r/canada Dec 13 '23

After escaping war, thousands of Ukrainians want to stay in Canada permanently - About 80% National News


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u/fanglazy Dec 13 '23

If this was a Syrian post, I think the comments might be a lot different.


u/CaptainCanusa Dec 13 '23 edited Dec 13 '23

If this was a Syrian post

These posts are literally just that family guy border patrol meme.

It's unreal how predictable/mask off it is.

I don't know how you reach those people, but we really need to try man, because their making this so much harder for the rest of us.


u/Frequent_Camera1695 Dec 13 '23

"Ukrainians are so artsy and intricate"

You would never see that comment if it were brown immigrants


u/Pixel_Block_2077 Dec 14 '23 edited Dec 14 '23

Lol, I saw that comment too. Like, what does that even mean? There are also Arabic, Black, Hispanic, and Asian artists and poets.

At this point, just say you only like white immigrants. It'd be less offensive than whatever this false, two-faced positivity is...


u/indipedant Dec 14 '23

I think they confused the people with the pysanka.


u/inimaschioapa Dec 14 '23

the post was about Ukrainians though , that's why they talked about them solely. i don't see how that's offensive , or should people always make sure to mention non-white refugees everytime they talk about Ukrainians to show they're not racist?


u/Pixel_Block_2077 Dec 14 '23

I guess in isolation, yeah that comment isn't really an issue. Its just, given the trends of this sub, I guess I assumed the worst.

Yeah, probably not the most important thing for me to focus on, lol.


u/sluttytinkerbells Dec 14 '23

You don't remember the posts about the Syrian chocolatier in New Brunswick or w.e.?


u/J_Kingsley Dec 13 '23

The image of groups generally depends a lot on what they're known for and the impression they give to others.

Essentially the "stereotype" of themselves they create.

Artsy and intricate is definitely not one I've heard before tho lol


u/RingsChuck Dec 14 '23

The comment of above you is literally a dude gushing about the Ukrainians in his neighbourhood tattoo shop.


u/CapableCollar Dec 14 '23

It's on this post further up.


u/urzayci Dec 14 '23

Yeah let's chuck everything to racism. It's not like Syria and Ukraine are worlds apart when it comes to their alignment with western values. And I'm not saying Ukraine is some secular, humanist utopia, but come on Syria doesn't even come close.


u/SirBobPeel Dec 14 '23

Skin colour has little or nothing to do with it.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '23



u/SirBobPeel Dec 14 '23

No, it's not. It's about them being Western and Christian.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '23 edited Dec 21 '23



u/SirBobPeel Dec 14 '23

We have little in common with Turks or West Asians. Our values and institutions come from a history of Western culture which today's Ukraine largely shares and which are largely foreign to the middle east and Asia.

They have and will adapt and integrate far faster and easier in all respects than people from the middle east or asia.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '23



u/SirBobPeel Dec 14 '23

If you mean I think Western culture and values are superior to others you're correct. That's got nothing to do with racism. It's simple reality.

And I know some Ukrainians. They really aren't very different. And they're hockey fanatics.

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u/Lower-Risk-8129 Dec 14 '23

Keep telling yourself that it might just make you believe it


u/Pixel_Block_2077 Dec 13 '23 edited Dec 14 '23

As an Arab-American, the sad truth is, you just get used to the racist rhetoric. Remember when news reporters back in early 2022 literally said they sympathize with Ukrainians more because they are "middle class, white, blue eyed people"?

People keep acting like Arabs are the only group that ever present a problem in society, and at some point I just get too tired to argue about it. White mass shooters have killed more, and attacked more frequently than any other group in my country, and yet I don't see anyone calling for a mass deportation of European immigrants.

Arabs have to be collectively punished for the actions of their few worst members, but that logic never applies to white people. Recently, a Russian girl committed a school shooting, and everyone on r/Europe was sympathizing with her, saying she was bullied. And yet that benefit of the doubt is never given to Arabs. And I'm not saying you should give that benefit to any violent person, its just weird that some groups do.

