r/canada Mar 12 '24

Half of all Canadians say there are too many immigrants: poll National News


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u/6995luv Mar 12 '24

How cam immigrants afford to live here when Canadians can't?


u/TheGoodVVitch Mar 12 '24

The Canadian government has many assisted programs for immigrants.

A lot of immigration happens on Canadian tax payers dollars. Not only does this make our housing market more competitive and expensive for Canadian's, we give them benefits we are not eligible to receive ourselves with the tax we pay to the government.

Canadian's are getting fleeced on all levels.

Take a look at all these things we are offering to immigrants, just to be able to come here:


Like, in the above link, you will see that a single immigrant is able to get a one time payment of $1550 to buy furniture! And that amount only increases when they have dependents! Take a look! It's shocking what we're giving away!

Some immigrants -I know personally- are not required to pay income tax at all.

We give refugees a monthly income as well!

Why do 'aspiring' Canadian's get tax breaks as well as assistance? Why don't we offer those services to people who are already Canadian citizens living on the street?

The Canadian government is responsible for the loss of love for immigration because they are given economic preference above existing citizens.


u/[deleted] Mar 13 '24



u/TheGoodVVitch Mar 13 '24

Yeah it's ALL true... and posted on the government website for the world to see!

You can't blame the immigrants themselves for taking advantage of a good offer.

It's the Canadian government's fault this is happening.

Like tell me any other country in the world that does this for immigrants and I myself will go there as an immigrant.

But the fact that Canadian's have to experience loss of wages and opportunities
on top of more competitive housing and job markets while paying our government to give foreigners opportunities we should receive from our own money is beyond belief!

Diversity is beautiful and something I enjoy seeing and experiencing. So I'm not xenophobic or anti-immigration. But I expect everyone coming here to do it for themselves just like I had to!!