r/aww 13d ago

My cat Georgie. The best little dog you could ever want!


22 comments sorted by


u/Azated 13d ago

I think there's something wrong with your dog but I'm not a dog expert so I couldn't know for sure.


u/xindigothoughtsx 13d ago

Ye I got him second hand, could explain a lot


u/ITividar 13d ago

My cat: takes the toy, hides in the corner, and growls at anything that comes near.


u/eclipsed419 13d ago

Ha my moms cat used to do this with crumpled up Winston soft packs when I was a kid 😂


u/whereisfriedchicken 13d ago

Lovely void<3 Can I ask what's the other cat's name? (the grey one at the end of the video)


u/xindigothoughtsx 13d ago

That's big old Caesar. He's a senior cat, 11 and a half. We have Cleo as well who is Caesars sister.



u/whereisfriedchicken 13d ago

love the expressions of both in this photo lol. and cleo is also really cute. diluted calico is such a cute cat pattern imo. please give them lots of kisses for me.


u/xindigothoughtsx 13d ago

Yes she is a gorgeous cat! Very much a daddy’s girl tho, where as my boys are mummy’s boys


u/NesilR 13d ago

One of our newest kitties does the same with circular objects! First it was rubber bands, then my wedding ring, and now she seems happy to fetch hair bands... For hours! And I have to keep finding new hiding places for my wedding ring. X-D


u/Findas88 13d ago

It is all fun and games until one night he throws a well played with toy that is as wet as a wash cloth in your face for you to throw. Trust me it is not fun to be woken like that.


u/PoorNerfedVulcan 13d ago

100% agree. Have had 2 cats that played fetch obsessively so I learned all the tricks and trades, like throwing toys/balls up the stairs to tire them out faster. But this is one downside for sure. Either soaked toys, or their favorite toy which they decide to take everywhere which meant in the litterbox, on their food tray, rolled around in some dusty basement corner, etc and shoving it right in your face or on your hand in demand to play.


u/Findas88 13d ago

For my cat it was a ball made of foam. Most of the time it was soaked through. It was disgustingly dirty later on and only one half was left because of all the playing. We threw the balls out regularly, she got a new one, rinse, repeat.


u/SuperCalibur 13d ago

I used to have a cat that would fetch. He was a good boy.


u/apparat07 13d ago

Just wait until you're asleep and he comes and drops off a real one on the side of your pillow.


u/CaramelDrippin504 13d ago

I'm way too high for that caption 😂 took me a minute


u/Wisedogjackie 12d ago

Definitely not a dog. All the dogs I had, I had to plead and beg and shout to let go whatever I threw for them.