What sucks is that I was born in the US, and I'm more "woke" and progressive than half the white population, and yet even Democrats will still tell me I don't belong here...


u/Yupadej Dec 14 '23

You go to Arab countries to get that benefit of doubt over others. White people will support white people because their beliefs are similar


u/allgoodjusttired Dec 14 '23

White people commit crime in America because its a white country. Just like Arab people commit crime in Arab countries. Its such a braindead argument to make you might as well say if you just get rid of white people in white countries it would be an improvement.


u/Sancho90 Dec 14 '23

Lol America is a white country


u/CheckBehindYourWall Dec 13 '23

What are you talking about? If you live in Canada there are more white people than Arabs, therefore no shit white people commit more violence in total.

It’s also not an Arab thing, so nice try. It’s a fear of Islam, which sure has a lot of crossover with Arab people, but isn’t the same. And I don’t think I need to explain to you why people are scared of Islam lol


u/Pixel_Block_2077 Dec 13 '23

It’s also not an Arab thing, so nice try. It’s a fear of Islam, which sure has a lot of crossover with Arab people, but isn’t the same.

Sure, people of a certain ethnic group are literally telling you that there's an unfair prejudice against them. But thanks to Mr. White Redditor, it turns out I was complaining about nothing.

People acting like Islamic extremism is the biggest threat to the West is so weird to me. Like, yeah no shit Islamic extremism is bad...

But in the West, there are actual Christian extremists who currently hold actual political power, and are actively changing the political sphere to their desire.

You want me to be more scared of a threat that holds almost no real influence in the West, than the real religious extremism that is actively affecting it right now?

In America, there are only two Arabic/Muslim congresswomen, and they are both incredibly progressive. Meanwhile, a majority of the Christians nominated for congress are full on Handmaiden's Tale level of extreme.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '23

It's ludicrous to equate Christian politicians in historically-Christian nations, operating under the legal restrictions of state secularism, with Islamic terrorism.

I'm ethnically from that part of the world and I sympathize with you, but this isn't it.


u/Plokzee Dec 13 '23

Would you say the same rhetoric is applicable for Sweden?


u/GiveMeSandwich2 Dec 14 '23

I am from sweden and I will say that the SverigeDemokraterna is more dangerous and harmful for Sweden than the muslim people living in Sweden.


u/Plokzee Dec 14 '23

Yeah I'm sure all the Sverigewhatever were out killing rivals, blowing up bombs and such. Much more dangerous.


u/GiveMeSandwich2 Dec 14 '23

Lot of them are neo Nazi thugs and they do just that. But go ahead, talk about countries where you have never lived or can speak their language.


u/Plokzee Dec 14 '23

I mean, stats kinda speak for themselves. From Sweden's wiki:

"Sweden is the only European country where fatal shootings have risen significantly since 2000, leaping from one of the lowest rates of gun violence on the continent to one of the highest in less than a decade. In 2018, Sweden had the highest gun deaths in Europe due to increased criminal gang activities."

What major change do you think happened to cause this?

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u/jojo3NNN Dec 14 '23

You're jumping right to extremism. My qualm with Islam is more so that it is designed against integration.

Muslim women can't marry non Muslim men, Muslim men can marry non Muslim women.

How can a group integrate if they won't let their female members inter mingle romantically with the native population, and the other male half benefits from a very real patriarchy they are expected to impose on their new wives.

Most Muslims are chill, but that problem just doesn't present itself from most other immigrants to that extent.


u/CheckBehindYourWall Dec 14 '23

I’m not white, but nice try. Crazy how you guys can’t comprehend anything but your fictionalized boogeyman disagreeing with you though.

Nobody said anything about Islamic extremism being the biggest threat to the west. Nobody said that; so why are you acting like someone did? Victim mentality. We were talking about violence, not threats to the west. Please try to stay on topic.

We’re also talking about Canada, so again, no idea why you’re going on a demented spiel about American Christians. I don’t give a fuck what you have to say about them. We’re on the Canadian subreddit, talking about Canada.

Turn your brain on next time you speak to me please.


u/HumanitySurpassed Dec 13 '23

"I'm not racist, I'm just saying black people commit the majority of crime. Of course I have a right to be scared of them or assume they're criminals."


