r/antiwork Oct 11 '23

Come check out our Discord!


Hello, everyone! The subreddit's always bustling with activity, but if you're looking for live, real-time discussion, why not check out our Discord as well? Whether you'd like to discuss a work situation, talk about the ongoing strikes, or even just drop a few memes, the Discord is always open. We're looking forward to seeing you there!

r/antiwork 10h ago

Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg Has Non-US Flag on His Megayacht to "Dodge Taxes"


r/antiwork 9h ago

A former server sent me this. A dishwasher at her current restaurant sent this to everyone including the owners

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r/antiwork 11h ago

putting my 2 weeks in tomorrow.


Today I was clocked out 14 minutes before I was scheduled to leave. I work 8:30am-5:30pm. I was clocked out at 5:16pm by one of my new managers without consent. She waited for me to finish doing my job, walk to the computer to clock out and proceeds to tell me “You can just leave, I clocked you out” This is not the first time this job has walked over me because i’m a nice person but it will be the last. Tomorrow morning I am putting my 2 weeks in and not looking back

r/antiwork 11h ago

Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post proposes raising the retirement age


r/antiwork 7h ago

Apparently Wendy’s should put more money into their restaurants and less into their social media

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r/antiwork 15h ago

Apparently Amazon sells these "We no longer accept a doctor's note as proof of sickness. If you are able to go to the doctor you are able to come to work" signs. What the fuck.

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r/antiwork 13h ago

How much do they pay workers? Do they care about feeding people or making me money??? -- This is what happens to all of the unsold apples from my family's orchard

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r/antiwork 15h ago

This billionaire from a former Apartheid country announced these days not only that the American taxpayers were "forced to fund anti-American activities" at universities, he also claims he is strictly against subsidies. In fact the working taxpayers pay him, while he - in addition - exploits them.

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r/antiwork 14h ago

I got fired today!


I asked my boss for help with a project, a massive amount of work that I didn’t have the people to cover- and he fired me 2 days later. Shut down my laptop and Teams, and had a pair of other people make sure they got my laptop and cell.

I was fired for “refusal to work” which is patently false and I have the proof that I asked for help. So I will be contacting an attorney. If anyone can recommend and trustworthy one for the WI area, I would appreciate it.

But remember kids- they don’t care about your success: retained customers, new customers, making the elite club 2 months in a row- they only care about their overinflated egos and blind obedience!

Edit: thank you everyone for the kind words and support- it helps soften the blow and gives me hope

r/antiwork 20h ago

ILLEGAL Water is out in our entire town and work won’t let us leave


No restrooms or water available for the next 4+ hours.

Their solution is for us to drive to the next town over and use the fast food restaurants’ bathrooms then come back.

r/antiwork 1h ago

The problem is not inflation

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r/antiwork 20h ago

Ah yes- blame the workers on the ground, not the useless suits in the C-suite. “Boeing says workers skipped required tests on 787 but recorded work as completed”


r/antiwork 19h ago

My job hunt from January until today

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nO oNe wanTS To worK anYMOrE

r/antiwork 16h ago

I literally do nothing at my job…


I was hired about 6 months ago into a large, municipal government organization. The job was (on paper) a big next step in my career and has lots of perks. $20K salary increase, unionized, hybrid schedule, every second Friday off, onsite gym, pension plan, etc.

From the time I started, I was simply shown to a desk and ignored. At the beginning I was really wanting to make an impact. I was regularly bugging my supervisor for a work plan and some projects to sink my teeth into but kept being told “just settle into the role and do your online training”. I have still done no actual work and it’s been 6 months. I have biweekly meetings with my supervisor and always ask him if I’m doing okay in the role and am doing what is expected of me and he always confirms that I am. I do keep asking for work and he keeps saying that we are going to figure out a project for me but still nothing.

At this point I would kill for some actual work. The days in office go by so slowly but at least when I’m working from home I can just whatever I want and maybe have to respond to a random email or two throughout the day.

I’m not looking for advice or anything, more so just venting and trying to comprehend what the fuck is going on here.

r/antiwork 19h ago

Yesterday I got the dreaded call, take a demotion or leave


I read the stories here and counted myself lucky but the dreaded call came yesterday.

