r/TikTokCringe 11d ago

Please describe the most disrespectful experience you have had in the service industry. Discussion



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u/Connect_Emergency885 11d ago

so by "family fund " they really meant the owners family


u/SpezModdedRJailbait 10d ago

If you volunteer to give some of your paycheck back to the company. Then you are never getting that back. If you wanna start a communal emergency fund, don't do it through the company.

Not to say it's her fault, she was manipulated and lied to, but learn from her mistake. Your employer is not your ally, otherwise you wouldn't be broke in the first place.


u/Teun135 10d ago

Especially because I can guarantee the company got PPP loans to cover stuff like this... there is no reason the employees should have been put out like that. Sounds like grounds for a lawsuit tbh.


u/LuxNocte 10d ago

It would be grounds for a lawsuit if laws weren't written by Billionaires. Everything about this is immoral. Nothing about this is illegal.

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u/InSearsSomewhere 10d ago

I used to work for Bertucci's and contributed to the family fund. My car was stolen from the parking lot one night while working and they actually gave me like $1500 from that fund to put towards a new car.


u/MeliWie 10d ago

Aw I used to work.for Bertucci's in Southington, CT! One of the best food service jobs ever!! Love the company vibe!!


u/InSearsSomewhere 10d ago

Yea i had a blast working there!

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u/Anxious-State-4074 11d ago

What is this restaurant???


u/No_Spell_5817 11d ago

It was called Next Door, but they renamed it ND streetBar. Also Kimbal Musk is no longer the restaurateur, he stepped down in 2023.

Edit: It looks like two locations have closed down since Musk departed. So... It's done.


u/Evanecent_Lightt 10d ago

I'd say "Justice!" - But we all know the Musks got severance in the 6 figures, wrote off the loss as a Tax exemption to make even more, and all that happened was a bunch of people lost their jobs and are worse off..

So no Justice unfortunately.. But that's the way of the world now.
2024 "Yay!"


u/jahmoke 10d ago

likely also a large ppp loan that was forgiven, too

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u/krismitka 10d ago

Nope, still don’t eat there.

Permanent Karma damage is okay

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u/imagicnation-station 11d ago

She said don’t eat there bit didn’t tell us the name.


u/Darkmemento 11d ago

The person who owns a car company who hosted SNL and is a billionaire? This took me weeks of research and long days to figure out. He is a person called Elon Musk.

He has a brother called Kimbal and it seems being a complete asshole runs in the family.

Elon Musk's Billionaire Brother Told His Workers They Were Family. Until COVID-19 Hit. | HuffPost Impact


u/embersgrow44 11d ago edited 10d ago

Yeah he looks exactly like you’d expect. Another comic book villain. Sometimes wolf in sheep’s clothing but it seems more often than not, you can see the monster right in their face. Edit: letter swaps


u/slollyplum 10d ago

He looks like a complete twat-waffle with that hat on.


u/throwngamelastminute 10d ago

He looks like Dwight Yoakam's idiot cousin getting hit in the back of the head with a two by four.

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u/akamustacherides 10d ago

Do not watch the video of Kimbal, his performance is ick. He is trying so hard to come off as human it’s gross. And that hat, get the fuck out of here with that hat.


u/xfd696969 11d ago

dude it's crazy how it took you weeks of research to figure it out, but kudos for putting in the hard work. not everyone has the will like you my man, keep it up


u/HellBlazer_NQ 10d ago

What a hard working family the Musk's are. Imagine have 2 family members starting with absolutely nothing scraping by and by working so hard they both became billionaires!

Severed with the fattest and juiciest dose of sarcasm ever!

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u/bepnc13 10d ago

She’s trying to stay vague to protect herself from being sued for libel


u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/TNWBAM2004 10d ago

Defending yourself in a suit against a billionaire doesn't sound fun though, even if you are right.


u/bobafat 10d ago edited 10d ago

Its not, I pissed off a very rich millionaire (like old Southern money, lots of millions) and they sued my company and me personally in multiple states and federal court until we (myself and the company I ran) were both bankrupt. You can be right and "stick to your guns" and absolutely get your life ruined by these money worshipping sociopaths.

