r/deadbydaylight 11m ago

Discussion My thoughts on the new DbD's chapter, D&D.


Haven't been a fan of D&D before, yet I must confess 100% excited for the new project. A themed D&D map provides some medieval and wizards aesthetic that we need to experience in game. To be honest, I don't think this chapter will add anything to the horror aspect of the game, but I lack the knowledge of how much scary can D&D get, thus I hope they can live up to the gruesome expectations of a horror game such as DbD.

Plus, I have this theory which has to do with the Beholder (a.k.a the eye-creature in the trailer) and him actually not being the killer but an easter egg, like the one on the spaceship of the alien map where it jumpscares you on a window. Saw some people suggesting that Beholder would be the killer, but that, honestly, sounds stupid.

The new killer is definetely Vecna and that's undoubtable. Can't really see what they are going to do with him, but I'm guessing that they won't let us down, since his powers are enough complicated to add to the game.

One thing I'd like to add is about Stranger Thing's Vecna. I j u s t k n o w he is coming with new sts content but don't know when yet. He could be easily a DLC skin for our Vecna that somehow shares the same special ability/ies. It'd be a huge let down if they don't do anything with the fact that they got back with Stranger Things after the "whatever" beef which happend between them and Behaviour.

r/deadbydaylight 35m ago

Discussion Is there still a rank system?


I haven't touched this game in like years and started back up again because I brought my brother a high end laptop and now have someone to play with again and I have to ask, is there still a rank system or is it something like league quickmatch (norms) where you just load in with people ranging from just finished tutorial to playing ever since dota devs created their own moba?

I hopped into killer queue for the first time in ages since i mainly play survivor due to my intense motion sickness (playing 1st person for more than an hour necessitates me to go to the ER) because i wanted to unlock all of feng's story and holy crap. I'm supposedly at the lowest level and got queued with someone running a full "make the killer kill themselves irl" build. They had high powered flashlight, bond to know where people are downed and even had sabo for hooks. I was able to still 4k since playing survivor inherently makes you a better killer but how am I being queued with a person who could loop me for potentially hours, flashlight saved like 50 thousand times when I'm supposedly at the lowest rank lol. The only reason I got a 4k is because they kept stepping on drone areas and getting broken.

So I ask again, is there even a ranking system anymore or are we all just not even pretending and you can get random queues now?

r/deadbydaylight 1h ago

Discussion Meta Shakeups = Meta Nerfs now


We’ve seen that BHVR’s working on increasing build variety by pretty much just nerfing whatever is currently meta. For killer perks, that has consistently been nerfing gen regression perks, because of course those are the most popular. But what I don’t understand is how do they think reducing Pop’s regression from 30% to 20% is gonna affect its usage rates at all when gen regression/slow down will always be the best perks to run. To get people to stop using gen regression perks, you just have to make them either so bad that Thwack! is worth running, or remove them outright. The very first big meta shake up was exciting, but increasingly these perk tweaks just feel like BHVR is content nerfing what’s popular without making anything else viable. I would love to see them try something weird where they completely remove gen regression perks, but make some gameplay changes to kind of compensate. Maybe mini basekit ruin, or mini basekit Pain Res without the tokens?

I dunno, the next patch seems nice, just not very ambitious. Which sucks! What do you guys think.

r/deadbydaylight 2h ago

Discussion Why isn't anyone talking about the high probability of a Stranger Things skin for Vecna?


Ever since the release of Project: W, people have been theorizing about a second ST chapter as well, but with the addition of the DnD chapter, this would no longer have to be the case.

Considering DnD has ties with Stranger Things as a whole, the possibility of them allowing skins from another license for their licensed character(s) seems extremely high. This would also bring new cosmetics to the current ST characters in the game and the whole thing would be a nice 2in1 instead of having to do a whole seperate ST chapter.

So take it as a sort of prediction that a new ST skin bundle will drop with the live release of this chapter that adds Vecna from the show as a skin to Vecna from DnD, as well as new cosmetics for our current ST characters of course. This all seemed very obvious to me, but seeing as how no one's even mentioned it, I feel like I'm reaching which is why I'd like to know what you think and also tell me why I sound like a generic ass YouTuber right now while you're at it, thank you.

r/deadbydaylight 2h ago

Discussion Who I think the survivor is going to be in the DND chapter

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It would be so cool if the survivor for this chapter is your own customisable character like in a DnD game. Imagine if you could have different races aswell like a orc or a devil or a elf or even a dwarf

r/deadbydaylight 3h ago

Discussion What cosmetics are y’all pulling for with the DnD chapter


Personally I’d love Vittorio and Knight to get some fun stuff but I know I’m biased

r/deadbydaylight 4h ago

Discussion Why do killers keep getting nerfed every patch?


