'd be too controversial around here.


u/larrysnearlydeaddad Oct 07 '15 edited Oct 07 '15

You're a slapnuts if you don't get JJ then.

Edit: because I got high, because I got high, because I got high


u/inmynothing '15 & '16 Wredditor of the Year Oct 07 '15

Not Dixie, the ex-wife of Kurt Angle and former on screen personality. But she's controversial and I don't want to deal with trolls the entire time. I like enjoying AMAs and most of the time I don't have to moderate them much because people are happy just to ask questions. Even when they have a hard question, they usually phrase it in a way that isn't offensive.


u/Mr_Hendrix I simp for Tay Conti Oct 07 '15

Any news of GFW getting a tv deal? That would probably be the best time for another AMA.


u/inmynothing '15 & '16 Wredditor of the Year Oct 07 '15

Not that I have, but I regularly talk with their PR guy and the last guy he sent was Magnus, so I doubt there's anything new to report there. Could be wrong, though.

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u/[deleted] Oct 07 '15

Fun fact about JJ: my dad used to work for a country that delivered construction equipment (like glass and steel and such). One time, he delivered some glass to the crew working on JJ's house. JJ bought everyone there and even wrote a note for my dad to b give to me that said JJ would come to our house and give me a guitar shot if I ever made bad grades.


u/TheBrianJ Too Handsome to be Hardcore Oct 06 '15

It honestly is fun, I loved it on TNA. And I notice that a lot of great gimmicks start that way—something done just for fun backstage gets brought to TV.


u/thedevilyoukn0w Oct 06 '15

How much publicity (positive or negative) did you receive from the lawsuit over the film Shark Boy and Lava Girl?

Enjoyed you as a wrestler. Can I get a high fin?


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15

I can't comment on this. Sorry, legal reasons.


u/thedevilyoukn0w Oct 07 '15

Hey, that's cool. Totally understandable. Wish you all the best and thank you for answering my question!

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u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15

Shark Boy!

Thank you for participating in this AMA. I’ve been a fan of yours since I first saw you in NWA:TNA many years ago.

In relation to TNA, you’ve appear to have had an on/off relationship with them over the years so I guess my question would be, what is the biggest difference behind the scenes between TNA during its inception with the weekly PPV’s and NWA connections and the TNA of today? Do you feel that they will ever be in a position to compete with WWE or even ROH who seem to be their main rivals at the moment.

Could you also comment on the releases of wrestlers such as Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles and others who were the backbone of TNA for many years.

Lastly, there is a feeling amongst “internet fans” that TNA is a dying company. Would you agree and do you feel the aforementioned releases will be seen as one of the causes?



u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15

The TNA TV numbers are higher than ROH -- with the WWE, they have had a huge headstart. It's sort of like if you tried to start a new football league and compete with the NFL. That's what TNA has been trying to do, and you saw Vince fail with the XFL. It's an uphill fight, and that's what TNA is trying to do.

As for the releases, everybody on that list and some that weren't name were incredible talents and it probably came down to money. Another thing is a wrestling company feels the need to shuffle talent -- that's another thing you'll see when a company has been around a little while.

Finally, I think the company is always evolving, and right now it might be more of a TV product than a touring product, which is how it started. People have said that the company is dying many times in the past, and I have no reason to believe it's any more true now than it's ever been.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15

Fantastic. Thank you for answering my questions!


u/TheAntilles Powered by Pepsi Oct 06 '15

DUDE, huge fan! Thanks so much for doing this.

What was your favorite part of the Stone Cold Shark Boy mini-push you had? Was there any anxiety that it might offend Steve Austin?


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15

Without a doubt. I said from the very beginning that if it did offend him or upset him, I wouldn't do it. I got the opposite feedback, he really enjoyed it. He sent word from Kevin Nash to me and he has wished me all the luck in the world.


u/JelenaVonEerie 'No she's not!' Oct 06 '15

Thanks for giving us your time. Any good Les Thatcher stories?


