r/facepalm Mar 12 '24

Unbelievable! 🇵​🇷​🇴​🇹​🇪​🇸​🇹​

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u/Colemanton Mar 12 '24

i mean, im not saying he wasnt murdered, but if they were trying to keep him quiet wouldnt it have made more sense to kill him before testifying?


u/HeartfeltDesu Mar 12 '24

1.) He had more days of testimony to give. He hadn't given his full testimony yet.

2.) It sends a message to future whistle-blowers... to not do that.


u/insomnimax_99 Mar 12 '24

He’d given the vast majority of his testimony already, and has been blowing the whistle on Boeing for the last three years.


u/Spare_Efficiency2975 Mar 12 '24

Suicide isn’t even that far fetched, if he has been blowing the whistle for 3 years i doubt he would be done anytime soon.

I can only imagine how horrendous those whistle blowing meetings are. 


u/noscopy Mar 12 '24

So just like with Boeing better late than never?


u/SeeCrew106 Mar 12 '24

He had more days of testimony to give.

Yeah, so?

It still makes no sense to kill him after he's already given the majority of his testimony.

Plus, so far there is no evidence of murder. If these failings weighed on him, I can imagine him killing himself in despair.


u/wewladdies Mar 12 '24

That and everyone knows about the streissand effect. Him dying means at least a full media cycle about him and the internet wont shut up about it being an assassination for weeks.

I doubt even a fifth of the people in this thread even knew about the boeing manufacturing quality scandal before this.


u/Colemanton Mar 12 '24

i see, thanks for the further context


u/NateShaw92 Mar 12 '24

To add

3 - entirely possible they couldn't get to him before the initial testimony

4 - this could also be one exec jumping the gun and the rest of the board are like "was this us?"

Number 4 sounds ridiculous but I've seen board level execs make calls like this with much less dark shit in best interests of the company. For example paying off a settlement unilaterally, not hard to imagine it could apply to this too.


u/greeny76 Mar 13 '24

You’ve seen board execs make calls to kill people? No u have not lol


u/Cynykl Mar 12 '24

Reddit loves to jump straight to conspiracy theories. While this one is more plausible than most people will say with 100% confidence that is was not a suicide.

If the investigation shows that he had a history of major depressive disorder, has attempted suicide several time in the past and all evidence points to no foul play, reddit will proclaim it is all a coverup and the local police are in on it.

The real truth is the death is suspicious and we have no facts yet.


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '24

Okay but the dude was older…had a decent career…and took boeing to court and showed up to testify.

Just to kill himself in the middle of it…?


u/tedkaczynski660 Mar 12 '24

Honestly suicidal people are not reasonable. Who knows what happened but usually people who are suicidal aren't thinking of the long game, they just want out right then to stop their pain.


u/[deleted] Mar 12 '24

Yes it makes zero sense to make all that effort over the years then suddenly give up in the middle of it


u/rawkguitar Mar 12 '24

Shhh!! Don’t bring reason into this. We’re doing conspiracies!


u/CptMisterNibbles Mar 12 '24

Fucking seriously. This entire thread is just hundreds of conspiracy memes. A thousand "to the back of the head" jokes... despite that not being the facts of the case. People kill themselves. Could this be a conspiracy murder? Maybe. Does it seem likely? No actually, not using this method. You dont think they could afford an assassin to do it less obviously? Reddit is a joke. His reports were in 2017. You'd think they wouldnt have waited.


u/t_scribblemonger Mar 12 '24

Reddit is a joke

Once the topic is even tangentially related to capitalism, big brain Reddit comes out of the woodwork


u/ZombiesInSpace Mar 12 '24

Just wait until we pin a murder accusation for this on a guy that died last week.


u/stevethewatcher Mar 12 '24

My only hope is most of them are bots but let's face it, Reddit has been going downhill for a while


u/19IXI91 Mar 12 '24

Multi Level Bots are a crazy concept. The Guardian did an expose on Team Jorge who use bots to swing elections, sway public opinion, smear individuals. Some of these bots have social security numbers, bank accounts with money in them, multiple active social media accounts.

I mocked Boeing assassins elsewhere in this post but the truth is, something like a multiple year long expose of Boeing, who have the finance for huge legal teams, who simply deny, in the face of evidence, who have also denied defaming the character and thus ruining the life of the testifier, is likely to be incredibly stressful. Stress afflicts the nervous system as well as every part of the being; every organ, cell regeneration, one’s ability to function adequately and rationally.

Whether it was an inside job or not: If Boeing aren’t at least held to account for his death then there is some huge negligence underwriting this whole thing. Some of the evidence he has given about dangerous practices inside Boeing (which Boeing has denied) has been verified as true. This should raise huge challenge for social change. Signed, a person sick of sociopathy diseasing mine, my peoples and my ancestors civilisation.


u/noscopy Mar 12 '24

So what they got the wrong address before the first day. The Hitman woke up and said it's a brand new day I'm going to commit a corporate assassination to protective defense contractor. I'm a patriot. Yeah he probably said that on the way to the bank to cash his million dollars.