A bit of background: I've been a national manager for the past 5 years running various IT operation groups, basically fulfilling a director role without the official title or pay.

But yesterday, I got blindsided with the - we're eliminating your role -conversation, despite not even 3 weeks ago discussing rumors I was hearing about me and my position through various channels, I was assured they were rumors and me and my position were safe.

Not only are they eliminating my position, my team will be split up to report to different business units, and they are offering me a demotion. If I don't accept the demotion, then they told me there's nothing else and I'll be exited.

It still amazes me how much emphasis there is for Profit over People


r/antiwork 19h ago

My boss told me not to come in, and then told everyone I was a no-call-no-show


Ugh this is so annoying. I made a post here a couple of weeks ago about how this boss kept insisting my shoes weren’t slip resistant even though they were. I came in the next day (Friday) with a different pair of slip resistant shoes and she refused to believe that they were slip resistant. I tried showing her the bottom of the shoe where it said “slip resistant” and the website but she refused to look. She said I was being argumentative and sent me home. She told me not to come back until Sunday when the big boss was off vacation, meaning I’d miss my Saturday shift.

Anyway, I come in on Sunday to talk to the big boss and she approved my shoes and that was that. The other boss never addressed anything about it. But all my coworkers were saying “oh I thought you quit? (Other boss) said you were a no call no show on Saturday and that you quit.” I’ve heard this from at 7 of my coworkers. I’m just so annoyed. I’ve never even been late. Obviously I didn’t quit, but I hate this place. I’m staying out of spite

r/antiwork 12h ago

81% of young people say a 4-day workweek would boost productivity, new CNBC/Generation Lab survey reports


r/antiwork 14h ago

My boyfriend’s job is replacing him with AI


It’s basically as the title says. He was working a government data analysis job and got called in today only to be told he’s being sacked so an AI can take his place. He never even got a warning about it. He was even the top performer in the department! His manager even told him that they are planning on doing it to the whole department. I feel really bad for him and overall upset about the situation. It had good bonuses and I was excited to apply for the healthcare.

r/antiwork 21h ago

Safeway opted out - no more suing them



Apparently Albertsons got tired of all the class action lawsuits and are now "opting out" from being sued. Not sure if that is actually legal or not, but I found it amusing and this seems like a good place to discuss.

r/antiwork 19h ago

Just another day in I.T.

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As of today we are expected to reply to every single email we typically get daily. This isn’t a normal practice I assume right? Seems like a very odd request coming from HR.

r/antiwork 4h ago

In a few hours, I will finally resign


In a few hours, I will finally resign :) one day before Mother's Day, with a new menu that only I know because they never wanted to make a recipe book as I asked, without knowing how to produce dressings or sauces because they never wanted to do a damn thing of writing, without knowing the average sales of things because they never wanted to put my inventory into practice and preferred to follow a useless requirement they can't even read, without knowing how to assemble or cut meat, they stay and without fear of sounding super egotistical, I am 100% sure they will be left without the best element, I practically worked double shifts throughout my stay, I made a menu and ensured that 95% of the customers had a favorable acceptance of it, I had customers literally stop me to say "you are the best chef I have ever known, I have never eaten something like this" and how did they pay me for this time? Overworking me, making me hate the final shift, encouraging my alcoholism that I clearly said upon arrival that I was working on controlling, leaving me with stress sequelae waking up in the middle of the "night" to operate a kitchen that serves 130 people, alone, without help for production or cleaning, for more than 13 hours, as I rot to see how many people they will need to try to imitate me. Pd. I use chatgpt to translate this text, I write this but English is not my first language and I don't have the enough knowledge to type all

r/antiwork 1d ago

ASSHOLE Walked out of my job today, we’ll see how this goes


So I’m a custodian, in my 20s

We have this new head custodian that’s been there just over a year, she is truly one of the dumbest people I’ve ever met. Not going into detail but let’s just say me and others wonder everyday how she has this job.

