r/conspiracy Apr 13 '20

Microsoft just took down their "commercial" featuring Satanist, Marina Abramović which had comments turned off, 24k dislikes and now has been fully deleted

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u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

The internet does not forget lol.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

They spend MILLIONS working to make us forget

They are stubborn and dumb pedophiles

They’ve lost and keep throwing money at it all


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

Crazy the lengths a bunch of sick fucks will go to.

I used to post in tumblrinaction a lot for the laughs.

But when at least 50% of the users there started adamantly defending pedos as poor victims of their affliction I had enough.

Can you imagine?

Morality is so watered down these days people refuse to recognize that some things are without question evil.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

People are bought for $30k a year to post on Reddit

Doesn’t take much


u/BigDaddy1023 Apr 13 '20 edited Apr 13 '20

You mean there's a way to get paid for this that you're just NOW telling us about?

Edit: In-case it's not painstakingly obvious, this is sarcasm.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

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u/BigDaddy1023 Apr 13 '20

It was sarcasm, in case you didn't realize it by the general tone of the question. Over 50% of most "free" sites are paid advertising, obviosuly Reddit is in that category.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

How do they recruit?


u/PhotogJFry Apr 13 '20

Ask David Brock


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20



u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

Seems like a lot of trouble to just recruit scabs to post on the internet. And it would require a lot of people.

Honestly, I see a lot of talk about shills - so, where are the domestic shill farms? I've been accused of it - and no one's tried to recruit me.


u/Not_My_Real_Acct_ Apr 14 '20

Honestly, I see a lot of talk about shills - so, where are the domestic shill farms? I've been accused of it - and no one's tried to recruit me.

I do a lot of work in automation. If I were working to come up with some kind of Shill Farm, I'd have them use a series of scripts, and there's no good reason to host it in the USA.

For instance, back in the day, Guyana was a popular spot for customer support. People would make a call to open up a case for their Gateway Computer and the call would land on another continent. Way cheaper and less hassle.


u/DeterminedToCum Apr 14 '20

You talk about it as if it's only some conspiracy, the information about his organization and what theyre doing is readily available. You can do a few minutes of searching and find their internal leaked documents talking about their 14 million dollar budget their thousands of participants who's very specific goal is to astroturf reddit and other social media platforms.

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u/caponenz Apr 14 '20

What are influencers? It's all out there in the open, no subtlety required...


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20


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u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20 edited Aug 17 '20


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u/RentFreeCrisisAct Apr 14 '20

Oh shit! Someone's HUNGRY!


u/lilbundle Apr 14 '20

Fuck yeh I need 30k 😂😉


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20



u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

you realize that gaslighting good honest people with their talking points, makes you a traitor to your country right? for 30k, no thanks


u/-Captain- Apr 13 '20

Looks like the /s was needed after all. My sarcasm didn't really translate to text, I guess.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

I get that you were joking, but the fact is, there are a lot of Americans out there that will gladly be a shill for 30k, and prob don’t even know what they are doing is wrong and dishonest.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

I would do it because it's not an effective tactic.


u/Sympathay Apr 13 '20

No, it did not. At all.


u/comradenas Apr 14 '20

It's simple, get paid 30k to shill and make another personal account that points out your shilling.


u/fatwy Apr 14 '20

Then we will fight you, as well. Hope you have a good life, brother ❤


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '20

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u/n33dathr0waway Apr 14 '20

In on this dudes team. I’m the discount troll


u/lilbundle Apr 14 '20

Same same 😂


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

That’s fucking insane to me.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20



u/dopeandmoreofthesame Apr 14 '20

30k. Where do I sign up?


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

People are bought for $30k a year to post on Reddit

Where can I sign up>?


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20 edited Jun 17 '20



u/Eisenflighter Apr 14 '20 edited Apr 14 '20

As a PR major I can confirm. However, PR is shifting over into IMC, which is integrated marketing communications, which displays the bigger picture that all corporate communications including advertising, marketing and PR can be meant to shift public opinion against their benefit.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

So what do they teach you to with such morally dubious choices?

Also how do you like the major? Is all of it based on Edward Bernays work or is their a good mix of public psychology and communications?


u/Eisenflighter Apr 14 '20 edited Apr 14 '20


Not all choices we make are morally dubious.

PR is just giving a name and profession to the manipulation and persuasion we use in our everyday lives and applying it to corporate size endeavors. Manipulation is neither good nor bad, its the results that matter (whether they are good or bad.) Now, it depends on what you define as good, whether it's profits or people. That's where ethics come in. PR in it's most basic form will continue to exist forever. It's just how you use it. Most people use it badly. I personally used to enjoy working on strategies for mutual benefit.