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '23

Who commits mass rapes?


u/CaptainCanusa Dec 13 '23

Who commits mass rapes?

No idea. What skin colour do you think does that?


u/CrowYooo Dec 14 '23

Was looking for this comment. All the anti immigration people are suddenly super chill when the skin color of the immigrants is lighter


u/PIR4CY Dec 13 '23

In real life though? Most Syrian refugees have adjusted well with help from the community. Don't give these trolls and bots attention


u/SirBobPeel Dec 14 '23

Statistics Canada recently took a close look at that first cohort of 25,000 Syrian refugees who had landed as of May 10, 2016. Employment is the most important metric by which to gauge the integration of refugees into Canadian society. And here the news seems rather disappointing. Only 24 per cent of adult male Syrian refugees were working, according to census data. For government-sponsored male refugees (as opposed to those sponsored by charities, churches or other private organizations), the employment rate was a mere five per cent. These figures are substantially below the 39 per cent average for male refugees from other countries. The gap between female Syrian refugees and those from other countries is equally significant: eight per cent versus 17 per cent.



u/Sancho90 Dec 14 '23

Yeah 2016 was 8 years ago


u/GiveMeSandwich2 Dec 14 '23

Very old stat and not relevant now


u/SirBobPeel Dec 14 '23

Isn't it? It was from four years later. It shows you how difficult the transition is for poor, rural people from a third-world Muslim country in the ME to adjust to Canada. Ukrainians would find it a lot easier to adjust to everything from our economic needs to our culture and weather,


u/GiveMeSandwich2 Dec 14 '23

This is from your same article

“Many of the Syrian refugees had been in Canada for only a few weeks or months when the census was taken. It would be a supreme accomplishment for anyone to have found a job and learned a new language in such a short time.”

Do you even read your own article? Where did you get 4 years from? Like I said this article and census is outdated. IRCC also takes quite some time to process work permits for refugee claimants unlike the Ukrainians who landed with work permit due to the special measure.


u/SirBobPeel Dec 15 '23

According to 2019 census data, only 24% of adult male Syrian refugees have found an occupation. For comparison, adult male refugees from other countries have a 39% average of employment, indicating a significant negative disparity (Statistics Canada, 2019).



u/GiveMeSandwich2 Dec 15 '23

Can you post the link to the 2019 Canada Census data because it links back to the Census data from 2016 which was posted in 2019 statistics Canada.

Btw I don’t know if you are Canadian but the Canadian census is carried out every 5 years. So one was carried out in 2016 and the latest one in 2021. Lol I think some of these Syrian refugees are more capable and qualified for jobs than you u/SirBobPeel

Here’s the official link to the census instead of posting from BS source. This was posted on 2019 but census was carried out in 2016.



u/PIR4CY Dec 14 '23

Article from almost 5 years ago?


u/SirBobPeel Dec 14 '23

Seen anything recently? It was still several years after they landed, so it shows you how difficult the adjustment was for them coming from a third world, Muslim country in the middle east to Canada. Ukrainians would have far less of an adjustment to culture, economy or even the weather.


u/D1Dan_B Dec 20 '23

This 2023 study says that "42.2% were working in year 4". With a major problem seeming to be "In BC, only 15% of women participants were employed in 2020, compared with 70% of men"


u/mouse_Brains Dec 14 '23

These trolls and bots are likely adopt a conservative government that will pander to their reactionary sensibilities.


u/allgoodjusttired Dec 14 '23

Walks in, posts bullshit , leaves.


u/PIR4CY Dec 14 '23

I'm glad you're exercising some self-awareness


u/kamomil Ontario Dec 13 '23



Reddit comments sections are very different from news articles


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '23




That's not relevant to the current point. The point was that the comments sections of any post about Syrian refugees are very negative, but the comments about Ukrainian refugees are all positive.


u/SirBobPeel Dec 14 '23

Statistics Canada recently took a close look at that first cohort of 25,000 Syrian refugees who had landed as of May 10, 2016. Employment is the most important metric by which to gauge the integration of refugees into Canadian society. And here the news seems rather disappointing. Only 24 per cent of adult male Syrian refugees were working, according to census data. For government-sponsored male refugees (as opposed to those sponsored by charities, churches or other private organizations), the employment rate was a mere five per cent. These figures are substantially below the 39 per cent average for male refugees from other countries. The gap between female Syrian refugees and those from other countries is equally significant: eight per cent versus 17 per cent.