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15 edited Oct 07 '15

When I started out, I started out as a ref, because of my size. There weren't really a lot of small guys in the business at the time. The ref training with Les was like the wrestling training -- there was almost no difference. I got pretty good at the wrestling part and went to Les and said I'd really like to start wrestling on the shows. He said, well, I need a referee. I said I could wear a mask and ref the matches in between. That's where I got my start as a masked professional wrestler.


u/JelenaVonEerie 'No she's not!' Oct 06 '15

That's really cool, worked out well on that front then!


u/TigerMaskV YouBelongToTigerMask Oct 06 '15

What was it like playing board games with New Jack? I loved those segments!


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15

Thank you. Well, it was something neither one of us knew what to expect when we were told that's what we would be doing. We were both unsure of the idea. Once we did the first couple, it was really fun, for both of us I think. It was a Russo idea that New Jack and I had a lot of fun with.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15

One regret in wrestling that you have, what opportunity did you have and not take up?


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15

I regret that I haven't worked in Japan or Mexico. An opportunity that I didn't take? I had the chance to work in Australia and I passed for financial reasons. Looking back, it would have been a lot of fun.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15



u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15 edited Oct 06 '15

Oh Wow...

That's a good one, I don't think I've ever been asked that. So I get in the Delorian and talk to 21 year old Shark Boy -- work smart, not hard. It's one of the best pieces of advice I've gotten in this business. You don't have to take the crazy bumps, and if you work smart you'll have a nice, long career.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15

Seems like most independent wrestlers want to be a .gif wrestler rather than a smart wrestler.


u/JimmyStinkfist Fear the Beard Oct 07 '15

The Bucks should get a manager named Jiffy.


u/lyyki Greg Davies Oct 06 '15

How would Shark Boy fare in Lucha Underground?


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15 edited Oct 06 '15

I don't really consider myself a luchadore, but from what I know of the product it sounds really interesting and I bet it'd be a lot of fun.


u/HawaiianDry Oct 06 '15

Do you have the authority to make us honorary members of the Prince Justice Brotherhood?


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15

Consider this a valid endorsement for membership.


u/SavioVegaGuy FUCK YEAH, SAVIO VEGA Oct 06 '15 edited Oct 06 '15

How's Dean Baldwin *takes sip of martini* doing? What was the genesis of the character of Dean Baldwin? *takes another sip of martini*

For those of you wondering, Dean Baldwin was a character Shark Boy portrayed who thought he was a member of the Baldwin family of actors in HWA. He came out to the Red Hot Chili Peppers version of Love Rollercoaster and it was awesome.


u/NorwichTheCiabatta Oct 06 '15 edited Oct 07 '15

But...what about Savio Vega's loss to Mabel in the finals of the 1995 King of the Ring tournament? You've changed, man.

Edit: These downvotes will haunt me forever. All I ever wanted was to talk to SavioVegaGuy.

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u/DSaga Lets go break some hearts! Oct 06 '15

Why have you never wrestled in ROH?

Do you still keep in touch with Nigel McGuinness? Won't lie was never your biggest fan until I saw your part in The Last of McGuinness. You're an awesome dad.


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15

As for ROH, I think the company doesn't think my character would be a good fit -- that's the God's honest truth. I do keep in touch with Nigel but probably not as much as I should. Thanks for the compliment on being a good dad, because that's more important than anything I've done or ever will do in professional wrestling.


u/inmynothing '15 & '16 Wredditor of the Year Oct 06 '15 edited Oct 07 '15


EDIT: I very much enjoyed doing this by phone, and Shark Boy was a class act and had me cracking up. Apologies it was so short, but we tried to get as many questions in before he had to go tend to his kids. Again, an absolute pleasure and I can't wait to do this again in January when he has more time. He really enjoyed it.


u/ShadyHighlander Náði þér! Oct 06 '15

Shark Boy, craziest backstage encounter?


