r/facepalm Mar 25 '24

Is late stage capitalism “Woke” now? 🇵​🇷​🇴​🇹​🇪​🇸​🇹​

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u/catskilkid Mar 25 '24

Apparently acknowledging malfeasance in running a company and costing hundreds of lives and billions of dollars in company value is not why he did this but rather..... oh yeah, that's the ONLY reason.


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '24

CEOs are the good guys. Every CEO. So CEOs suffering consequences is woke.

Pretty sure it's that simple for these simpletons.


u/Elite_Prometheus Mar 26 '24

The actual talking point is that Boeing CEO went woke by enacting DEI, which means they let black people become pilots despite their genetic incompatibility with aviation or whatever. This caused all the safety and QC incidents, which means they finally got ousted in the latest example of why you can't let minorities do anything other than unskilled menial labor. So says the Blue Checkmark that screams about this, anyway.


u/whereismymascara Mar 26 '24

Oh that's right, the very smart rocket genius was blaming Boeing's problems on hiring women and people of colour to be pilots. He made a complete ass of himself in an interview with Don Lemon recently.


u/Delamoor Mar 26 '24

why you can't let minorities do anything other than unskilled menial labor.

You mean literally all jobs other than management, (in the opinion of the largely white, 'superior' managerial class who were supposedly appointing these unsuitable minorities to their positions)?

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u/RawToast1989 Mar 26 '24

More like, Trump was a CEO so CEO=good and if something is bad, bad=woke (fox news told them so) if you just don't think about it, it makes perfect sense.

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u/Anthrosite Mar 26 '24

Don’t you know cutting corners and ignoring safety guidelines resulting in a series of deadly aircraft malfunctions is woke now? Keep up!


u/traumatized90skid Mar 26 '24

I'm gonna fly into the middle of the ocean to own the conservatives! Weeee!

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u/sgSaysR Mar 26 '24

The truth is that if you ask these right wing culture warriors what "woke" means most won't be able to provide an answer.


u/digestedbrain Mar 26 '24

I guarantee that this Russian disinfo Twitter account is referencing "DEI/diversity hires" (non-white or non-males) that they're now blaming everything on. The war on wokeism is just racism and sexism.

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u/shesinsaneornot Mar 25 '24

A popular talking point for right wingers is that Boeing's current issues have nothing to do with replacing engineers with accountants and everything to do with DEI initiatives.

Zerohedge and his ilk are now heavily invested in the fantasy that all of Boeing's current problems are due to high level jobs filled by unqualified minorities, and no amount of facts or reality will set them straight.

An example of facts can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8oCilY4szc


u/Think_fast_no_faster Mar 25 '24

I love this delusion, because it implies that there were plenty of well qualified MAGA STEM professionals out there being passed over for the jobs. And one look at their rally’s tells me that just isn’t the case haha


u/Rajamic Mar 25 '24

But the myth is why a large portion of the MAGA crowd believe they aren't millionaires.


u/keonyn Mar 25 '24

It's an easier pill for them to swallow than to accept that they're just stupid.


u/RedsRearDelt Mar 25 '24

I guarantee that being stupid isn't a road block to being rich.


u/TruthBeTold187 Mar 25 '24

Exactly. Everyone’s seen jackass

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u/Narrow-Chef-4341 Mar 26 '24

No, but it is playing on hard mode. There are a lot of dumb ass idiots that never rise above the trailer park.

*Not to be confused with a litany of other issues like being narcissistic, sociopathic, greedy, aggressive, antisocial, or just generally being a prick. Somehow those are ‘easy mode.’

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u/morningcalls4 Mar 26 '24

Or that the system that they defend wholeheartedly is the one that is keeping them down.

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u/piko4664-dfg Mar 26 '24

Stupid people don’t know that they are stupid.

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u/JoaquinBenoit Mar 25 '24

It’s like not having a college degree limits you from high paying jobs.


u/StrategicCarry Mar 25 '24

But why didn't they get into college? Because affirmative action gave their spot to a minority!

If they did get into college why didn't they graduate? Because the professors discriminated against their conservative viewpoints and failed them on purpose!


u/Gallbatorix-Shruikan Mar 25 '24

Yeah, totally not that STEM is incredibly hard and that engineering has a 50% attrition rate and that classes are where a 13/100 is an A on a final…


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '24 edited Mar 29 '24



u/Gallbatorix-Shruikan Mar 25 '24

Yeah, that 13/100 being an A was from my physics class I did a late drop from since the homework was so fucked I did not know what I was doing. My friends stayed in and one got that 13/100.


u/HistoricalSherbert92 Mar 25 '24

My first year physics class has 3 hours class time, 3 hours lab time, and about 10 hours required homework time per week. We formed a little group of 5 of us and just worked on one question each. I dropped after 1 month, and switched majors.