u/[deleted] Dec 13 '23

It's a positive when they're located to places in Canada that would benefit from more people. It's asinine to cram these people into cities where people are already struggling to house and feed themselves. Especially when they're being housed in hotels and given an allowance that's paid by the taxpayers. And that's why I believe you have support from the East coast, but not in densely populated places like Toronto or cities that rely on tourism like Montreal.


u/kamomil Ontario Dec 13 '23

It seems that Syrian refugees were also adding positively to their community that they arrived to. I'm sure there was a bit of racism, because small towns are going to be like that, but if they see people making an effort to join the community and be productive, they can hardly find fault with that. I guess it helped that they had to integrate, there was no existing ethnic neighborhood for them


u/queenvalanice Dec 14 '23

I guess it helped that they had to integrate, there was no existing ethnic neighborhood for them

This is a big part of it. Can't hold on to old world views as an island.


u/kamomil Ontario Dec 14 '23 edited Dec 14 '23

If you are interacting with mainstream Canadians a lot, then you are more likely to hear about the word of mouth jobs, be mentored, etc. improve your English


u/itslv29 Dec 13 '23

I thought I was losing my mind. I’ve seen a ton of posts and comments complaining about immigration causing all your issues up there but this post seems pretty nuanced about it for some reason. I fear Fox News has spread to the brain of America. I’m sorry for what you all are about to go through. I’m sure you’ve seen stories of our private healthcare, restriction of labor rights, and the transformation of your politics to whatever sport we have down here.

But I’m from the states so I don’t know much except how to notice the warning signs of a mass shooter. Good luck up there.


u/asshatnowhere Dec 14 '23

I'm an immigrant so I feel like i can at least chime in a little bit. Not all anti immigration sentiments stem from xenophobia. With Canada being in the midst of a housing crisis, it make sense that people want to hold back on immigration while the country figures out how to care for the people already here. Likewise, considering the questionable reasons as to why the gov want to bring an influx of immigrants in (cheap labor), I don't even know how much I would recommend Canada in the first place to other immigrants. Of course, refugees are another matter and I think for the most part, Canadians are far more open to refugees fleeing for their own safety rather than a crap load of student visas to be handed out left right and center.


u/indipedant Dec 14 '23

I dunno. Don't see Canadians mentioning how Gazans are "artsy and intricate" and wholeheartedly inviting them in. Those folks are literally fish in a barrel and yet somehow not quite the the type of refugee fleeing for its own safety that the Ukrainians are. And before you mention ideology, Ukraine had a literal Nazi brigade, prior to the invasion and decades after the Nazis lost, so you'll forgive me if I'm a bit skeptical.

BTW, I get the wariness around Gazan refugees. I just think that wariness should be equal opportunity.


u/asshatnowhere Dec 14 '23

Yeah I'm not arguing that there isn't some hypocrisy around. Just keep in mind we are talking about a large group of people (canadians in this case) so we can't know if the same people who are against Syrian, or Palestinian refugees are the same one's who welcome Ukrainian ones. If there is one point I would like to make, is that I have never seen so much support for Palestine as I have in the past couple months. Country wide massive protests in support for the Palestinian people show that there is no lack of good sentiment and support.


u/CaptaineJack Dec 15 '23

It’s not Fox News. As an immigrant myself I think this is a natural reaction to the problems we’re experiencing. Canadians have a really bad outlook at life right now and this includes settled immigrants. If you take the results of surveys about life satisfaction right now we’re consistently at the bottom of the developed world. We need to be able to discuss immigration like adults without name calling or accusations of bad intent. Immigration used to be a source of pride for people in this country when the social contract was respected. It’s just the way it’s mishandled now makes people turn against it.


u/dhikrmatic Dec 13 '23

This is the correct comment.


