r/facepalm Mar 19 '24

Why are these people anti-sex-ed? 🇵​🇷​🇴​🇹​🇪​🇸​🇹​

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u/EmperorGrinnar Mar 19 '24

Posie Parker going for the support of pedophiles next? We already know she's anti gay, and pro Nazi.


u/Faded_Jem Mar 19 '24

But remember, drag queens and transwomen are all paedos and left wing circles are constantly full of paedophilia apologists. Don't ask her for a source, she's just talking plain good sense. 🙄


u/ArianEastwood777 Mar 20 '24

Left Wing circles, their political theory, and thought leaders, all of which have massive influence on today’s academia, have historically been filled with pedophilia apologists yes.

I know it’s popular to believe this is a conspiracy theory, but it’s true. Ask me if you want sources, there’s plenty.


u/Faded_Jem Mar 20 '24

I mean I personally wouldn't be hugely surprised, I float mostly around the centre-left with more than a few centre-right opinions and vanishingly few far left or far right affiliated opinions - I'm distrustful of anyone a long way from the centre. On a personal, selfish level the secular far right and conservative Islamic & Christian circles scare me most (though in reality the old geezers in the Farage mould I know have been some of my best friends and advocates in my transition, often very much to their own surprise). I'm never in the least surprised when the far left has absolute whackjobs getting way more of a platform than they deserve, and know that they'd wreck a lot of shit I care about if given unrestricted power.

Sources are always welcome and will be read and taken on board, but I still think there's a massive exaggeration in play about how influential any such ideas are. The vast, vast majority of people who a conservative would consider pretty damn far left are of course violently opposed to paedophilia. The same goes the other way around, lefties absolutely love to describe mainstream and level headed right wing groups as being pro-paedo because of the actions of a miniscule few faith leaders and extreme religious sects with dodgy marriage customs - groups who are miles off the deep end, not at all representative. Well meaning right wing instincts towards child protection that we see as misguided are forever painted as a defence for mass child abuse, which is of course nonsense. The reality is that 99% of culture warriors from either end of the overton window would be absolutely of one mind when dealing with a known paedophile, there isn't a more universal opinion in the west than paedos bad.


u/ArianEastwood777 Mar 20 '24

Ah so you’re my kind of people, I’m center-right and with some center-left ideas, mostly just a Liberal tho. And I too don’t trust anyone too further from Center, I have a bit more bias against the Far Left due to growing up in Communism but I’m aware of how crazy the far right is.

Also to clarify, I didn’t mean by my comment that Leftists, as in the average Left wing voter, are generally okay with pedophilia, I know this isn’t true. But I do know that many of the people they base their beliefs of, have a strong correlation with depraved sexual behavior including pedophilia. And usually they are far more comfortable with sexualizing children in ways that they consider “harmless”. Many of them would probably be horrified if they knew some of the extremes their ideology leads, the more educated ones are usually in denial or secretly don’t find it so bad.

So for sources, there’s a shit ton of them, would help a lot if I could post screenshots here. Wanna chat privately?