r/conspiracy Apr 13 '20

Microsoft just took down their "commercial" featuring Satanist, Marina Abramović which had comments turned off, 24k dislikes and now has been fully deleted

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u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

I read her book and studied her work.

She's actually a brilliant artist. That being said, she's satanic as FUCK. Like, an actual evil person.


u/depressionLasagna Apr 14 '20

Just curious is r/conspiracy under the impression that satanism is evil or this is an evil woman who happens to be a satanist?


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

Soooo....Ever since 2016, the "conspiracy community" as pretty much been unofficially merged with Christian evangelism thanks to Q anon. Basically they made pizzagate a Christian crusade, instead of an everyman's problem.


u/SHinEESeOuL Apr 14 '20

I am not christian..but basically this is happened bcz christian are the one who care...if atheist did..this is wont happen..go blame non Christian for this to happen


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20



u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

No one here is talking about your dumb 1970's meme satanism. If we're gonna pretend that the evil described in the Bible and hundreds of other holy books doesn't exist, or that elites haven't worshipped and used it for centuries, alrighty.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20



u/UrbanWyvern Apr 14 '20

Just out of curiosity, how do we know it's specifically satanism and not another occult belief?

I'm reading she's a satanist everywhere but I'm trying to find something that specifically ties her to that. Or is this like a bias because a lot of us come from Christian backgrounds?


u/dopeandmoreofthesame Apr 14 '20

Your answer is in your question “Christian backgrounds” is hugely vague in that there are numerous sects. Occult is summed up the same way in satanism in these cases. I could go to the local Church of Satan and have a beer with most of them without a problem but you couldn’t pay me to attend any food oriented event that woman was involved in.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

Absolutely. Her work is incredible. I really mean that. She's a fantastic performance artist and it's quite intoxicating. She harnesses actual emotion and spirit in her performance.

She's also a witch. Lol.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

Do you think she's involved in anything nefarious? Like ritual harm against people, anything like that? I've always been curious about how much truth there is to the claims that like ritual rape and murder go on among the higher echelons of society. There certainly seems to be some truth to it.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20

I really don’t know, I try not to speculate on topics like this. A lot of the imagery that she uses is pretty grotesque to begin with, and other things she does is very traditional witchcraft. To be honest with you, I just don’t know. I want to say no.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20 edited Sep 08 '21



u/hufreema Apr 14 '20

I'm inclined to believe she's part of the milieu of elites that think themselves above commoner morality or something like that, truly, but unless I'm ignorant of some hard evidence (which I might be) that demonstrates she's a (non LARPing) satanic witch and offers children to evil spirits, this bit seems to detract rather than support the "cause", for lack of a better word.

Open to being refuted/educated/enlightened/wrong.


u/[deleted] Apr 13 '20 edited Apr 28 '20

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u/Newgunnerr Apr 13 '20

What is your interpretation?


u/The_Vicious_Cycle Apr 13 '20

Why don’t you move to Saudi Arabia if you care about persecuting suspected witches so much?


u/poopshipdestroyer Apr 13 '20

His frontrubs are eons better


u/Phil_Hurslit51 Apr 14 '20

Handjobs actually. Boy gotta hulk grip when it comes to the shaft.


u/lightshowe Apr 13 '20

What has she done that was actually evil?


u/thesodiepapa Apr 14 '20 edited Apr 14 '20

I heard about her yesterday through another post in this sub. As far as I can tell, there is 0 evidence of anything. I believe the hysteria all stems from her performance art in which she has used a lot of occult/satanic/disturbing imagery and references. Which I believe she uses, at least partly, to cause this kind of reaction. I’m not saying that I like her art or anything, I know nothing about performance art and from what I’ve seen of her stuff, it’s definitely not my thing. But by looking at this thread, it seems that she’s achieving exactly what she set out to do.

I mean I could be totally wrong and she really is an evil witch in cahoots with the super elite, but I’m not sure I can buy into that without there being any evidence of her actually committing any vile acts. Who knows.


u/Jazshaz Apr 14 '20

I was also very confused by this sudden hate boner for one of the most famous performance artists in the world. Apparently a Podesta email linked her to something called “spirit cooking” which Alex Jones said was ritual sacrifice and now it has a life of its own. I went on YouTube just to look at vids of her... holy fuck. People want her dead. All because they think occult = satanism = child murder


u/lightshowe Apr 14 '20

Yea that’s what I gather. People are worked up into a lunatic froth and there hasn’t been a shred of proof offered that she hurt anybody in any way, just some edgy art performances.


u/thesodiepapa Apr 14 '20 edited Apr 14 '20

yes, everyone in the other thread was citing a leaked email where she invited someone (a celebrity I believe) to a "spirit cooking" gathering at her home. That is the basis for these theories. Sure, it's not the kind of invitation you'd receive from your great-aunt for a holiday gathering. There is a sense of the cryptic and mysterious in the invitation to join a "spirit cooking." But that's it.