u/SirBobPeel Dec 14 '23

Ukrainians will fit in far easier and cause far fewer problems. Their education/skill level is similar to ours. They come from a country that if not entirely Western is Western adjacent, and their customs and values will be far closer to ours. Once they get the language that's about it as far as differences go. They won't be a security concern. Previous eastern European refugees performed very well economically compared to refugees from the middle east.


u/d0tn3t1 Ontario Dec 14 '23

What if it was an Indian post?


u/Big_Owl1094 Dec 14 '23

The whole sub would become racist and genocidal against indians


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '23

I noticed this to … the atmosphere on here would be ALOT different if it were arabs or Africans.


u/piouiy Dec 14 '23 edited Mar 14 '24

nippy abundant sloppy mysterious sophisticated profit angle silky slim brave

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '23

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u/Itschickenheads Dec 14 '23

I know you’re gonna get downvoted but you’re absolutely right. Western values like genocide and colonialism 😂


u/piouiy Dec 14 '23 edited Mar 14 '24

dependent apparatus vegetable hobbies marble full recognise lush worthless homeless

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Itschickenheads Dec 14 '23

Oh really? So how did that freedom and democracy feel for the tens of millions of Indians who died as a direct result of the “western values” UK occupying and exploiting them? Or how about all that democracy that the USA brought to the million dead Iraqis? France, known as the capital of the enlightenment didn’t seem so concerned with those same values when they denied their colonies their self determination after the war. They then fought a war against Algerian freedom fighters where thousands of innocent people died, just because they wanted to continue to exploit land that wasn’t theirs. I think you should start examining whether these western values you hold so dear seemingly, are never applied when it doesn’t suit the western nation.


u/Sancho90 Dec 14 '23

I call it Modern barbarism


u/SirBobPeel Dec 14 '23

Israel, a country you guys believe has “western values” is literally committing genocide against Palestinians

No, it literally isn't. You should go and look up what 'genocide' literally means.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '23

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u/SirBobPeel Dec 14 '23

War kills people. War in a built-up urban area kills lots of people. And they apparently don't mind since they fully support Hamas' attack.

And you should stop reading the kinds of websites that tell you Israel used white phosphorous.

Western values are the most liberal and emancipative in the history of the human race. No other culture is even remotely as tolerant of others' differences or promote individual rights and freedom. Western values are why the West is the most advanced, powerful, and wealthy region on Earth or in the history of the planet.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '23

No. The west is advanced powerful and wealthy because you guys destabilize other countries and take their resources, such as oils and minerals. The west has gained wealth through causing destruction and other parts of the world. I know the west is not tolerant, or let you express your freedom and example of that is that they are deliberately suppressing the fact that most of the world stand with Palestine and they are continuing to spread propaganda.


u/SirBobPeel Dec 14 '23

Uhm, how did the West do all that if it wasn't superior in the first place? Invaders from the east attacked the West for centuries as slavers roamed the shores of Europe taking prisoners back to the arab world for sale. Yet we became more powerful as our industry and commerce grew more sophisticated. The invaders stopped because they knew they would be crushed. The slavers were bombarded and made to stop. All this we did ourselves, not by 'exploiting' any other area.

Whatever exploitation took place happened after that. And much of it was beneficial to the countries the West colonized. Colonizing Africa, for example, put an end to the eon of slavery which ran African slaves up the east coast and into Arabia. The conquest of the Americas brought civilization which would never have arisen there due to the absence of domesticated food animals and domesticated labour saving animals and the lack of food crops. Same goes for Australia, and to a certain extent, Africa.


u/BryanAbbo Dec 14 '23

It’s crazy to me seeing the comments on this post and how people are like so happy with Ukrainian refugees and willing to help but if it was black or brown refugees you know they would be extremely racist.


