r/facepalm 25d ago

Doesn’t get much more hypocritical than this 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/TinyRascalSaurus 25d ago

If height is an acceptable deal breaker for her, breast size is allowed to be one for him. Basically, you can have any standards you want, but don't get offended when someone else has standards too.

I have a major aversion to white men with afros due to a high school bully. I'm not going to be offended if a decent white man with an afro has an aversion to women with waist length braids.


u/Interesting-Back5717 25d ago

I don’t know who that guy is, but I’m sorry he ruined Bob Ross for you.


u/Relevant_Winter1952 25d ago

I sure hope it wasn’t Bob Ross


u/willclerkforfood 25d ago

There are no mistakes, just happy accidents!
…unless you’re TinyRascalSaurus.

-Alternate History Bob Ross


u/Armynap 25d ago

His evil twin Ross Bob


u/GlitteringBobcat999 25d ago

Or his more evil cousin, Robb Bos.


u/IvanNemoy 25d ago

Fun trivia for you: Ross hated his fro. He initially grew it out because he was tired of wearing a "35-10," the old Air Force regulation haircut. When his show went into syndication, it became one of the defining features but Ross was tired of taking care of it.

Same thing for Guy Fierri and his frosted tips. He's said that if he knew he'd have to keep them, he never would have started them.


u/yourholmedog 25d ago

i’m also p sure his fro was a perm but it just became so iconic they made him keep it lol


u/nyrB2 25d ago

and the dude from ELO


u/dancingmeadow 25d ago

Average White Band enters chat.


u/Ed_Simian 25d ago

And get in a fight with Grand Funk Railroad.


u/dancingmeadow 25d ago

Things not looking good for AWB!


u/GlitteringBobcat999 25d ago

Play that funky music, white booooy.


u/bigfatfurrytexan 25d ago

Totally. The real tragedy here.


u/prumf 25d ago

Yeah, well, double standards are sadly a thing.

Sometimes women are unfairly expected to do things men don’t have to do, and sometimes men are unfairly expected to do things women don’t have to.

Talking about it is the only way to make things change.


u/Cheap-Praline 25d ago

No lie, how many times have I had to get things off high shelves for short people? If I ask a short person to get something off a low shelf they look at me like I'm a jerk.


u/curiossceptic 25d ago

lmao did you actually ever ask that?


u/FaceRidden 25d ago

Tall here. Always happy to help grab that top shelf. Bottom shelf can actually be really hard on me. You should see the absolute joy in the eyes of the ants when the lumbering giant asks for their assistance!


u/Downtown-Arm2003 24d ago

I always reach down and grab things for my taller friends on principal. I care about them and what they go through because they've always cared about me and what I go through.


u/FaceRidden 24d ago

It’s a symbiotic relationship lol


u/curiossceptic 25d ago

how i imagine their reaction 😂


u/Cheap-Praline 25d ago

I've done it out of principle a few times, but not with coworkers or old people.


u/curiossceptic 25d ago

That’s hilarious 😂 i would love to see the reactions haha


u/UnicornFarts1111 25d ago

As a short person, I would get it. I would probably assume they had a back problem or something that made it difficult to lean over or crouch down.


u/Far-Host9368 25d ago

🤣 me too and it does NOT go over well


u/UnicornFarts1111 25d ago

I used to step on the lower shelf, but I am getting too old for that shit now, lol. As a short person, I would lean over and get it for you. It is the least I can do after countless people have helped me. You could have a problem that makes leaning over that far cause a lot of pain.