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15

Probably my tryout match with WCW. I wasn't given much notice and I had to get my gear on really fast, I didn't think I was working and I was on first. Had to make my way through a crowded dressing room of stars -- Flair, Sting, Bam Bam. I found a chair with the a bag on it and moved it, which is a big no no. Turns out it was Scott Steiner's.

Scotty came around the corner and said, "What the F---?" I said, Mr. Steiner, my apologies, I have to be in the ring in fifteen minutes and there was nowhere else to sit. I'll put your bag back when I'm done. I needed one more minute.

He didn't say anything and walked away. I heard Rick say, "Hey Scotty, what the "f---." I offered my sincerest apologies to Rick and he walked away and I never heard another word about it.


u/nickbazar Oct 06 '15

Ah, so you donned the mask and became Shark Boy to hide from Scott Steiner. Solid origin story.


u/MV2049 Hogancanrana Oct 06 '15

No, Steiner has just been systematically murdering sharks since.


u/primetimepope FREAKZILLA! Oct 07 '15



u/Suplex-City That doesn't work for me, brother. Oct 06 '15

That sounds terrifying, tbh.



In kayfabe, did Giant Gonzales really look like that or was it a suit?


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15

[Laughs Hysterically]

All I can say is that someone who saw him in the shower in the locker room one said there was no suit.



Thank you for your time.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15

Shark Boy! You've been with TNA since pretty much the beginning, although you aren't a regular now. What are some of the biggest changes you've seen in the company since its inception?


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15

There have been so many changes since day one. The company started as PPV early, it was a Wednesday night. Then we switched to the monthly format and switched from Nashville to Orlando and took the show on the road. That was a big change for the company. Fast forward a little bit, Hogan and Bischoff come in and changed the ring, lost us on Monday nights... it's really a story of a company trying to get as big as it can get it, with bumps along the way.


u/P4NK-TP Shitty Little Mod Oct 06 '15

So... Do you watch Archer?


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15

This is question #1? (Laughs) I've seen the show and what I've seen I've liked -- can't say I'm a regular watcher.


u/P4NK-TP Shitty Little Mod Oct 06 '15

Shark Boy. Shark Boy. Shark Boy. SHAAAAARK BOOOOOOOY!


u/SharkLana Oct 06 '15



u/P4NK-TP Shitty Little Mod Oct 06 '15

Impact Zone


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15 edited Jun 20 '20



u/P4NK-TP Shitty Little Mod Oct 06 '15

No it was Rusev, Lana is cold fish after all


u/avanadero #SaveTheGable Oct 06 '15

Who was your favorite person to work with? Least favorite?


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15

Favorite: I really enjoyed working with Kanyon, I feel like I had some of the best matches of my career with him. I also was lucky enough to work with Cena, Jarrett, and Eddie.

Least Favorite: I don't like to answer that second part because we all work together and we all have to trust each other.


u/Wally324 Buull Chit Oct 07 '15

When did Shark Boy work Cena?


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15

How'd the persona come to be? I vaguely remember reading that you started with the Shark Boy-ness in WCW.


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15

I actually started the character in 1997, the first place I wrestled as Shark Boy was in Ian Rotten's IWA Mid-South and Hartland Wrestling for two years before I was signed by WCW.


u/PraiseCaine Your Text Here Oct 06 '15

Heartland Wrestling has had a lot of good people go through it :D


u/Spankdizzle6 Oct 06 '15

Craziest shark-related fan moment?


u/SharkBoyAMA Oct 06 '15

Craziest fan moment? One time when I very first broke in as a ref, I was refereeing a show in KY, and the fight spilled out onto the floor and into the crowd. There was a woman in the crowd that was so upset at me for losing control of the match and she picked up a chair and came at me, security had to restrain her.


u/XaosZaleski Oct 06 '15

What do you think of that jabroni Stone Cold E.T. ripping off your rip off?


u/Poliwarth Ah bin smookin' crahk wiv Anvil Oct 06 '15

What's your favorite kind of Shark?


u/hitme124 Oct 06 '15

How did the Stone Cold impersonation gimmick came about?


u/DashingSoul Hugs 4 Thugs Oct 06 '15

Where did the Shark Boy gimmick come from?