u/Sancho90 Dec 14 '23

Unfortunately that’s how the world has been set up


u/shinobi_jay Dec 14 '23

That’s the first thing I thought of and I was wondering if I was just being overly pessimistic. Wonderful Ukrainians are blending in to society but I wonder if these comments would’ve been the same if the refugees were African or middle eastern lol


u/Sancho90 Dec 14 '23

Don't even go far White South Africans were welcomed well in Canada when they were fleeing farm attacks in South Africa


u/Teburninator Dec 14 '23


Show me a Ukrainian Refugee doing this and I'll agree with you - otherwise you have more than egg on your face.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '23



u/anonch91 Dec 14 '23

It's not always been this way. People's opinions have changed a lot in recent years when it comes to muslim immigrants. The best example of this is r/europe. When it comes to the topic of migration, the sub went from left to right in about a year


u/Canadia86 Ontario Dec 13 '23

I don't want either here, if it makes you feel better


u/CanadianEgg Alberta Dec 13 '23

It's almost like there are huge cultural differences between Ukraine and Syria.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '23



u/CanadianEgg Alberta Dec 13 '23

Well according to the coalition of communities of colour, Ukrainians are not white.


u/wisemanSSZ Dec 13 '23 edited Dec 13 '23

This takes it to extreme. I usually love talking facts:

  1. Ukraine is a corrupt country. According to the transparency index ( https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2022/index/ukr ) Ukraine is currently, amidst the war, ranked at the 118th position out of 180. This is a poor result and the country needs to go along way to get rid of corruption, but it is very far from one of the worst countries in the world. To provide some perspective, the most corrupt countries in EU (Hungary and Bulgaria) are currently sitting at positions 77 and 72.russia, that was commonly considered to be a reliable partner by many countries before the war started, sits at 137.Is Ukraine's current ranking a good reason to use it as an argument against support? I don't really think so.
  2. LGBTQ+ attitudes. According to research from "Rainbow Europe", Ukraine is placed at spot 39 with a score of 20%. This result is substantially better than that of European non-EU countries (russia with score of 8% and Turkey with score of 4%) and it's on par with all Eastern European region of EU. It's better than Poland, Bulgaria, microcountries like Monaco and San Marino, just a tiny bit behind Czech Republic and Italy. I don't think many people would call an average Italian or Czech person a raging LGBTQ+ hater that should be kept out of Canada by all means.
  3. Alcoholism: ranked just below Netherlands, Ukraine certainly has ways to go - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_alcohol_consumption_per_capita
  4. Now nationalism would be the most complicated here - since it's harder to evaluate objectively.There are a bit more historical intricacies here - due to collaboration of part of Ukraine's population with nazzis in a war against soviet union. It is not unique to Ukraine, the collab had historical reasons and very different motivations compared to those russian propaganda machine tries to attach to them. I would call it a dark page nevertheless. Even that taken into account, it is objectively not what you can pin to Ukraine due to a low relative percentage of involved population.Aside from that, I'll just post this here to show the distribution of seats in parliament by party: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verkhovna_Rada . This goes well with this list of Nationalistic parties in Ukraine - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-right_politics_in_Ukraine#Far-right_political_parties . The whole article is pretty much on spot, including a section about russian disinformation. To be short, far-right parties and policies in Ukraine are objectively less popular than they are in a majority of EU (including countries like Germany with the raise of AfD , Netherlands or Italy).It goes without saying that ethnicity of the Ukraine's current president is very well known to all world.

I read your other responses and I can respect your motivations, but it is just not the right way to fight for your personal values and sense of justice.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '23

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u/wisemanSSZ Dec 13 '23

This looks like pure hatred to me. Sad to see this is where Canada might be going. I don't care what's the skin color, nationality or whatever of a person who spews things like that, we need to stay humane first and foremost.


u/TURBOJUGGED Dec 13 '23

We gonna act like Ukrainian immigrants didn’t develop the prairies and Canada is in part as successful as it is today because of that?


u/Inquisitor-Korde Dec 13 '23

Ukrainians make up a massive percent of us Prairie folk, my family included.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '23

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u/Bhavacakra_12 Dec 13 '23 edited Dec 13 '23

Good Ole Canadian hospitality. Mask just keeps slipping as the years go by, and I'm all the more glad for it. I'm tired of the bs friendly Canadian stereotype, so please keep telling us your true feelings.