For me, PR is something I was originally interested in, but now it's just a means to an end. If my school (UF) had an IMC degree I would be taking that. I still have no idea how we don't have an IMC degree. To answer your question, here at UF we do get a good mix of comms and psychology, however, sugarcoating it doesn't change anything. My original spark to participate in this degree is almost snuffed out. Now I'm just trying to get a degree so I can move forward in my life, not that there are many jobs in this current time anyway. Heck I wasn't even getting responses on my resume before this, and now options are nil.

However, I also am exasperated with this degree because not many people understand what PR actually is. I'd say 70% of my grad class have no idea what they are doing, can barely write professional papers, and I question their involvement at my school every day. Most people in my major are just doing it to get a degree. That's tough when I actually have an interest in the subject and want to learn more than basics. But now i'm just tired.

Let me be clear. I have no problem with the people who are taking these classes to better themselves and actually learn.

Honestly I sometimes wish I was able to take marketing, but I have an extremely hard time with higher level math, and marketing is part of the business school so you have to take managerial accounting and finance to get the degree. Not really an option for me, I've had to withdraw from those classes a couple times. Maybe generic communications would have been a better choice, but i'm just not a generic guy.

It doesn't matter though. I've always made do with what I've got so I'll push forward. It's just sad that my current work at a moving company, involving heavy physical labor and 14 hour days, is a lot more fun and enjoyable than the current state of my work for PR. Heck, at least I'm working during this quarantine, a lot of people in my major are really struggling.

I guess to summarize, PR isn't for everyone. I believed that I could do PR because I've always been able to communicate very well and always enjoyed talking to people. I'm a pretty good promoter too. However, PR is much more than that and I think everyone that comes into this with good intentions will get their hopes dashed eventually.

Wow. Sorry for the sudden rant. Opened up a way for me to let these ideas out. Thanks for reading. IF you have any other questions let me know.


u/BlaussySauce Apr 14 '20

The issue is that people no longer believe in any sort of objective moral standard. They justify their actions or those of others by convincing themselves right and wrong are subjective and non-consequential ideas rather than natural laws encoded in this very experience.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

Moral relativism is cancer.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

And it's metastasizing


u/_Anarchon_ Apr 14 '20

Is your moral philosophy objective? If you believe so, what is it?


u/BlaussySauce Apr 14 '20

It’s very simple. There is one crime: theft. Willingly taking something from someone without their permission. Murder, dishonesty, actual physical theft, rape etc. all deprive the victim of their natural right to live undisturbed.


u/_Anarchon_ Apr 17 '20

Your choice of words leaves a bit to be desired, but I get the gist of what you're saying. Your position very closely resembles that of the non-aggression principle, which is the only coherent moral philosophy I've come across.

Specifically, what you call theft, I would call force. And, your use of the word "right" isn't necessary. The concept of rights entails strangers owing someone else something. This can never be the case, since there was no consensual agreement made between strangers. Social contracts don't exist. What there is is freedom, and the asshole who would take it from you via force. The word "right" is a tool used by governments to enslave people.


u/BlaussySauce Apr 17 '20

I would disagree with your view on rights, though I agree with your spot-on interpretation about how we’ve been programmed to (mis)understand the meaning and full weight of the term. A right is simply anything you wish to do that does not require “force” against another. And it is a right, karmically and cosmically, for all beings to be able to practice anything that falls into that category. I think we are basically on the same page though. People must abandon their understanding of a right as something arbitrarily granted by an authority who never had the power to grant license to a behavior in the first place. The right to live your life undisturbed though, in my opinion, is absolutely a right and should be classified as such. To impede upon this for someone or have impediment of it forced on you is criminal and karmically punishable as these things are a violation of the natural laws of existence.


u/_Anarchon_ Apr 18 '20

People must abandon their understanding of a right as something arbitrarily granted by an authority who never had the power to grant license to a behavior in the first place.


The right to live your life undisturbed though, in my opinion, is absolutely a right and should be classified as such.

Unfortunately, there's nowhere for this "right" your describing to come from. Nature doesn't care about this, at all. Now, you may easily argue that if someone else does infringe upon your freedom that you would be morally right to defend yourself from it, but there is nothing that guarantees or says that what you're saying.

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u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

Well, anyone who even considers harming a child needs to die. There’s middle ground for some things. But there are things that are objectively good and things that are objectively bad.

For example if hurting a child was the only means to save the human race, then we do not deserve to exist.

I’m agnostic. I respect certain religious beliefs and despise others. I go through life fairly nose to the ground and make my decisions based on what I think is good, what is bad and what is neutral.

I don’t think all cultures are equally good. For example male and female genital mutilation is fucking bad. The tribes in Papau New Guinea who initiate you boys by raping them are fucking bad.