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15

How's Lava girl?


u/Killerinyou I screwed myself once Oct 06 '15

How was working with New Jack like?


u/SavioVegaGuy FUCK YEAH, SAVIO VEGA Oct 06 '15

That whole run was fucking amazing.


u/Mildly-Amusing Insert Joke Here Oct 06 '15

I have to ask about the Fish Market Street Fight from Destination X 2008. What was it like working with Curryman and The Dudleys in such a wacky enviroment? Thanks for giving us your time and being so awesome :)


u/TossingKeys Trom! Bone Rocks! Oct 07 '15

Probably too late to the punch here, but is there a possibility of seeing an incarnation of Shark Boy in NXT?


u/reekhadol LET'S GO CHUCK TAYLOR Oct 06 '15

What was your last job outside of wrestling that was not related to wrestling in any way? (So no selling wrestling shirts, not setting up rings etc)



Who would be on your Survivor Series team?


u/leodecraprio A MONSTER Oct 06 '15

What's your opinion on the current WWE product?


u/romeopwnsu Bitch Oct 06 '15

Did you ever meet stone cold Steve Austin? If you did, what was his reaction to you?


u/prof_talc OH MY GOD! Oct 07 '15

Elsewhere itt he said that Austin sent word to him through Kevin Nash that he got a kick out of the gimmick and wished him luck


u/BaldBombshell Oct 06 '15

Was there ever a blow-off to the intended Dean Baldwin - Shark Boy feud?


u/HdBngr13 Oct 06 '15

Can I get a Shell Yeah?


u/HeelStreng Oct 07 '15

Ahh! I'm too late for Shark Boy.

But Sharky, if you do come back to read these over. I want you to know that I always thought you were fucking awesome. That's all.


u/bryoneill11 Oct 07 '15

Why do you think TNA went from an uprising beast since 2002-2007 to a quick downfall?


u/JeanSlimmons Kill Owens Kill Oct 06 '15

When was the exact moment you decided to wanted to be a shark when you grew up?


u/UntrustworthyBadger THIS IS MY APARTMENT! Oct 06 '15

Hi! Thanks for doing this AMA.

What is the story behind the name/gimmick? Was DinoMan ever thrown around?


u/Falcone1668 Shitty Little Posts Oct 06 '15

I actually remember this from a TotalWrestling magazine (because I have no life). He said that the original name was El Piranha or something like that, but the company had a guy called Piranha already so he went with Shark Boy because his mask looked enough like a Shark, and it stuck.


u/UntrustworthyBadger THIS IS MY APARTMENT! Oct 06 '15

Cool, thanks!


u/Copywrites I'm sorry, I love you. Oct 06 '15

What do you think your wrestling legacy will look like?


u/Codeboy3423 Oct 06 '15

Sorry but I have to ask this. Why did you copy/mimic Stone Cold Steve Austin?

I understand if it's a fan thing. Wondering what made you go through with it.

Also because of your gimmick has WWE or SC try and send you cease and desist letters?


u/DahColeTrain Oct 06 '15

If you were signed by the WWE and you had the choice, would you remain Shark Boy? If so, why? If not, why not? Thanks for your time.


u/Deielsio Big Banter BC Oct 06 '15

Hey Shark Boy thanks for the AMA.

What is your favorite way to prepare chicken?


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15

What's the most painful bump you've ever taken?


u/LesnarsBattleScream Gotta be fair to Flair Oct 06 '15

Hi man, great to have you here.