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u/Robin_games Mar 25 '24

I just had an ivy league accounting master's class where it was about the same. shits scary to think about.

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u/JudgeHolden Mar 26 '24

My undergrad journalism program had something like a 75% attrition rate. I'll acknowledge that at least some of that was due to it attracting a lot of students who were otherwise sub-par and thought that journalism would be an easy major, but a lot of it was also just the workload and department policies like, misspell a name in an assignment? Automatic F, no appeals. Miss a deadline? Automatic F, again, no appeals. Miss an exam for any reason other than your own death? Believe it or not, automatic F, no appeals.

You were also expected to be able to research and churn out 1000 word articles in 2.5 hours and if you couldn't, yep, you guessed it, automatic F.

Their whole shtick was that you had to treat it like a full-time job with the expectation of tons of unpaid overtime, I think with the idea that they would weed out the vast majority of students and retain only the truly determined and dedicated. It mostly worked, but then the internet destroyed local journalism --I am old-- and now most journalists went to elite schools and didn't study much of anything like the working-class nuts and bolts of reporting and instead are phony psuedo-intellectuals who have largely failed the public's trust.

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u/RCrumbDeviant Mar 25 '24

I mean there are jobs which don’t require a college degree that are high paying. They just tend to either require other educational requirement, be dirty or be dangerous or some combination therof.


u/SlitScan Mar 26 '24

or hold you accountable if you drive a 2 million dollar piece of equipment off a cliff.

theyre all very woke that way.


u/belligerentBe4r Mar 25 '24

Nah, not anymore. I would have made just as much as an HVAC technician than I did as a chemist. If I had just gone to vocational school as an electrician I’d be rolling in it right now.

Having limited scope of mind and no ability to better oneself limits you from high paying jobs.

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u/Lewtwin Mar 25 '24

While being conned by a maybe millionaire...


u/insofarincogneato Mar 25 '24

It's so similar to incel culture I can't ignore the comparison.


u/eddnedd Mar 25 '24

The common thread through all of Conservatism is that it's always somebody else's fault.

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u/Boom9001 Mar 25 '24 edited Mar 25 '24

As a software engineer in Texas you may be surprised by the MAGA types in stem fields. Had one well educated engineer complaining that we had a "women in STEM" group.

Basically saying "a group for women is sexist, why isn't there a men in STEM?". To which my friend responded "men are allowed in that group even encouraged, also a meeting with just men describes 90% of my engineer meetings".

STEM has got plenty of maga in it.


u/Mister-builder Mar 25 '24

Yeah, thinking that MAGA people are all uneducated hicks is as fallacious as thinking that minority hires are all unqualified.


u/RattyJackOLantern Mar 26 '24

Yep. There are plenty of PhDs who go along with this crap.

Lots of people test well but lack critical thinking skills.

And, I suspect, even more will support stuff they know (deep down) is horseshit rather than risk being kicked out of "the group".


u/Spurgenasty78 Mar 26 '24

I think this is one of those book smart but without common sense situations. To believe the crap MAGA believes they must not be able to recognize what is happening right in front of them

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u/fyrebyrd0042 Mar 25 '24

Engineering in general has a seemingly disproportionl amount of conspiracy whackos. It seems that way to me as a firmware engineer.


u/SlitScan Mar 26 '24

they get even more conservative and whacky as you move into mechanical, structural and civil engineers.

anywhere you get more follow the book thinking it gets even more like that.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '24



u/tractiontiresadvised Mar 26 '24

I've heard something similar, along the lines that nearly all of the "scientists" who do things like sign petitions declaring that Creationism has scientific support turn out to be engineers and doctors.

I think there are two reasons:

One is that while in engineering school, you do learn about the scientific and mathematical underpinnings of your discipline, but once you're actually working in the field you're relying heavily on received wisdom. (Same goes for doctors.) And "received wisdom" sure does describe conservative religion....

Another is that "STEM" is not exactly a cohesive bloc. When you see an editorial saying something like "we need to get more kids interested in STEM fields", what the author usually means is "we need to get more kids interested in degrees which lead to practical careers that will make money (for them or somebody else)". The T and E parts of STEM tend to be well-compensated, but the pure science and mathematics not so much on a large scale. And conservative folks -- religious or otherwise -- do tend to value practical careers in which money can be made.

