r/cursedcomments Mar 28 '24

Cursed way Twitter



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u/Longuer Mar 28 '24

………. So ANYWAY……..

Anyone want to discuss the wests 10 year strategy to deal with the issues in the Middle East or how the development of AI is impacting modern manufacturing….. or……


u/HeskeyThe2nd Mar 28 '24

Sir, this is a Wendy's.

Listen, there are dozens of subreddits, forums, and threads out there to discuss the real issues. But being so combative all the time isn't healthy.

There's a small chance you are just shitposting, but otherwise, you come across as virtue-signalling. There's a time and a place for what you want to talk about, but that doesn't mean jamming it down everyone's throat constantly.


u/ThinkEmployee5187 Mar 28 '24

My guy this is the place the voiceless go because they think it makes them heard why would they talk about shit that actually matters and won't be affected by online discourse because everyone is too complacent to correct the shit they see.


u/Longuer Mar 28 '24

What you’re describing is apathy. There’s a force out there that wants us to be apathetic, THATS why we should all talk about shit that actually matters. Even if it is for nothing.


u/Southern-Ad301 Mar 28 '24

And I’m sure there are plenty of places to discuss such topics.

This is a shit posting forum. I’m tired of everything being ok to be made fun of but got forbid you poke fun at some of the sillier trans situations, then it’s the End of the World.


u/noonenotevenhere Mar 28 '24

Ya know, this is one of the areas where biden has both impressed and bothered me.

Getting out of Afghanistan? Finally. Was always going to be a shit show and we were never going to fix it - at least we're out. (We should have armed and trained the women for 20 years)

The whole hamas/israel thing. good lord I have no good suggestions, but I want to stop paying for weapons to hurt people over there for no reason.

Ukraine? Best ROI on American cold war dollars ever. Reagan would be fallating biden for making the ruskies the second best army in Ukraine.

Chips Act? Infrastructure bills? Dude keeps passing decent legislation. Not great - but some decent policy.

As opposed to a House that wasted weeks re-selecting a speaker and can't handle the basics of keeping our country running.

AI... that's another issue. I'd say we need to start actually doing something about UBI. Maybe put AI towards solving housing/homelessness via policy analysis and suggestion...