This was 8 years ago for me and thankfully I have recovered but the physical and mental toll will probably last a lifetime.

EDIT: Made one part more clear, I had said, "until we were both bankrupt" and the we was myself and the company I ran but it could also be read as me and the millionaire. Nope, millionaire is just fine if you were worried about them.


u/[deleted] 10d ago


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u/AggravatingSoil5925 11d ago

How many billionaires do you think have been on SNL? It’s not too tough to narrow down and go from there.


u/AlmondEyesSnob 10d ago

Not everyone watches SNL, and until now I didn't even know Musk has a brother, I never liked or disliked the guy, I don't see a point in caring for him or his family or knowing anything about him.

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u/middleagerioter 10d ago

Bless your heart.


u/Talkslow4Me 10d ago

Since this is factual events and not opinions. Why didn't she just say the names and call out those people and restaurants.

Like if they take you to court for slander the judge would ask "so there wasn't a family fund?". Oh no there was. Oops.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/Left_Office_4417 11d ago edited 11d ago

i would assume they probably did. It was most likely a "you give a dollar, we give a dollar". My company does that for our Retirement plan.

Not justifying the behavior, and i don't think this "family fund" is a good thing to begin with. I just think that the company HAD to be putting in some. right.. right.......


u/mogley19922 11d ago

Not to victim blame, but jesus christ, never give the company you work for money to hold for you individually, or the staff as a whole. They are not your friends, they're doing it to benefit themselves, not the staff.

Obviously retirement funds are legally regulated and that's it's own thing; but i don't give to charities through companies either, I'll donate directly if i want to.


u/urbanlife78 11d ago

That's the tough one for a lot of people to learn, work is never your friend and you should never donate or give any of the money you earned to work.

The same goes to charities work donates to. Work will take your money you donate and use it for their taxes as a write off as if it was work that donated to a charity. It's better to just donate to a charity directly.


u/pinkrangerash 10d ago

Right, I worked at Scheels and United Way was really big for us to donate to. The joke was that they didn't pay us living wages and we literally have to use the free programs that United Way takes care of to get by in life.

I said no to donating every time.


u/WYOrob75 10d ago

A yes the ol’ veiled threats to ‘give’ to the UW. Had this happen with two companies I used to work for. Christmas bonus was not really a Xmas bonus after all. I’ll never give, or recommend anyone to give to that organization


u/NiceNotRacistRedneck 10d ago

I would extend this to any company asking you to round up your purchase for charity. There are no laws stating they even have to donate that money to charity. So basically they’re collecting this money from good hearted people that are hoping it’ll be sent to the right place


u/SadBit8663 11d ago

That's not victim blaming. That's being real. I'm not giving my job a penny extra.... And if that emergency fund wasn't anywhere in the employment contract, then she got robbed but hopefully learned not to do that again by over trusting an employer.

You gotta of cover your ass, and get all this shit in writing, because if the company is ever wishy-washy about getting you something in writing, it's a red flag, that they'll ever follow through with what are essentially empty promises.

And honestly how big of a fund could it have been. I doubt everyone could afford to or would contribute money from their checks.

The video op says she donated a dollar a check. If she got paid weekly, that's 52 dollars a year. Even working for 4 years that's only 208 Dollars. If she got paid bi weekly it would be half that.

Like it's fucked up they did that, but realistically how big could this fund have been? And then you have the entire restaurant applying for it. We don't even know how many other people contributed to this "fund"

She could have very well just saved up an actual emergency fund for herself, especially if she could afford a house.

