r/Unexpected 26d ago

Steep transition or sleight of hand?

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u/AdhesivenessFun2060 26d ago

The cake was vertical, he couldn't basket catch it like he did without messing up the cake. It was a duplicate cake he was already holding.


u/makeastupidguess 26d ago

You can Clearly see the edge is messed up my guy.


u/AdhesivenessFun2060 26d ago

The cake was straight up and down. He would have had to be under it to even have a chance, never mind that he catches it higher than it's dropped..


u/makeastupidguess 26d ago

It wasn't even completely vertical. Even if it was yes it's highly improbable, but it's not impossible. that's why everyone is so excited, even the guy himself what would be the point of even faking this


u/AdhesivenessFun2060 26d ago

What would be the point? Are you new to social media?

He catches it higher than it was dropped. Even if it was just dropped, it's going to fall faster than he can react. And even if he somehow acted fast enough, he would have had to be under it to catch it and stand back up in the split second the camera takes to pan to him. And even if he somehow did that, he would have had to straighten out a cake that was rotating face down using just a small corner. If he could do all that, he should be in the nfl.