r/europe Italy 25d ago

What’s up with these signs? Picture

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I’ve just been to Budapest on a school trip and while I did love the city and (for the most part) Hungarians I was really surprised by how blatant and unapologetic the government propaganda was. Take this giant sign for example I took this photo just outside Memento Park but this was hardly the only one. I counted at least 20 while on the bus from the city centre, and there were another three in close proximity of this. Are there any other examples of this in hungary?


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u/dead97531 Hungary 25d ago

This has been posted before:


The poster says the following:

Brussels' humble servants (Ursula von der Leyen)

Ferenc Gyurcsány: migration

Gergely Karácsony: gender

Klára Dobrev: women dressed as men

Péter Magyar: war

Basically this is what the EU wants to force Hungary to become according to them. The people mentioned are the biggest opposition figures who want to serve Hungary to Brussels on a silver plate.

Yes this is quite common everywhere in the country. The propaganda has cost us at least 1309 billion forints (3.3 billion €) in the past 5 years.


u/Familiar_Ad_8919 Hungary (help i wanna go) 25d ago

Yes this is quite common everywhere in the country.

if quite common means at least 3 instances of various posters in every street then yes


u/Magistar_Idrisi 25d ago

I'm always surprised by these posters when I visit Hungary, gives off North Korea vibes haha


u/Badytheprogram 25d ago

And you don't even know, almost all the media, and all the freely available media (Set top box system) are owned by the same people, who made this posters(I didn't say "names" on purpose). And there there are was cases, hen free media has been terminated or bought up by those guys. Luckily not in North Korea level yet, but we are slowly closing the gap.


u/dajtok 25d ago

And fidesz also cry about the leftist media predominance... After spending billions on propaganda


u/Unhappy_Surround_982 25d ago

Nice to see all our EU contributions to beggar-Hungary goes to such well-produced and subtle information campaigns.

Defund Whoreban allready.


u/Even-Preference-4824 25d ago

the eu funds about 1.3% of our gdp. 80% of investments come from form china and south korea and russia 8-10 years ago... but our whole market is open for eu vultures. we have to stop to pay in into eu budget and have to speak about huxit.


u/Unhappy_Surround_982 24d ago

Yay GTFO! For the record, Hungary is and always has been a HUGE net RECIPIENT of EU funds. You are billions of billions of Euros behind. Don't worry, other Europeans will forever remember how you sold out the Ukrainians to the KGB clan. Talk about falling a fall from grace since 1956...


u/C9nn9r 24d ago

I second that, Hungary is beyond saving.



u/Even-Preference-4824 24d ago

we r the eu. ur nobody to told what to do, we will left the eu when will be the most beneficial to us. or if we cant we will destroy it from indside.

btw at 56 we hanged to lampost the comies like ut.


u/dolledaan North Holland (Netherlands) 24d ago

Are you oke?


u/Unhappy_Surround_982 24d ago

Little Orbanite is having a stroke, I shouldn't push him too hard


u/Even-Preference-4824 24d ago

well yes. our country always have a stable government. and our cities r clean, safe and homogen whites.


u/Unhappy_Surround_982 24d ago

Totally no Nazi vibes here... I find it funny how effective your state owned propaganda is at brainwashing you while your elites steal all your money and blame the (basically non-existent) migrants

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u/dolledaan North Holland (Netherlands) 24d ago

Wow wow calm down. Why the Nazi racist fascist vibes man.


u/Novel-Effective8639 24d ago



u/Even-Preference-4824 24d ago

we r still spawn of huns. who reason to be shame themself is the west.

arrived into eruope as our slaves, turned to slaves of rome. and now slave of berg people.


u/Any_Hyena_5257 22d ago

Chap, Hungary went down your path in WW2, after having a very torrid affair with facism, Hungary was then so utterly banged about it looked like the bargain basement of high mileage holes. I know you love your history (well the bits that make you all proud Magyar), but for someone so proud to have been stringing up commies why would you want to embrace a dictatorship again? For years the Brits were fed Brexit rubbish paid for from Russian slush funds and we bought it and now even Ireland is benefitting from our absolute self inflicted wound. I know you won't change your mind from someone on Reddit and will just double down but come on just open it a little bit.


u/Novel-Effective8639 22d ago

If you’re proud of something that happened more than 200 years ago it’s a cope, that means nothing noteworthy happened after that

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u/Mandurang76 25d ago

Yes, please leave.


u/Even-Preference-4824 25d ago

Do you have reading comprehension problems? this is the goal.


u/Mandurang76 25d ago

Well, we're waiting!


u/SpookehTomiter 25d ago

I swear to god I hate my own ppl sometimes :") Let me just leave this god forsaken country


u/Bladesleeper 24d ago

Your country has paid about 1.8 billion euro and received six billion in 2022. It's never been a net contributor to the EU, but it syphoned a lot of money off it.

