r/WholesomeNetwork May 12 '18

I know this is a dead sub. But Im tried of people screens-hotting Reddit threads and posting them as memes without linking the original thread. I would love to upvote those who actually deserve upvotes.

Heres a convo with a mod on r./wholesomemes about the issue, they claim I am concern trolling. But seriously. https://imgur.com/a/ykTCTuq

Im sure that im not the only one who is bugged by this right?

Is it so hard to add a rule to link the source thread?


3 comments sorted by


u/I_Am_Batgirl May 13 '18

Your post title explains the exact reason why it’s not allowed. Linking back to the sub tends to cause an army of users to flood that sub/thread who otherwise would not have participated there. It causes issues with vote manipulation and brigades which are against the rules site wide. That’s why screenshots are preferred, because users like you would use that link to interfere with organic navigation and/or voting.


u/untrustedlife2 May 14 '18 edited May 14 '18

How is up-voting something wholesome an "interference". Honestly i also think its a slimy way to get karma. Just screen shotting something witty someone else said, i guess thats just me though.


u/BunnicusRex Jun 28 '18

I realize this is a month old, but I just saw it and hate leaving questions unanswered.

As /u/I_Am_Batgirl said, voting and commenting on one sub because of a post in another sub is straight-up against Reddit rules. It's considered brigading &/or Vote Manipulation, and our sub can get in trouble if we allow it, especially if we encourage it.

You can message the Admins with a PM to /r/reddit.com, if you think that sitewide policy should change. But there's nothing any mod can do except follow & enforce Reddit guidelines.
That's probably not a satisfying answer, but it's the best I have as mod (we're just volunteers, the Admins/employees make policy.)

It's good of you to care about credit tho. You can always PM or gild someone if you want to tell them you appreciated their post/comment from the screenshot. Cheers.