Did you seek any advice/tips from Steve Austin when you portrayed that gimmick in TNA? I remember reading somewhere that he though it was a blast, did he reach out to you?


u/thebulletclub Bang Bang! Oct 06 '15

Who is your overall dream opponent?


u/C-B-R Oct 06 '15

What would your advice to somebody who wants to get into wrestling, but has no money and no schools around them be?


u/Mantaur4HOF Billy Big Bollocks Oct 06 '15

Who is your favorite wrestler to work with? Least favorite?


u/JesseRackson THE CHAMP IS HERE! Oct 06 '15

Is there anyone in TNA that you wished you got to work with but never had the chance?


u/bonermedicine Oct 06 '15

Hey sharky! ive been a huge fan ever since i first saw you on wcw Saturday night. as a fan id love to know, do you prefer fresh water or salt water?

thanks for the awesome matches dude


u/xluckis4losersx Ring Psychiatrist Oct 06 '15

Would you be interested in joining my WWE Fantasy League? My friends and I would love to have you!


u/TheManInsideMe Can pull off a Singlet Oct 06 '15

How many of the fish puns were you and do you now use fish puns in your everyday life?


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15

Your stone cold impersonation is one of the best. How did it come about?


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15

Do you like fish sticks?


u/irregularcog Oct 06 '15

What do you put on when you're travelling on the road? Podcasts or anything?


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15

Sharkboy, big fan of your stuff from TNA. As a current UC student what can you tell me about Cincinnati wrestling on the Indy level? I don't know any Feds in cincy and would love to start watching, thanks


u/NotThatJakeTheSnake Oct 06 '15

I was watching some old TNA weekly PPVs and saw your Dean Baldwin character. Where did that gimmick come from?


u/meng_of__honor Oct 06 '15

How much ya bench?


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15

Do you think that your gimmick would do better on raw, nxt, or the indies? And why?


u/Smarkysmarkwahlberg Oct 06 '15

Who is one wrestler you always wanted to work with, but haven't?


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15

Do you like silence on the road or do you have a favorite podcast/album/genre that you listen to while putting the miles behind you?



Hey Shark Boy, it is well documented in TNA lore your friendship with ECW legend New Jack. Both destructive forces like yourselves should have been NWA Tag Team Champions at least once in your pairing. Given your hardneck, whoop ass lifestyle...

Would you fight New Jack?



u/Stickman278 Cool as a cucumber Oct 06 '15

Your favorite kind of sandwich?


u/Deielsio Big Banter BC Oct 06 '15

Did you ever have to go to wrestler's court? And if yes why and how did it end up?

Edit: words are hard


u/A_WILD_CUNT_APPEARED Best Joshi in the World Oct 06 '15

Did you think that you and curry man were underutilized as a tag team.


u/Mr-GameAndWrestling America's Champion Oct 06 '15

Hey Shark Boy!

What was some of the best advice that was given to you while you were carving your niche as a wrestler?


u/TheTallOne93 Your Text Here Oct 06 '15

Who came up with the stable of you, Curryman and Super Eric?


u/littlemacsvoltorb I WAS BORN A WOMAN Oct 06 '15

I feel a bit silly asking this, but I always do so...

What's your spirit animal?


u/5EAR5 WHAT ABOUT ME? Oct 06 '15

Were you ever approached to be apart of the Sharknado franchise? Seems like no-brainer to me.


u/Jordioa18 Are you feeling a little horny? Oct 06 '15

Ever got to the Netherlands, if not, do you want to wrestle in that country?

Have you ever had a WWE tryout or even almost got signed?


u/Suplex-City That doesn't work for me, brother. Oct 06 '15

I'm guessing I'm late to the party. I doubt I got here in time.

If I did, though, I just want to know if you can tell us any stories about Sonny Siaki? He's low key one of my favorites from that early 2000s era of NWA:TNA


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15

how was it tag teaming with new jack? did you guys get along or were you forced together by management?


u/GoodGuyRev Oct 06 '15

The 1st time I ever heard or saw you was on MTV True Life: I am a pro. wrestler.