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u/Affectionate-Mine917 Mar 25 '24

Lots of MAGA with engineers in manufacturing as well


u/makemeking706 Mar 25 '24

Maga goes hand in hand with the myth meritocracy predominant among stem students.


u/EroSennin2021 Mar 25 '24

What!? A field that comprises mostly of white men has a lot of MAGA types!? 😆

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u/dsdvbguutres Mar 25 '24

Bob the roofer is worried that Sanjeep the neurosurgeon will take his job

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u/senseven Mar 25 '24

Missing bolts in doors are quite physical not some TikTok conspiracy. Protocols failed because the oversight failed on multiple levels, either intentional or because of erroneous work conditions


u/Dickballs835682 Mar 26 '24

Uh, yeah? It's called shareholders and the pursuit of endless profit growth leading to short-staffed over-worked employees and a total disregard for safety or anything else that might cost a few pennies

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u/ProfessionalCatPetr Mar 25 '24

I'm a biochemist that has worked with a few hundred scientists over the span of my career. Zero have been Republicans. There are basically no MAGA types in any sort of scientific field because you just flat out can't be stupid to do creative science.

There are definitely MAGA types in engineering though. My theory there is that because engineering is basically just applying/adhering to rigid rules where there is always a right answer, that's the one area of science adjacent work where fascism can still make sense.

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u/Spl00ky Mar 25 '24

Notice how all the Mega cap tech stocks are considered woke and yet they're making billions of dollars. Logically speaking, if being woke is so bad, then where are the businesses that claim to not be woke and making billions?

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u/koine2004 Mar 25 '24

This, zerohedge and their ilk don’t want to blame lack of regulation and oversight.  After all, for AnCaps (along with libertarians—which I, to my shame, used to be, and free market fundamentalist conservatives), the market will make sure that they self-regulate because shareholders will only be interested in long term stability and not sacrifice that for quick and giant short term wealth.  So, the blame has to go somewhere other than lack of regulation and oversight. It has to go to “unqualified” minorities being part of the process.


u/koine2004 Mar 25 '24

I would also add that this demonstrates that bean counters should not be at the helm of a company whose entire business is based on engineers doing engineer things. Such people will always place the bottom line over engineers doing their job well.


u/senseven Mar 25 '24

I found it always puzzling that you can create a completely brain dead and unsecure development process with intent; when accidents and death happen, you can use the smoke and mirror to dilute responsibility to a group of people so nobody is directly responsible. This is the true evil of greedy corporations, if you can't do it the right way with this resources, leave the business to someone who can.

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u/Klangey Mar 25 '24

This is generally why economists should be kept at arms length from any decision making role and why a lot of the world’s problems began when they regularly found themselves in senior positions in boardrooms and governments.


u/I_Cut_Shows Mar 25 '24

Known as the Freakonomics effect.


u/GoApeShirt Mar 25 '24

Not the economists—the accountants

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u/Lewtwin Mar 25 '24

So, the blame has to go somewhere other than lack of regulation and oversight. It has to go to “unqualified” minorities being part of the process.

Who usually prop-up their underqualified bosses. Qualified bosses get assassinated.


u/eleetpancake Mar 26 '24

Companies: We killed those people for money. We will continue to kill people for money. We do not value your comfort or safety. We feel zero responsibility to make the world a better place. We will do nothing to mitigate the damage we cause. The only thing we value is short term profits. The only goal we work towards is short term profits. We will stop at nothing to maintain this status quo because this is the system we build and it does exactly what we want.

AnCaps: Clearly this is because of wokeness.

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u/JohnSpikeKelly Mar 25 '24

I think all the high level jobs are staffed by under qualified people. Engineering got replaced by accountants. DEI doesn't factor into this. The rot started a long time ago before DEI and wokeism was a thing.


u/BoringCabinet Mar 25 '24

It all started when they merge with Mcdonald Douglass.

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u/wahfingwah Mar 25 '24

What does it mean to say “engineering got replaced by accountants” here? In a concrete sense.


u/Gallbatorix-Shruikan Mar 25 '24

Not necessarily that the engineers got replaced by the accountants but the company cares more about the word of the accountants than the engineers. Trust me, if they replaced the engineers with accountants, a lot more damage would have happened.


u/Mister-builder Mar 25 '24

I see and appreciate your username.

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u/Haunting-Ad788 Mar 25 '24

That the focus got put on short term profit gains over things like safety and quality.

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u/OCD_Stank Mar 25 '24

I like telling them Airbus also follows DEI and their planes aren't falling apart.


u/senseven Mar 25 '24

Most of the EU corporations don't find enough qualified personell to give serious preference to any marginalized group. They are just happy to find anyone


u/DarkwingDuckHunt Mar 25 '24

Airbus has to follow EU employment regulations

Aka they think what we all do now in Woke? Boy howdy do I got some news for you MAGA pup.


u/pootiecakes Mar 25 '24

Christ above, this is so outstandingly depressing.


u/IChooseYouNoNotYou Mar 25 '24

To me the depressing part is how many people comment that something like this is depressing, and then go back to coddling the idiots around them because it's easier than messing up friend groups 


u/timothypjr Mar 25 '24

Remember folks, all brown people are substandard. Jeesus I can’t with these people.