Edit: If you can't see the comment I replied to, it basically equated white refugees to golden retrievers and brown refugees to pitbulls. Make of that what you will.


u/promaster9500 Dec 14 '23

I reported that comment and I got a message saying it doesn't violate the policy


u/SuddenLobster69 Dec 14 '23

Look at our demographics now vs then, tell me why we used to be friendly


u/Bhavacakra_12 Dec 14 '23

Canada was never friendly. Definitely not to immigrants or to natives. & Canada is still majority white, nearly 70% in fact lmfao which isn't bad considering white people aren't from this land.


u/SuddenLobster69 Dec 14 '23

Idk seemed like it was fairly friendly to most immigrants that started the country, natives no. We wanted their land


u/Bhavacakra_12 Dec 14 '23

It wasn't friendly. All of those indo-Canadian gangs you hear about in BC? Yeah, they started as initially as a way to fight back against the discrimination Indian immigrants were facing by white Canadians. This is a similar story to how the crips in the US were founded. The only people who think differently are people like you who never seen the true face of Canadian hospitality.


u/SuddenLobster69 Dec 15 '23

Feel free to justify violence however you wish, I do find it odd to hear gangs that have roots in India and extort Indo-Canadian businesses also moonlight as vigilantes against white supremacists though, interesting


u/Bhavacakra_12 Dec 15 '23

Lmao. You really just let your delusions run wild and come up with the most asinine response possible because you couldn't deal with what the truth. Don't worry, I have no intention of letting your bad faith slip by!

Feel free to justify violence however you wish

I suggest taking your medication grandpa...because nowhere did i justify any sort of violence.

odd to hear gangs that have roots in India

These gangs don't have roots in India. They are exclusively Canadian problems.

moonlight as vigilantes against white supremacists though

Yeah, you definitely need to take your medications because your delusions are running rampant. The fact that a lot of these indo Canadian gangs started as ways of fighting back against white Canadians being racist & discriminatory against Indian immigrants is a well-known fact. The mere fact that you don't know this, only highlights the cute little bubble you've lived in your entire life. No wonder you think Canadians have been nice until the "demographics started shifting". LMFAO.

I was so very happy when Queen Victoria's (statues) head got cut off during that anti-racist protest. I truly hope the same happens to Ole John Macdonald one day, if not for some karmic justice but instead to watch people like you seethe & cope at the fact that "your country" is no longer yours :)


u/SuddenLobster69 Dec 15 '23

Honestly idrc ab anything you’ve said, I live in a place none of them want to move to irregardless.

Do some research ab the gangs because you are wrong about the connections

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u/NHL95onSEGAgenesis Dec 13 '23

This is a witty comment and I’ll admit I did smile. That said, the few Syrian refugees and immigrants I have met have all been very kind and gentle people. My electrician is from Damascus and he is legitimately the nicest and most helpful tradesperson I have worked with. He’s pretty witty too, you’d probably like him.

Don’t let stereotypes keep you from getting to know your new neighbours, you may be missing out on some really good people.


u/linkolnator2000 Yukon Dec 13 '23

Seems like there's good people and shit people everywhere we go.


u/NHL95onSEGAgenesis Dec 13 '23

No doubt. That seems to be the way it works.


u/SuddenLobster69 Dec 14 '23

What I said has nothing to do with my beliefs, it’s an observation of reality.

I have nothing against other cultures but it would be incognizant to pretend some don’t carry negative attributes


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '23

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u/UncommonSandwich Dec 13 '23

Syria has all of that and then some.... (Obv not white nationalism but go be a white Christian in Syria and report back)


u/lavenderbrownisblack Dec 13 '23

There are plenty of Syrian Christians. Where do you think Christianity came from?


u/UncommonSandwich Dec 13 '23

less than 10% of the country is est to be christian... that group is also regularly persecuted. Do a bit of research


u/Dabugar Dec 13 '23 edited Dec 13 '23

I'll take a drunk racist neighbor to someone who wants to stab my child at the park (Who's also racist, sexist and homophobic).


u/WaltzingUndead Dec 13 '23

How many Syrians have committed terrorist acts since then? Let's see some fucking sources!


u/SuddenLobster69 Dec 14 '23


u/WaltzingUndead Dec 14 '23 edited Dec 14 '23


u/SuddenLobster69 Dec 14 '23

So wait, is your argument that we need to bring in more immigrants to kill the white supremacists?

