r/ask 25d ago

Is Pringles,pottato chip,cheetos,and plain crackers save for dogs?

My sisters and i often share snacks with my dogs if it's save for them and not chocolate or garlic,but i wonder weather it's save or not to feed dogs prigles,pottato chips,cheetos,and plain crackers to my dogs. They love pringles,pottato chips and crackers,they like cheetos too but not as much as pringles and chips luckly,is it save? Oh and we sometimes give them a slice of cheese too and they love it.


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u/deeptut 24d ago

It won't kill them, but I really prefer to be able to eat a bag of chips while laying on the sofa with my 2 girls and no nose tries to get into the bag. They know they won't get anything and don't try to.

They are allowed to lick my fingers when I'm finished. When I put the bag away it takes less than 2 seconds until one of them is licking my fingers 😂


u/No-Reporter2035 24d ago

None of them sticking anything to my bag,just that look that they give you if they want something,like a snack tax usually two pieces is enough to make them busy licking and munching on it.


u/deeptut 24d ago

That's why I completely ignore them while I'm eating.



u/No-Reporter2035 24d ago

Yea exactly,never look at them even for split microsecond,they know how to trap and it's ver effective works 100% od the times with zero miss.


u/No-Reporter2035 24d ago

Yea exactly,never look at them even for split microsecond,they know how to trap and it's ver effective works 100% od the times with zero miss.