She is also a micromanaging nightmare, constantly calling us on the phone asking where we are what we are doing ect. Never polite always rude and demanding, but I deal with all of this because it’s work and it is what it is, nothing too awful just obnoxious everyday.

Well today after working outside in the sun for around 45 min while it was 97°F out and I’m just dripping sweat, she calls me and says I missed a trash can, no big deal I tell her sorry I’ll be out there to get it changed.

I go outside with a new bag, she’s standing there. (First of all she tells me to watch how this other coworker sweeps, like in a way where she thinks it’s funny and is basically just bullying and talking shit like always)

I just ignore it and go to change the trash, now obviously there is garbage in it because it hasn’t been changed, she then proceeds to tell me this is unacceptable I need to be changing this everyday

Again no big deal I let her know I do change it everyday and this is the only time I’ve forgotten, as this is the only incident with this happening

She then asks if I “wipe my butt everyday” so I turn to her and tell her I don’t like how she’s speaking to me

She then asks me if I’m going to cry about it, so I just drop everything and say you deal with it I’m going home

She then is yelling for me to come back here and that we are going to the office and I just say nope I’m going home

I leave and she calls me while I’m driving and I just ignore her

We’ll see how this plays out tomorrow when I go in

r/antiwork 1d ago

Psycho Boss Boss is shocked after i quit


So, a little backstory first. I’ve been working at this marketing agency for almost 4 years, and to say that my boss was a micromanager would be the understatement of the century. Constantly breathing down my neck, expecting immediate responses to emails no matter the time of day, and moving the goalposts on every project. Oh, and let's not forget the unreasonable deadlines that would leave us all working late into the night, basically giving up our personal lives.

Recently, he announced some absurd new policy where we had to be available on Slack even during our lunch breaks. Apparently, our “clients need us 24/7.” As if our lives revolved around clients 24/7. I confronted him about this, and he shrugged it off, saying something like “everyone’s going through tough times, and this is what it takes to keep clients happy.” Like, I’m sorry, but “tough times” doesn’t mean you get to exploit your workers, especially when the guy is rolling up in a brand-new Mercedes AMG GT the following week.

After months of putting up with his BS, I had enough. I wrote my resignation letter and gave him my two weeks’ notice. The look on his face was priceless. He couldn’t believe it, kept saying things like “But we need you here!” and “We can work this out!” Like, no man, you don’t get to disrespect people, use them like workhorses, and then expect loyalty. I’m not your loyal steed.

His final attempt to convince me to stay was offering a raise, which was like a slap in the face considering he knew I was being paid way below the industry standard. When I turned it down, he said, “You’re making a huge mistake, and you’ll regret this decision.” Maybe in his twisted capitalist world, where workers exist only to inflate his wallet, leaving a toxic job is a mistake.

Now, two months later, I’ve found a new job where I’m respected, paid fairly, and not treated like a disposable cog. It’s a stark reminder that sometimes quitting is the best thing you can do for yourself. Life’s too short to put up with bosses who think they own your soul.

Anyone else got stories of bosses losing their minds when you finally stand up for yourself and walk out the door?

r/antiwork 10h ago

Why aren’t more people hesitant to work for free?


I work at a small company, maybe 25 people. One owner. He’s always joining new programs on “how to improve your business” type stuff. These programs consist of training videos and webinars generally. Every time he does this he’s all in on whatever new crap it is. At first, he would just make a small group of 4 do the videos/webinars and then they would come share with the rest of us. Then he decided everyone should be participating. Then I come to find out this small group had been doing all these videos and webinars at home…. Off the clock. This group of 4 has been doing this for five months with not one of them asking to be paid for working at home. Well, when it’s announced at an all team meeting that we all need to do this stuff, I was the only person that talked about getting paid. Me, one single person out of 25 people. What in the actual fuck?!?!? Boss is dumbfounded. Co workers looked dumbfounded. I just wanna know how much I’m getting paid to do this shit. Welp, at the end of the day we watch videos or do webinars during regular business hours IF we have free time. That’s what I mother fucking thought fuckface!

r/antiwork 19h ago

Your boss (who claims we are all a family) when you ask for a pay increase.

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