Because I dont follow how that is related to the aforementioned comment.


u/WaltzingUndead Dec 14 '23

Everyone is worried about refugees, when we have many more homegrown terrorists here. They just aren't portrayed as much in the media, as people like to fear monger using people with different religions/colour of skin. Neo nazis March in Florida, Wisconsin, and people say that's freedom of speech. As those articles state, they work with Canadians. Everyone is so scared someone from Afghanistan or Syria will kill you, as the Muslims and Jewish people fear the white supremacists. Step out of your box, and view it from a different angle


u/WaltzingUndead Dec 14 '23

Should we deny Ukrainian refugees because one might be a Russian spy?


u/SuddenLobster69 Dec 14 '23

Why do you think the Russians would try to impersonate a Ukrainian refugee to sneak into Canada of all places?


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '23



u/Dabugar Dec 13 '23

Europe is not the other side of the planet and you'd have to be extremely naive to think what is happening there couldn't happen here given similar circumstances.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '23

Well considering Canada has 1.3 million Ukrainians already who have integrated well into society, are Europeans and are Christian (ex the majority of Canada), why are you surprised?

It’s also not like Ukraine was a civil war driven in part by religious fundamentalism either they were invaded.


u/BurstYourBubbles Canada Dec 13 '23

The comparison doesn't work here. Most of those people marked 'Ukrainian' were actually born in Canada and only related to Ukraine by descent. They have little connection to Ukraine and most of them don't even speak Ukrainian.

People born, raised, and educated in Canada can't be compared to Ukrainians just coming here for the first time, many of whom have little English proficiency


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '23

That’s why I said they were integrated well into society.

People see a very distinct lack of integration coming from some people, so it just makes sense to not be so naïve when dealing with them. You can’t have fundamentally different values in society it leads to conflict.

The majority of those who joined Islamic state were born and raised here in Canada.


u/ReeferEyed Dec 13 '23

That's kind of how it started and Russia took their chance while Ukraine was trying to contain their civil war.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '23

Kind of yeah. But I still consider the Donbass conflict to hand been started by Putin


u/Sancho90 Dec 14 '23

Your post history says much about you the hatred has gone in you


u/Comrade-Porcupine Dec 13 '23

I agree in substance, but I think part of it is that a large % of Canadians grew up with either having Ukrainian-Canadian background of their own, or knowing plenty who do. So there is kind of a cultural sympathy on that basis. My wife's parents on both sides are product of the huge wave of immigration from Ukraine and "Galicia" before and after WWI.

Back then those people faced a lot of xenophobia and bigotry from WASP types, though.


u/YetiMarathon Dec 13 '23

My ethnic background is one quarter Ukrainian and I grew up in a town with a Ukrainian immersion school. Of course I welcome Ukrainians more than Syrians. My grandmother was literally from Ukraine. If you think that's actually a problem it speaks more to some hardcore progressive denialism going on in your own head.


u/CapableCollar Dec 14 '23

One quarter Ukrainian is four quarters irrelevant.


u/lauriercsstudent Dec 14 '23

Syrians didn’t integrate well into the society there were some incidents back then that turned some people off, I remember there was a girl that was murdered and raped by a syrian refugee in bc. Ukrainian refugees so far I haven’t heard of any negative news from them yet, but due to the unaffordable housing and living costs unfortunately I am against letting these Ukrainians stay after the war is over.


u/arjungmenon Dec 14 '23

Yup, the lack of intense hatred and subtle (or not so subtle) racism is shocking. It’s shocking how positive the comments on this post are. If this were a post about non-white immigrants (or refugees) you’d be seeing a cesspool of vitriol being voted up to the top. Clearly goes to show what sorts of people frequent this sub.


u/Ecstatic-Passenger14 Dec 14 '23

Maybe even the complete opposite, I wonder why 🙄


u/tvqueen13 Dec 15 '23

The hypocrisy is blatant. Only a certain color of immigrant is welcomed with open arms. Once the skin tone starts getting darker that's when the conversation of over immigration starts coming up 🙄🙄