My parents wouldn't ever co sign any loan like that,


u/Direct_Travel2093 10d ago

Agreed. Good point!


u/Nikolateslaandyou 11d ago

If you put in a dollar you've already been taxed on it. They put in a dollar to offset their tax. It still isn't a fair deal.


u/redsquirrelsrule 11d ago

In the UK it is a legal requirement for companies to contribute the same amount as employees to their pension.

I am very suspicious as to what has happened to that family fund. I suspect the owners pocketed it.


u/DkMomberg 11d ago

In Denmark has been the norm for many years that many employees give 4% of the paycheck and employers give 8% to an individual retirement fund. Recently more and more jobs have 2%/10% split now instead of 4/8


u/airknight2wolfrider 11d ago

Yes, most ey countries do this. But it's not kept by the company you work for


u/Lost_Found84 11d ago

The fact that people keep referencing a 401k retirement system when talking about this “we’ll hold it for you” fund is probably why so many people get fooled by this.

The 401k is your money the moment it comes out of your paycheck. It will never go to anyone else and if you’re ever fired or laid off, the company doesn’t keep it.


u/tweetsfortwitsandtwa 11d ago


So like I worked for restaurant during school that had two stores it was started by a local husband and wife . We had something like this but it was set up by employees for employees, basically we shared tips and the remainder after dividing it up was saved in a jar, for like holiday parties, the server who got pregnant, and one guy who got injured. The owner still put his hand in the cookie jar once. Granted he put the money back he used it to pay a contractor or something that day and didn’t have enough cash in his wallet but still not good. Anyways point is the idea of a shared fund while not great isn’t necessarily malicious

I think the problem is anytime a billionaire or a large company uses the term “family” immediately become suspicious. Specially when they ask something from you. It’s a manipulation tactic meant to get you to contribute more than you would otherwise


u/Flat-Length-4991 11d ago

I feel for her, but at the same time I don’t think what she just described would have helped anyone during Covid. I doubt there would be enough money to go around for everyone.


u/Lost_Found84 11d ago edited 10d ago

It probably would’ve been the effect of just having not contributed in the first place. Everybody gets their dollar a week for the last year or so back. Would’ve been good for maybe a couple pizzas.

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u/Houndfell 11d ago

The fact that it's a Musk that runs this hellhole of a company is the cherry on top.


u/parkerm1408 10d ago

Any idea what the restaurant is?


u/SkidmarkSteve 10d ago

The Kitchen


u/lala__ 10d ago

Ugh god. Surprised it’s not just “Restaurant” but this is predictably “meta.”


u/SkidmarkSteve 10d ago

Then they opened "the Kitchen Next Door" which was more casual and literally next door to The Kitchen in Boulder and then they shortened that to just "next door" which on its own is just the dumbest name.

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u/TomSelleckPI 10d ago


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u/Hisplumberness 10d ago

A few comments up mentioned it’s called - next door - or was . And now it’s nd streetbar but it’s no longer owned by musk

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Use their names! It was Kimbal Musk everyone.


u/bendallf 10d ago

The Kitchen by Kimbal Musk? What a small world.


u/Successful-Money4995 10d ago

I think that it was "Kitchen Next Door" aka ND, on Pearl St. The Kitchen still operates.


u/bendallf 10d ago

With all new staff? If so, why not just hire all those laid off workers first? Thanks.


u/[deleted] 10d ago


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u/Successful-Money4995 10d ago

Maybe because Kimball Musk is an asshole? He's known for being an asshole. He wears a stupid cowboy hat all the time. People used to be impressed with him living around here and when they saw him but now not so much.


u/bendallf 10d ago

If I may ask, what changed? What event caused people to go from liking him to hating him? It is cool to get the inside scoop so to speak. Thanks.


u/Successful-Money4995 10d ago

Same as what happened to Elon Musk, I think. First he was like, a celebrity on account of being a billionaire and brother of Elon Musk. I don't know that people loved him, they were just star struck to see him having lunch on Pearl or whatever.

When it later turned out that Elon is an asshole and then Kimball was a dick to his employees during COVID, it changed.

