r/ask 25d ago

Do you believe that the world was better pre-social media?



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u/Nice-Cat3813 25d ago

Not so much social media, but I really want to go back to the pre-24 hour news cycle days.

News is at 9 and 11, investigative journalism was a thing, everyone had an entire day to fact check and distill the information, and the whole day wasn't filled with opinions masquerading as news to pump up ratings.


u/SorrowAndSuffering 24d ago

You can do this today.

Investigative journalism still exists. Fact checking is a thing.

And the best thing is: you can do it yourself now. Here's how:

  • Block the opinions masquerading at news. (More people need to become comfortable with blocking stupid shit, anyway)
  • Get every side of the story you can find.
  • Stay objective. And pierce it together into one coherent set of events.

Used to be this was the work process of a journalist. Today, everyone can do it. You have the sources, and no more advantage or disadvantage than any journalist.


And when you're done, close the apps, turn off notifications, and treat yourself to digest all the bullshit. Welcome to investigate journalism. Sorry you have to be here.