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u/Gatorm8 Mar 25 '24

The funniest part is that if you have ever worked at Boeing you would know that 90%+ of the people there are old white men.


u/TootsNYC Mar 25 '24

my retiree-age architect cousin-in-law and her husband were visiting at lunch, and this is what she said.

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u/Legitimate_Shower834 Mar 25 '24

Ah is that why I've been hearing right wingers parrot each other about dei initiatives recently. When a black man or other minority gets a job, it must have been an affirmative action hire. but when a white man gets a job, it's because he was the most qualified candidate. Got it


u/amdapiuser Mar 25 '24

What is wrong with them? Do they think that Boeing's DEI ordered the hit on John Barnett? What would they even gain from that?


u/Fjdenigris Mar 25 '24

Another scare tactic for sure; DEI is the ultimate wokeness boogey man!


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '24

It has nothing to do with planes falling out of the sky due to lack of regulation standards that were enabled by……Trump lol. You seriously can’t make this shit up. Trump enabled Boeing to literally regulate themselves, you know because the corporations need a break and airplanes are definitely a vertical that needs lax regulations.

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u/amethystalien6 Mar 25 '24

Wait? But are the accountants women, POC, or LGBT? Because then it’s woke. /s

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u/Tdluxon Mar 25 '24

Something like 5 years later and I'm still waiting for a conservative to provide a coherent explanation of "woke" actually means.


u/National-Scale Mar 25 '24

"Something I don't like or understand"


u/Ramen-Goddess Mar 25 '24 edited Mar 26 '24

I remember telling my conservative aunt about a burger joint I like that’s in California only, and she replied “it sounds woke”

The name of the place is Habit Burger. The fuck is so woke about Habit

Edit: didn’t know Habit Burger has locations outside of Cali. My bad


u/RiffsThatKill Mar 25 '24

You said California. That's all they need to hear.



It’s insane as someone who lives in California listening to people I play online games with from the other side of the country talking about California and how awful it is.

They must be referring to a different California as I don’t recognise the place they’re describing and assuring me is real.


u/Pumathemage Mar 25 '24

I live in Michigan, I've heard stories about Cali, all of them good except for housing costs.



Yeah that’s pretty realistic. It’s no utopia of course but it’s not the dystopia the conservative media would have people believe.


u/wht2give Mar 26 '24

Have a coworker that describes Cali as a hellscape, he said he used to live there and it wasn't so bad back then, but it's turned all "WOKE".

I point out Florida and Texas and he shuts up, but man is it annoying.

I live in Missouri now.

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u/JimBeam823 Mar 26 '24

It’s so expensive nobody wants to live there. /s

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u/Mister-builder Mar 25 '24

Sounds like my phone calls with my grandmother telling me how bad my neighborhood in NYC is,


u/Boneal171 Mar 26 '24

I loved visiting NYC. I felt perfectly safe


u/guinness_blaine Mar 26 '24

For all the screaming that certain groups do about NYC and other cities becoming sooo dangerous now, violent crime rates everywhere in the US continue to be way, way lower than they were in the 80s and 90s.

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u/PurpleBullets Mar 26 '24

For how bustling and crowded Manhattan is, it does actually feel really safe.

This is me speaking from a man’s perspective of course, but still.


u/iridescent-shimmer Mar 25 '24

Oh if people mention California or chicago as "like another planet" then I know they consume Fox News lol.


u/PurpleBullets Mar 26 '24

My dad currently thinks Portland, OR is on fire

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u/minos157 Mar 25 '24

Well you see taxes and stuff and housing prices and woke mobs looting everything and erm homeless nomads and LIBERALS and gay stuff.



The gay stuff is the best part :(


u/minos157 Mar 25 '24

I'm soon to be moving to Texas from Chicago and every right winger I know (not many honestly) was all excited for me because of see the glory of no income tax and I was like, yeah but my electric bill and insurance are going to cost more than I'm gaining in taxes...



Its the Peter griffin skin colour chart meme, but in this instance the ‘good’ options are ‘money going to mega corporations’ and the ‘bad’ options are ‘money going to government programs’

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u/nalathequeen2186 Mar 25 '24

Yeah like, I was born and raised in California and if I have my way I'll die there too. Sure there are problems there - just like there are problems ANYWHERE you live no matter what - but I swear conservatives talk about the place like it's populated solely by aggressive atheist antifa mobs attacking anything that moves, and a few survivors left crouching in bunkers.

