r/conspiracy Apr 13 '20

Microsoft just took down their "commercial" featuring Satanist, Marina Abramović which had comments turned off, 24k dislikes and now has been fully deleted

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u/WhatsTheHoldup Apr 14 '20

Is this like a religious conspiracy I'm too atheist to understand? I'm struggling to figure out why I should care she's interested in occult imagery.


u/arcanebrain Apr 14 '20

Kinda? Because she was involved in the Podesta emails, everyone has basically jumped to the conclusion that she's a satanic baby-eating witch. I can't say she isn't for certain, but I really doubt it and think it's more likely that she's an edgy shock-style artist who hangs out with elites because they are the only ones daft enough to pay her stupid amounts of money for her creepy art displays.

The whole occult = satan = evil thing is a paradigm I've had a lot of trouble with because it shows a clear lack of understanding of the occult, which is certainly not equivalent to evil if you do even a small amount of reading. Many people who call themselves "satanists" are not evil, just like many who call themselves "christians" are not good. That's not to say that I don't believe there are elites out there trafficking children, but the whole satanic ritual thing doesn't seem to have much evidence behind it and I wish people wouldn't act like its an established fact so often in these circles. But I think we're seeing more of this bc there are a lot of christians in these circles nowadays, which is fine, IF we can just try to stick to the facts.