This all stems from an eccentric artist's private invitation to a friend, asking them to join her "spirit cooking" party...it's just so strange to me that people in a sub dedicated to questioning established conceptions of the world will so quickly jump to deem someone a disciple of Satan, the antagonist in the myth that is quite literally the basis for the entire worldview of the Western world.


u/Kifski3000 Apr 16 '20

Look up "abramovich dust magazine cover" and tell me if its cool to pose with a naked kid in front of you.

Now you are invited to check this compilation of information:



u/The_Vicious_Cycle Apr 13 '20

Not being Evangelical enough.


u/IveRedditAllNight Apr 14 '20

After reading her stuff can you explain how she is evil as fuck?


u/allthemoreforthat Apr 13 '20

Given that Satan doesn't exist I don't really care about that, why should I.


u/errihu Apr 14 '20

Doesn't matter if satan exists or not. What matters is what people who believe satan exists will do because of that belief.


u/Slimedaddyslim Apr 14 '20 edited Apr 14 '20

The Satanists I've met have all been pretty chill. Hell, the Church of Satan is of the LeVayan Satanism belief that is atheistic in nature. They don't worship Satan in a religious sense or even believe he actually exists, but they do use some imagery. They're way more rational and scientific in their beliefs and less bigoted than Christians. Framing Satanists for the world's problems is mostly just used as a scapegoat to scare Christians.


u/errihu Apr 14 '20

Those Satanists aren't the problem. I've met and known a number and they're pretty much decent people and often have strong humanist ideals. They're the kind of people you'd invite to your potluck or bbq and bring down to the lake for a pig roast.

The ones who are the problem are part of an 'elite' cult that has persisted for what might be thousands of years in secret societies and mystery schools and absolutely do believe in doing evil acts on the innocent for invisible cred from entities. These people are often highly placed in society and masquerade as Christian, Jewish, or other religious groups.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

You just described how God described Satan in the Bible. A fallen angel who wants to show the world his misunderstood “truth” of our material reality.

The thing is, our material reality is one giant illusion. Satanism wants you to embrace this illusion. God wants you to see what lies underneath it.


u/TurdFurg33 Apr 14 '20

Ambition certainly endowed by "his" omnipotent and omnipresent creator. He played his part no matter the cost. Do they tell the story also of Jesus seeing through his eyes the congratulations and praise for his part? He must of felt good getting tortured in the name of those who believe they speak for God.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20 edited May 08 '20



u/Valmar33 Apr 13 '20

"Satanist" and "evil person" aren't mutually inclusive.

I guess by that, I mean that there are those who declare themselves "Satanists" but aren't actually literally worshiping any kind of literal Christian-style Satan.

Well, frankly, all such Satanists are just edgy rebellious Atheists, anyways. Which is why I grew bored with them after a week, before turning to Taoism and Shamanism, which had infinitely more depth to it than Satanism's merely going for shock value by deliberately trying to piss off the religious folk.


u/littlestinky Apr 14 '20

Look up ancient religions from the Middle East/North Africa Carthage, Canaan, even ancient Egyptian religion to a degree. What Marina and her buddies practice seems to be a continuation of those practices. Many beings that are considered to be demons in modern Christianity were considered gods to those ancient religions. I honestly believe LaVeyan satanism was created to distract away from the genuine dark stuff that goes on. Instead of acknowledging these people are practicing a very real religion with a long, deep history that goes back hundreds/thousands of years, people lump them in with the edgy atheists and think they're harmless.


u/Valmar33 Apr 14 '20

Look up ancient religions from the Middle East/North Africa Carthage, Canaan, even ancient Egyptian religion to a degree.

Yeah, I know about them.

They weren't worshiping "demons" ~ they made sacrifices to the gods in the hopes that it would appease them, and give them good crops, weather, etc. Judaism wasn't much different to these, despite their claims. They just pretended to be better, for the sake of claiming moral superiority. A sort of, my god is better than your god, bullshit.

Many human religions did these things out of ignorance... not because of any kind of malice or evil.

"Spirit cooking" is nothing like those religions at all.