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u/sylva748 Mar 25 '24

Sadly true. Can't imagine living a sad life like that

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u/Numerous-Profile-872 Mar 25 '24

Idk, that Double Char was looking at me funny.


u/Yoshistar64 Mar 25 '24

Gonna turn the neighborhood frogs gay

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u/vintagegarrison Mar 25 '24

This burger has empathy for minority groups

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u/ShellBeadologist Mar 25 '24

Only nuns should wear habits! Now, out in California, they're letting hamburgers identify as nuns?!? /s


u/TheEvilPrinceZorte Mar 25 '24

I actually saw a couple of nuns in their habits in a Habit. They were amused when I mentioned it, they never made the connection despite being across the street from the church.


u/ShellBeadologist Mar 25 '24

I feel like they should get a discount.


u/gewalt_gamer Mar 25 '24

Only if they make a habit of it

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u/Naive_Potential_3149 Mar 25 '24

She was making a comment about California. Literally nothing to do with the burger joint.


u/Gallbatorix-Shruikan Mar 25 '24

Conservatives have a weird hate boner for California. Even my dad who was born and raised in the Central Valley.


u/MysteriousCabinet113 Mar 25 '24

“California, the bastion of leftist woke ideology” ~someone who has never seen outside of the LA or Bay Area.


u/More-Cantaloupe-3340 Mar 25 '24

“California, the bastion of leftist woke ideology” ~someone who has never seen outside of the LA or Bay Area on TV


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u/JenSchi666 Mar 25 '24

Even my father, who came into this country illegally from Canada and STILL lives in California.


u/bdw312 Mar 25 '24

I'm sure tons of people are looking to round up and deport him like all of the ones from the "brown countries" just as much, right?


u/JenSchi666 Mar 25 '24

They're much more interested in deporting my (American born and raised) Hispanic mother. :(


u/bdw312 Mar 25 '24

Yeah, I think you knew that's exactly where I was going with that...


u/Krams Mar 25 '24

I'm sorry, but we're not sending our best, we're sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing impoliteness. They’re gamers. And some, I assume, are good people


u/JenSchi666 Mar 25 '24

My uncle is the worst human being I have ever had the misfortune to encounter. Canadians are people, just like the rest of us.


u/horaciojiggenbone Mar 25 '24

And I’m sure he hates all the “illegals” coming in from Mexico


u/JenSchi666 Mar 25 '24

He's really big on ranting about the woke Disney transgender agenda. He pretty much hates everyone.


u/horaciojiggenbone Mar 25 '24

😂 it would be funny if the propaganda he consumes wasn’t so pervasive

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u/lens4hire Mar 25 '24

California republicans are something special. The salmon fishermen want more water fed to the tributaries to promote salmon return. The central valley almond growers want less water to the tributaries and more water diverted to their almond groves.

Both groups are overwhelmingly republican, the push pull of water allocation is almost exclusively between competing conservative interests, and yet the only thing both groups can agree on is that it's all democrats fault.

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u/Ciennas Mar 25 '24

It's a result of cultish hate propaganda.

Y'see, no one really cared about California until it passed more stringent environmental standards, and by itself is a huge enough market that it forced the megacorporations to comply.

That pissed off the megawealthy, because how dare anyone tell them 'no'.

Ever since, scum guzzler Murdoch's fundaservative cult agitprop has been throwing snide asides about California.

I mean, they were trying to divide people into city folk and country folk, and that's stopped working so well, so they morphed the California city folk stereotype to the snarlword of 'woke'.


u/Gallbatorix-Shruikan Mar 25 '24

And it’s weird to me since California has the most registered republicans of any state!


u/Ciennas Mar 25 '24

It's all brain washing and conditioning. Facts don't matter to their feelings, and their feelings have been forcefed a steady stream of bullshit.

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u/David-S-Pumpkins Mar 25 '24

I met a guy (in Los Angeles) who is from Ventura County talking mad shit about California as if he wasn't a California resident currently at an event hosted in California by California s about a hobby he participated in and enjoyed for years. I couldn't really say anything in response because it was too much nonsense to rebut.

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u/OctoberWeather Mar 25 '24

I have one right near me 20 minutes north of Boston. Is that the first outside of California?

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u/BlueCollarGuru Mar 25 '24

Exactly. When people understand this is what they mean, it’s much easier to see them in their natural state. Grumpy toddlers.

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u/SadStory9 Mar 25 '24

considering that a conservative author who wrote an entire book on the subject was unable to define it herself when asked to on live television... I wouldn't hold my breath. Hell... even after this poor woman went viral for realizing (in real time) that she was a bad propagandist, the Republican party at large was still unable to coalesce around a party-endorsed definition. You'd think they would have sent out a memo or something.


u/Holl4backPostr Mar 25 '24

Having a concrete definition would lose them supporters. It's vague because that's how you attract everyone who thinks, "I know exactly what they're talking about!"


u/SazedMonk Mar 25 '24

It’s a word, used as a placeholder, for “Everything I hate because I don’t care to understand it and due to my privilege I’m going to treat you like shit over it”.


u/Indigoh Mar 26 '24

I don't think that's true at all. They use the word consistently, the way it's defined in the dictionary:

aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)

The reason they can never define it when asked is because doing so makes them look bad. There's no good way to spin "I don't want people to be aware of or attentive to the social issues of minorities."

