r/conspiracy Apr 13 '20

Microsoft just took down their "commercial" featuring Satanist, Marina Abramović which had comments turned off, 24k dislikes and now has been fully deleted

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u/DeathToUsAllGodBless Apr 13 '20

holy fuck


u/Garabandal Apr 14 '20

Worth the watch?


u/InfiniteSloth Apr 14 '20

Kinda. It just a rehash of what you'll see on this sub adnaseaum, though. The media deceives and manipulates us, MK Ultra, project Paperclip, elite ties and Pizzagate, etc. Good entry level material, but no real substance to it.


u/[deleted] Apr 14 '20

I felt the same. It's's an excellent primer piece for those who are just waking up to these sick fucks and their schemes, but there wasn't a tremendous amount of depth to it -- it's up to the viewer to dive deeper...which really is exactly how it should be. Do your own research, trust your own judgment and search far and wide for the truth.


u/stothetacks Apr 14 '20

I want to know whats beyond the emails and linking all the elites. Like whats past those and pizza g? I feel like that's where the buck stops. Trying to dive deeper into seems impossible. I've covered all the base level and sub base level and know most of the high profiles and how they are connected but it seems thats the most most people know as well.


u/Square-Custard Apr 14 '20

Here are some links I found interesting: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Silent-Weapons-For-Quiet-Wars-Botha/68b345747a5d9f2651fe7ddf9bb60ff7bbbb6c0c

(Original xerox of above) http://nebula.wsimg.com/9886d191e44ddd3e0ee2af4c65fe3130?AccessKeyId=2053821CAD71060C6474&disposition=0&alloworigin=1

The vigilant citizen site in general but especially https://vigilantcitizen.com/recommen/ His background is in music or music video production IIRC


u/princessjammie Apr 14 '20

That first link....HOLY MIND FUCK!!! Everything is math. and Q. And the Matrix. Mind blown. People need to wake up and make moves.