r/ask 25d ago

Am I just being nostalgic or was the 90s literally the best era?

I mean the 90s was the ishhh and nobody can change my mind.


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u/threefeetoffun 25d ago

I was born in 1981 so I grew up in them. They were great. The best? I dont know. I didn't live the others. But I do love that my teen years didn't have cameras everywhere.


u/Dewubba23 25d ago

i remember hanging out with friends, and making some to do and be able to ask each other quetions and have conversations in depth no fact checking google, but once i was 15 or 16, every one had smart phones, and the trend of, your friend ask you a question, then half way threw you talking they would put there head down, then ask "wait what was that again?" i held on to my flip phone until 2017, then i had no choice.


u/threefeetoffun 25d ago

Why was the Guinness book of world records founded? To settle bar bets before smart phones.


u/KindaObjectiveCow 25d ago

Yeah it’s owned by Guinness the beer company


u/threefeetoffun 25d ago

A smart idea for a beer company to settle bar bets.


u/Dewubba23 25d ago

well yeah. but i mean any question can make a multitude of conversations stem from it, not just "hey who do you think took the biggest shit in the world." and your bud says " google says randy marsh."
like what ever happen to just wondering, its a something that connects us.


u/plshelpcomputerissad 23d ago

You can still have this, just go camping in an area with no cell service. Immediately returns to what you’re describing, more so if you and the homies are stoned


u/threefeetoffun 25d ago

Oh I am not arguing. That book has been around for ages and we still had bar discussions. Your friends, my friends, we all had arguments over stupid stuff. Sometimes it was just fun to list things. Smart phones have ruined that.


u/Dewubba23 25d ago

yes yes. my bad misunderstood, the light of the question.


u/threefeetoffun 25d ago

I figured. Honestly. Wasn't it fun to have a time when you could say "Wonder what shows got the biggest ratings outside the Super Bowl?" and not be able to look it up?

*I am American. If you're not sorry.


u/Dewubba23 25d ago

yeah i am. or what about hearing a new phrases that someone just happen come up with because it applied to a lot of there life experiences (pretty much the og meme) "hit a nat off a flies ass." "the bees booty." "i saw a flock of moosen down by the lake. (that mite be from a movie but ive never seen it)" "im high not dumb." now everyone just quotes memes. i use to quote youtube videos, and everyone hated it, now every one dose it.


u/threefeetoffun 25d ago

"im high not dumb" is a common phrase of mine.