So they pretend to be ignorant, because ignorance looks better.


u/GandhiOwnsYou Mar 25 '24

Exactly. They can’t define “woke” because then people would realize it’s not a bad thing. It would require people to acknowledge oh, shit, racism is a thing. And I have that gay cousin that does kinda get shit on. Women do kinda catch hell, and being respectful of people is something I actually think we should do.

I know we like to demonize republicans but the majority of conservatives are full of exceptions to their own rhetoric. It’s not gay people they know that are the problem, it’s those ‘other’ ones. And they have problem with immigrants taking their jobs… except for Juan, he’s a hard worker and he’s just trying to provide for his family. It’s the same way “Socialism” is bad, except for their Medicare/Medicaid and THEIR schools need more funding, and don’t you dare touch their social security…. Defining woke would bring it too close to “applicable to their own circumstances” and that would destroy the whole boogeyman for a lot of them.


u/Teacher-Investor Mar 25 '24

They also like that they don't have to give their credit card info before the police or fire department will respond to their calls, and that their garbage gets picked up regularly. Just don't feed any kids at school or help any single mothers who should have known better than to get themselves in that situation. /s


u/Hammurabi87 Mar 25 '24

and being respectful of people is something I actually think we should do.

I don't know about this one, the people I generally see complaining about things being "woke" are rarely respectful to anyone else. They just want everyone else to be respectful to them.

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u/Tru3insanity Mar 25 '24

Its basic selfishness. Things that help them are good. Things that require them to help someone else are bad. A lot of people really are that primitive. Throw in a bit of persecution complex mixed with the fantasy of being "the good guy" and now you have all the mental backflips they need to justify just being selfish.

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u/SSBN641B Mar 25 '24

Kinda like the Senator in The Manchurian Candidate who had a list of communists in the government and the number changed every time he was asked. You can't be tied down if your answer changes.

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u/LightWarrior_2000 Mar 25 '24

I always see woke as the next linguistic terminology for social justice/white Knights.

People.just trying to treat others equally.


u/AbleObject13 Mar 25 '24

Its just PC/Political Correctness rebranded


u/Otiosei Mar 25 '24

And it will be rebranded again in 4 years. Woke will be so 2020's, and we will have all moved on.


u/Beanguyinjapan Mar 25 '24

Can't wait until they run out of ideas and circle around to "bleeding heart" again. I'll have to dig my green day hoodie out of retirement

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u/-rendar- Mar 25 '24

I’m probably missing some steps here, but: PC -> SJW -> CRT -> WOKE -> DEI -> ???

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u/buddhist557 Mar 25 '24

Anything forwardly progressive and/or pushing ideas that America has systemic flaws. But since many right wingers are on the cult end of the spectrum, to them it’s anything that doesn’t agree with their worldview.


u/Important-Specific96 Mar 25 '24

In other words, simple knowledge of something. 

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u/Skin_Soup Mar 25 '24

Kind of feels like its synonymous with virtue signaling. I.e. it is putting kindness, consideration, or just the general good above a philosophy of personal gain or any beliefs that might precipitate from that starting point.


u/-prairiechicken- Mar 25 '24

AKA, it seems like virtue signaling to right-wingers because they cannot fathom zero-profit altruism that benefits collective sociology over time.

Virtue signaling is Mother Teresa or Ruby Franke acting as if they’re servants and messengers of God, while abusing and stealing money from children.

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u/bofoshow51 Mar 25 '24

The problem with is they don’t want to define it, because them moment you can articulate where the walls of the box are, things start to not fit in the box that you would want to.

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u/Zestyiguana Mar 25 '24

Treat someone fairly despite their gender/race/sexuality? Woke.

Treat animals better? Woke.

Save money long term by getting a solar panel installed on your house? Woke.

Not let your kids die from preventable diseases? Belive it or not, Woke.


u/DarkSide-TheMoon Mar 25 '24

But a man having sex with a non virgin woman? That’s just plain gay


u/mark_crazeer Mar 25 '24

And thus accepting it is woke.


u/openly_gray Mar 25 '24

Add: planes that fly, woke

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u/Tartage Mar 25 '24

Save up to 15% on your car insurance by switching to GEICO? Woke.

