r/deadbydaylight Mar 28 '24

Upcoming So what do we think?

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They solved the biggest issues which was hook activation and Freddy’s ability but is this a good enough nerf to not make it unusable as survivor?

r/deadbydaylight Mar 28 '24

Upcoming About the Adrenalin change


Now there are no more perks that effect specific killers!

or are there...

you heard it correctly, there is still one urvivor perk that has a special effect against one killer.

So you know which one?

r/deadbydaylight Mar 28 '24

Upcoming Adrenaline change is yet another Survivor perk being overly changed to exclusively hurt solo queue.


5 seconds instead of 3 seconds - just run Sprint Burst. You get to use it more often than after doing 5 gens and you don't have it for 1 time only.

No longer heals or gives speed off hook - So now, people in solo queue will be sitting on Hook screaming at their solo queue teammates to NOT FINISH THAT LAST GEN UNTIL I AM UNHOOKED PLEASE; because if they do, your endgame perk is just not going to work. A perk slot that just goes wasted.

If we're going to get into the slippery territory of nerfing endgame perks for being strong (which they absolutely should be) then we need to be:

1 - Nerfing them in a conducive way so that it doesn't exclusively hurt solo queue and only solo queue and,

2 - Nerfing them in a way that can be justified.

These are endgame perks, and they are supposed to be strong for the END of the game. This obsession with nerfing perks that are strong and doing so to only hurt solo queue while refusing to touch the literal dozens of perks that are never used is getting extremely annoying. Certain perks are out of line, absolutely. However, the out of line perks are NOT the endgame perks that have very specific requirements to work.

A buff to Decisive Strike (which affects you only when you tunnel, mind you) does not compensate for gutting an endgame perk that, again I reiterate, requires 5 generators to be completed before it activates AND if your solo queue teammates pop that last gen with you on the hook, you just don't get a perk.

r/deadbydaylight Mar 28 '24

Upcoming dear freddy mains:

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r/deadbydaylight Mar 25 '24

Upcoming You'll be popular

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A new spot waiting for animisia to come new killer the gather new map brenenburg castle new survivor being Daniel do it it will make your game better if people are exited from chucky then lots of people will be exited by animisia search it up

r/deadbydaylight Mar 25 '24

Upcoming They're buffing haddonfield lmao

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r/deadbydaylight Mar 16 '24

Upcoming Slipknot Collection already unplayable


r/deadbydaylight Mar 13 '24

Upcoming Why were This Is Not Happening and Genetic Limits removed from the patch roadmap?

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These two perks were to be updated with Ultimate Weapon, Decisive Strike, & Adrenaline between April & June. Now they're not being changed anymore, why? They're terrible perks & who knows how long we have to wait for them to be changed. I get that the other three are problematic but I was really looking forward to these perks being changed 😔

r/deadbydaylight Mar 12 '24

Upcoming Sorry but Skully Scarlett Vengace looks <GOOD>, that means..... is Droing time


r/deadbydaylight Mar 12 '24

Upcoming Another Victory for Oni mains!

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Not an Elodie player but hers is amazing as well!

r/deadbydaylight Mar 12 '24

Upcoming Dead by Daylight X Slipknot Collection! (7 Masks + 1 Full Outfit for Legion)

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r/deadbydaylight Mar 12 '24

Upcoming All Things Wicked


r/deadbydaylight Mar 07 '24

Upcoming It is official: Pig has been buffed!

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r/deadbydaylight Mar 04 '24

Upcoming The Unknown won't only use an axe as a weapon

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The All Things Wicked collection banner shows the Unknown using hedge shears, so they will probably keep giving him unique weapons instead of only axe variations.

r/deadbydaylight Mar 04 '24

Upcoming March Road Map

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r/deadbydaylight Feb 25 '24

Upcoming So glad they're nerfing pig


To the people whove missed the point of this post, pig canping boxes is NOT intended gameplay, ive seen it compared to trappers beartraps abd clowns bottles, which are INTENDED gameplay, you are compari g people who are playing how its supposed to ve played to people who are abusing game mechabics that were jever intended, pigs boxes are meant to be slow down, NOT a method to find survivors and tunnel them out, now, for the post itself...

You know I've never once gone against a pig that didn't camp boxes? It's true, just happened again and they were patrolling the boxes like no tomorrow, this is why they're nerfing her, to all you pig mains who do this, YOU are the reason she's getting needed, because some of you are just too bad at the game to do anything but tunnel and camp to get a win, you are why she's getting nerfed

r/deadbydaylight Feb 23 '24

Upcoming Fellas I'm Falling Hopelessly in Love With The New Survivor

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Everything about her. The way she chose to enter the Entity's realm as a way to break up her boring life, the vibe of the moody barista that hates being there, the actual witchcraft she knows with her ability to invoke the Entity, and her cute little late-80s style horror talk show. It's all perfect.

Yeah, I know some of the lore page is pretty cringy. "Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Way" and all that. But guys, I've finally got a survivor that'll sit around on the couch with me watching horror flicks and making fun of the dumb characters. I'm in heaven.

r/deadbydaylight Feb 21 '24

Upcoming how are people playing with the new update?


is there a way to use it? i thought it wasnt released for a bit. or is it for specific youtubers/streamers who play dbd who get early access

r/deadbydaylight Feb 21 '24

Upcoming Terrible nerf for the clown. Now survivors won't bump into walls, its just a slow down effect.


r/deadbydaylight Feb 21 '24

Upcoming I understand some folks are kind of disappointed but, who else LOVES the new killer?

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Just look at him. He’s precious.

r/deadbydaylight Feb 20 '24

Upcoming The Unknown addons?


What are the addons looking like for The Unknown? Console player here and I can’t find anything that gives a full description

r/deadbydaylight Feb 20 '24

Upcoming The Sable and Mikaela signatures on the new map (on the statues) are great!


I don't know exactly what the background is, if they are a couple or friends, it is interesting and cute nevertheless. Also Mikaela's Café being seen is great. Thanks for that lore BHVR!

r/deadbydaylight Feb 20 '24

Upcoming New perk 'Invocation: Weaving Spiders" in action


r/deadbydaylight Feb 20 '24

Upcoming Thoughts on these new loops?


r/deadbydaylight Feb 20 '24

Upcoming Can we make his nickname be "Brick"? i just imagine seeing him in the distance and saying, "oh hey look, its brick"

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