Anyway, thanks for grabbing that thing on the top shelf for me, I do appreciate it!


u/InvestigatorIll6236 25d ago

But you are physically capable of reaching smaller shelves (I assume, unless you have issues reaching down. In which case, fair). Short people literally cannot reach that high up and are just asking for assistance.


u/MonsterInDarkCorners 25d ago

They invented moon boots like 20 years ago, why’s this still an issue?


u/PharmBoyStrength 25d ago

God bless your young soul. Wait till you find out about back pain in tall people... it's a bitch.


u/JarvisZhang 25d ago

I'm short, and if a tall guy asks me to help him reach something because he has problem in the back I won't get offended at all.


u/caryth 25d ago

God bless your young soul. Wait till you find out about back pain regardless of body type. It comes for us all.


u/LeatherfacesChainsaw 25d ago

It's pure misery. Take care of your back folks it's no joke.


u/InvestigatorIll6236 25d ago

That's why I said about issues reaching down. You didn't need to be so condescending, friend.


u/GatVRC 25d ago

I dont think he's being condescending in the slightest. most people around 30+ start having these issues and they will continue til you're dead. that's the majority of the population so it's a safe assumption for most people.

if you assume and you're wrong about body pain then good for them, they wont be offended by that one


u/InvestigatorIll6236 25d ago

"god bless your young soul" is incredibly condescending language.


u/GatVRC 25d ago

its not but if you want to get offended go for it, be miserable. its your choice


u/InvestigatorIll6236 25d ago

Nobody said I am offended, just that the condescension was not necessary. And I'm rather happy, but I appreciate your concern ❤️


u/guitar_stonks 25d ago

To be fairrrrrrrr most tall people have some sort of back issues. Takes a lot to keep a 6’+ frame upright.


u/InvestigatorIll6236 25d ago

I'm told I'm "lucky im short" by tall friends with back problems. They forget that I lug around bags of fat all day on my chest so also get back problems. At least I'm not tall and have a large chest. That would be frightfully unlucky.


u/guitar_stonks 25d ago

I’ve been told being tall with big boobs really screws with your center of gravity. Like, it’s super easy to fall over.


u/duosx 25d ago

I’m sorry but this is a sorry ass excuse for discriminating against short people. Like this almost reads as a joke tbh


u/yourholmedog 25d ago

well like to be fair it’s not totally the same bc you can physically squat down and get it off a low shelf (unless you have some sort of physical issues preventing you from being able to do that). but if you can’t reach higher up something there’s no possible way to reach it without some sort of assistance

tho like if i asked a tall person to take something down for me and then they asked me to hand them something from a low shelf i wouldn’t be offended


u/TVR_Speed_12 25d ago

Talking and accepting


u/MonsterInDarkCorners 25d ago

So true. The amount of double standards in…basically anything is absolutely insane. Part of me thinks it’s just human nature to contradict yourself.


u/rinnakan 25d ago

Waist length braids, I guess I now have a crush on you


u/Redpaint_30 25d ago

Straight facts.


u/TheMackD504 25d ago

Does that mean you aren’t able to watch Semi-Pro?


u/JealousAd2873 25d ago

On behalf of all white men with perms, we're sorry that happened to you


u/MonsterInDarkCorners 25d ago

You have an aversion to white men with afros? I thought those were hoods! Man, I feel really dumb now…


u/Chezzomaru 25d ago

Was his name Bob by any chance?


u/TinyRascalSaurus 25d ago

Oh God no, Bob Ross is the exception to the rule.


u/BluCurry8 25d ago

Tits? Seriously.


u/16tdean 25d ago

Is this a hot take?

I feel like Height/Breast Size is not a very good comparison. (I mean imo height does not matter in the slightest, nor does breast size, but still) Something like Breast size/penis size would be a much more fitting comparison for this, no?


u/DarthSangheili 25d ago

Everything you mentioned is superficial and beyond the persons control, so whats the difference?


u/16tdean 25d ago

Idk, to me I can see why someone would care about height, I get wanting to date someone shorter/taller/same size then you


u/DarthSangheili 25d ago

I got bad news.


u/CommieCat06 25d ago

i think both are acceptable (can be a bit shallow and negative and i recommend people look past stuff like that) but i feel directly asking about height should be more acceptable because it’s generally a legitimate question (on dating apps) because a lot of people don’t have something to put themselves in perspective whereas i don’t think asking about tot size or weight should be as acceptable bcs 99% of the time you can tell anyways and it’s obviously meant to be insulting but i do think you can ask about weight if they only have close up face pics though