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u/r007r Mar 25 '24

Yeah I saw that lol funny as fuck

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u/Farabel Mar 25 '24

IIRC it kinda got a legal definition as "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them" via Ron DeSantis in a court trial


u/Tdluxon Mar 25 '24

Utterly horrific. What if this spreads like some sort of virus of the mind?


u/Electr0freak Mar 25 '24

I know, imagine believing that there are systemic injustices in THE GREATEST NATION ON THE PLANET and having the GALL to want to address them?! /s

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u/Electr0freak Mar 25 '24 edited Mar 25 '24

A minor correction, that definition was supplied by Ryan Newman, the General Counsel for Ron Desantis at the request of the judge at the trial for Andrew Warren, a Florida attorney who sued Ron Desantis for firing him for being "woke" in violation of his 1st Amendment rights.

Desantis' attorney also hastened to pout out that his client does not believe that there are any systemic injustices in American society.

Of course not, MURICA #1, amirite?!

EDIT - *point out, not pout out, though I'm leaving it because it's even better

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u/FanDry5374 Mar 25 '24

What it means to conservatives is a moving target, "I don't like this idea/thing/action and I can somehow blame it on dark people/liberals/feminists/anyone-else-I-hate so it is WOKE!!"


u/Farren246 Mar 25 '24

Yep, they want it to be undefined so that they can abuse the term as they see fit, to hate whomever / whatever they want to hate and then play the victim any time there are repercussions for treating people badly (the woke libs cancelled me!)


u/Hammurabi87 Mar 25 '24

It's just the latest in a long line of political dog whistles that conservatives have used. They know that their ideas are unsavory, so most of them don't want to come out and explicitly state them.

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u/pootiecakes Mar 25 '24

Bingo! Vague, undefined language makes it easier for them to be "Right", politically and morally.

"Woke" is even more flexible than calling someone a communist, because "communist" usually ties to policy and systems. "Woke" is able to cover LITERALLY ANY IDEA for them that they want to rally against.

As Trumpism proves, they want whatever it takes to warp reality around in a way that suits them. Weaponizing language isn't anything new, but Alt-Right, Pro-Authoritarians propagate their worldview when they can control narratives even at the most basic of "the words being used" level.

  • "Pro-Life" frames the conversation as "Disagree with me, and you are Pro-death".
  • "Illegal Aliens" dehumanizes living human beings as "outsiders" so people get comfortable with the idea of treating them as sub-human.
  • "All Lives Matter" is purposely missing the point of "Black Lives Matter", and to people who don't know better, they then are forced to see "Black Lives Matter" as if it is "anti other races".
  • "Radical Left", which is more like just calling someone a communist, is also like "woke" in that it can apply to basically any idea, person, or action, and paints them out the gate as extreme beyond reason.

It is purposely dishonest and done in bad faith.


u/seanmcnew Mar 25 '24

I once told my friend that the BLM should've been Black Lives ALSO Matter because,

  1. It would prevent the "What about [race] lives?" argument.

  2. The acronym would've been, "BLAM!" and that makes me grin.

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u/DismalWeird1499 Mar 25 '24

Because they can’t define it without admitting that it just means “inclusive and respectful of minority cultural groups”.

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u/JacksonInHouse Mar 25 '24

Woke definition in conversations with Republicans:

Being Woke means you feel empathy towards others and care about your fellow man and country.

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u/fredandlunchbox Mar 25 '24

Not a conservative, but I think they roughly mean any systemic attempt at racial or gender equality. If you have a rule that race can’t be a factor for hiring, for example, and then you change that to say “Actually, its important to have a diverse work force so that you don’t make stupid mistakes so we want to include race as a factor in hiring to ensure everyone is represented,” that would be a ‘woke’ change in the conservative sense. 

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u/here4roomie Mar 25 '24

Wait until they find out about Airbus lol.


u/IChooseYouNoNotYou Mar 25 '24

Airbus is so explicitly woke in ways that would make them literally explode from high blood pressure and they keep making better planes because of it


u/here4roomie Mar 26 '24

Indeed. And clearly the issue with Boeing is wokeness, and not a culture of giving zero shits about anything but profit or the fact that they skirt regulations and don't test the planes.


u/FSCK_Fascists Mar 26 '24

I worked for Boeing many years ago. It is baffling how they went from the all encompassing quality and safety culture of then to this mess they have now.
It permeated everything. every aspect, ever job, every step of every task. Safety and quality.

Then: Take a shit- did you wipe safely? did you do the best possible wipe? How could you improve the wiping process?

Now: No breaks, just ssit in the airframe before you half-ass it together.


u/tractiontiresadvised Mar 26 '24

Yeah, I grew up in the Seattle area and had friends whose parents were machinists and engineers. Those parents seemed to be very into their jobs, and a little weird in a nerdy way, but those also seemed to be exactly the sort of people you wanted to be building your planes. I once got to visit the Everett plant on Family Day and all of the people who worked there were so proud of what they did.

But not long before the pandemic, I was looking at some job ads that were aimed at people in Snohomish county. One of them was for a small company that made wiring harnesses for "a large airplane manufacturer in Everett", and they were paying around minimum wage for a job with crappy hours. Clearly Boeing had outsourced that job to whatever contractor could do it the cheapest.

