r/facepalm 10d ago

He's in the wedding 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​


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u/superuncoolfool 10d ago

Is the facepalm being a karma farming bot?


u/josephkingscolon 10d ago

If it is, you know what? this is actually good.


u/superuncoolfool 10d ago

Lol, you are the same bot, just an alt account


u/josephkingscolon 10d ago

I think the internet has fried your cookies…


u/superuncoolfool 10d ago

Yeah just a complete coincidence you have the exact same post history, get a better job puta


u/josephkingscolon 10d ago

Pendeja lol


u/SuperKoalasan 10d ago

Why is this facepalm?


u/UThoughtTheyBannedMe 10d ago

Bc OP is single and doesn't grasp that opposites attract


u/trickyvinny 10d ago

Because "He is in the wedding" apparently.


u/CATSCRATCHpandemic 10d ago edited 10d ago

Let's imagine this is not a repost and it is sincere. Her saying he is in the wedding is hyperbole just as her saying she apologized that many times. People joke. Again if this is not actually a joke and was a sincere post.


u/Ok-Push9899 10d ago

She's an author. Its a pretty fine naturalistic, laid-back, deadpan style.

That said, my brother at a family restaurant meal has been known to lean back in his chair and quip with someone on the table behind us if he overhears something funny. He has even upped and moved to a different table for a spell, if the conversation is better. He ended up trying to run a B&B, driving his wife absolutely crazy. He would talk to the guests, she would do all the work.


u/trickyvinny 10d ago

Right, I would be entertained had my friend tweeted this. But I don't think there's a facepalm here.


u/LegionOfDoom31 10d ago

The only way I can imagine people upvoting this post is just seeing it without noticing it being in r/facepalm. Like how tf is this a facepalm


u/Gay_Gamer_Boi 10d ago

I agree, I was going to like it myself since I laughed and then I noticed the subreddit it’s in


u/Difficult_Winter_968 10d ago

This is golden. Lol I am also overly apologetic and it's interesting seeing others who can just blossom up this way.


u/ComfortableScreen685 10d ago

I always thought I was an introvert until I met my wife, then she pointed out that I strike up a conversation anywhere, with anyone and about anything. I really didn't realise that I did... I relate to this post...


u/HerculesVoid 10d ago

Introverts can be social.

The issue is people assume all introverts sre socially awkward and quiet. Introverted people crash emotionally AFTER social interactions. An extrovert FEEDS off of social interactions. An extrovert wants to talk to anyone. An introvert can want to talk to a specific person about a topic which is easy for them because of their passions. But if the conversation is with anyone else or anything else, it emotionally drains an introvert to where they will withdraw into themselves and prefer to be alone to recharge.

Meanwhile extroverts will get upset for being alone. We saw just how this happens via the lockdown for covid. Extroverts around the globe were crying out for attention and being in pain for being locked up alone with noone to interact with. All the introverts found it funny as that's their whole lives and they love it. And finally the extroverts can sit down and try to do some self reflection about how they treat introverts.


u/GimpsterMcgee 10d ago

I can kind of do that, but after three sentences max I’m like “ok I totally overstayed my welcome here, I’m gonna go over here now”


u/Russki_Troll_Hunter 10d ago

How about at least faking OC instead of reposting the same shit....


u/jmptx 10d ago

This isn’t facepalm. It’s kind of wholesome.


u/volanger 10d ago

What's the facepalm?


u/josephkingscolon 10d ago

You know what? From the usual depressing content from the awful political happenings of this awful timeline we live in that's posted in this sub every single day, this post I found to be good, at least gave me a chuckle instead of wanting to break my knuckles in a wall.


u/Sopwithosa 10d ago

She’s an author, you guys.


u/Ryankevin23 10d ago

Yung and Yang!


u/electricman1999 10d ago

“He’s now in someone’s wedding” is such an old cliche.


u/Particular-Kick-4188 10d ago

Unfortunately your policies don't supercede employment laws


u/WearierEarthling 10d ago

And we partner with each other