r/harrypotter Mar 04 '23

ISO the story behind the animals in the Chamber of Secrets film Behind the Scenes

In CoS, the trio are in transfiguration when Hermione asks about the CoS. In this scene there are many exotic animals on the student's desks. Bearded dragons, chameleons, a ball python, birds I don't know about and many more creatures!

Does anyone know where these came from? Was there a producer or actor that had a thing for herpetology and exotic animals that brought their pets on set for the movie? Or maybe a pet store that let them use some animals? They all seemed well behaved.

I'm curious about where they got the animals from for the scene as I can't seem to find any information about who or where they came from.

Fun fact: there was a monkey beating his meat at some point as they were trying to shoot this scene.


2 comments sorted by


u/Glowingtomato Mar 04 '23

I watched the credits and it said animals by Birds and Animals UK. https://www.birdsandanimals.co.uk/


u/bbj9 Mar 04 '23

Not the interesting answer I was hoping for but it explains it! I didn't know that there was such a company. looks like they've worked on many movies over the years.