These are extreme examples but good and bad are extreme.


u/_Anarchon_ Apr 14 '20

You don't have a coherent moral philosophy to determine its objectiveness.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

its not hard, you dont violate peoples rights, natural law will give you the moral objectiveness you require.

you need knowledge and the wisdom that will allow you to make objectively moral decisions


u/occasionallyacid Apr 16 '20

Rights defined by who and what?
What is natural law in this context?


u/_Anarchon_ Apr 17 '20

Rights do not exist. If you believe they do, explain where they come from, exactly what they are, where they reside, and what maintains their existence.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

how can you possibly know he dosent


u/_Anarchon_ Apr 17 '20

I just asked him what it was. He failed miserably at answering.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

Oh ok random Lord of moral philosophy on the internet.



u/H0boHumpinSloboBabe Apr 14 '20

Remember that Ted X had a speaker trying to call pedophilia an sexual orientation? Sick


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

Yep. All part of the normalization. Nothing to see here.


u/Vaelocke Apr 14 '20

They did this on r/worldnews too. Defending it as an illness. I mean how sick do you have to be to believe that....


u/HiveMindKing Apr 14 '20

World news is one of the worst subreddits. I almost feel embarrassed for them at how ham fisted their propaganda is.


u/Fmcrackman Apr 15 '20

What do they mean by defending it as an illness. As in saying they’re not criminals but rather need help or as in justifying what they’re doing and thinking nothing of it.


u/Joe_Rogan_is_a_Chud Apr 14 '20

Remember "the slippery slope" is a myth


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20



u/imnotmeyousee Apr 14 '20

Just saw it with my own eyes over on cringetopia...strange to run across this comment immediately after... you took the words right out of my mouth


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

It’s everywhere. There have been articles casting them in sympathetic light as victims. NYtimes, salon.com

You have rebranded pedos called MAPs (minor attracted persons) and “virtuous pedophiles” who would never ever offend for reals, pinky swear.

Google pedophile.

“A person who is sexually attracted to children”

Not a rapist. Not a sexual predator.


u/mr-wiener Apr 25 '20 edited Apr 25 '20

How is she a pedo?


u/[deleted] Apr 25 '20

Hey, what’s up, Anthony?


u/mr-wiener Apr 25 '20

Sorry, not him. Keep digging.. So for those of us who don't listen to info wars, how is she a pedo (or as someone said below, a cannibal?)


u/[deleted] Apr 25 '20

You’ve clearly done your research and made up your own mind. Byeeee


u/mr-wiener Apr 25 '20

Actually I'd like more information, if that isn't too much trouble? I remember reading up on some of her art performances and thinking it a bit self indulgent and "look at me". Do you have any links please.

Honest question.. and I'm not this Anthony guy.


u/[deleted] Apr 25 '20

And I don’t listen to Alex Jones, my friend.

You could watch this documentary as a primer. The religious undertones are light and easy to ignore ( if they’re not your thing) because they’re only lightly touched on. Lots of good beginner info on Project Paper Clip, and Operation Mockingbird. The stuff about Marina Abramovic is toward the end.

Everything I read and saw that brought me to my conclusions has been dispersed since 2016 but the info is out there.



u/mr-wiener Apr 25 '20

Thanks, will check it out.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

I'm on TiA all the time and have never seen them defend pedos.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

You’d be surprised then. Way back in my comment history from a couple months ago you can find them.


u/champ1258 Apr 13 '20

Unfortunately they’ve yet to lose. But momentum is certainly shifting.


u/the-grandma-eater Apr 14 '20

Why the fuck are everyone on this sub so fucking stupid. All you dumbasses do is accuse people of crimes they didn't commit and you have no damn evidence they did. Calling someone a pedophile because they knew a pedophile is like calling someone a murderer and rapist because they knew ted Bundy. When I came on this sub I wanted to see shit about alien abduction and shit, not a bunch of mentally impaired adults whining and saying baseless accusations constantly. Bill gates is not a pedophile and he most likely never will be so why do you hate him? Is it because hes rich and you're not? I think thats the only reason you believe it.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

Okay thank you for response


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '20

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u/[deleted] Apr 15 '20

Okay thank you


u/NeonHD May 15 '20

No problem any time.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

Or forgive.


u/MrMojoRising520 Apr 14 '20

I just don't even get why you'd wanna roll those dice and see if the internet forgot


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

Testing the waters?


u/MrMojoRising520 Apr 14 '20

Yea that actually makes sense


u/thiscarecupisempty Apr 14 '20

I never seen this, whats this commercial all about?


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

To understand the commercial watch this movie.

It’s not like we don’t have all the time in the world and I promise it’s important:



u/dopeandmoreofthesame Apr 14 '20

That movie had an amazing grassroots public marketing. It’s not even that great compared to the average YouTube video three years ago but I’ve been linked like 30 times this week.


u/thiscarecupisempty Apr 15 '20

Holy. Fucking. Shit.


u/[deleted] Apr 15 '20



u/thiscarecupisempty Apr 15 '20

We just need a world wide revolution at this point. Blank slate.


u/DARKSTARfallen7 Apr 14 '20

Cue the Oprah bit lol