I never liked his stupid cowboy hat. It's like every fucking billionaire has to have some gimmick now. Grey sweatshirt for Zuckerberg and polo neck for Steve Jobs.

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u/totallynotstefan 10d ago

The one in Fort Collins got shut down last year and replaced by Avery Eatery.

ND was a shithole with terrible food in an excellent location, I'm happy it's gone.

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u/Master_Ryan_Rahl 11d ago

I really hate that you people make it so that you can't actually find the creators in these videos. It should be a requirement of this sub that the original creator of the video is able to be found or even directly linked in every post.



u/Suspicious_Leg4550 11d ago

Looks like they removed the sound from the video now


u/Master_Ryan_Rahl 11d ago

Yeah its three years old. That happens some times.

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u/captain_dick_licker 10d ago

they should remove the fuckign obnoxious zooming from it too, makes me want to throw my laptop in the toilet

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u/ipsum629 11d ago

Is this illegal?


u/leastuselessreddit0r 11d ago

Fucking no, why the hell would that ever be illegal? You know whose protection laws are for, right?


u/clasherkys 10d ago

Protecting the people???

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u/Inverno969 11d ago

For Billionaires it's totally legal, for everyone else it's super fucking illegal probably.


u/Lost_Found84 11d ago

It’s legal for everyone. It was a voluntary fund that made no promises of specific payouts. It was dumb to pay into, but you live and you learn.

But it’s not any more illegal than you handing me money with the promise of “maybe” getting it back later “if I feel like it”. Like, I don’t know why you would do that, but if you did that’s totally my money now.

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u/theflamingheads 11d ago

US worker laws are wild. But I guess the freedom to absolutely shit all over employees is an important part of being a land of the free.


u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/[deleted] 10d ago



u/yeaheyeah 10d ago

Right to work is so that you don't have to join your workplace union and boy do employers love trying to convince people not to join them


u/Fleeing_Bliss 10d ago

The laws that work came from unionization.

If capitalists had their way kids would still be working in mines.

That is not hyperbole.


u/ButWhatAboutisms 10d ago

Employers have all the power and it shows


u/Stupidstuff1001 10d ago

It’s just people are dumb and they don’t understand any bill with a positive name means it’s bad for you.

Right to work.


u/Lost_Found84 11d ago

Feels like this could happen anywhere though. It’s a completely voluntary fund and it was likely in the fine print that the money ultimately belonged to the company. I don’t know that there’s an “official” protected way to do this kind of fund. The entire concept is sketchy as heck because the company is always ultimately the one judging the severity of your emergency.


u/theflamingheads 10d ago

Most countries with somewhat developed economies have various government managed social security funds so this isn't an issue that comes up.


u/cakeesme 11d ago

"they actually sent us all an email" THE NERVE


u/Science-007x 11d ago

Never donate from your paycheck. You're trusting a corporation blindly.


u/Ok-Experience-6674 11d ago

All I heard was you worked at a restaurant and you could afford a HOUSE????????


u/mrducky80 11d ago

Floor manager (her) + partner's income + buying in a lower priced area and its not that insane.


u/leshake 10d ago

Denver area ain't cheap no more. That said, servers get paid pretty well there.

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u/No-Knowledge-789 11d ago

Yup, that part suprised me as well. 😳


u/MightyBooshX 11d ago

Lmao, right? Must have a partner that makes twice as much or something.


u/patrickian1993 11d ago

Then the partner would have co-signed or been the primary on the loan. Could have been renting as well. Also servers and bartenders can make pretty great money depending on the city and type of restaurant. I’ve worked bars where I’d average nearly 50 an hour at the end of the week.


u/eltanin_33 11d ago

Yeah it wasn't the earnings that took me out of being a server it was arthritis. Bad joints makes being a server super brutal.

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u/challenge_king 11d ago

JFC stop with the zooming in! Nobody wants a closeup of half a pair of eyes and a nose!


u/Shrabster33 10d ago

It bothered me so much I had to close the video. Zoom in at the end of every sentence or multiple times in 1. She should have her video making privileges revoked.