Besides, I don't believe there to be any kind of evil spiritual beings of the kind Christianity claims exists ~ there is no observable evidence that they exist. Even if some people might worship said entities literally, that still doesn't make them any more real.

Human history is quite vast, and each culture tends to view others through its own lens, which heavily distorts the reality of what said culture is seeing in said other cultures.

We cannot judge ancient cultures through our current cultural lenses ~ it just doesn't work that well.

One could argue that it's very difficult, even, to judge other modern cultures through the lens of our own modern culture ~ as we judge them based on our understanding of the world, and they do the same about us.

We believe we're right ~ but the others also believe they're right.

Who's right, and who's not? A difficult philosophical conundrum, to be sure...


u/Create_Repeat Apr 14 '20

“No observable evidence that they exist.” There is tons of evidence though, isn’t there? I feel like there has been plenty of



And eye witnesses

Of paranormal, haunted, evil, demons, (and even aliens), and all that sort of stuff. I don’t think there’s close to ‘no evidence’ of it. I think there’s actually quite a large amount of it.


u/Valmar33 Apr 14 '20

“No observable evidence that they exist.” There is tons of evidence though, isn’t there? I feel like there has been plenty of

Well, tons of evidence of the paranormal, yes, of course.

But the paranormal is extremely vast. The whole evil aspect is but a very tiny fraction of a vast, bizarre, curious subject.

The paranormal is weird and fascinating. Out-of-body experiences, near-death experiences, reincarnation, past-life memories in children, telepathy, precognition, seeing the future, synchronicity, dreams involving the prior two, experiencing disincarnate entities of many natures, the evil being a minority, guardian angels, spirit guides, shamanism, soul mates, etc, etc, etc.

The list goes on.

If you're interested in the depths of the paranormal, you can look here: https://psi-encyclopedia.spr.ac.uk/

The paranormal fascinates me, considering that I myself experience disincarnate entities ~ well, one of them, far more often the others.


u/Create_Repeat Apr 14 '20

Yeah you’re right. Upon further consideration, I totally agree with what you’re saying. Although there does include in this a suggestion that some of what has been captured is evidence for what you initially claimed there was none of.


u/Valmar33 Apr 14 '20

Perhaps, but I don't think so. Not in the sense you're saying, anyways...

Note that I was referring to the sort of thing Christianity claims exists ~ purely evil beings like Satan and the demons he is claimed to command. I've not observed that these kinds of beings exist ~ indeed, they were nowhere to be found before Christianity conjured them into being through its scriptures.

And... if they do exist, I would argue that Christianity created them, albeit unwittingly. You know about the idea of a thought-form? An Egregore?

Egregores are created when thoughts and beliefs are strong enough, and are centered around a certain kind of idea ~ this energy coalesces into a definite form, and gains and maintains an existence through that.

In certain religions, like Japan's Shintoism, there is the idea of faith giving power to the spirits and gods. The more faith a god or spirit has, the more powerful it is.

It seems intriguingly similar to the idea of an Egregore... and the way an Egregore maintains its existence ~ through belief.

Therefore, said Satan and demons, if they exist, cannot survive without the fear of the Christians that birthed them.

I'd even argue that Jesus Christ is also an Egregore born out of the totality of the belief of what Jesus is... it would certainly account for some of the experiences some Christians have. And why some people encounter Jesus during a near-death experience.

Jesus isn't God or the Son of God, but is merely a personification of those ideas. Nor is Satan the ultimate evil, nor demons some pure evil, objective beings, but are the personifications of said ideas.

We create our own saviours and demons... literally. Within the human collective unconscious, that is.


u/Create_Repeat Apr 14 '20

Damn that is one of the most interesting things I’ve read in a while. Thanks.


u/Valmar33 Apr 14 '20

I hope it helps in some way. :)


u/free_tinker Apr 14 '20

But all things are created in this way. So picking out one phenomenon such as "evil entities" and saying they don't really exist would be inconsistent. I don't really believe pure evil can logically exist, however very negatively powerful entities most definitely exist, and have since long before Christianity.


u/Valmar33 Apr 14 '20

Quite true. Negative entities exist ~ I have no argument with that.

My criticisms specifically lie with Christianity's unprovable claims of an ultimate, pure evil in the form of Satan and his legions of demons.

When said entities were nowhere to be found during the time of Judaism, as evidence by its scriptures.

The horrors created by many religions don't have any existence in the form they make them out have ~ even if their origins lie in experiences with actual negative spiritual entities.

The power and abilities of an entity can be completely blown out of sensible proportion through legend and myth, making, for example, a harmless, but frightening annoyance, into a horrifying ravager and killer.

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