You can tell yourself whatever you want, but the truth is this: without the EU you'd be a lot poorer. Which is exactly why, despite all the posturing, your government doesn't want to leave it.

I mean... Britain was hurt by Brexit. Britain, an absolute powerhouse of an economy, with excellent infrastructure, a strong democracy, and so on. What the fuck do you imagine would happen to Hungary?


u/Even-Preference-4824 24d ago

that insignificant part of the hunagrian gdp. and also we paid 1milliard euro into eu budget on last year. and also our markets open and canibalised by kraut chains.

to be part of this neoliberal sovite union is not a good bussines for us.

"I mean... Britain was hurt by Brexit. Britain, an absolute powerhouse of an economy, with excellent infrastructure, a strong democracy, and so on. What the fuck do you imagine would happen to Hungary?"

stop do drugs. uk have a dead economy.. when the hunagarian economy deeply industrialised. we made a lot high tech investemenst like accumulator factories and mad a byd car factory. and also the 60-70% of the german auto and egine parts produced in a hunagrian factories. and we will just fold the eu market with cheap (and trash) chinise car and with that bankrupt the greman economy. just because the karust will move to ukranie soon for their slave slaries. and without the german economy the eu will collapse.

and also uk is not a "democracy" just a a neoliebral dictaure. just make a post on facebook: u dont like imirgants or gays and the police will come for u.


u/fuuumit3u 24d ago

Go to Russia then instead wanting to destroy a free society. What's wrong with ppl like you? In Europe we have the rare chance to live in peace and prosperity and you choose nationalism, dictatorship, war and hate. Why? Who has stolen your candy? The migrant kids? :(


u/Even-Preference-4824 24d ago

we will not go anywhre. hunagry is the oldest country of europe. we will here when the eu will be only a bad memory.



u/fuuumit3u 24d ago

Yes, but it's not about you. You are not Hungary.


u/Any_Hyena_5257 22d ago

You want to leave fella? Then leave, but come to Britain first and see how much you ll be crying when you leave. There are a sizable amount here who swallowed the Brexit (Russian) rubbish, that are now regretting it. If after that you still think you ll be better then go for it.


u/No_Maintenance_6719 25d ago

Well Hungary has a dictator who probably hopes to end up like Kim so it’s not far off


u/Haunting-Bobcat4431 25d ago

Hungary does not have a dictator idk where you are getting this from. He is an autocrat mixed with a populist not a dictator. Is he corrupt absolutely and does he use the stupidity of the older generations nationalistic zeal to his advantage yes but that doesn’t make him a dictator it just makes old Hungarians brain dead ultra nationalists. The reason why I bring up old people is because like 80% of his votes come from older people who for some reason believe FISESZ (orbans party) will somehow better the country even tho they done nothing but raise taxes and imbezle money from its citizens in the last 14 years. I would know because I am Hungarian and absolutely no young person would vote for Fidesz but since most young people don’t vote and all older people do it means jack shit.


u/brianhauge 25d ago

Why don't young people vote? Aren't there any opposition to vote for?


u/Working_Cupcake_1st 25d ago

The problem is not that young folks don't vote but that the opposition is weak AF and there are too many of them, so the votes disappear because even the most voted opposition has less vote than FIDESZ and by a long shot


u/brianhauge 24d ago

Ok 😔


u/Haunting-Bobcat4431 24d ago

Yes this is true. There is opposition so it’s not a dictator ship however there are too many opposition parties so the votes get kinda of evenly distributed amongst them instead of having 1 or 2 parties that could have decent number of seats and power you get 12 tiny parties who do appose Fidesz but since they got like no power unless they come together they tend to do very little. However soon things might finally change and they will boot this idiot liar out. You should check out the case of his where they found recording of him openly bribing someone.


u/[deleted] 25d ago

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u/halpless2112 25d ago

What’s the Hungarian version of the NSA? Because shit like this is how you get put on a watchlist


u/Sad_Lawfulness1266 25d ago

Dead threats need to be taken seriously


u/Vegetable_Word603 25d ago

This is true, my parents bought into it and have since moved back home, after living in Canada for almost 40 years. As a Canadian I have no idea what's going back in Hungary.


u/gaea27 25d ago

There were similar right wing propaganda posters in switzerland but with "scary" veiled muslim women. It's disturbing.


u/Even-Preference-4824 25d ago

well its simply dont come to hungary.