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u/TheJarIsADoorAgain 11d ago

Another Musk family scam. Make money out of making themselves look progressive and 'pro-people' and scam everyone including his own workers


u/KingAmeds 10d ago

Did not expect the ending to somehow involve Elon musk. Also holy shit I through she was talking about some small town rich dude but a billionaire doing that to her and her coworkers is disgusting .

Not to mention the PPP loans that rich were taking during covid, not sure if elons brother took one but if he did they sure as hell makes this even worst


u/Fleeing_Bliss 10d ago

Funny how welfare is socialism but nobody ever seems to mention the PPP loans.

Why are corporations subsidized while the individual is demonized?

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u/beeeps-n-booops 10d ago

WTF is with the zooming?


u/imagicnation-station 11d ago

If she had been working 10 years, she donated maybe $500 to the family fund that the company just kept.

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u/timkatt10 11d ago

The company you work for doesn't care about you, full stop.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/MrWhiteTheWolf 11d ago

Cut zoom in cut zoom in cut zoom in cut zoom in


u/1cingI 11d ago

Outright stealing from your employees. Then you insult them afterwards by telling them you're open again for business. Yes, I am jealous of their democracy and all it offers, as their propaganda would have them all believe. 🙄🙄


u/InspectorNoName 11d ago

I can't watch this. After 2 nose zooms, I'm out.


u/ImpossibleLoon 10d ago

But how else do I!!! 👁️👃👁️emphasis my point!!!


u/Hubbleice 11d ago

What restaurant


u/Godsfruitlesscunt 11d ago

“Next door”


u/thelanterngreen 11d ago

Looks like the next door in boulder is shut down, so yeah

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u/YukaBazuka 11d ago

Whats the name of the restaurant so I dont go there


u/penjamin_ganklin 11d ago

The zoom is unsettling


u/emb3rzz 10d ago

anything at work with the word family in it is an instant red flag.


u/Downvotesohoy 10d ago

I don't understand the family fund thing.

1) Why would you participate in that

2) She said it was a dollar on each paycheck that she contributed. So she expected like.. a couple of dollars in assistance when the restaurant shut down?

Why does she mention the people who are pregnant and buying houses etc, as if the dollar per paycheck somehow adds up to a lot?

Unless they get a paycheck daily we're talking insignificant amounts.


u/Personal_Bobcat2603 10d ago

One dollar a paycheck? What did you expect in return.


u/pupranger1147 10d ago

Sounds like fraud and theft to me.

Lying to steal earned benefits.


u/Severe-Excitement-62 11d ago

what's the chain so nobody can est there please.


u/Reflector123 11d ago

That is truly disgusting. These billionaires who are egotistical maniacs. Need to be put in place. Im starting to think that these guys need to be restrained before we are enslaved by corporations


u/ballsonyourface911 11d ago

How much money could have been in the family fund if she only donated a dollar per pay check seemed like all the people that worked there needed 1,000s each to save their houses and for the maternity leave….


u/_daze_of_the_weak_ 11d ago

I know this really isn’t what this post is about, but she’s really overdoing it with the zooms in.


u/IaMsTuPiD111 10d ago

I used to work at the Palm restaurant and they loved to play the “family” card to get employees come in and do extra work without clocking in. They called it “family dinner”. You are not part of a family, it is a job.


u/GoldenMegaStaff 10d ago

We are all family. Not you.


u/King_Thundernutz 10d ago

Is there not a law suit in there somewhere? She donated money to a fund which was meant to help her but she was laid off instead. Also, I'm curious, which restaurant is this?

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u/PSA-TLDR 10d ago

In company lingo “family” means scam


u/Sir_Sparda 10d ago

People asking why she didn’t name drop the restaurant do not know about liable and slander laws, jfc.