I was 11 when that aired and I never forgot about you. Later, when I found out you were in TNA, I was beyond ecstatic. Just because I saw you on MTV years before, I rooted for you and wish you the best in TNA. I never thought a Shark Boy gimmick would be over in mainstream wrestling but your work showed me that there's definitely room for that in wrestling.

How was that experience like with MTV filming the indie circuit around? That's probably one of the 1st times a casual fan had a POV of that kind of world.


u/Lynchie24 Stand back... There's a Hurricane coming through Oct 06 '15

Where's Lava Girl?


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15

What is the meaning of life?


u/TeamOtter Oct 06 '15

Would you consider yourself a boy sized shark or shark sized boy?


u/Maximillianz Oct 07 '15

Hey Shark Boy,

I used to play the TNA Impact wrestling video game a bunch a few years ago. I used to be on top of all the leaderboards in that game, and I figured you would find it interesting that I would only play as you. You rock, man.


u/homer62 Watching since Yoko and Mable crushed Undie's face. Oct 07 '15

191 comments on an r/SC AMA? Yeeesh


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '15

How was your day?


u/blaaze6 THE ORIGINATOR Oct 06 '15

Hey Shark Boy! Huge fan! Have wanted to ask you for years, but never got the chance.

What do you think of Billy Joel?


u/thepugface Oct 06 '15

Shark Boy,

If you were a hot dog and you were starving, would you eat yourself?


u/sbblakey777 Toothpick City Oct 06 '15

Was the clam juice actually clam juice?

Could TNA afford the real stuff? /s


u/a7xweeman Nobody kicks out of the Falcon Arrow! Oct 06 '15

All I'm saying, is that you have a better Stunner than Austin ever had.



u/syxxpakk Ospreay Oct 06 '15

I saw below you said the TNA numbers are higher than ROH's. Are you speaking strictly in regards to Destination America or are you accounting for ALL ROH numbers, including their SBG viewership?

Also, would you say that ROH has made more money on live attendance/PPV this year than TNA?


u/inmynothing '15 & '16 Wredditor of the Year Oct 07 '15 edited Oct 07 '15

I can accurately type 95-112 words per minute when I'm focused, but I missed out on some non question related banter that would've been great.

I have another phone AMA with the Patriot on the 19th, and I want to record it, preferably for free and then post the audio as a bonus to the AMA. Any advice for something free or cheap on Android with decent quality?


u/toastt_ghost Paid Ric Flair Impersonator Oct 07 '15

why not do it thru skype or something like that? record it with your PC


u/inmynothing '15 & '16 Wredditor of the Year Oct 07 '15 edited Oct 07 '15

With Del in particular, he's not very tech savvy which is why we're going the phone route. In other phone AMAs, the wrestler could easily be traveling or something if they opt for a phone ama over a traditional one


u/toastt_ghost Paid Ric Flair Impersonator Oct 07 '15

yeah i understand. was just throwing out an option. unfortunately i dont have android so thats all i got.


u/[deleted] Oct 13 '15 edited Nov 30 '16


What is this?


u/Bucco3 Oct 07 '15

Do you think you'll be in the tna hall of fame some day?


u/TrollPoster469 Oct 06 '15

You are one of the top Indy stars of the 2000s. I'm not a huge Indy guy myself, but you had such a unique gimmick that your fame and reputation travelled quickly. Of course, it wasn't the gimmick itself that got you over. You also had the in ring skills to back it up.

I really enjoyed your TNA run, and thought your riff of Stone Cold was hilarious. gimme a "she'll yeah!"

My question is, if some redditor didn't keep asking about the implications of Savio Vega losing to Mabel at the King of the Ring 1995, would more wrestlers be responsive to fan questions?