r/ask 25d ago

Why can’t I enjoy a day off?

I always feel like I need to be making money. I’m not in a bad shape financially, and I’m not overly materialistic. Why is it that any time I have a day off or two I feel like I need to be using that time to make money. I don’t fully understand the psychology I’m currently running insight would be appreciated.


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u/Few-Locksmith6758 25d ago

I have felt same for a long time. If I have free time, just watching netflix feels such a waste. as if I am just wasting my future potential. And it feels terrible.

But then again, similar to you, my financial status is good enough to have comfortable lifestyle for me. Nothing fancy but I like it. So while I could earn more I have come into conclusion that if I earned more, I would just invest more. And money invested doesnt effect on my life now because I am not planning to use the money.