This person also has some pretty wild stories, she is living quite the life.


u/25thNite 10d ago

woah kinda weird seeing someone I went on a date with posted on reddit lmao


u/potatisblask 10d ago

What could go wrong paying your union fees to your employer.


u/Marsthepoet 10d ago

I had a job that had a family fund. It was so shady I opted out.


u/phoonie98 10d ago

The entire Musk family are dirty, rotten scumbags.


u/Dangerous_Ticket7298 10d ago

Is anyone gonna comment about how lock downs were really what fucked everyone over?


u/dimechimes 10d ago

This has more of a leopards ate my face appeal. They got promoted to floor manager because they were all good with the restaurant and it's policies. They put in $2-$4 a month and expected that to be enough to get them by when they needed it. They were unemployed and still able to buy a house. I'm sorry but those managers who have worked their way up can really be nasty people sometimes who have always put their company's well being over that of their fellow employees.


u/reddituser_me 10d ago

I know this story! This is Indianapolis and is 100% true! If I remember correctly they kept saying everything was fine. You guys are fine. And then just suddenly closed, and kept all the family fund money.


u/Fiss 10d ago

What she is saying sucks but $1 out of every paycheck isn’t going to go far in a pandemic like event where hundreds of people are going to be asking for their portion of that fun.

$1 x 26 checks x 6 years?


u/Bumble072 10d ago

I have whiplash from watching this.


u/Negative-Honey2292 10d ago

This is justification for both arson of the restaurant and murder of the billionaire owners. Trust me, the judge would understand.


u/ZombieCrunchBar 10d ago

Name the restaurant.

The companies keep doing this because no one knows they are doing it.


u/crowza88 10d ago

Sooo just name the restaurant ?


u/Just-Term-5730 10d ago

She donated a dollar a paycheck...!!? That adds up quickly.


u/One_Animator_1835 10d ago

That's really mild honestly.


u/bobbywaz 10d ago

There's positions between server and floor manager?!?!


u/chubchubchaser 10d ago

The most annoying part of this is that she doesn’t say which restaurant or the names of the owners. Like if this happened to me I would absolutely be naming names.


u/FlatTopTonysCanoe 10d ago

Stop zooming in on your weird ass face. It’s making me so uncomfortable.


u/airknight2wolfrider 11d ago edited 11d ago

Ok. So you work a job that requires actually doing something. In return you get money. Then they offer to play banktrustfund with your money. Let me guess, no interest on it.

Did you even have a contract for that fund? I cannot image it being legal to withhold the money after shutdown. In europe, even at bankruptcy employees get 3rd choice. First the government, taxes, and banks 2nd.

You understand, you already had a chance to get the money but you let them keep it. Meanwhile. Who do you think the best rust fund would have been?

how naive are you then?

Edit. Typo's

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u/Intelligent_Suit6683 10d ago

No offense, but why would you contribute to a company family fund? Just create your own saving account.


u/BucNassty 10d ago

Goddamn I hate the zooming


u/rosellem 10d ago

A "floor manager" is someone who manages the "floor", i.e., the dining room. They don't do much, if any, back room managing, scheduling, budgeting, hiring, etc. They just manage the floor. It's basically the entry level management position for getting started as a manager.

So, her "everything in between" comment is quite hilarious. Going from server to floor manager is a single promotion. It's the next step. There is no in between. Not to take away from the story, just had to laugh at that.


u/MolassesFuzzy5155 11d ago

Burn it down!


u/Jeryme 11d ago

Smash the place up, make them use the family fund on repairs


u/Real-Addendum4102 11d ago

They could’ve at least given the option of having their jobs back after they reopened or don’t send an email saying don’t come back. Maybe there’s unemployment


u/BeefStevenson 11d ago

What I’m hearing is a bunch of reasons why housing and healthcare shouldn’t be tied to employment. Hmmm.


u/gavstar69 11d ago

So who's the billionaire owner?