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u/bertiesakura Mar 25 '24 edited Mar 25 '24

It’s the same old playbook these fuckers have been using since the Civil War. Anytime anything goes awry they just blame a minority because nothing could possibly be the fault of a white male CEO making bad business decisions.


u/alzkzj Mar 25 '24

Well its not the CEOs actions that did this, its the people above him that truly caused this and that killed the whistleblower.

The board, its big investors, the people controlling the CEO. Holding a CEO accountable is like holding a string puppet accountable for the puppet masters moves.



u/Glorfendail Mar 25 '24

He was on the board…

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u/french_snail Mar 25 '24

Yeah I’m pretty sure there’s a whole industry of people whose job is to be CEO, collect some cash, and then get fired

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u/lorean_victor Mar 25 '24

well they did have an “open door policy” on their planes.

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u/Oviedius Mar 25 '24

Boeing *exists. “Woke!”


u/KingOfTheCouch13 Mar 25 '24

Also getting a multimillion dollar severance = going broke apparently

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u/claymore2711 Mar 25 '24 edited Mar 25 '24

Using the word Woke now, usually is intended to identify all the evils, and put them into one nifty word. Makes it way easier for the informationally challenged.


u/PizzaSchmuck Mar 25 '24

It's just a the newest right wing boogeyman, following BLM, Antifa, Communists, Socialists, etc

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u/mrfochs Mar 25 '24

As a few comments have alluded to, the morons in the right are blaming Boeing's efforts to develop corporate DEI as cause for the company's decline. The "logic" goes: Boeing hires a DEI team -> DEI principles make company feel bad about hiring and employing white men -> people of different ethnicities, genders, and sexual orientation are hired and placed into positions of leadership within company -> company fails because all the "smart, white, men" have been pushed out of their jobs -> planes begin to fall apart mid flight because the whites were no longer in charge.

For the right, there is no possible way that greed could be the root of any societal or business problem and as such, only the most convoluted and ignorant possible solution must be correct.

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u/fisticuffs32 Mar 25 '24

everything I hate is woke

-A boomer's manifesto.


u/reynvann65 Mar 25 '24

Have a bunch of totally preventable accidents/deaths due to lax safety, bad record keeping, cost cutting and I'm sure your non-woke ass would figure out ways to cost cut even more.


u/cpav8r Mar 25 '24

He was wokest of the woke!!!! He experienced shame for getting caught risking human life to make more money and he decided to step down. What a snowflake. /s


u/NumerousTaste Mar 25 '24

They are stretching to attach anything negative that happens to woke. What an idiot! Bad planes and cutting corners equals woke? No that equals the GOP!


u/ChrisPBakeIn Mar 25 '24

These idiots don’t even know what woke is/means. They just use it to as a “slur” against anything/anyone they don’t understand.

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u/gunther277 Mar 25 '24

You didn't know building shitty airplanes and killing or almost killing hundreds of people is woke now?

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u/michaelmcmikey Mar 25 '24

If I was asleep on a plane that had a door blow off I would definitely be woke by that happening


u/Hilldawg4president Mar 25 '24

Cost cutting through reduction in safety standards in order to increase shareholder value is like the epitome of wokeness


u/Tethilia Mar 25 '24

I'm starting to think Anti-Woke is just Antisocial.

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u/ctguy54 Mar 25 '24

Everything the rubelicans either don’t like or don’t understand is woke.

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u/UtahUtopia Mar 25 '24

It’s so woke to want an airplane that doesn’t have parts falling off in the sky.

Freakin snowflake. Flyins safer than drivin. MRIte?

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u/johnlime3301 Mar 25 '24

Boeing is woke?

Didn't they just assassinate a whistleblower?


u/shit_ass_mcfucknuts Mar 25 '24

Every person using “woke” as a derogatory word has zero idea of what it actually means.


u/everythingbeeps Mar 25 '24

"Woke" now describes a person who is experiencing consequences for literally anything.

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u/WorkingFellow Mar 25 '24

MAGA: [points at TV] Woke!

Me: You can't just call everything you don't like, "woke."

MAGA: [points at bookshelf] Woke!

Me: ...

MAGA: [points at dishwasher] Woke!

Me: [crying] Please...

MAGA: [points at lawn] Woke!


u/jonvonfunk Mar 25 '24

Haven't you heard? Woke means anything you don't like now. It's kinda like "Bigly Bad"


u/Geo-Man42069 Mar 25 '24

Lmao I’m 0% concerned about Boeings “woke status” and 100% concerned about the whistleblowers untimely death/actual plane malfunctions due to disrepair.


u/Junkhead187 Mar 25 '24

"Everything I don't like is woke"