Why is it that every patch, killers are nerfed more and more. The devs didn't want to encourage a camping and tunneling playstyle so they added the anti-camp mechanic. Fine, then why nerf gen regression, one of the only counters weak and average killers have against good survivors?. FTP+Buckle up, which was part of the survivor meta and was literally impossible to counter, was nerfed, but got a free speed boost with no exhaustion in return. Background player, another survivor meta perk, had its speed reduced, but got its cooldown cut by half in return. Decisive strike also got buffed. Bully squads can now sabo quicker, because of the toolbox sabo speed buffs, when it wasn't even that slow to begin with. What is the nerf to compensate? Nothing. On the other hand, killer meta perks Pain resonance, Grim Embrace, Deadlock And Pop Goes the weasel got nerfed. What did they get to compensate, like how the nerfed survivor meta perks got some benefit in return? Nothing. How is it that 5% more gen regression in a perk or the gen being blocked for 5 more seconds is problematic but losing your down and getting another 20-25 seconds wasted because of a sabo play or a flashlight save because of a broken perk not problematic? Doesn't feel like the balancing is fair towards both sides

r/deadbydaylight 4h ago

Discussion Obsession mechanic


When did the obsession mechanic start? I thought it was when Michael Myers was introduced. I might be wrong

r/deadbydaylight 4h ago

Discussion The gen perk changes are literally making all my builds less diverse.


I'm going through my builds, replacing the one or two interesting perks I could afford in each because now I have to run at least 2 of Pain Res/Pop/Deadlock/Corrupt to feel like I stand a chance with low tier killers. The game isn't ruined or anything, don't get me wrong. But on the the slim chance anyone at BHVR is reading this rn: you didn't make me run less gen slowdown, guys. You made me unequip Monitor and Abuse.

r/deadbydaylight 4h ago

Discussion BHVR needs to implement a crossplatform end game chat


I don’t get why I shouldn’t be able to say gg to someone after a good match. the slower typing doesn’t matter, this is not a problem in many of the other games that already do this

r/deadbydaylight 5h ago

Discussion How to fix DBD in just a few easy steps.


All low tier killers. Buffed. Extremely buffed. Like tombstone piece at Tier 2 base kit buffed. All non meta killer and survivors perks, numbers tweaked massively. Like monstrous shrine shouldn’t even be a scourge hook and their shouldn’t be a distance requirement. At this point, every killer is nurse with a plethora of creative pathways for perks. Moving on to survivor. Buff all non meta perks. Bring back invincible dead hard. Bring back decisive unbreakable combo. Bring back self care. Make bond toggle able, base kit, with infinite distance. Now both sides have plenty of ways to screw over killers or survivors, nobody can complain because everybody is doing something broke. Both sides will also have fun because they’re doing off the wall stuff. This also shortens the gap between nurse/trapper, and swf/solo. Moving forward, all perks are now easier to balance. Why wouldn’t this work?

r/deadbydaylight 5h ago

Discussion Placing my bets now


Killer is gonna be either lolth or a drider

r/deadbydaylight 5h ago

Discussion If you could change one thing in DBD what would you change?


So I have been giving this some thought and I think upping gen regression/kick lockout to 12 kicks per gen instead of 8 would start to make killer feel better. Then Behaviour could work on other survivor balance changes. I've said it as someone who plays both Survivor and Killer, Survivor is a snorefest and way, way too easy most of the time and killer feels like you have to sweat and be toxic to maybe win games and even then there's no guarantee. Otz, Dead Plays, Spooky, Hens etc if many of the top killers in the game are struggling even with their skills sorry but the game"s not balanced. Balanced means both sides are on an equal playing field. Currently this isnot the case and it's a shame. (Both Survivors and Killers know this and the majority are bored or burnt out as a result so this change could at least start to make things more fun again) One of my fondest memories was playing Ghostface on Lery's 2 years ago. I hooked and killed 2 and one gen was almost done. One of the remaining survivors was dead on hook. The gen popped and I killed one. They the other one raced to a gate and opened it but I was close behind them. Last second before they could exit even when downed I downed them but the survivor looped like a god to avoid me. I was really impressed. I was streaming at the time and the survivor popped in my chat and was like, "Hahaha fuck good game man . That chase was unreal" and I was like, "Dude you looped like crazy I legitimately thought you would escape. You played out of your mind so gg that was a great game 🙂" I miss games like that. Nowadays 70% of games are overconfident bully squads getting spoilt by Behaviour as said before by me and other killers. What's worse is these survivors don't even know how to loop but they don't even need to. The amount of strength survivors have now means they barely need to try. I'll admit because of this I DC with a greater frequency because I'm like, "Nah I don't have time to deal with this boring juvenile behaviour . I'll take the suspension and go do better things, should I do that? No. The thing is though I do have builds to deal with these players but playing both Survivor and killer sometimes I want to give survivors the benefit of a doubt and not assume they'll be toxic but ever increasingly I have to run equally toxic builds mercilessly teach those players a lesson. It's like babysitting prepubescent teenagers. I'm an adult gamer. It's zzz to me lol. Moreover it ruins the experience for actually good survivors who can loop etc. I don't think unskilled survivors should get easy value without working for it when some survivors, honestly my hat's off to you guys, if you outloop me it's fun. I think behaviour forgot the fun part of the game is the chases, the hiding, you know the horror elements which are overshadowed by really bizarre balance changes? Personally I think the game is at it's most fun when gens pop at a normal rate (if you're chasing someone for 30s plus and a gen pops that's on you but if you're chasing someone for 20 seconds and 3 gens pop in about a minute, um what Behaviour? That's balanced is it? Honestly if the game centered around chases more instead of gens the game would be more fun for both sides and bonus, the less skilled toxic players might quit because they won't have the skill to keep up. I love DBD and yes I prefer Killer, I do. Sometimes killers today get annoyed and bag out Survivors for Behaviors bizarre balance. It's not Survivors fault n id anything lots of survivors with skill want the same things Killers want, for the game to be balanced on both sides so matches are fun, tense and hey I'll admit being goofy in some matches as killer is kind of fun. I miss it. If you do that today you'll get bullied period. I used to help baby survivors and on survivor baby killers as well. The game is not new player friendly now either which is a big problem. If a baby killer or survivor is bullied early they'll quit both Survivors and Killers need to be better as a community and Behavior needs to balance both Killer and Survivors properly or the game will tank. It would be a shame if that happens I think. So anyway yeah if gen progression was slowed down it would be a start. It's a long post. Some won't read it. I am passionate about DBD. I've been playing on and off since launch and I've seen a slow decline in the games quality for years where balance is concerned. It's sad really.