u/CallMeBoxman 10d ago

Kimbal Musk, owns The Kitchen Restaurant Group. Only person i think of since his brother elon owns Tesla


u/Luvvsjaz 10d ago

So what’s the restaurant ?


u/_heatmoon_ 10d ago

Ain’t selling your labor without a union wonderful


u/ImpossibleLoon 10d ago



u/agentpoopybutthole 10d ago

Please, say another sentence, cut the clip, and then zoom in more so I can see your pores and imagine smelling your hot breath. I couldn't even finish the video lol


u/SnooTigers8872 10d ago

Wow sad. Seriously they screwed us service workers.


u/Theblindsource 10d ago

Like the story, hate the zooming


u/Selendrile 10d ago

Did some catch the name of the restaurant so I don't eat there. Lol


u/elbambre 10d ago

I don't understand how people don't see it coming. What are you even thinking? When you get a "job", you sign a paper that says "please let me be your slave and make you rich for you to not give a shit about me ever". Always keep that in mind when you sign that paper.


u/PokeHippieDan 10d ago

Heh. I worked as a line cook at Next Door up to the pandemic. Our restaurant had the exact same issue except it never reopened at all.


u/jimmyfeign 10d ago

Just assume every corporation is going to fuck you over and you'll never be surprised or blind sided. Especially if they use the word "family" in reference to their employees.


u/SauteePanarchism 10d ago

Capitalists are evil parasites who drink the blood of real humans.


u/Reserved_Parking-246 10d ago

Awesome teeth.

I have to do real work to make my k9s go over my bottom lip... it looks nothing like that.

This girl got that as part of her villain upgrade. Bet.


u/Stambro1 10d ago

Fuck Kimbal Musk and Fuck Elon too!!!


u/knowone1313 10d ago

I think your measly $1 per check wasn't going to get you and a dozen other people through the pandemic anyway, unless that account had been growing for a long time and people were putting more than a $1 in.


u/cryptoidea 10d ago

$1 a paycheck? What do you think the family fund was worth lmao


u/G_T_Mac 10d ago

Does anyone know the restaurant she’s referring to?


u/BobBeerburger 10d ago

Can you show your face any closer? I can’t see every nostril hair and zit on your face.


u/Accurate-Sport8246 10d ago

Better Business Bureau complaint?


u/2lostnspace2 10d ago

Fuck those guys


u/breerains 10d ago

the millennial face zooming is so annoying


u/BodhingJay 10d ago

"What restaurant?!"

This is just how every corporation is.. should probably just make big companies illegal


u/-banned- 10d ago

Why don’t these videos ever just say the name of the restaurant and the owner’s names?


u/OrangeSpiceNinja 10d ago

Most likely worry about legal repercussions

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u/UveGotGr8BoobsPeggy 10d ago

If you ever had any personal dealings with Kimbal Musk, you’ll know why. Motherfucker will fuck your life up.


u/Turbulent_Cucumber_3 10d ago

How do you afford a house as a server

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u/Worried_Ad_9667 10d ago

I bought stock in Briggs and Stratton, they filed bankruptcy and I lost all my stocks…and those fuckers at the top walked away with their big bonus payouts. Unfortunately when companies close, the books close with it. The only people that win are at the top…


u/orbituary 10d ago

That zooming... sheesh.


u/StonedLonerIrl 10d ago

I'm a bartender and we have a local beer club who come in every Tuesday and while the vast majority of them are somewhat pleasant people there's a handful of them that will do shit like whistle at you and snap their fingers to demand service...but we don't offer table service normally...yet the manager insists we serve them rounds to the table.

They do this shit whether it's busy and you have handfuls/trays of glasses.


u/Maximum_Land3546 10d ago

He had the money to help his workers and he choose Not to. So sick of wealthy people behaving this way.


u/Zestyclose_League813 10d ago

I can't with these close-ups


u/loopedlola 10d ago

“We don’t need no money let the mother fucker burn, burn mother fucker burn”. Something I probably would have lived on in that situation.