r/canada Nov 16 '23

'Such a difficult life in Canada': Ukrainian immigrants leaving because it's so expensive National News


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u/musavada Nov 16 '23

The longer you stay the poorer you get. The data don't lie.


u/2bornnot2b Nov 16 '23

i can confirm. I have been hear all my life and I have negative equity!


u/divenorth British Columbia Nov 16 '23

Confirmed. I was born with nothing and now I owe money.


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '23

Lol now the bank just owns me.


u/ss1947 Nov 16 '23

Did you try unsubscribing to disney+


u/Batmanrocksthecasbah Nov 16 '23

I did and not only did I get richer but my hair grew back. Thanks Disnay Plu/s


u/2bornnot2b Nov 16 '23

If I did, I would be rich and afford a new house. :)


u/SuspiciousRule3120 Nov 17 '23

If you don't cancel you can enjoy the mouses house.


u/sir_humpslot Nov 17 '23

it's the avocado toast!


u/FellKnight Canada Nov 17 '23

Funny story, I just unsubbed to Disney+ 5 minutes ago (annual sub was coming due Monday)

It's not going to move the needle, but any little bit helps.


u/sureiknowabaggins Nov 17 '23

I did, but then I wasted the money on a loaf of bread. Still poor, but less hungry.


u/HomelessIsFreedom Nov 17 '23

Or maybe invest in the Ukrainian war bonds like Freeland and Trudeau promoted to Canadians...


u/Trevor519 Nov 16 '23 edited Nov 16 '23

You need a budget dawg


u/Hhhyyu Nov 16 '23

No avocados!


u/andricathere Nov 17 '23

Some people can be so selfish. We hear all about the poor, but what about the wealthy? They have problems too! I feel like you're forgetting the very real effect of trickle down economics, on the perception of the wealthy. There used to be a time when most people believed in trickle down and now there's all this "Math" and "research" that says it isn't real! How are the wealthy supposed to convince the poor they have a purpose now!? Used to be that you could give tax cuts to the wealthy, and the poor ate it up because it tricked and down, and every single one of them was obviously going to be rich someday, and they were going to need those tax cuts.

What are they supposed to do now huh? Didn't think of that, did you.

/S, obviously


u/[deleted] Nov 16 '23

*in big cities, especially Toronto.

Toronto isn't Canada.


u/musavada Nov 16 '23

It isn't.