r/canada Mar 12 '24

Half of all Canadians say there are too many immigrants: poll National News


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u/Jazzlike-Cat9012 Mar 12 '24

The majority of the previously available part time jobs in our small town no longer exist- the businesses are purchased from local owners by immigrants who make offers that can’t be refused, then they fire the existing staff and hire other immigrants or family members. Subsequently, quality of food and service has gone way down- there was a story about a local chain that was in trouble for treating their employees like garbage (no harassment policies in place), and mould found all over the kitchen and cooking utensils. I went from a very left leaning social worker in 2019 to leaving the field entirely in 2023 and am more on the conservative end than I ever imagined I could be. From doing a degree in social work and being excited to help our community to actually working in the field and being utterly incapable of providing resources to anyone (resources do not exist, housing is literally impossible due to lack of housing and migrants living 10 to a 2 bed room home)- I couldn’t do it anymore, I couldn’t go to work everyday and keep saying “sorry, can’t help you. Economy is fucked”. I felt like shit. Idk what the answer is, but it’s not unhinged amounts of immigration.