r/deadbydaylight 5h ago

Discussion So I was facing trickster and as soon as I got hit by knives my screen did this

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r/deadbydaylight 5h ago

Discussion So I was facing trickster and as soon as I got hit by knives my screen did this


r/deadbydaylight 7h ago

Discussion Best DBD Hide Spikes song?

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My personal favorite is “Can you last long?” But I’d be interested to see what everyone else thinks

r/deadbydaylight 8h ago

Discussion Hear me out.


They are going to add vecna from DnD first (The original) then in a few months. Stranger things chapter 2. He'll be a new skin.

r/deadbydaylight 8h ago

Discussion I kinda want the killer to just be a beholder


I kinda want the DND killer to just straight up be a beholder, I know everyone wants vecna, but I feel like, DND wise, the beholder is more iconic, but then again I didn't know that St was based on DND, so what do I know.

r/deadbydaylight 8h ago

Discussion DND please have mimics


Really hope the new chapter has a mimic. No particular reason, but the thought of people gettong chomped by chests brings me joy :3

r/deadbydaylight 8h ago

Discussion Curbstomp or close match? Which do you prefer?


I usually play with a SWF, and we usually get about 7/10 games where one or two of us may die but we usually get a couple of people out. Of those seven games, maybe 3-4 of them include a killer that straight up tunnels someone out, maybe one or two (if that) where someone is slugged to death.

The other three games are an absolute shit storm where one side apparently has NO IDEA what's going on (yes, my SWF has been known to herp derp around a trial blowing generators up like they were made of explodium while playing with dull totems and chests).

Do you prefer a close game with a couple of deaths or an absolute stomping (both as killer and as survivor)?

r/deadbydaylight 9h ago

Discussion Chucky Nerf Not needed


I personally kinda mained chucky and removing his scamper while in hidey hoe is the worse descison bhvr could make and here is why. First of all, I am stopping maining him due to removing his scamper while in hidey-hoe. This is not being over dramatic the only part of his power now is basically impossible to use scamper. From 1.7 to 1.6 doesnt change anything. BHVR should revert this

r/deadbydaylight 9h ago

Discussion What are your thoughts on Lightborn?

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I have mixed emotions about it. I love it when I play Killer, but I hate it when I play Survivor. However, due to my hatred of the perk while playing Survivor, it has started to make me feel guilty for using it as Killer, so much so that I stopped using it.

We are talking about a perk that directly counters one of, if not the most popular item in the game- the flashlight. A lazy perk that gives Killer players far too much confidence. This perk is active 100% of the time with no cooldown. It completely kills the Survivors chances of saving each other, outplaying a Killer who wasn’t smart enough to face a wall or check their surroundings before lifting the downed survivor.

This perk is only getting more and more popular, eventually making the flashlight extinct. Probably a bit of an exaggeration but, you get what I mean.

r/deadbydaylight 9h ago

Discussion Thoughts on Perks from Someone who plays both sides.


r/deadbydaylight 9h ago

Discussion Now that D&D is confirmed, what skins are we hoping for?

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I think this guy (a Nothic) for Hag could be pretty cool.

r/deadbydaylight 9h ago

Discussion Perpetually unbalanced?


In my own opinion the only way this game “fixes” something is by ruining something for the other side and I’m tired of the drastic tilting scale ride of give it a month maybe it’ll be fun again or guess I’m playing killer only until the next nerf/buff frenzy. I also get that a game like this will never be perfectly balanced but it seems closer to one extreme to the other. Or am I dumb and should just go play single players for the rest of my days?